Wanted (The Dare to Dream Series Book 1)

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Wanted (The Dare to Dream Series Book 1) Page 7

by Jennifer Kittredge

  “Kate, I hope you don’t mind but I made reservations for us to stay the night tonight at the HarborView Inn. We also have reservations at Magnolia’s at seven thirty this evening, if you’re up for it.”

  I actually lost the ability to speak for a minute. This man, this thoughtful, amazingly handsome man, cruised me up to Charleston and made arrangements for us to stay.

  “Kate, hello?” He smirked.

  “I’m sorry Ryan, it’s just been so long since someone has done something nice for me. I don’t know what to say.”

  “Say you’ll stay and enjoy this time with me.”

  I blushed, “I’ll stay. I want nothing more than to stay and enjoy this time with you. Thank you.” Ryan took my hand across the table and squeezed it softly. We fell into a comfortable silence as we ordered lunch. We decided on a bottle of wine with our meal. Since we were off on a mini vacay, we thought, why not? Ryan didn’t have to be back to work until Thursday night, so we had all the next day in Charleston before we had to cruise back. Part of me honestly felt like I was living a dream. How did I stumble upon this amazing man? How was I ever going to say goodbye to him? I pushed the thought from my mind. I didn’t want to go there right now. It would be hard enough when the time came. I wanted to savor every moment I had with him.

  “Ryan, I just realized I don’t have any clothes with me. I had no idea we’d be staying out for two nights.”

  “No need to worry, beautiful, I’ve got you covered. Susan snuck into your room and packed a bag for you.”

  “What? Susan? She’s in on this?” I gasped.

  Ryan chuckled, “Well, yes, she is. Kate, Susan’s my mom.”

  “Are you kidding me?” I whispered.

  “No, Kate. I’m not kidding you. Susan’s my mom. She’s Emily’s grandmother and the one my boat is named after.”

  “Oh, my God, Ryan, what must she think of me? I feel like such an ass. She probably thinks I am the worst woman in the world.”

  Tears welled up in my eyes. I was mortified.

  “Kate, my mom absolutely adores you. From the minute you stumbled into the Inn, she said there was something about you. My mom does not judge, Kate. She knows life is not often fair. She hasn’t seen me this happy in a very long time, so she was more than willing to be in on my little plan.”

  “Ryan, I…I don’t know what will become of all of this. I don’t want either of you to hate me, whatever happens.”

  “Kate, I know what I’ve gotten myself into. If I only get a few days of happiness with you and never see you again, it will all have been worth it. You have reignited something inside me. Something I thought was long gone. I will take what I can get and wait patiently for whatever it is you decide after you get through all this. I know you have a long, difficult road ahead of you. I am willing to wait for you, whatever you decide.”

  God, the man was unbelievable. How on earth did I get so lucky? I took his hand in mine across the table and squeezed tight.

  “I can’t make you any promises, Ryan. I can only give you what I have to give at this moment. I don’t know where I am going to end up after I divorce Daniel, but right now, with you is where I want to be. I want to be present in this moment and enjoy the few remaining days we have together.”

  “That’s all I ask, Kate.”

  Tears spilled over and ran down my cheeks. They weren’t necessarily sad tears but rather tears of happiness and sadness. Happiness for this man who made me feel so unbelievably special, and sadness because I had no idea if I would ever see him again after Thursday morning.

  “Oh, beautiful, don’t cry. Just enjoy this time. Whatever happens, we’ll both get through this, okay?”

  “Okay,” I whispered.

  With full bellies, we walked to our hotel. Ryan checked us in and was told our bags were already upstairs waiting for us. As we approached the door to our room, I felt a little apprehensive. I wasn’t sure know why because this man had seen every single part of me. Ryan opened the door to the most beautiful room. The views were breathtaking from two balconies that looked over the harbor. I couldn’t contain my excitement. I opened the door to the outside space and let the fresh air and smell of the sea overtake my senses. Ryan came up behind me. He wrapped his arms around me from behind and put his chin on top of my head.

