1 God – Poems on God , Creator – volume 3

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1 God – Poems on God , Creator – volume 3 Page 7

by Nikhil Parekh

  Every whirlwind of indescribably penalizing lechery and sodomizing torment was slapped upon you by the devastating devil; as he insanely burnt till the last

  bone of his spine in the coffins of unrelenting hatred,

  God was irrefutably an Omniscient harbinger of everlasting peace; who not only blessed you with inimitable fortitude to blow away all evil; but created infinite more of your kind; tirelessly every unfurling minute of the night and day,

  Giving undaunted liberty to the devil to do whatever he could; in whatever form he could; but in the end he would be charred to inconsequential ash; and victory

  shall forever be of gloriously immortal truth.

  Every speck of acrimoniously cancerous and destructive disease was stabbed upon you by the incarcerating devil; as he intransigently sulked in the gallows of coldbloodedly rotten death,

  God was irrefutably the priceless cosmos of perpetually royal fructification; who not only blessed you with the unchallengeable prowess to massacre all evil; but created infinite more of your kind; tirelessly every unfurling minute of the night and day,

  Giving unstoppable liberty to the devil to do whatever he could; in whatever form he could; but in the end he would dissolve into the dustbins of extinction; and victory shall forever be of blazingly impeccable truth.

  Every trace of orphaned wailing and hapless loneliness was tainted upon you by the ignominious devil; as he exhaled scorpions of remorseful prejudice even in deep


  God was irrefutably a timelessly vivacious rainbow of desire and fearless hope; who not only blessed you with the insuperable ardor to finish all evil; but created infinite more of your kind every unfurling minute of the night and day,

  Giving uncontrollable liberty to the devil to do whatever he could; in whatever form he could; but in the end he would lose every element of his existence; and victory shall forever be of immaculately bountiful truth.



  Child of the Omnipotently everlasting Sun; was the gloriously ecstatic and flamboyantly pristine ray,

  Child of the blissfully voluptuous cloud; was the ecstatically mesmerizing and seductively fragrant globule of water,

  Child of the enchantingly exotic lotus; was the ever-pervading meadow of celestially bountiful and spell binding fragrance,

  Child of the enigmatically proliferating forest; was the panoramically motley entrenchment of; vividly uninhibited nature and philandering animal,

  Child of the ardently towering mountain; was the indomitably united civilization of brilliantly unfettered strength,

  Child of the resplendently milky moon; was the fantastically fathomless pond

  of euphorically twinkling shine,

  Child of the innovatively blessed mind; was the untamed whirlpool of rapaciously surreal and joyously unblemished dreams,


  Child of the seductively clandestine night; was the unparalleled cavern of impregnably unending and fascinatingly miraculous sensuousness,

  Child of the insuperably true artist; was the timeless wind of magically bestowing

  and eternally fructifying poetry,

  Child of the unflinchingly altruistic soldier; was the sword of unassailably scintillating and pricelessly inimitable patriotism,

  Child of the infallibly unrelenting optimism; was the unshakably undaunted epitome of astoundingly redolent and perpetually blossoming success,

  Child of the vibrantly soaring butterfly; was the jubilantly emollient and majestically radiant hill of mystically ingenious frolic,

  Child of the uncontrollably fluttering shadow; was the abysmally tranquil cave; of enticingly glorious and bounteously benign mysticism,

  Child of the immutably egalitarian mirror; was the arrow of perennially spawning

  and limitlessly invincible righteousness,

  Child of the royally embossed lexicon; was the astonishingly eclectic treasurehouse of convivially perspicacious and pragmatically opulent words,

  Child of the ingratiatingly princely breath; was the chapter of unconquerably sparkling and iridescently tireless life,

  Child of selflessly bonding symbiotism; was the philanthropically undefeatable religion of pricelessly benign and rhapsodically heavenly humanity,

  Child of the insatiably thundering heart; was the victorious paradise of fathomlessly abounding and immortally divine love,

  And Child of the Omnipresently Almighty Lord; was the inscrutably stupefying shell of this entire Universe; on which organism of every size; shape and color for

  him was wonderfully alike; on which he holistically coalesced one and all in the mantra of mankind; on which he showered love; love and only endless love; on

  which he fearlessly paraded as the Ultimate master for times till even beyond infinite infinity; and till the moment he liked.



