Douluo Dalu: Volume 40: Beginning of the War

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Douluo Dalu: Volume 40: Beginning of the War Page 12

by Tang Jia San Shao

  Grandmaster looked towards Ning Fengzhi,

  “School master Ning, what do you suggest?”

  Ning Fengzhi smiled slightly:

  “Little San has recovered, so we better listen to him first. This world already belongs to young heroes like these.”

  Hearing Ning Fengzhi say this, Grandmaster’s rigid face couldn’t help showing a faint smile. To him, Tang San was undoubtedly the greatest pride of his life, even more glorious than his position as State Preceptor. When he heard Ning Fengzhi praise Tang San, Grandmaster hardly concealed his happiness. Being without children of his own, Tang San was his child.

  Grandmaster’s gaze turned to Tang San, smiling faintly:

  “Then little San, tell us, do you have any good plans?”

  Tang San pondered:

  “At present I seem to have two ways.”


  Everyone else couldn’t help staring shocked at Tang San. These last days they’d always been considering it from different angles, but without getting any good ideas. Tang San had only just recovered, and had actually straight up told them he had two plans to solve the problem without even asking what had happened over the last days.

  Tang San stood:

  “Teacher, school master Ning, all seniors. What teacher said is correct, a frontal confrontation is definitely unwise. Jialing Pass is easily guarded but hard to attack, causing us too many losses. Forcing the attack would very possibly turn this pass into a meatgrinder. Bibi Dong was seriously injured in the last battle, and by my expectations she won’t appear on the field again within half a month. But she can still give orders. I think that no matter what method we use to draw them out, the Spirit Empire won’t easily take the field. Of my two methods, the first possesses a certain degree of risk. Everyone here are on the same side, and all seniors are very familiar with us Shrek Seven Devils. Among us seven, my second brother Oscar’s original name at Shrek Academy was Sausage Monopoly. And now he is already a food type Spirit Douluo past rank eighty. Among the many sausages his spirit can produce, the third spirit ring ability is known as Swift Flight Mushroom Sausage. With Oscar’s current strength, the flying mushroom sausages he makes can allow anyone to fly for ten minutes, at a speed that at least equals an early level Phoenix Tailed Crested Serpent. That is already a considerable speed. After it produced, the Flying Mushroom Sausage is effective if used within ten days. In ten days, if my second brother has everyone’s help, he should be able to produce at least twenty thousand flying mushroom sausages. If used on my Tang Army, every man can have two sausages. If my Tang Army suddenly takes to the air while the army assaults the front and attacks the enemy spirit masters on the walls of Jialing Pass, it will inevitably be quite effective. Two flying mushroom sausages is enough for every Tang Army soldier to fly into the air, fire the Godly Zhuge Crossbows three times, and return to the formation.”

  Listening to Tang San, everyone’s gazes instantly focused on Oscar, their eyes brightening at the same time. Tang San’s idea was undoubtedly brazen and imaginative, but thinking carefully, in theory it should be quite workable.

  Grandmaster nodded:

  “This is a very good suggestion. If it’s done appropriately, we can definitely give the Spirit Empire spirit masters another big surprise.”

  Tang San said:

  “But, this method also has risks. First of all, our Godly Zhuge Crossbow bolts will be fired into the walls, and will be very difficult to retrieve. Three volleys will waste forty eight thousand crossbow bolts, more than a quarter of our entire supply. Second, after our Tang Army flies into the air, they will definitely become moving targets. Even though the Godly Zhuge Crossbows has excellent range, spirit masters over rank sixty specializing in ranged attacks will still very easily be able to attack. Plus the fortress ballistae, the Tang Army might suffer very large losses. Best is if the spirit master legion is thrown in with a full scale attack. Only like this will our attack have its greatest effect, and the losses kept at a minimum.”

  Listening to Tang San, everyone nodded one after another. At present, this was the best plan they had heard.

  However, Tang San very quickly surprised them again,

  “My second method is comparatively safer. That is for me alone to destroy the enemy’s defenses as far as possible.”

  “Everyone probably saw my fight with Bibi Dong that day. Relying on the Seagod Trident, Jialing Pass’ solid walls are nothing. As long as I have enough time, I can even completely level their defenses with the ground. My second plan is for me to attack Jialing Pass’ defenses at close range while protected by all you seniors. I believe I can destroy faster than they can rebuild. Doing it this way will not only likely draw out the enemy spirit master legion to attack, but at the same time also pave the way for our future main attack.”

  At this point, Tang San paused, his eyes flashing,

  “Of course, in my opinion, the best way is to use these two methods at the same time. To us, Bibi Dong’s injuries is a rare opportunity.”