  “I want you to enjoy every moment of this, beautiful. No second guessing. Just live in this moment and let yourself be really present, okay?”

  “Okay,” I whispered.

  We stood like that for a long time, just the two of us, taking in the breathtaking view. The level of my contentment was absolutely off the charts. I turned slowly to look at Ryan.

  “Thank you for all of this. Truly. You have given me more happiness in the last few days than I have had in years.”

  “I like seeing you happy, Kate. Your eyes sparkle when you are happy. I would make them sparkle forever if I could.”

  With that, he lowered his head and kissed me tenderly. The kiss deepened as I leaned into him. Honestly, I couldn’t get enough of this man. If I were honest with myself, I would never say goodbye to him on Thursday morning, but I couldn’t let that thought into my reality. I’d promised to be in the moment. We continued to kiss, and he lifted me gently into his arms. I wrapped my legs around his waist as our kiss intensified. Ryan walked us over to the bed without ever breaking our kiss. He laid me down gently and my body ached when his mouth left mine.

  “Beautiful, I’m going to make love to you right now. Soft, sweet love to you, understand?”

  “Yes.” I was breathless.

  Ryan climbed slowly on top of me as his mouth found mine again. He caressed me tenderly and unbuttoned my shirt. It was almost painful how slow and sweet he was going. He slid my shirt down my arms and unfastened my bra. That, too, slid off me easily. Ryan took his mouth from mine and made his way down my neck. Taking his time, he covered every inch of my neck on his way down to my breast. My nipples were erect, so erect they were almost painful. He took one of them into his mouth and licked and sucked.

  “Oh, Ryan, that feels so good. Don’t stop…”

  I could feel the curve of the smile on his lips as he feasted on my breasts. He made his way to my other breast, devouring it, while he pinched my other nipple with his two fingers. I could feel the pool of moisture between my legs. This man totally undid me. Ryan made his way down my stomach, taking his time, lapping up every piece of me. He undid the button to my pants and slowly undid my zipper. I wanted him inside me, but I knew he was taking his time, slowly torturing me. Ryan slid my pants off and cupped my essence through my panties. He then took his nose and placed it right at my entrance and sniffed.

  “I love your scent, beautiful. It’s intoxicating.” He pushed my panties aside and slid two fingers inside me.

  “So wet for me, beautiful.”

  “Mmmmmmm,” I murmured.

  He slid his fingers in and out of me. I could feel myself building.

  “That’s it, Kate. Don’t hold anything back from me.”

  I could feel my rapid pulse at the very core of my being. Ryan’s tongue made its way to my clit. I came undone. He lapped me up with his tongue, then made his way up my body, stopping at each breast to ravish it. His mouth found mine again. I have never tasted anything so sensual in all my life. It was a mixture of him and me. I loved the flavor. I felt the head of Ryan’s cock at my entrance and I’d never wanted anything more in my entire life.

  “Ready, beautiful?”

  “Yes, I’ve never been more ready.”

  With that, he entered me slowly. When his fullness filled me, I felt complete. Slowly, he made his way in and out of me, his lips never leaving my mouth. Ryan’s pace began to quicken, and his thrusts became more powerful. I took each thrust, yearning for more, mesmerized by what this man could do to me. I was building again. Every cell in my being was buzzing and on high alert. I was so close to letting myself explode again.

  “That’s it, baby,” Ryan whispered in m
y ear. “Look at me when you come, Kate. I want to see you when let go.”

  “Oh, Ryan, I can’t hold on much longer.”

  “Let go, beautiful. I’m right there with you.”

  It was then I let myself soar, never breaking eye contact with this magnificent man. He let himself go, too, as we stared into each other’s eyes, I knew something special and unspoken had just passed between us. I was falling in love with him. I didn’t know how I would let him go but knew I had to.

  Chapter Fifteen

  We napped for a few hours before Ryan woke me to get ready for dinner. I was so comfortable in bed, I didn’t want to get out.

  “Come on, beautiful, you’ve slept enough. I’ve got a fun night planned for us.”

