Savage Beginnings: A Dark Mafia Arranged Marriage Romance

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Savage Beginnings: A Dark Mafia Arranged Marriage Romance Page 12

by J. L. Beck

As if she can read my mind, she pins me with a stare.

  “What are the chances that you’ll let me at least put some underwear on?”

  “None,” I grit out.

  The frown on her face only deepens, but I already know she doesn’t want to do this. I remember the night I took her and how self-conscious she was about the nightgown.

  What she’s wearing now is even more revealing. I can tell simply from the look on her face and how she wraps her arms around her middle that she is uncomfortable, but I can’t help that. She’s gonna have to deal with it for one night. She’ll survive.

  The real question is, will I survive? Am I going to be able to stand by and let other men look at what’s mine? Gawk and salivate over her like she’s a damn T-bone steak.

  I suppose I’ll have to if I want to prove a point to her father, though it’s not going to happen without serious restraint. The first asshole that asks me if she’s for sale, or to spend a couple hours with her is going to get a knife in their chest. I don’t share what is mine.

  I watch as Elena slips into her high heel sandals, steadying herself on the doorframe.

  “I’m going to warn you, I’m not great at walking in heels.”

  Her warning makes me smile. “Don’t worry, I’ll be holding your hand the whole night. But... before we go, I have something for you.”

  “Is it a jacket? ’Cause I would love that.”

  “No, it’s not a jacket, but don’t worry, I’ll keep you warm. It’s this.” I pull out the black velvet box from my pocket and flip it open. It’s a white gold diamond necklace that I hand-picked for this occasion. As expected, her mouth pops open, and her eyes widen, but I’m not sure if it’s with surprise or something else.

  “You like it?”

  “Is that… a necklace or a collar?”

  “It’s a choker necklace, but if you’d rather think of it as a collar, we can make that happen. Would you like me to get a leash with it? Diamond studded, maybe?” I smirk like an asshole.

  Shaking her head, she holds out her hand like she is going to grab it from me. “Fine. I’ll wear it.”

  “Allow me.”

  She drops her hands and lifts up her chin waiting for me to move. I grab the choker out of the box and undo the clasp. As I lay it around her slender neck, I drag my fingers along her collarbone on purpose, loving how her whole body shivers under my touch. I wish I could do this all night long, but there are more important things to do.

  The clasp clicks in place, and I take a step back to examine my work. The necklace fits perfectly around her slender neck like it’s meant to be there. She looks claimed and cared for, maybe a little too cared for. I doubt her father will look that far into it, though, not when he sees her in the barely-there dress.

  “Perfect,” I tell her, holding out my hand. She takes it, almost trustingly as I walk her out of the room. I walk her through the house, making sure I don’t move too fast. She wasn’t kidding, she can’t walk in these stripper heels for shit.

  I’m considering picking her up and carrying her to the car, but it’s not like I can carry her around the party. I mean, I could, but then no one would get the full effect of the dress or lack of it. As soon as we step outside, a gust of cold wind rushes over us, and Elena wraps her free arm around herself, clearly freezing. She makes it to the car in one piece, but not without having an iron grip on my hand to steady herself. I definitely won’t have to worry about her running off in those heels. I pull her into my side and help her into the backseat of the car before sliding in beside her.

  When I let go of her hand, she wraps both of her arms around herself in an effort to get warm. Her lips tremble, and goosebumps pebble her flesh.

  “Come here,” I say a little too gruffly.

  Slowly, she moves across the seat, burrowing into my side. Wrapping a protective arm around her, I hold her tightly to me. Her sweet scent fills my nostrils, sending a zing of red hot pleasure straight to my cock.

  She molds to me like she was always meant to be there, the missing piece, and I don’t want to acknowledge that, not when I’m about to show her off to an entire room full of blood-thirsty assholes. Not when this cannot be about anything but revenge.

  “What will happen at this event?” she asks once she’s not shivering anymore.

