1 God – Poems on God , Creator – volume 3

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1 God – Poems on God , Creator – volume 3 Page 2

by Nikhil Parekh

  You might have breathed the most extraordinarily puristic and holistic air today; but who knows the very next day the fangs of uncannily barbarous death; might perhaps irrevocably asphyxiate your existence without the tiniest of forewarning, 


  But if you earnestly dedicated every beat of your heart to the paradise of immortal love today; then not only me but God knows it for sure; that you would

  continue to exist as the most blessed organism forever and ever and ever; without any question of “Perhaps” intervening in between.


  Till the time I didn’t have a dwelling of my own; I indefatigably kept craving for one in my every wish; irretrievably fantasizing about those moments when the roof above my head would be of compassionate wood; instead of the endlessly impersonal and fathomless sky,

  But the instant the Omnipotent Almighty Lord gave it to me; I felt it was nothing that special; and immediately commenced to dream of a castle even better; such was the greedily goddamned  parasite in me !


  Till the time I didn’t have a car of my own; I tirelessly kept craving for that majestically four wheeled monster; that magnanimously blissful comfort

  which would save the heels of my feet from getting wholesomely extinct,

  But the instant the insuperable Almighty Lord gave it to me; I felt it was nothing that special; and immediately commenced to dream of an aircraft even better; such was the worthlessly goddamned parasite in me !

  Till the time I didn’t have quintessential currency notes of my own; I irrevocably kept craving for those glorious bundles of paper; which had the power to celestially mollify my uncontrollably reverberating hunger; in the uncouth world today,

  But the instant the invincible Almighty Lord gave them to me; I felt they were nothing that special; and immediately commenced to dream of a world treasury

  even better; such was the frigidly goddamned  parasite in me!

  Till the time I didn’t have a watch of my own; I dogmatically kept craving for that exquisite designer dial; which would save me the tyranny of everytime looking at the position of the blistering Sun and ghoulish Moon,

  But the instant the inimitable Almighty Lord gave it to me; I felt it was nothing that special; and immediately commenced to dream of a politically domineering clock even better; such was the meaninglessly goddamned parasite in me !

  Till the time I didn’t have a bathtub of my own; I immutably kept craving for those superbly antiseptic silken foam baths; those splashes of exotically perfumed water that would save me rolling unrelentingly in the criminally unsolicited gutters,

  But the instant the unparalleled Almighty Lord gave it to me; I felt it was nothing that special; and immediately commenced to dream of a limitless ocean even better; such was the insanely goddamned parasite in me !

  Till the time I didn’t have a jewel of my own; I inexorably kept craving for those moments when there would an infallible twinkle on my skin; and my disdainfully tottered rags would metamorphose into the aisles of mesmerizing paradise,

  But the instant the fathomless Almighty Lord gave it to me; I felt it was nothing that special; and immediately commenced to dream of a boundless rainbow even better; such was the hedonistically goddamned parasite in me !

  Till the time I didn’t have an integrity of my own; I unceasingly craved for those priceless times; when I would walk with my head held high; arm in arm with

  every conceivable echelon of the conventionally civilized society,

  But the instant the Omnipresent Almighty Lord gave it to me; I felt it was nothing that special; and immediately commenced to dream of a perpetual heavenliness even better; such was the bizarrely goddamned parasite in me !

  Till the time I didn’t have breath of my own; I intractably craved for those cherished moments; when I would inhale iridescently blessed air from the atmosphere; deluge the impoverished periphery of my strangulated lungs with triumphantly impregnable


  But the instant the Omniscient Almighty Lord gave it to me; I felt it was nothing that special; and immediately commenced to dream of a countless lives even better; such was the tawdrily goddamned parasite in me !

  And Till the time I didn’t have love of my own; I unstoppably craved for those winds of unconquerable ecstasy; those heavens of immortal blessings that would transform me into the most ebullient organism alive; for infinite more births of mine,

  But the instant the perennial Almighty Lord gave it to me; it was the very first time in my life when I relinquished every other craving; handsomely contented; miraculously mitigated and forever liberated; O! Yes it was the very first time in my life that the salaciously goddamned parasite in me; forever died !



  You might be ripped apart to an infinite pieces of nothingness; by the bawdily conventional and disdainfully ostracizing society outside,

  You might be dragged through the aisles of living mortuaries worse than hell; by the scurrilously decrepit and bizarrely baseless society outside,

  You might be mercilessly thrashed with whiplashes of ignominiously vengeful abhorrent all day; by the diabolically parasitic and sadistically sinister society outside,

  You might be brutally pierced in your tongue and till the very last bone of your philanthropic spine; by the disgustingly dramatic and pompously pulverizing society outside,

  But remember O! mate; irrespective of whatever on this commercially sinful earth today; for every benevolent sharing of yours; for every truthful ramification of

  your soul; for every symbiotic desire that you nurtured and diffused; there were the greatest of God’s saluting you; there were the greatest of God’s proclaiming you as the most pricelessly insuperable in the cosmos and terrestrial trajectory; alike.


