1 God – Poems on God , Creator – volume 3

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1 God – Poems on God , Creator – volume 3 Page 11

by Nikhil Parekh

  The footsteps of manipulation were as helpless as those behind the sordid prison bars; eating their lips in invidious frustration; as the blissful bounced and triumphed outside,

  The footsteps of condemnation were as neglected as countless number of tiny parasites; being pulverized to a miserable death; even before they were born,

  The footsteps of nonchalance were as insidiously sinister as baseless cigar smoke; which ate you like a devastating scarecrow from each of your intricate insides,

  The footsteps of prejudice were as disdainful as the lavatory cockroach; feasting on raw feces; when an appetizing aroma of food fervently awaited them before their eyes,

  The footsteps of laziness were as brittle as dolorously shattered glass; distorting the most ravishing of caricatures; into hideously funny clowns,

  The footsteps of ill will were as haplessly trapped; as the body of a robust human; in the jaws of the preposterously gigantic whale,

  The footsteps of terrorism were as decaying as horrifically rotting carrion; being ruthlessly ripped apart into a fathomless segments; by ominous vultures indefatigably hovering around,

  The footsteps of brutality were as feeble as miserly soot; crumbling and deplorably squandering into an infinite bits; even while the wind blew a trifle outside,

  The footsteps of betrayal were as worthless as the rolling stones; orphaned and kicked at all quarters of this planet; by every tangible who transgressed on mud,

  The footsteps of torture were as murky as the haze that engulfed mockingly at dawn; evaporating into an island of nothingness; with a single stroke of righteousness,

  But the footsteps of love; were a wave that immortally bonded one an all on this Universe alike; an unconquerable force to harmonious prosperity; or to simply put it; the only footsteps which were heard in every cranny of God’s planet; even before they tread.



  Ordinarily the soles of my feet didn’t bleed an infinitesimal trifle; even as I traversed over a blanket of a billion acrimoniously venomous thorns,

  But today; the 3rd of April; they just disdainfully crumbled an infinite feet beneath soil; as the sound of your invincibly triumphant and gloriously impeccable footsteps; had disappeared forever from the horizons of my veritable sight.

  Ordinarily the hair on my skin didn’t relent an inconspicuous iota; even as the most diabolical of dinosaurs and war; indiscriminately paraded around my persona,

  But today; the 3rd of April; they just shriveled into pathetic oblivion at the tiniest insinuation of flaccid wind; as your uninhibitedly untamed valley of sensuousness; had disappeared forever from the horizons of my veritable sight.

  Ordinarily the blood in my veins didn’t quaver an evanescent bit; even as the most unsparingly hedonistic apocalypses of the devil perpetuated into my soul,

  But today; the 3rd of April;  it just metamorphosed into a grotesquely frigid white; as your brilliantly unhindered compassion; had disappeared forever from the horizons of my veritable sight.

  Ordinarily the hollows of my ears didn’t flutter an ethereal inch; even as unbelievably thunderous roars of vindictive lightening; flashed left; right and center from the belly of the murderously ballistic sky,

  But today; the 3rd of April; they just miserably withered to each of my commands; as your inimitably divinely and beautifully unparalleled voice; had disappeared forever from the horizons of my veritable sight.

  Ordinarily the bones of my demeanor didn’t rattle an infidel centimeter; even as the coffins of inevitable death scurrilously slandered at me a countless times,

  But today; the 3rd of April;  they just dissolved into fecklessly meaningless pulp at the sound of my very own voice; as your Omnipotently everlasting tenacity; had disappeared forever from the horizons of my veritable sight.

  Ordinarily the whites and blacks of my eye didn’t wince a mercurial fraction; even as the belligerently intolerable rays of the afternoon Sun unceasingly pierced inside from all quarters,

  But today; the 3rd of April; they just wholesomely blinded to the faintest of my reflection; as the miraculously mitigating contours of your face; had disappeared forever from the horizons of my veritable sight.

  Ordinarily the cadence of my voice didn’t tremble a diminutive whisker; even as there was nothing else but iconoclastically satanic vultures plucking mouthfuls of my flesh; with gay abandon all throughout the night,

  But today; the 3rd of April; it just transformed into a cadaverously stony silence; as the Omnipresent smile of your magical lips; had disappeared forever from the

  horizons of my veritable sight.

  Ordinarily the spirit of my conscience didn’t stagger a minuscule hairline; even as the entire planet beside me embraced manipulative prejudice; to catapult to the

  pinnacle of spuriously lackadaisical success,

  But today; the 3rd of April; it just dissipated into a zillion pieces of nothingness even before it could becaressed; as your trail of perennially blessing righteousness had disappeared forever from the horizons of my veritable sight.

  Ordinarily the beats of my heart didn’t betray a parsimonious speck; even as egregiously perverted treachery had become everyone’s morning cup of tea,

  But today; the 3rd of April; they converted entirely into lifelessly delinquent stone although torrential rainshowers of love pelted all across; as your charismatically immortal shadow had disappeared forever from the horizons of my veritable sight.