  “It’s an auction put on by one of my associates. It’s important that you act the part of my wife. Do not speak unless spoken to. Do not look at anyone, eyes always down, and stay beside me at all times. I have more foes than friends in that place. Markus will be there, he is the only other person I trust.”

  “Okay,” she says, her voice shaky.

  “If you were to get away from me, and I couldn’t find you, some men far worse than myself could get ahold of you, and believe me when I say, they would make me look like a goddamn angel.”

  “You said my father will be there. I can talk to him, though, right?” Hope fills her features while a burning rage rips through me. Even after all we’ve been through, what I’ve done for her, how I hadn’t hurt her even when I should’ve, and still she wants to see the man who handed her to me on a silver platter? Not that he had a choice, though he could’ve put up a fight, which he didn’t.

  Gritting my teeth, I barely get a hold on my anger. “No, not even him. You need to remember that what I say goes. You may not like everything I say tonight, or what I do or how I handle you, but you need to trust me. Disobey me and something may happen to Marie and don’t think that I’ll hesitate to do it. I killed the other maid for simply giving you a piece of paper, and I will kill Marie too if I have to.”

  Elena pulls away to look up at me, her green eyes brimming with shock. “You killed the other maid?”

  Stupidly, the way she’s looking at me, all doe-eyed and shocked, makes me want to tell her that it’s a lie, but it’s not, and I cannot hide who I am from her. Not when I have and always will be this way. I’m a born killer, raised into this life, set to run the family business until the day of my death. A little five-foot-two dark-haired beauty isn’t going to change that.

  “Yes. I know about the note she gave you from your father. She confessed.”

  “Why… why didn’t you say anything?”

  “What’s there to say? Your father cannot save you. You’re bound to me by a contract, so unless he’s going to kill me, which will never happen, by the way, he will never get you back. And you would be good to remember that as well. If you ever run from me, I will find you. There is no place on this planet that you can hide from me that I won’t come looking for you.”

  Elena nods, and I swear I can see her gulp. Deep down, I don’t want her afraid of me, but fear keeps people in line, it keeps them from doing stupid shit.

  I don’t have to let her know it’s a ruse. I just have to keep her in line, which is what I plan to do.

  The rest of the drive to the auction passes by quickly, and Elena remains beside me. When we pull up to the front door, she becomes stiff as a board next to me, her chest rising and falling rapidly, and her hands are balled up into fists beside her.

  She nervously looks past me and out the window at the people–mostly men–walking inside the venue.

  “I’m scared,” she whispers without looking at me. A small pang of guilt hits my chest, but I shove it away.

  “Do what I say, and nothing bad will happen,” I say, taking her hand into mine and giving it a gentle squeeze to let her know I’ve got her.

  An irrational part of me wants to take her back home, wrap her up in a blanket, and tell her everything is going to be okay. But none of that would work with my plan. No, I’ve been waiting for this night for a very long time. Elena might not like this, but she’ll be fine. She won’t be harmed, and her feelings will pass eventually. What will last is my revenge.

  Lucca comes around the car to let us out, and I release Elena’s hand and step out of the SUV, adjusting my tux. This is an important event for me. There are arms dealers here, friends and foes, and the sel
ling of flesh. This event is where men join together and rise up. Not showing up wasn’t an option, not showing up with her even less of an option, especially with her father being here.

  If I’m lucky, I’ll show Romero how much his little girl has changed and end up with a deal or two. All I need is for Elena to stay in line.

  Reaching for her, I take her hand once more and help her out of the SUV. She stands on shaky legs, and shivers in the cold wind, before smoothing a hand down the rest of her dress. The venue is at an old casino that was newly renovated but not open to the public. Ahead are the only doors that allow entrance into this place, and they’re guarded by two mammoth men.

  Inside this place, any type of fighting is prohibited, and I feel naked having to leave my gun in the SUV, but I don’t need it to deliver damage. There is a reason I work out and why I did illegal fights when I was younger.

