A Forever Series Box Set: A Paranormal Reverse Harem : Books 1-5

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A Forever Series Box Set: A Paranormal Reverse Harem : Books 1-5 Page 108

by Eve Newton

He frowns at me. “I like that it makes a statement that I am taken. No longer available. Off the market.”

  I tilt my head at him in amusement. “Oh? There are people out there who want you on the market?”

  “A few,” he says cautiously.

  “Do tell.”

  “I’d rather not.”

  “Why? Worried I will get jealous and go kick their arses?”

  He snorts with mirth. “Something like that.”

  “I would, you know,” I say conversationally, “kick their arses.”

  “Oh? That house of yours that you are living in, is made entirely out of glass, my sweet. I would be careful of those boulders you are throwing about,” he says wryly as he twirls us around in the water.

  I shrug, unconcerned. “I am allowed irrational jealousy. Think of it as a Queenly benefit.”

  “Hm, you have nothing to be jealous of. I am completely yours to do with as you please.” Again, I am sure I see a small shadow pass across his face and this time I question it. “You sure about that?”

  “Of course,” he says briskly as he stops twirling us and lets me go. “I haven’t fucked another woman in months.”

  I stand then and stare at his forcefulness. “Geez. Keep your pants on. You just seem to be hiding something.”

  “I am not lying to you, Aefre,” he says in a temper and the earlier mood is long gone.

  “I said calm down. It doesn’t matter if you had been with someone, while we were, uhm, apart. As you pointed out, my glass house is clearly on display.”

  “Doesn’t matter? It doesn’t matter to you if I fuck another woman?” he throws nastily at me as he climbs out of the pool.

  That’s not what I said, but what the Hell? Where is this anger coming from?

  “Constantine,” I say to him as I follow him out of the pool.

  He rounds on me. “Liv,” he sneers at me and I flinch, “I am trying to do right by you. To show you that I love you and that I’m committed to you and you just throw it back in my face by suggesting I am cheating on you.”

  Cheating on me? What the fuck?

  “That is an odd thing to say,” I say, studying him closely. “Cheating. That isn’t a word that we use,” I say slowly.

  “Maybe we should start,” he says and walks away from me in a huff.

  I watch him go with an incredulous look. I just stand there as he disappears up the stairs.

  Well, fuck me. I have clearly hit a nerve there, but on what? Ever one to poke the ancient Vampire, I follow him and make my way quickly up the stairs.

  I pause as I hear Sebastian ask, from what I assume is his bedroom, “What the Hell was that?” I slink back far out of the sensing zone and use my other abilities to listen.

  “Guilt?” he asks in disbelief. “You feel guilt?”

  Guilt? About what? I’m more than piqued now.

  “I don’t want to talk about it,” CK growls at him.

  “Christ. You do, don’t you? You feel guilty about the other day!”

  What happened the other day?

  “Shut the fuck up before I make you.”

  Sebastian laughs. “Okay, now I have seen just about everything,” he hoots. “You shouldn’t give her that much power. Not with the way she carries on.”

  My mouth drops open but then I close it with a grimace. There is only me here, I shouldn’t act shocked.

  “Watch what you say about her,” CK snaps at him. “I won’t have you bad-mouthing her. She does nothing wrong.”

  I preen at my sire’s defense of me.

  “Not bad-mouthing her, Christ knows I want in on that action. Just saying…” he says warily as I have no doubt CK went for him over that comment. “However… this is clearly an unusual situation. The other day was nothing compared.”

  “To you maybe,” CK says sadly.

  What the fuck happened the other day? Did he fuck someone? I could stand here all day listening to these two fools talking in code and still gain no more information, so I sidle forward slowly, giving them plenty of time notice as to my presence. As expected, they both know I am there as I reach the doorway and they stop talking.

  “What happened the other day?” I ask.

  “Nothing to do with you,” Sebastian says genially. “This is a private conversation. Go back to your husband.”

