Salamanca, 1812

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Salamanca, 1812 Page 48

by Rory Muir

  pride in his division (i)

  description of Wellington at the end of the battle (i)

  Napoleon I, Emperor (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)

  and Marmont (i)

  criticizes Marmont (i)

  dismisses battle as unimportant (i)

  Newman, Maj. F. (1/11th) (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi)

  Ney, Marshal (i), (ii), (iii)

  Norcliffe, Lt. N. (4th Dragoons) (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  ‘Nott, Major’ (i), (ii)

  Nuestra Señora de la Peña, skirmishing around (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  officers, role of regimental (i), (ii)

  Offley, Maj. (23rd Fusiliers) (i)

  Oman, Sir Charles (historian)

  account of 18 July (i), (ii)

  strength of the armies (i)

  blames Marmont for French defeat (i), (ii)

  strength of Chauvel's force (i)

  map of battlefield (i), (ii)

  mistake over which caçadores took part in skirmishing (i)

  time of events (i), (ii), (iii)

  Pakenham crosses Tormes (i)

  Wellington's orders to De Lancey 77–8 (i)

  believes Bonnet senior to Clausel (i)

  timing of Wellington's decision to attack (i)

  on Pakenham's formation (i)

  on D'Urban's charge (i)

  on Thomières's march (i), (ii)

  on Thomières's death (i)

  on Curto's charge (i)

  on Lawson's battery (Fifth Division) (i)

  ‘improvements’ to Leith Hay (i)

  on Le Marchant's formation (i)

  on Le Marchant's charge (i)

  on colours of 7th Caçadores (i)

  on Clausel's ‘decision’ to counterattack (i)

  on Clinton's defeat of Bonnet (i)

  on timing of Pack's attack (i)

  on 70th Ligne (i)

  lent transcripts from French archives by Fortescue (i), (ii)

  calculation of allied strength and losses (i)

  calculation of French strength and losses (i)

  Onslow, Maj. W. (4th Dragoons) (i), (ii)

  Oporto, action at (12 May 1809) (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  Orange, William, Prince of (ADC to Wellington) (i)

  ordnance map, Spanish (i), (ii)

  Pack, Brig. D.

  unsuccessful attack on Greater Arapile (i)

  character (i)

  orders from Wellington (i), (ii)

  doubts of success (i), (ii)

  plan of attack (i), (ii)

  orders to Charles Synge (i)

  own account of attack (i)

  Paget, Lt-Gen. Sir E. (i)

  Pakenham, Maj-Gen. E. (i), (ii), (iii)

  biographical sketch (i)

  receives orders from Wellington (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  formation and line of advance (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  his attack (i), (ii)

  knew how to handle Picton's division (i), (ii)

  tells Wallace to ‘let them loose’ (i)

  rallies 1/5th (i)

  pursuit checked (i)

  and attack on El Sierro (i), (ii)

  Parquin, Capt. (i), (ii), (iii)

  Pearce, Lt. (2/44th) (i), (ii)

  Pelagarcia stream (i), (ii), (iii)

  Perceval, Spencer (Prime Minister) (i)

  Pico de Miranda (i), (ii)

  terrain at (i), (ii), (iii)

  fighting at (i)

  Picton, Maj-Gen. T. (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  Pizarro, Col. (16th Portuguese) (i)

  plunder, of the wounded and dead (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)

  sheep picked up (i)

  Pollos, fords at (i), (ii), (iii)

  politics, British, influence on Wellington's operations (i)

  Ponsonby, Lt-Col. F. (12th Light Dragoons) (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)

  Popham, Commodore Sir H. R. (R.N.) (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  Porlier, J. (guerrilla leader) (i)

  Portuguese see army, allied

  Pratt, Ensign (2/30th) (i)

  Pringle, Maj-Gen, W. H. see Fifth Division under army, allied

  prisoners, risks in being taken prisoner (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  Norcliffe's experiences (i)

  Synge's experiences (i)

  treatment of French prisoners, (i), (ii)

  d'Hautpoul's experiences (i)

  numbers taken (i), (ii)

  at Garcia Hernandez (i)

  taken on 18 July (i)

  regiments see army, allied see also army, French

  religion (i), (ii), (iii)

  Rezende, Conde de (C.O. Portuguese brigade, Sixth Division) (i)

  see also army, allied

  Rice, Maj. S. (51st) (i)

  Robinson, Lt-Col. R. E. R. (historian) (i)

  Ross-Lewin, Capt. H. (1/32nd) (i)

  and attack on El Sierro (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  wounded (i)

  Royal Military Panorama (i)


  forts of (i)

  battlefield described (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  inhabitants of (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  Sánchez, Brig. Don J. (i), (ii), (iii)

  San Cristobal position of

  Marmont's parade in front of (i), (ii)