  I got out of bed begrudgingly and made my way to the bathroom to shower. The water was warm as I slid in. I let it roll over me, coaxing me out of my slumber. I felt Ryan standing in front of me as I peered out of my semi-closed eyes up at him. He smiled that devilishly handsome smile and my heart skipped a beat.

  “Turn around,” he coaxed.

  I did as he asked. I felt his hands in my hair, gently massaging of my scalp. Ryan was washing my hair.

  “Mmmmmmmm,” I murmured.

  “Feel good?”

  “Yes, it feels wonderful. Don’t stop.”

  He chuckled and continued his ministrations to my scalp. He leaned down and kissed me behind my left ear.

  “I can’t get enough of you, Kate.”

  All I could do was sigh. I couldn’t get enough of him, either. I had never been this insatiable before. He had awakened a piece of me I didn’t even know existed. The pulse between my legs was climbing as Ryan continued to kiss my neck, my shoulders, and down my left arm. He brought my fingers up to his mouth and sucked on each one of them as he turned me to face him. My desire was thick. My wanting was undeniable.

  He released my hand, taking my mouth in his. I willingly opened for him. Our tongues danced in each other’s mouths as the urgency within us built. Ryan tore his lips from mine and made his way to my breasts. He ravished each one of them, never neglecting one for the other. My nipples were erect with desire. I cried out as he bit down gently on one of them. The pain was a ‘hurt so good’ kind of pain. I didn’t want him to stop. Ryan continued his pain and pleasure on my nipples and I could feel myself building. “Ryan…oh, my God, please,” I begged.

  “Please what?” he teased.

  “Please…I want you inside me.”

  “Do you now, beautiful?”


  “Well, let’s see what we can do about that, then.”

  Ryan lifted me up and slid me onto his hard shaft. A low growl escaped me. He found my mouth and claimed me. As always, I opened easily for him. He thrust into me over and over again. I was building quickly and about to explode. Huge rockets of desire coursed through my body as Ryan came with me. I don’t know how I would leave this man. At the thought, a sob escaped me.

  “Hey there, beautiful. What’s wrong? Did I hurt you?”

  “No, no it’s not that. But I haven’t been this happy in a very long time. I don’t know how I am going to leave on Thursday. It’s going to hurt, Ryan. I don’t want to go.”

  “I know. It’s going to hurt like hell, Kate, but right now, I want us to enjoy the time we have left together. Let’s be in the moment and not think about Thursday. We have so little time left, I want to enjoy every minute of it.”

  “Me too,” I whispered.

  “Then let’s get ready for dinner. We have an amazing night ahead of us.”

  With that, we shut off the shower, dried off, and proceeded to get ready. Ryan had thought of everything. He even had Susan pick up a beautiful black cocktail dress with red strappy heels for this evening, complete with gold earrings and gold bangle bracelets. I was overcome with gratitude. The last time someone put me first was…well, I couldn’t recall. Daniel had never really put me first. Our life had always consisted of us working on his goals so that he could achieve them. I had put my life aside so that I could support him and raise our children. God, how many other women lost themselves for the sake of others? Too many to count, probably.

  I quickly shook the thoughts from my head. I promised to be in the moment and would be in the moment and enjoy the short time I had with Ryan. I didn’t know what life would be like when I returned to Tampa, but for right now, I wasn’t thinking about it. I finished applying my makeup and walked out of the bathroom, then stopped in my tracks as Ryan came into my view. Damn, he looked amazing. He wore a suit jacket and white button-down shirt with jeans and a pair of loafers. He was a mighty fine site.

  “Wow,” he said, as I stepped toward him, “you are absolutely stunning, Kate.”

  I blushed. I didn’t know why, but I felt a little shy. He took me in his arms and kissed me. “Ready?”

  “Yes,” I replied. “I’m ready.”

  “Good, let’s go before I take that dress off you and we never leave.”

  I giggled.

  He took my hand as we made our way out of the hotel. I paused as I noticed the horse and carriage waiting outside.

  “Your chariot awaits, my lady.”