  I blink at him. “Who?” I ask in confusion and then have both sets of eyes land on me in interest. “What?” I ask. I shake my head to clear it. I feel all fuzzy. Do I need to feed again? I suppose I must do. Perhaps I should try the Vampire Way this time.

  “Aefre?” CK asks me with a tone I can’t quite place.

  “What?” I ask again, focusing on him.

  “Go back to your husband,” he repeats.

  I frown at him. “Why do you keep saying that?” It’s the last thing I remember saying before I hit the deck.


  I come to on Sebastian’s bed, with the two of them peering worriedly at me. I sit upright, causing them both to back away quickly.

  “Are you okay?” Sebastian asks.

  “Fine,” I snap. “I guess I forgot to feed… again.”

  “Even after your dramatic speech?” CK sighs at me.

  “Yes, okay. I am that much of a flake. Happy?”

  “Very. Here.” He hands me a glass of blood. I take it with a grateful look and his eyes soften and he smiles at me. I guzzle it noisily. It’s very unladylike but who cares? Not me. My headache eases and I hand the glass back to CK. “What happened?”

  “You passed out,” Sebastian says helpfully. Not.

  “That much is obvious. What were we talking about?” I rack my brains but come up with nothing.

  They exchange a glance. “You don’t remember?” CK asks.


  “What’s the last thing you remember?” he asks.

  “I was asking you about something that happened the other day? I think. I’m not sure…” I trail off and chew my lip. They are both staring at me like I have grown another head. Right, I guess I must have dreamt that part. They exchange another look as they see my uncertainty and CK says to me, “We should get you back to your husband.”

  “Yes, please. Take me to Cole.” They exchange another look. “What?” I ask in exasperation.

  “Nothing.” CK takes my hand and Teleports me straight to Cole, who jumps a mile when we land on the bed next to him.

  “Fuck sake’s!” he yells. His eyes take in my swimsuit and then CK’s. “I thought you were going to speak to Jess?”

  “I did. I decided to take a swim before I came home.”

  “What is wrong with our pool?”

  “Nothing whatsoever. I like CK’s pool room. It’s peaceful.”

  “Your wife had a turn,” CK says. “She isn’t feeling well. Make sure she feeds, please,” he says and stands.

  I grab his hand. “Wait. What you said before. We need to talk about it,” I say.

  “What did I say?” he asks.

  I cast a glance at Cole. “About the glass house,” I say.

  “There is nothing more to be said,” he responds and Teleports out – his ‘in person’ version of hanging up on me.

  “Rah!” I yell and throw a cushion at the space he used to occupy. I flop back to the bed and Cole just stares at me.

  “What?” I snap.

  “What yourself?” he snaps back.

  “Don’t know. I passed out. It’s no biggie,” I dismiss it.

  He is concerned now. “You passed out?”

  “I think I just need to feed. And maybe a little nap.” I yawn and close my eyes.

  I see CK grab Sebastian by the arm. “What exactly are you telling her?”

  “Does it matter? It is clearly working.”

  “What are you telling her?” he asks again.

  Sebastian gets into a huff now. “I am not telling her anything. I am suggesting she make some changes. That is all. I cannot tell her to do anything.”

  “What changes?” CK asks through gritted teeth.

  “What we agreed on,” Sebastian says.

  “Something is not right,” CK says. “Why is she feeling confused and passing out?”

  “Because I am interfering with her thoughts, that’s why. There is a reason this gift is so dangerous,” he says loftily.

  “Christ, I never thought I would hear you admit that,” CK says, running his hand through his hair. “I have been telling you that for two thousand, seven hundred and sixty years.”

  “Yes, well, I do know. It just never concerned me before.”

  “You are concerned?” CK frowns at him.

  He shrugs. “It is a big project. This isn’t just about a quick suggestion for a roll in the hay. You are asking me to change her perceptions.”

  “Stop then,” CK says, rubbing his face with his hands. “I won’t have her harmed.”

  “But it’s working. Why stop now?”

  “It’s hurting her.”

  “A few dizzy spells are hardly life threatening,” Sebastian scoffs.