  If you’ve forever dreamt of a life without the slightest of apprehension; ecstatically rejoicing in the aisles of unfettered desire; for times immemorial,

  If you’ve forever dreamt of a life without the slightest of bloodshed and crime; tranquilly swaying in the lap of sacredly divine peace; every unfurling minute of the day and enchanting night,

  If you’ve forever dreamt of a life without acrimoniously frigid monotony; timelessly spawning into miraculously reinvigorating newness; with the first rays of the Golden Sun; at spell bindingly Omnipotent dawn,

  If you’ve forever dreamt of a life without pugnacious backlashes; the winds of unparalleled triumph uninhibitedly kissing you on your every step; in your spells of sleep and ardent awakening; alike,

  If you’ve forever dreamt of a life without venomously upbraiding salaciousness; the streams of impeccable amity and oneness; heavenly embracing you from every construable side,

  If you’ve forever dreamt of a life without cannibalistically hedonistic prejudice; the arms of eternally glorious freedom hoisting you closer and closer; to the grace of

  the Omnisciently Almighty Lord,

  If you’ve forever dreamt of a life without manipulatively ballistic vengeance; the profoundly sublime waves of altruistic simplicity; perpetuating the inner most chords of your truthful soul,

  If you’ve forever dreamt of a life without preposterously pernicious poverty; the skies of ubiquitously unending prosperity and happiness; becoming the congenital mantra of your truncated existence,

  If you’ve forever dreamt of a life without menacingly diabolical stagnation; the whirlwinds of fantastically emollient innovation; exuberantly whistling past your nape as each night unraveled into the brilliantly optimistic day,

  If you’ve forever dreamt of a life without dolorously obsolete boredom; the

  rainbow of everlastingly blissful humanity; becoming the sole elixir of your blessed survival,

  If you’ve forever dreamt of a life without raunchily cold-blooded insanity; the fireballs of compassionately unstoppable yearning to unassailably ignite; the pathetically dwindling lantern of your survival,

  If you’ve forever dreamt of a life without avariciously rancid nothingness; the ingratiating cisterns of propitious excitement; always keeping you effulgently young and alive,

  If you’ve forever dreamt of a life without decrepit nonchalance and flagrant

  debauchery; an atmosphere of ebulliently sparkling truth; overruling every emaciated ingredient of your crimson blood,

  If you’ve forever dreamt of a life without disparaging desecration and abhorrent war; beautifully existing with every echelon of living kind; till infinite more births of yours,

  If you’ve forever dreamt of a life without deliriously self inflicted misery; metamorphosing even the most bellicose entity that you caressed; into the mists of fragrantly unconquerable paradise,

  If you’ve forever dreamt of a life without despicably torturous imprisonment; every recess of your impregnably passionate heart; fulminating into an cloudburst

  of marvelous
ly untainted expression,

  If you’ve forever dreamt of a life without lethally aggrieved adulteration; a citadel of irrefutably glistening honesty handsomely blossoming from every conceivable pore of mother earth,

  If you’ve forever dreamt of a life without perilously betraying infidelity; the insuperably enamoring bonds of unflinching camaraderie; unshakably entwining with every breath that you effusively exhaled, 

  And if you’ve forever dreamt of a life that doesn’t just remain a dream; shattering even the most inconspicuous ray of hope that tumultuously lingered in your euphorically bubbling countenance,

  Then here’s your chance  O! Mate to transform each of your benign dream into

  the sky of veritable reality; here’s your chance to become God’s most pricelessly blessed organism till the time this earth existed and even beyond; here’s your chance to be the closest to the divine; by blending every beat of your heart; soul and immaculate conscience,

  Falling forever and ever and ever; into the river of immortally Omnipresent

  and timelessly exultating love.


  You might choose to help the disparagingly shambling mountaintops; or you might choose to commiserate with all those heartlessly orphaned in the invidiously cold-blooded garbage bins,

  You might choose to help the flagrantly disoriented lunatic; or you might chose to sow the seeds of fructifying virility on acrimoniously bellicose and barren soil,

  You might choose to help the mercilessly adulterated ocean; or you might choose to compassionately embrace all those truculently lambasted by mortuaries of bizarre betrayal,

  You might choose to help the plebeian brutally maimed by the onslaught of derogatory politics; or you might choose to optimistically mitigate the lives of all

  those despicably rotting in dungeons of blindness; since the time they shouted their first cry,

  You might choose to help the rapidly vanishing rainbow; or you might choose to inundate the commercial atmosphere thoroughly depleted of empathy; with the fragrance of everlasting humanity,

  You might choose to help the egregiously wounded lion; or you might choose to illuminate the lanterns of unassailably mesmerizing humanity; in the corpses

  abhorrently blood-sucking war,

  You might choose to help the one-legged beggar; or you might choose to become an immutably altruistic messiah of the religion of priceless mankind,

  You might choose to help ominously trampled and butchered roses; or  you might choose to perennially venerate every holistic mother whom you encountered in

  your way,

  You might choose to help every suicidal element of the diabolically estranged society; or you might choose to coalesce every tribe; sect and color of this iridescently exhilarating Universe; into the scent of enchanting mankind,