  You might be salaciously hurled into a dungeon of vindictively stabbing scorpions without a cloth on your body; by the criminally unforgiving and monstrously remorseful outside,

  You might be cold-bloodedly divested of quintessential water for marathon days; by the forlornly prejudiced and tyrannically hideous society outside,

  You might be made ludicrously infertile; by the murderously insane and

  pathetically quavering society outside,

  You might be buried a boundless feet beneath your veritable grave for displaying unflinchingly patriotic bravery; by the treacherously satanic and haughtily maudlin society outside,

  But remember O! mate; irrespective of whatever on this amorphously cadaverous earth today; for every harmoniously mellifluous sermon of yours; for every

  passionately uninhibited cry of your soul; for every wound that you altruistically healed of your suffering compatriots; there were the greatest of God’s saluting

  you; there were the greatest of God’s proclaiming you as the most pricelessly perpetual  in the cosmos and terrestrial trajectory; alike.


  You might be hedonistically stripped of even the most infinitesimal bone of your body; by the horrendously egregious and tawdrily truculent society outside,

  You might be surreptitiously administered venom in every morsel of food that you consumed; by the miserably impoverished and barbarously damned society outside,

  You might be gruesomely blinded since the very first cry of your pristine birth; by the lethally lascivious and lackadaisically lecherous society outside,

  You might be made a pennilessly feckless whisker of unceasingly flagrant parody; by the indiscriminately ribald and unsolicitedly tempestuous society outside,

  But remember O! mate; irrespective of whatever on this senselessly robotic earth today; for every philanthropically handsome yearning of yours; for every indefatigably humanitarian fantasy lingering profoundly in the whites of your eyes; for every orphan whom you unequivocally embraced till the very last breath of your life; there were the greatest of God’s saluting you; there were the greatest of God’s proclaim
ing you as the most pricelessly inimitable in the cosmos and terrestrial trajectory; alike.


  You might be subjugated and molested with a trillion agonies in a single minute; by the violently unsparing and vituperatively delirious society outside,

  You might be kept austerely aloof from even the most ephemeral trace of light; by the heartlessly shriveled and demonically corrupt society outside,

  You might be made to bleed to death right infront of your divinely parents eyes; by the cunningly cannibalistic and pervertedly incarcerated society outside,

  You might be zanily sacrificed as an offering to the Creator on the spuriously maniacal altar; by the tirelessly rotting and unsurpassably demented society


  But remember O! mate; irrespective of whatever on this manipulatively balderdash earth today; for every compassionately truthful cry of your heart; for every step that you alighted to miraculously ameliorate the dreadfully estranged planet; for every optimistically synergistic enlightenment that you disseminated in the haplessly dying corpses; there were the greatest of God’s saluting you; there were the greatest of God’s proclaiming you as the most  pricelessly unconquerable in the cosmos and terrestrial trajectory; alike.

  5. END & START 


  From exactly the point where the thought process of the miserably decrepit night ended; started the optimistic imagination of brilliantly Omnipotent and blessedly purifying; daylight,

  From exactly the point where the thought process of obnoxiously dogmatic lies ended; started the Omnipresent imagination of handsomely ebullient and insuperably righteous; truth,

  From exactly the point where the thought process of obsolete desolation ended; started the vivacious imagination of uninhibitedly free and effulgently majestic; happiness,

  From exactly the point where the thought process of vindictively disparaging drought ended; started the Omnipotent imagination of unceasingly rejuvenating

  and quintessentially euphoric; rain,

  From exactly the point where the thought process of the salaciously marauding parasite ended; started the ubiquitous imagination of sacredly rhapsodic

  and pricelessly bonding; humanity,

  From exactly the point where the thought process of barbarously incarcerating slavery ended; started the patriotic imagination of limitlessly wonderful

  and gloriously eternal; freedom,

  From exactly the point where the thought process of dastardly worthless abuse ended; started the prolific imagination of astoundingly spell binding and beautifully burgeoning; procreation,

  From exactly the point where the thought process of meaninglessly rotting chicanery ended; started the fragrant imagination of everlastingly embracing and celestially insuperable; honesty,

  From exactly the point where the thought process of haplessly tortured loneliness ended; started the pristine imagination of compassionately embracing

  and unflinchingly united; togetherness,

  From exactly the point where the thought process of demonically murderous nightmare ended; started the royal imagination of exhilaratingly stupefying

  and charismatically redolent; fantasy,

  From exactly the point where the thought process of hedonistically uxorious ugliness ended; started the garnished imagination of amazingly nubile and resplendently exotic; beauty,

  From exactly the point where the thought process of maliciously vagrant illiteracy ended; started the discerning imagination of sagaciously enlightening and altruistically magical; benevolence,