  “It could be if she is in a dangerous situation,” CK insists.

  “I’m not stopping now,” Sebastian says.

  CK stares at him. “You won’t stop because you want to fuck her. Because I have given you permission to be with her in exchange for your services.”

  “Maybe part of the reason. Most of the reason is because I want to do it because it will make you happy to have her,” he says softly. “I will do anything to make you happy.”

  CK sighs. “Fine,” he says, resigned. “Just go a bit easier on her.”

  “I am. If I was going hard on her, you would know about it.”

  “Even easier then. I don’t care if it takes months. It is better than waiting a thousand years for him to leave her.”

  “A thousand years? I am sure he will be gone long before then,” Sebastian chortles.

  “I’m not so sure,” he mutters. “I have this feeling that he will stay even if he wants to leave just so that I can’t have her.”

  “He doesn’t strike me as the type to cut his nose off to spite his face.”

  “Just go easier on her. Leave it longer in between.”

  “As you wish,” Sebastian bows to him with a flourish and CK pulls a face at him.

  I wake up suddenly and look around me. Where am I? Oh, in my bed. I had the weirdest sensation that I was in Sebastian’s bed.

  “Feel a bit better?” Cole asks.

  I turn to him. “Yes, much. Crap, baby. I need to start getting this under control.”

  “Yes, you do. Here.” He hands me a glass of blood and I accept it with thanks.

  “So, are you going to fill me in on the glass house?” he asks casually.

  “Glass house? Oh, with CK. He is an arse,” I mutter.

  “Not arguing with that. What did he say?”

  “Do you really want to know?” I ask him.

  He pauses. “Probably not, but I don’t want secrets either.”

  “I asked him why he is still wearing the ring I gave him on his left ring finger.” Cole stays silent, letting me continue, “He said he likes the statement it makes. That he is off the market, so I joked did he have people who want him on the market, and he said yes. I asked who and he wouldn’t tell me, and I said was it because he is worried I will go and kick their arses. Then he made the comment about glass houses.”

  “Oh,” Cole says surprised. “He is faithful to you?”


  He considers that and says, “Interesting.”

  After a long, fairly awkward, silence, he says, “Thank you for telling me that. It sort of makes me feel a bit better, that all of this is for something, you know. That he loves only you and it isn’t just a game to him. And secrets aside, I am intrigued about what it is you two talk about when you are alone together.” He throws me a sly look.

  I smile at him in surprise. “Thank you for saying that. It means a lot to me. And I will be sure to keep you apprised of our conversations.”

  He kisses me quickly in acknowledgment. “I suppose we should make tracks, it’s nearly time to go,” I say with a sigh.

  “Back across the country. At least you are coming all the way with me. It has been so shit missing you all these months.”

  “I know, baby. I have missed you too.”

  “Erm,” he starts.


  “I really don’t want to ask this, but I suppose I have to. How will it work when it comes to Tuesday?”

  “I don’t know. I suppose we will go somewhere else.”

  He sighs and mutters. “Have him take you to Ponte.”

  I smile at him. “I love you. You have every right to be pissed with him, and yet you still give me what I want.”

  He shrugs. “I love you. Let’s go.”

  Cole is already ready to go, so I twirl in a circle and soon am also ready to go. I Astral us into the foyer where everybody is waiting, even Jess, who someone remembered to let out of the room.

  “I really don’t want to leave now that we are back here,” Devon grumbles.

  “Then don’t,” Cole says mildly. “No offense, but the only one I am bothered about coming is my wife.” He beams down at me,

  “None taken,” Devon replies. “However, where your wife goes, I follow.”

  “Seems to be the case,” Cole says.

  I turn to Scott and give him a hug. I drop my blocks and say to him in my head, “Something is coming. Be careful, okay?” He stiffens. “Call me if you need anything,” I say out loud to him.

  “I will.” He nods at me.

  I leave Dawn to say goodbye to him and we all leave the house and pile into the cars waiting outside. I have Cole, Devon, CK, Jess, and Cade in with me.