  Elena leans closer, seeking out the warmth of my body. When we reach the doors, the two men look me over before moving their gazes to Elena. Submissively, she looks down, and the men drink her in, and how couldn’t they in the dress she is wearing.

  They look a little longer than necessary, and my jaw tightens as I bite my tongue to stop myself from telling them not to look at her.

  What the fuck is wrong with me? I’m the one that put her in the dress, the one that wants to draw attention to her. The reason they’re looking at her is my fault, and yet, I want to stab every fucker for doing so.

  After a moment, they open the door and wave us in. Elena clings to me, looking every bit like the helpless, obedient slave I want everyone to see her as. Peering down at her, my eyes are drawn to the diamond ring on her finger that glitters in the light. Mine. All mine. Any man who tries to make an offer on her tonight will die. I’ll kill them, not here but afterward.

  Walking inside, the smell of cigar smoke filters into my lungs. The place is already crowded, men exchange in quiet conversation while half-naked women walk around the room carrying trays with beverages.

  There are a few women with men, but those are few and far between. Most do not bring their spouses to these types of events, women have no real place in our world, except on their backs with their thighs spread. This is a business event, but it’s also my chance to show off my soon to be bride.

  Anything from the selling of flesh and guns, gambling, and to the arrangement of marriages and illegal fights take place within these walls. This will be Elena’s first dip into my dark world, and hopefully, last.

  Surveying the room, I see they have it divided into three spaces. A huge horseshoe bar sits at the back of the room, a stage where the auction takes place is at the front of the room, and numerous tables and chairs litter the center, making up the middle. On one of those tables, I spot Markus, he got here early like I told him. Our eyes briefly lock, and he gives me a slide nod, letting me know there is no trouble here tonight.

  Walking over to the large bar, I release her arm and pull out a stool. She sits down without question, squeezing her thighs together so much that her legs shake. Keeping her head down, she places her hands in her lap just like I’ve instructed her to. I long to see her beautiful green eyes but push the thought away.

  I take the seat next to her and look around, surveying the space. Of course, most of the people around us are men and looking right at Elena. They openly gawk at her, and with the way she is sitting, most of her legs are exposed, the fabric riding up her legs, so close to her pussy, her bare ass is touching the seat. She is all but naked and fulfilling the job I need her to, but that doesn’t mean I like it.

  “I don’t like this,” she whispers beside me as if she can read my mind.

  “Don’t talk,” I brush her off and wave the bartender over. “Whiskey neat, and a water.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Just as our drinks are being served, the first group of men dare to come and talk to me.

  It’s Boris–a well-known arms dealer in our circles– and two of his men. He’s a smug little bastard with a napoleon complex, but he does have the best guns around, so it’s wise to stay on his good side.

  “Julian, glad you could make it. And you brought your newest acquisition, I see?” Boris’ eyes rake all over Elena, and I fight the urge to gauge them out with my bare hands.

  “I figured I paid enough for her, why not show her off? Share her with the world.” I take a sip of my whiskey, concentrating on the burn in my throat and the warmth settling in my stomach. I’m going to need much more whiskey to make it through this night.

  “Sharing, huh? How much would it cost to share her with me for a few hours?” Boris licks his lips, and I swear I see Elena’s chest start rising and falling in rapid succession.

  “Let’s see what they have for sale tonight first. If there is something to my liking, I’ll buy someone new, and you can have this one for the night.” Elena lets out an audible gasp next to me, which makes Boris chuckle.

  Using my other hand, I grab her exposed thigh and give it a firm squeeze. It’s a warning. Anywhere but here, she could have a reaction, but if she doesn’t obey, she’ll force my hand to keep her in place.

  “I’m looking forward to it,” Boris exclaims, his beady eyes roaming her flesh one last time.

  “I’ll let you know soon.” The words feel like acid on my tongue.

  There is not enough money in this world that would bring me to sell her to anyone, let alone allow them to use her for a night. I’ve done a lot of fucked up shit, but I’m not selling my soon to be wife to anyone.

  “Yes, and maybe we can discuss some weapons.”