  From exactly the point where the thought process of devastatingly terrorizing politics ended; started the iridescent imagination of eclectically vivid and panoramically mitigating; artistry,

  From exactly the point where the thought process of sinfully insidious betrayal ended; started the triumphant imagination of perennially melanging and unbreakably peerless; friendship,

  From exactly the point where the thought process of nonchalantly sadistic oblivion ended; started the blissful imagination of jubilantly enamoring and tantalizingly coalescing; melody,

  From exactly the point where the thought process of sardonically lambasting devilishness ended; started the fecund imagination of unsurpassably Samaritan and

  enchantingly ameliorating; goodness,

  From exactly the point where the thought process of diabolically prejudiced perfidiousness ended; started the perpetual imagination of immortally unstoppable

  and aristocratically earnest; love,

  From exactly the point where the thought process of ghoulishly fretful death ended; started the benign imagination of unassailably victorious and Omnipresently evolving; life,

  And from exactly the point where the thought process of every worthlessly conceivable and inconceivable; every fecklessly living and non-living; every molecular human and insect; on this earth had ended; started the Omniscient imagination of the unendingly spawning and boundlessly unconquerable; Almighty Lord.



  Reach out to the mystically panoramic trees; and exuberantly frolicking wind will reach out to every frenetically beleaguered pore of your body; will wholeheartedly reach out to you,

  Reach out to the exotically burgeoning clouds; and mystically tantalizing globules of rain will reach out to every brutally emaciated cranny of your persona; will wholeheartedly reach out to you,

  Reach out to the indomitably towering mountains; and invincibly compassionate companionship will reach out to every inexplicably shivering bone of your body;

  will wholeheartedly reach out to you,

  Reach out to the uninhibitedly ecstatic nightingales; and inimitably mellifluous sound will reach out to every disastrously bereaved footstep of yours; will wholeheartedly reach out to you,

  Reach out to the majestically undulating ocean; and unsurpassably rhapsodic tanginess will reach out to every heartlessly rotting image in your brain; will wholeheartedly reach out to you,

  Reach out to the freshly born blissful child; and unassailably regale heavenliness will reach out to every forlornly parasitic cranny of your soul; will wholeheartedly

  reach out to you,

  Reach out to the flamboyantly Omnipotent Sun; and tirelessly blessing rays of optimistic enlightenment will reach out to every cold-bloodedly bloodshot ingredient of your eyes; will wholeheartedly reach out to you,

  Reach out to the iridescently twinkling rainbow; and unflinchingly peerless vivaciousness will reach out to every lugubriously dilapidated muscle of your

  countenance; will wholeheartedly reach out to you,

  Reach out to the royally swaying roses; and innocuously unadulterated fragrance will reach out to every derogatorily prejudiced hair of your persona; will wholeheartedly reach out to you,

  Reach out to the lap of the wonderfully sacred mother; and insurmountably incomparable selflessness will reach out to every delinquent dream of yours; will wholeheartedly reach out to you,

  Reach out to the tantalizingly effulgent night; and an unfathomable gorge of glorious enchantment will reach out to every dreadfully extinguishing reflection of yours; will wholeheartedly reach out to you,

  Reach out to the marvelously shimmering dewdrops; and unbelievably charismatic artistry will reach out to every unceremoniously mangled nail of yours; will wholeheartedly reach out to you,

  Reach out to altruistically blazing patriotism; and incomprehensibly sacred immortality will reach out to every iota of your crimson blood; will wholeheartedly

  reach out to you,

  Reach out to quintessentially fructifying soil; and magnificently sparkling fruits of creation will reach out to every monotonously surreptitious attitude of yours; will wholeheartedly reach out to you,

  Reach out to the ebulliently whistling air; and unlimitedly unceasing freedom will reach out to every hedonistically tormented of your stride; will wholeheartedly

  reach out to you,

p; Reach out to exhilaratingly emollient forest; and a cosmos of fathomlessly priceless adventure will reach out to every dementedly ungainly virtue of yours; will wholeheartedly reach out to you,

  Reach out to the spirit of egalitarian symbiotism; and the breaths of effulgently mesmerizing life will reach out to every pathetically dying beats of your conscience; will wholeheartedly reach out to you,

  Reach out to the passionately thundering heart; and the winds of Omnipresently immortal love will reach out to every aspect of your murderously satanic existence; will wholeheartedly reach out to you,

  Reach out to every fraternity of humanity and plentiful living kind handsomely alike; and the Omniscient Almighty Lord will reach out to every radiation of your worthlessly molecular survival; will wholeheartedly reach out to you.



  The voluptuously swaying nightingales; magnanimously awarded me with the certificate of blissfully serene singing,

  The fathomlessly sluggishly ambling and pot-bellied tortoise; uninhibitedly awarded me with the certificate of non-invasively phlegmatic laziness,

  The boundlessly sweltering terrain of the unbelievably scorching desert; deservingly awarded me with the certificate of unrelentingly hard-earned perspiration,


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