  You might choose to help every star lividly falling from fathomless sky; or you might choose to stand like an insuperable fortress beside every despairing destitute; who was being hedonistically tortured for ostensibly no reason or rhyme,

  You might choose to help the indigently nervous and frigidly quavering shadow; or you might choose to bring the cradle of untainted innocence to every dwelling besieged with manipulatively dastard prejudice,

  You might choose to help ghoulishly stale and sullen space; or you might choose to hoist every unwanted infant on this gigantic Universe; upon your magnanimous shoulders till the time you breathed your very last,

  You might choose to help the hopelessly asphyxiating eunuch; or you might choose to become the ultimate ambassador of unconquerably limitless peace; on the trajectory of this boundless Universe,

  You might choose to help civilizations uprooted after nonsensical bombardment and ghastly war; or you might choose to perseveringly evolve a pathway of indomitably unparalleled truth; with the streams of your very own euphoric blood,

  You might choose to help the ignominiously incarcerated slave; or you might choose to liberate the floodgates of your passionate heart; allowing every devilishly monotonous life to share your tributaries of selfless love,

  You might choose to help the fish uncontrollably slavering without water; or you might choose to precociously innovate unsurpassable cisterns of miraculous freshness; on every step that you tread,

  O! Yes; Help in whatever way you could and whomsoever on this bountifully resplendent planet that you philanthropically wanted to; but remember that every

  single of your divinely benevolent deeds would metamorphose into inconspicuously frigid shit; the instant you bombastically proclaimed to the world that you were indeed the one who did them; you were the one who had alleviated countless organism; of their misery and horrific pain, 

  For you were just an infinitesimally molecular mediator of the Lord Almighty sent on this planet to do humble deeds; while it was the Creator himself; who not only decided as to whom you were going to help; in what capacity you were going to help; who needed your help the most; and who was indeed destined to receive your help; but bestowed upon you the unflinching power to forever succeed and help.



  Forgive me for inadvertently trampling over scores of tiny ants; crawling unnoticed on the cold floor,

  Forgive me for spitting foamy saliva indiscreetly on the streets; on formation of excess liquid in the palette of my mouth,

  Forgive me for banging my fists in tandem against the wall; clenching my teeth in raw indignation on being intimidated,

  Forgive me for driving at lightening speeds through the solitary streets; bouncing in the drivers seat while listening to pulsating music,

  Forgive me for indiscriminately pouncing on the petulant mosquito; buzzing incessantly in the vicinity of my eardrum,

  Forgive me for not listening to my mother; when she stringently admonished to get up at the crack of evanescent dawn,

  Forgive me for being insatiably greedy; when it came to extracting wealth from this uncouth world,

  Forgive me for indulging in licentious thoughts; possessing feeble control over the unprecedented realms of my mind,

  Forgive me for sipping opulent wine; drowning myself wholesomely into domains of tantalizing fantasy,

  Forgive me for skipping my morning prayers; in the bustle to reach office and commence work at fast pace,

  Forgive me for snoring like a demon all-night; permeating the still air with an indefatigable volley of cacophonic sounds,

  Forgive me for attending bombastic parties; blending profusely with a conglomerate of people with spurious smiles,

  Forgive me for swaying rampantly on the streets; inhabiting the discotheques till wee hours of night,

  Forgive me for overhearing candid conversations; in my unrelenting curiosity to envisage activities behind close doors,

  Forgive me for leaving squalid footprints as I walked; caressing the immaculately polished floor with dirt lining the periphery of my toes,

  Forgive me for plucking resplendent flowers from their stalks; dismantling the moist earth by digging voraciously with my hands,

  Forgive me for being overwhelmingly stubborn; standing steadfast with my baseless opinions; refraining to listen to others,

  Forgive me for using abashing expletives; rebuking innocuous individuals in proximity; for no apparent fault of theirs,

  Forgive me for ridiculing eminent personalities; making a travesty of the remarkable deeds they executed in their lives,

  Forgive me for loitering aimlessly in space; becoming oblivious to the essence of life for some part of the day,

  Over and above all forgive me O! Lord for the plethora of misdeeds I have committed in my life as a human being; instead bless me with loads of fortitude to propagate double the happiness of all what I have destroyed.



  Hatred Vs Hatred. Both of them deliriously lost; apart from them being the most haplessly growling failures in their very own individual selves.
And to top that;

  those who dared compare them; unrelentingly roamed in the lavatories of the hideously asphyxiating devil.

  Prejudice Vs Prejudice. Both of them flagrantly lost; apart from them being the most vindictively gruesome failures in their very own individual selves. And to top that; those who dared compare them; barbarously tortured every conceivable pore of their bodies with the sword of the salacious devil.


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