  And ordinarily the air of my nostrils didn’t stutter an abstemious ounce; even as the mortuaries of hell personally descended to incarcerate me into doldrums of inane nothingness,

  But today; the 3rd of April; it evaporated a countless kilometers beyond the land of decaying oblivion; although I was impregnated with robust blood; body and bone; as your pristinely unimpeachable and Unconquerably mellifluous spirit; had disappeared

  forever from the horizons of my veritable sight.



  God unsurpassably loves all those rays of the Sun which atleast try their 100 % to blisteringly shine; blaze the trajectory of this earth with intrepidly peerless enlightenment; not bothered a trifle about the outcome to unveil.

  God limitlessly loves all those Mountains which atleast try their 100 % to unflinchingly defend; compassionately sequester billions of haplessly impoverished in their wonderfully impregnable belly; not bothered a trifle about the outcome to unveil.

  God timelessly loves all those clouds which atleast try their 100 %  to shower tantalizing droplets of water; tirelessly inundate traumatically pulverized spaces of land with spellbindingly charismatic rain; not bothered a trifle about the outcome to unveil.

  God fathomlessly loves all those trees which atleast try their 100 % to waft into celestially tranquil shade; resplendently enamor even the most infinitesimally dreary bones of the frenetically beleaguered traveler with unparalleled coolness; not

  bothered a trifle about the outcome to unveil.

  God immeasurably loves those bricks which atleast try their 100 % to solidify the colossal edifice; become a quintessentially unshakable ingredient of the foundation even in the worst of apocalypses and for times immemorial; not bothered a trifle about the outcome to unveil.

  God unconquerably loves all those winds which atleast try their 100 % to unequivocally liberate; grant the wings of magically uninhibited freedom to

  every organism besieged with manipulatively asphyxiating prejudice; not bothered a trifle about the outcome to unveil.

  God unprecedentedly loves all those women who atleast try their 100 % to give birth to countless more of her kind; contribute their very best in inexhaustibly continuing the chapters of priceless procreation; not bothered a trifle about the outcome to unveil.

  God boundlessly loves all those philanthropist’s who atleast try their 100% to holistically mitigate every fraternity of despairingly tyrannized humanity;

  selflessly embrace eve
ry deprived orphan in their swirl of unassailable humanity; not bothered a trifle about the outcome to unveil.

  God insurmountably loves all those flowers which atleast try their 100 % to ubiquitously disseminate the scent of fragrant brotherhood; miraculously

  rejuvenate delinquently dying corpses towards the paradise of effulgently harmonious newness; not bothered a trifle about the outcome to unveil.

  God endlessly loves all those granules of soil which atleast try their 100% to burgeon into ebulliently triumphant fruit; beautifully mollify the treacherously emaciated intestines of every bereaved organism; with the endowment of nature divine; not

  bothered a trifle about the outcome to unveil.

  God unfathomably loves all those artist’s who atleast try their 100% to indefatigably evolve; brilliantly capture the beauty of this unlimitedly panoramic earth; in the singularly bucolic sheet of their barren canvas; not bothered a trifle about

  the outcome to unveil.

  God unbiasedly loves all those rainbows which atleast try their 100% to incredibly stupefy the lives of all those cancerously crucified; for just transiently truncated intervals of time; not bothered a trifle about the outcome to unveil.

  God unceasingly loves all those waves of the ocean which atleast try their 100%  to poignantly enrich the lives of one and all; with the majestically untainted

  fervor of pristinely untamed froth; not bothered a trifle about the outcome to unveil.

  God unshakably loves all those teachers who atleast try their 100 % to sagaciously educate every gutter of disparagingly lecherous illiteracy; with the principles of symbiotically emollient existence; not bothered a trifle about the outcome to unveil.

  God unendingly loves all those meadows which atleast try their 100 % to diffuse into mischievously unfettered frolic; metamorphose every vicariously corrupt politician into an innocent child once again; not bothered a trifle about the outcome to unveil.

  God eternally loves all those bones which atleast try their 100 % to persevere towards the aisles of gloriously unhindered righteousness; diffuse the true sweat of dazzlingly synergistic existence; not bothered a trifle about the outcome to unveil.

  God unstoppably loves all those paths which atleast try their 100 % to infallibly progress towards Samaritan prosperity; fearlessly face a countless devils on the way; not bothered a trifle about the outcome to unveil.

  God perpetually loves all those breath’s which atleast try their 100 % to perpetuate a whole new civilization of passionate togetherness and royal camaraderie; every time they exhaled; not bothered a trifle about the outcome to unveil.

  And God immortally loves all those heart’s which atleast try their 100% to unabashedly love; unchallangably coalesce in bonds of everlastingly redolent unity; not bothered a trifle about the outcome to unveil.


