Yet, I actually see a silver lining.
You see, I lost two loved ones in the UCD attack. Then, in the so-called Great Disappearance, the woman I hoped to marry vanished. She had recently become a Christian. And not just someone who said off the cuff that she was Christian. No, whatever happened to change her to become one, was a serious, deep, professing faith. She had declared Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior. Because she was new at this, she’d only just begun to read the Bible, but that little she’d read, she stood on as foundational. She believed it and had begun to do what it said.
Why do I think that it was those “in Christ” who vanished? Because another woman I knew who was serious about her faith as well, literally disappeared as I shook her hand. She had a testimony of deliverance from a lifestyle that had claimed her. As she told it, only Jesus could have set her free.
As I’ve looked further into the phenomenon of the Great Disappearance, I’ve found that every single person caught up in it was a follower of Jesus Christ. And here’s a question for all of you reading this: Do any of you consider yourselves Christians, or are all of you unbelievers?
Now, you may say, as some of you have previously mocked, “Come on, Smiley, you’re imagining things and going places in your speculations that have no place in this blog. Let it go and get on with life.”
To that I tell you, “Not a chance.”
This has been too life altering for me. I’ve found the person who wrote anonymously seeking help because she was trapped in a situation beyond her control and brainwashed to believe a lie. I’ve spoken to her and she’s painfully remembered some of this. She was held captive by people with an evil agenda, but the bondage of her situation has been loosed. I have hope in this new relationship.
More importantly, I’ve begun reading the Bible that my future fiancé left behind. I don’t understand it all. To date, I can’t claim to be a Christian. Regardless, I’m seeking, and I have an inner hope, that at some point I’ll find an answer.
Perhaps the answer will find me.
The world is growing darker. I see it. Lawlessness is increasing. It’s like a light switch was turned off, and darkness has flooded the world. I guess with such drastic actions taken by wicked people who would kill millions given the chance, what other outcome could there be?
Through it all, because of what I’m learning from the Bible, I see that God is all-powerful, all-knowing, and present everywhere throughout His creation. More importantly, I just learned that he loves me!
Posted by Smiley at 10:52 AM. - Comments [1]
#1 We’re watching you. Your time is short. We know who you are, Jason Ruger. You cannot hide behind the anonymity of this blog. Our people are everywhere. Our cause is righteous and just beginning. Enjoy your life while you can.
- M.
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Gary W. Ritter is a lay pastor, Bible teacher, and serves as Missions Director at his church. He is also a prolific author. His Whirlwind Series is comprised of three books: Sow the Wind, Reap the Whirlwind, and There Is A Time. These books are contained in the collected volume of the Whirlwind Omnibus. Gary has been given the Christian Redemptive Fiction award for two novels: The Tattooed Cat and Alien Revelation. He has recently released Looking Up – Volume 3, a non-fiction work that contains essays and devotions on end-times and prophetic events. Gary’s intent in all his writings is to bring a strong Christian witness to what people read. You can reach him at his website: or his Facebook Author page: You can also see his video Bible teachings on his Gary Ritter YouTube channel – look for the fish symbol.
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