  Wellington declines to attack at (i), (ii)

  discontent this causes (i), (ii), (iii)

  occupied again (21 July) (i), (ii)

  Sarramon, Jean (historian)

  on 18 July (i)

  blames Marmont for French defeat (i), (ii)

  strength of Chauvel's force (i)

  map of battlefield (i), (ii)

  corrects Oman re caçadores (i)

  time of events (i)

  and French guns on Greater Arapile (i)

  Clausel senior to Bonnet (i)

  and Thomières's defeat and death (i)

  on Curto's cavalry (i)

  on Le Marchant's charge (i)

  on which Eagles were captured (i)

  and Clausel's ‘decision’ to counterattack (i)

  Sarrut and Ferey's defence of El Sierro (i)

  and 70th Ligne (i)

  criticizes Henry Campbell (i)

  on French retreat (i)

  on threat to Foy's flank (i)

  on strength of 5th Dragoon Guards (i)

  on strength and losses of Marmont's army (i)

  Sarrut, Gen. J. T. (i), (ii)

  see also under army, French

  Savary, Gen., duc de Rovigo (Minister of Police) (i)

  Scott, Sir Walter (i)

  Scovell, Maj. G. (staff) (i), (ii)

  Selby, Lt. W. (3rd Dragoons) (i)

  Sherer, Lt. M. (2/34th) (i)

  Simmons, Lt. G. (95th Rifles) (i)

  Smith, Lt. (1/11th) (i)

  Smith, Capt. W. (11th Light Dragoons) (i)

  Somerset, Lt-Col. Lord Edward (4th Dragoons) (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  Somerset, Lt-Col. Lord Fitzroy (military secretary to Wellington)

  Wellington's decision to attack (i), (ii)

  Wellington's orders to Pakenham (i)

  Souham, Gen. J. (i), (ii)

  Soult, Marshal N. J. D. (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)

  Spanish Division see under army, allied

  Spry, Brig. W. F. (C.O. Portuguese brigade, Fifth Division) see under army, allied

  Stewart, Brig. C see Londonderry, Marquess of

  Stubbs, Col. (C.O. Portuguese brigade, Fourth Division) see under army, allied

  Sturgeon, Lt-Col. H. (staff) (i)

  Suchet, Marshal L. G. (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  surgeons, work done by (i)

  Sympher, Capt. G. (KGL artillery) see under army, allied

  Synge, Capt. C. (ADC to Pack) (i), (ii)

  and Pack's attack on Greater Arapile (i)

  writes of Pack with affection (i)

  Wellington's orders (i), (ii)

  credibility (i), (ii)

  wounded (i), (ii)

r />   British emphasis on cheer and charge (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii)

  French (i), (ii)

  Pack's heavy formation (i), (ii)

  Light Division's formation (i)

  Talavera, Battle of (27–8 July 1809) (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi)

  Tarragona (i), (ii)

  Taupin, Brig.

  on 18 July (i)

  biographical sketch (i)

  dispute with Castel (i)

  Taylor, Col. Sir H. (royal secretary) (i), (ii)

  Thiers, praises Clausel (i)

  Thomières, Gen. J. G. B.

  biographical sketch (i)

  overtakes Maucune's division (i)

  role in French defeat (i), (ii)

  defeated by Pakenham (i)

  death of (i), (ii), (iii)

  Thompson, Private A. (5th Dragoon Guards) (i)

  Thornton, James (cook) (i)

  thunderstorm on night before battle (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)

  time, difficulty of determining when events occurred (i), (ii), (iii)

  Times, The (i), (ii), (iii)

  Tomkinson, Capt. W. (16th Light Dragoons)

  on 18 July (i), (ii)

  on San Cristobal (i)

  on the aborted midday attack (i), (ii)

  on Lawson's battery (i)

  on Cotton's insult to Le Marchant (i)

  regiment not much engaged (i)

  on Le Marchant's casualties (i)

  Sixth Division after the battle (i)

  on flight of the French (i)

  Tordesillas (i), (ii)

  Toro, bridge at (i), (ii)

  Torrens, Col. H. (military secretary to the CinC) (i), (ii)

  Townsend, Col. (14th Light Dragoons) (i)

  United Service Journal (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  Valladolid (i)

  Vere, Maj. C. B. (Fourth Division staff)

  misread by Oman (i)

  artillery in allied centre (i)

  advance of Fourth Division (i)

  1/40th overpowered (i)

  Cole wounded (i)

  timing of Pack's attack (i)

  attack on El Sierro (i)

  Fourth Division's final advance (i)

  Villa Garcia, combat of (i)

  Vimiero, Battle of (21 August 1808) (i), (ii)

  Wachholtz, Capt. F. L. von (Brunswick Oels)

  defends Los Arapiles (i), (ii)

  on French artillery on Greater Arapile (i)

  ordered to advance (i)

  runs when Fusiliers break (i)

  in attack on El Sierro (i), (ii), (iii)