  Silence. The entire tent sank into silence. Each person thought deeply, their brains moving swiftly, calculating all kinds of possibilities.

  Tang San sat back down in his seat. His two plans wasn’t something he came up with on the spot, he had already thought it over on the way to Jialing Pass. He couldn’t command an army, but with his agile mind, as a control type spirit master he could still think of the best way to apply the power of spirit masters.

  After a full half stick of incense of time, Grandmaster sharply stood from his seat, drawing everyone’s eyes. He looked towards Tang San,

  “Little San, let’s go. Come with me to see His Majesty.”

  Without question, everyone also saw that after Grandmaster had carefully calculated, he was completely convinced by Tang San’s proposal.

  Only Oscar had a bitter expression, looking miserably at Tang San. Tang San laughed in spite of himself:

  “Little Ao, it seems you’d better start making sausages now. Rongrong, stay with little Ao. Work in secret, the faster the better. Twenty thousand sausages, not one less. The faster you move, the sooner we can launch the attack. Our greatest opportunity is while Bibi Dong is gone.”


  Seven days later, in front of Jialing Pass, the battlefield that had stood silent for several days was bustling once again. This time The Heaven Dou Empire’s million man army was fully mobilized. The fastest light cavalry, the solid heavy cavalry and heavy infantry, as well as large numbers of regular infantry, were all arrayed in formation, gradually advancing. Even though the numbers were enormous, they still neatly slowly pushed forward in units of legions.

  On the walls of Jialing Pass, standing in the main position in place of Bibi Dong was astonishingly Hu Liena. Hu Liena had been appointed from sickbed. Bibi Dong had been unconscious for a full seven days after the last engagement, and after she woke up she immediately sent orders for Hu Liena, who at the time was in charge of the Spirit Empire’s army supplies, to take over her position, defending with all strength. As the Spirit Empire’s previous Spirit Hall Holy Maiden, Hu Liena had an extremely high position among all the spirit masters related to Spirit Hall. Adding that she was Bibi Dong’s personal disciple, even though it wasn’t enough to attack, it was plenty to defend the walls.

  Right now Hu Liena stood on top of the walls, at the head of five Title Douluo, with a serious expression attentively watching the millions of soldiers slowly approaching Jialing Pass, frowning deeply.

  That was an army of millions! Even though the battle still hadn’t begun, the intangible pressure from such an army still made it hard to breathe.

  Bibi Dong and two severely injured Title Douluo were still gone. After all, not many possessed Tang San’s recovery capability, and their injuries were even more severe than Tang San’s. Even though Bibi Dong’s recovery ability was also very strong, unfortunately, this time it was her soul that was wounded. Tang San’s attack was an extremely heavy blow to her, and injuri
es to the soul could only be slowly restored with time. The half a month Tang San gave for her to recover was originally a conservative estimate. In fact, after Bibi Dong woke from seven days of unconsciousness and gave a series of orders, she had fallen back into unconsciousness. It was only in the last two days that her condition had taken a turn for the better.

  “Holy maiden, no need to worry. The Heaven Dou Empire is just acting strong. If they really do dare attack, we’ll teach them a harsh lesson. The Angel Legion has already finished preparations, and even though the Sacred Dragon Legion took great losses, the remainder are still elites. Our spirit masters still number more than fourteen thousand, more than twice that of the enemy.”

  The speaker was a Title Douluo next to Hu Liena. Listening to him, Hu Liena slowly shook her head,

  “No, the Heaven Dou Empire shouldn’t be blustering this time. Please watch, even though that special troop you mentioned previously are somewhat to the rear of the formation, they’re all filled with a murderous aura. If it’s just a token threat, they absolutely wouldn’t appear like this. Also, the Heaven Dou Empire troops furthest ahead all give me the same kind of feeling. Pass on my orders, prepare the whole army. Very possibly, the Heaven Dou Empire is taking advantage of my teacher’s injuries to launch their main attack. At the same time, pass on my orders to cut the four drawbridges. That will block the Heaven Dou Empire from sending experts to forcing them open. Move the whole Sacred Dragon Legions up on the walls, keep the Angel Legion at level one readiness within the walls. Prepare for battle.”


  Possessing the Deathgod Domain just like Tang San, Hu Liena at this moment fully revealed her killing intent, showing her strong side before all the high officers and first rate spirit masters.

  [1] Aunt - To be precise, Tang San addresses her as “teacher’s wife” (师母)


  Translator: Blue Silver Translation

  Epub: Estevam / dotNOVEL




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