  “Of course,” I say before taking another sip of my whiskey.

  Boris and his men meander away from us and strike up a conversation with another man who I’m sure is one of his clients, simply from the way he greets him.

  “Please,” Elena whimpers while tugging on my arm. Her fear is palpable in the tremble of her voice. “Please, don’t give me to him. You promised...”

  My features turn to stone, and I know she’s looking at me. As badly as I don’t want to hurt her, it’s either me or some other asshole in this room.

  “I told you not to talk,” I grit out under my breath and grip my glass a little tighter, forcing myself not to glance at her right now. She’s making me weak, so fucking weak, and I can’t be seen like that. Her fear will have to stay with her because I cannot console her here.

  As if she knows my resolve is close to shattering, she tugs on my arm once more.

  “You promised no one would hurt me.”

  Unable to hold it together a second longer, I let the cold, lifeless mask I wear when I’m away from her fall over my face.

  Turning toward her, I snap, “Say one more word, and something bad will happen to Marie.”

  Fear blazes in her eyes at the harshness of my words, and I push her feelings away, push her thoughts, wants, or needs to the back burner. Nothing else matters.

  Sucking her bottom lip into her mouth, she nods and casts her eyes down. She drops her hand from my arm, and her shoulders curl inward.

  It has to be this way. For her sake, and for mine.



  No matter how much I try to control my breathing, it feels like I’m suffocating. Panic has seized me and is refusing to let go. I hate this place, what it represents, and everyone inside it.

  These men, the way they look at me like I’m nothing more than a piece of meat they can buy. I can’t look at them directly, but I can see them watching me out of the corner of my eye, and I can feel their predatory gaze on me. Like dogs, they salivate, waiting for a bone. It surely doesn’t help me that I’m wearing a scrap of fabric for clothing. Julian wanted me exposed and vulnerable, and here I am.

  I think of Marie and his warning, and still, I can’t stop the panic from rising up. Even with her life hanging in the balance, I can’t comprehend him passing me off to someone else. God, was he serious? Is he going to sell me to that man? Is that why he hasn’t ta
ken my virginity yet? Maybe he is planning on selling it, or pimping me out? There is no way I could allow that, and yet, how would I stop him?

  Doing the best I can, I try to keep my eyes down but can’t help but let them wander around, feeling the need to be aware of my surroundings, and sensing danger nearby.

  With my trembling hand, I grab my glass and bring it to my dry lips. Just as the cool water hits my tongue, I look straight ahead, and my eyes find a set of familiar green ones.

  My father.

  My heart squeezes in my chest, and I find myself squirming against the seat, wanting to run to him. My father is really here. Julian’s grip on my thigh tightens, pulling my gaze from my father’s, and he leans over, his lips brushing against my ear.

  “Don’t even think about it–”

  “Julian!” Someone calls out, interrupting us. We both straighten up, but I lower my head again and find a spot in my lap to look at.

  “Aldo, it’s been a while,” Julian greets and shakes this Aldo guy’s hand.

  “And this must be the Romero girl. Maybe if I had seen her in person, I would have paid the ten million dollars you did.” He chuckles. “You know he offered me the same deal, but I didn’t think any pussy was worth that much. Now that she’s in front of me, I think maybe I made a mistake.”

  “Maybe you did.” Julian shrugs. “I can tell you she is well worth the price, though. A little inexperienced, but her pussy knows what to do.”

  “Mmm, just what I like to hear. So, what do you say, can I have her for a night? See for myself. Of course, I’ll compensate you accordingly, and I won’t break her too badly.”

  Bile rises up my throat, and I’m pretty sure I’m going to vomit. Why would Julian say something like that? Act as if we’ve slept together already. Why is he acting like I’m nothing but a piece of flesh? The questions build, right along with my anxiety.

  “You’re not the first to ask today.”

  “Interesting, maybe we can set up a private party? Get some of the guys together and share her? Fuck, we both know Romero will lose his shit. We could even send him a video after, he’d enjoy that.”


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