  Wade, Col. T. F. (ADC to Cole) (i)

  Wagram, Battle of (5–6 July 1809) (i), (ii)

  Walcheren (i), (ii)

  Wallace, Lt-Col. A. (1/88th)

  ordered to advance and formation (i), (ii)

  attacks Thomières (i)

  pursues impetuously (i), (ii), (iii)

  opens ranks for Le Marchant (i)

  casualties inflicted by (i)

  losses of (i)

  Warre, Lt-Col. W. (ADC to Beresford) (i), (ii), (iii)

  Waterloo (i), (ii), (iii)

  Waters, Lt-Col J. (staff) (i), (ii), (iii)

  Watson, Sir Henry (i)

  weather (i), (ii)

  Wellesley, Sir Henry (diplomat) (i), (ii)

  Wellesley, Richard, Marquess (statesman and politician) (i), (ii)

  Wellington, Lt-Gen. Earl of biographical sketch (i)

  before the 22nd

  early campaigns (i), (ii), (iii)

  plans for Salamanca campaign (i), (ii)

  advances on Salamanca (i)

  and Salamanca forts (i)

  declines to attack Marmont at San Cristobal (i), (ii)

  discontent caused by this (i), (ii), (iii)

  checked at the Duero (i)

  out-manoeuvred by Marmont (i)

  on 18 July (i), (ii)

  loses the initiative (i)

  anger at French marches (i)

  crosses Tormes (i)

  his Dispatches (i)

  second-in-command (i), (ii)

  requests Leith as a subordinate (i)

  praises Pakenham (i), (ii)

  relations with Henry Clinton (i)

  size of his army (i)

  on the 22nd July and after

  prepares to retreat (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  watches Marmont's army (i), (ii)

  fails to occupy Greater Arapile (i), (ii)

  orders Pakenham and D'Urban to Aldea Tejada (i), (ii)

  concerned by French threat to flank (i)

  plans then aborts an attack (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  prepares to resist a French attack (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  shifts forces to his right (i), (ii)

  on French bombardment (i)

  seizes opportunity to attack (i), (ii), (iii)

  discourages Croker writing history of Waterloo (i)

  orders to Pakenham (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  14th Light Dragoons on left flank (i)

  orders to Col. Maclean (i)

  complains about British artillery (i)

  does not contradict Alava's story (i)

  on Pakenham's formation (i)

  on Arentschildt's cavalry (i)

  sends 3/1st forward (i), (ii), (iii)

  orders Fifth Division to the right (i)

  orders to Leith (i), (ii)

  moves Seventh Division forward (i)

  observes advance of Fifth Division (i)

  orders to Le Marchant (i), (ii)

  orders to Cotton (i)

  supposed praise of Cotton (i)

  mistake in not replacing Pack's brigade in centre (i)

  orders Sixth Division forward (i)

  possibly orders 1/40th forward (i)

  orders to Pack (i), (ii)

  and attack on El Sierro (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi)

  believes Spanish still hold Alba de Tormes (i), (ii)

  orders Third and Sixth Divisions to pursue (i), (ii)

  leads First and Light Division's pursuit (i)

  struck by spent bullet (i)

  blames España for French escape (i), (ii)

  orders to Campbell not obeyed (i)

  praises Frederick Ponsonby (i)

  criticized for handling of pursuit (i)

  compared to Marlborough (i), (ii)

  succession to, if incapacitated (i)

  number of guns captured (i)

  role in the victory (i)

  Napier's vision of, at the end of the battle (i)

  at Garcia Hernandez (i)

  abandons pursuit (i)

  enters Madrid (i)

  granted Order of the Golden Fleece (i)

  made a marquess (i)

  forced to retreat (i)

  number of prisoners taken (i)

  Wellington, Countess of (i), (ii)

  Wheatley, Maj-Gen. W. (i)

  Wheeler, Private W. (51st) (i), (ii)

  White, Capt. W. (staff) (i), (ii)

  Wilson, Lt-Col. (1/48th) (i)

  wounded, experience of the (i), (ii)

  Norcliffe's (i)

  French (i), (ii)

  Synge's (i)

  experience of the (i), (ii)

  numbers of (i)

  Wyld, James (publisher) (i), (ii)

  York, Duke of (CinC) (i), (ii), (iii)

  Young, Brig. Peter & Lt-Col. J. P. Lawford (historians)

  on 18 July (i)

  Pakenham crosses Tormes (i)

  Wellington's orders to Col. Maclean (i)

  Clausel senior to Bonnet (i)

  Wellington's lunch (i)

  Thomières's march (i)

  Pakenham's formation (i)

  Thomières's death (i)

  Clausel's ‘decision’ to counterattack (i)

  Clinton defeats Bonnet (i)

  strength of 5th Dragoon Guards (i)




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