  “Are you better?” CK asks me.

  “I guess. I don’t really understand what the problem is.”

  He shrugs.

  “Are you ok?” I ask him quietly.

  “Fine. Why?”

  “What you said before. I’m sorry. I wasn’t implying anything.”

  “I know, I’m sorry too. It’s a sensitive subject.”

  I nod, but something is still off. Everyone gets lost in their own thoughts on the way to the airport and once at LAX, we all trudge onto the G6, less than enthusiastically.

  “Can I sit with the captain?” Cade asks me.


  “Good. I would rather not be around to see what happens in an enclosed space with you lot.”

  He saunters off, leaving me a little annoyed at his comment. I am just annoyed in general though. Someone has got my back up, but I don’t know who. It must be clear on my face as I sit and for the first time, no one fights to sit next to me. Cole, however, bravely takes the chair to my left and CK bravely takes the seat opposite. That leaves Devon next to him and the rest on the sofas behind us. Sebastian sits next to Jess much to her delight and engages her in conversation.

  I drum my fingers on the table as we take off and I know I’m getting on everybody’s nerves, but I don’t give a damn.

  “I am not sure I want your charge fucking mine,” Devon says to CK suddenly. “He is too old for her.”

  CK snorts, accepting the dig that was clearly meant for him, and looks back at him mildly. “I don’t think that will happen. Will it, Aefre?” He fires the question at me, and I try to look innocent but fail miserably.

  “I’m sure she isn’t the type to vie for troll of the year,” I say hypocritically to cover up my role in this.

  “I don’t know about that,” Devon mutters. We all look at him and then at her. “What?” he says as we look back at him. “It wasn’t just her looks and winning personality that made me look at her twice. I am five hundred and seven years old, for fuck’s sake. I don’t go on dates for something to eat and a film to watch.”

  CK snickers and says, “I’m with you there. Dating is for children.”

  “You took me out on a date,” I point o
ut to him.

  “Yes, and we had a pleasant evening of talking and eating and then we went home and fucked,” he says so smartly I could punch him. “To me, that is a date.”

  “What did you do?” Cole asks me suspiciously, having noticed my eye avoidance.

  “Nothing bad. I just may have inquired as to whether he found her attractive,” I say, circling a pattern on the table.

  “Aefre,” CK says to me. “We talked about this.”

  “Yes, we did, and didn’t come up with a solution we agreed upon, so I acted upon the one I liked.”

  “What are you two talking about?” Devon asks.

  “Jess showed an interest in Sebastian. I went with it,” I say.

  “She showed an interest how?” Devon asks quickly, the relief evident on his face.

  “She finds him appealing,” I say. “I thought you would be happy to have her attentions diverted elsewhere?”

  “You have no idea,” he says, and for the first time since all of this went down, I see him fully relax. He thinks he is off the hook now. I really hate to burst his bubble.

  “I am not best pleased you pushed Sebastian on to her. I told you he has other priorities,” CK says to me.

  “And I told you he can do both. He seemed agreeable when we spoke.”

  “I know my charge. He doesn’t do something for nothing. What did you give him in return?” he asks nastily.

  Fed right up with his pissy mood, I slam my fist onto the table. “I told him I would fuck him!” I yell into his face standing up. “That’s right,” I tell everybody as they all stare at me in a stunned silence. I hone back in on my fuming sire, who stands now as well. “That’s what you are waiting for me to say, isn’t it? There. I’ve said it.”

  “I suggest you calm yourself and watch your words,” he says to me quietly.

  “Fuck you!” I yell at him and stomp off to the little bedroom at the back of the jet.

  “What the fuck was that?” I hear Xane ask.

  “Aefre, getting her knickers in a twist,” CK says. I hear him sit back down and get even more mad that hasn’t followed me.

  I’ll fucking twist them round his neck in a minute, if he’s not careful. I’m shaking as I sit on the bed. What has me so riled?

  “You didn’t really offer him that, did you?” Cole asks as he comes to find me.


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