  “Oh, Ryan! Seriously?” I squealed.


  He helped me into the carriage. I sat there, dumbstruck, and took it all in. We toured the city for an hour, listening to the history of Charleston while sightseeing from our carriage. It was absolutely perfect. The carriage dropped us off at Magnolia’s, where Ryan had made reservations. We were ushered to our table in a quiet corner of the restaurant. Ryan ordered us a bottle of wine and asked if he could do the honors of ordering our dinner. I obliged and he spoke with our server and settled on our meals. The wine was poured, and Ryan raised his glass.

  “A toast. To the most amazing last few days with the most amazing woman I have ever known. Thank you for walking into my life a few short days ago.”

  We clinked glasses and sipped our wine and talked and laughed. I was so comfortable with him. Our dinner came, and I was not disappointed. We both had the cedar plank salmon and shared a side of artichokes au gratin. My senses were in absolute overload. Everything was delicious. The night couldn’t be any more perfect. It was nearly ten when we made our way out of the restaurant. We walked along the streets of Charleston, holding hands, in a comfortable silence.

  “Want to go for a nightcap?” Ryan asked.

  “I’d love to.”

  We walked along in comfortable silence and found a little cafe that served wine. We sat at the bar and each ordered a glass of Chardonnay.

  “This has honestly been the best few days of my life, Kate. Thank you.”

  “Same for me, Ryan. I didn’t know I could experience happiness like this.”

  “Me either. It’s been a long time since I’ve felt truly happy and content. In a matter of days, I feel both things and more because of you. I know your life is complicated right now, Kate. I respect that. I won’t put any pressure on you, but I want you in my life. I can’t imagine a life without you.”

  “Ryan”—tears welled in my eyes—“we weren’t going to do this tonight. I can’t make you any promises right now. I feel so much for you. It scares me, but I have to take care of my life in Tampa. I have to get that all sorted out before I can give myself to you wholly. It’s not fair to you to wait for me, Ryan. You deserve more.”

  “I’ll wait for however long it takes, Kate. Until you come back to me or tell me you don’t want me. I’ll wait.”

  “You’re too much, Ryan. Where were you twenty-four years ago?” I smiled through my tears.

  “The night’s not over, beautiful, and we still have all day tomorrow. Ready to head back?”

  “Not really. I feel like the more steps I take toward tomorrow, the closer I am to leaving you. My heart hurts, Ryan. It physically hurts. Thursday will be the hardest day of my life. I thought walking in on Daniel with another woman was the hardest day I ever had, but I know th
at’s not true. Leaving you is.”

  He leaned over and kissed me softly.

  “Let’s get out of here, beautiful. I want to make love to you and hold you in my arms tonight.” How could I resist? Ryan paid the tab and we walked back to our hotel. I loved how I felt with his arm around me. He made me feel safe and adored, as though I was someone special. We entered our room and went out onto the balcony. The air was cool. Ryan wrapped his arms around me from behind. We stood there for a long time, me resting my head on his shoulder, his arms encircling me, in comfortable silence. Lights flickered off the water. I loved watching them dance.

  “This time with you has been perfect, Kate.”

  He kissed me behind my right ear and traced his lips down my neck and onto my shoulder. He took the strap of my dress and slowly lowered it down my arm. Softly, he kissed my shoulder, then moved around to the back of my neck and to my other shoulder, where he took the strap of my dress and moved it slowly down my arm. He slid my dress down so my breasts were exposed, his lips never leaving my skin. My nipples were completely erect from the cool breeze and Ryan’s touch. He turned me around to face him and kissed me hard.

  There was an urgency in his kiss, a claiming. I kissed him back with as much urgency, knowing we only had tonight and tomorrow. I never wanted to let him go but knew in my heart of hearts I couldn’t keep him. Ryan tore his mouth from mine and moved it to my breasts. I didn’t really care if anyone could see us from the balcony. I only cared about him, right there, right then. He devoured my breasts. By now, I was a puddle. He slid my dress slowly down the rest of my body so I was exposed before him.


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