Rats, it's after five. I have to go. I'm flying out to Rio tonight. RIO! As in, de Janeiro! You're dying to know why, aren't you? OK, I'll spill, but only because you're my best friend, even if you did leave me to shack up with a guy halfway around the world. You'll notice I'm not screaming about this. Why, you must be asking yourself, would dear sweet old Rox be so calm and collected?
I'll tell you why—Captain Richard Blaine. That's captain as in airline captain. Richard was deadheading on the flight home from Frankfurt, and sat next to me, and we talked, and I spilled my screwdriver on him, and one thing led to another, and… well… let's just put it this way: Miranda is two for two, Joyful.
Can I have my condoms back, please?
Will e-mail you when I get back from the land of sun and samba. Kisses and hugs to the big guy!
Roxy the no longer pure
* * *
Katie MacAlister is the author of several historical, contemporary, and paranormal romantic comedies. An eclectic reading taste covering everything from her beloved blue tweed Nancy Drews to two-hundred-year-old etiquette books has given her a taste for the absurd, eccentric, and downright wacky. She lives with her husband and dogs, and spends far too much time dallying around the Internet doing what she laughingly calls research for her next novel. Katie also writes for the young adult market as Katie Maxwell.
You can visit Katie at her websites: www.katiemacalister.com and www.katiemaxwell.com. For fun freebies and Katie's periodic newsletter, send an e-mail to funstuffkatiemacalister.com. You can write to Katie at katiemacalisterearthlink.net or via snail mail at: Katie MacAlister c/o Three Seas Literary Agency; PO Box 8571; Madison, Wl; 53708.
A Girls Guide to Vampires Page 35