  Overwhelmed by sedation; in the realms of fathomlessly enchanting fantasy,

  Floating on a blanket of clouds; with a festoon of seductive fairies dancing incessantly around me,

  Embracing the voluptuous coat of verdant grass full throttle; rampantly rolling in the stupendous blades till times immemorial,

  Perceiving the most incredulous objects in this Universe; surging astronomically forward than the spirit of times,

  Tell me where is death; Tell me where is pain; More importantly Tell me O! Almighty lord; why have people made this blissful planet of yours; a parasite from a paradise.


  Sniffing the mesmerizing aroma of heavenly nectar; boisterously leaping behind the swarming bees,

  Blending majestically with the Sunshine; basking under in the glory of milky beams of exotic moon,

  Admiring the resplendent blanket of glittering stars; philandering like a price on the summit of velvety ice,

  Saluting the birds soaring high in the ephemeral evenings; profoundly lost in the cadence of the Queenly nightingale,

  Tell me where is death; Tell me where is pain; More importantly Tell me O! Almighty lord; why have people made this blissful planet of yours; a parasite from a paradise. 

  Galloping through the fields of blossoming corn; indefatigably cuddling the innocuous sheep sleeping on the hills,

  Gyrating fervently in the music of the morning cuckoo; splashing euphorically in an unfathomable ocean of tangy water,

  Daintily caressing the Oligarchic oyster; seductively swishing the body under the ravishing waterfall that enigmatically cascaded from the mountain,

  Feasting on a celestial meal of rhapsodically fresh cherries; lying in mute silence on the shimmering carpet of sea sands,

  Tell me where is death; Tell me where is pain; More importantly Tell me O! Almighty lord; why have people made this blissful planet of yours; a parasite from a paradise. 


  Placing the arms in the lap of insurmountably bountiful nature; chasing squirrels as they slithered in sheer ecstasy up the corrugated tree,

  Voraciously coating the entire body with a slurry of tantalizingly wet rain mud; gasping in dumbfounded astonishment as the mirage loomed larger in the golden

  desert soil,

  Listening with rapt attention to the incredulously animated chirping of the amicable parrot; gallivanting beside the fire as its royal flames crackled in the midst of marvelous midnight,

  Savoring exuberantly cool coconut with rubicund pair of lips; transiting into a rejuvenating reverie; boundless decades before this Universe was first created,

  Tell me where is death; Tell me where is pain; More importantly Tell me O! Almighty lord; why have people made this blissful planet of yours; a parasite from a paradise.




  The flower while diffusing its scent didn’t think even once, as to whether its fragrance was going to be inhaled by the savage beasts or by an impeccable human,

  The clouds while pelting sheets of crystal rain didn't think even once, as to whether the water would drench a person who was ominously black or pure white,

  The trees while shedding fruit didn’t think even once as to whether the resins toppling would be consumed by road side beggar or the jeweled prince seated

  handsomely on the crown,

  The fire while blazing full throttle didn’t think even once, as to whether its flames would shelter the naked or the fully clothed; in the freezing night,

  The moon shimmering majestically didn’t think even once as to whether its profound glow would illuminate the house of a "Hindu" or an orthodox "Islam",

  The river flowing perennially didn’t think even once, as to whether its waters would pacify the thirst of a blind man or a girl with golden eyes,

  The bees while making tones of sparkling honey didn’t think even once, as to whether a mother would apply the same on her infants lips or red ants would crawl

  greedily from all sides,

  The wind as it gustily blew didn’t think even once, as to whether its harmonious flow cooled the most sophisticated or granted solace to those behind prison bars in sweltering summer,

  The feather tipped pen as it wrote didn’t think even once, as to whether it was held in the hands of the sanctimonious priest or a true writer embossing boundless lines of literature with his own blood,

  The wet soil sprawled over million kilometers of territory didn’t think even once, as to whether it was going to be used in construction of the grandiloquent castle or to raise walls of the dingy seaside hut,

  The oxygen circulating freely in air didn’t think even once, as to whether its was going to instill new life in the lungs of a criminal or revive the dying prime-minister,

  The tufts of immaculate cotton sprouting in fields didn’t even think once, as to whether they were going to be stitched for the body of a King or would softly

  caress the one legged orphan,

  The panoramic landscapes of Nature didn’t even think once, as to whether their beauty would drown the mightiest entity or harbor the h
ideous beaked vulture,

  The enchanting cuckoo while singing didn’t think even once, as to whether its voice would appease the soldiers marching through the border or put off the ungainly burglars to tranquil sleep,

  The silver granules of sweat while dribbling didn’t think even once, as to whether to ooze from the armpits of a Business tycoon or roll from the bedraggled laborer working on the rooftop,

  The heart while throbbing didn’t think even once, as to whether it was beating in the chest of a tall man or people born as dwarfs since birth,

  The passion in love didn’t think even once, as to whether it was embracing the stinkingly rich or the individual trespassing in tottered trousers,


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