Salamanca, Spain, 33, 40–41, 43, 55, 147, 293, 311
Salaya, Sancho, 243
San Antonio (Magellan’s ship), 234
San Martin island, 44
San Pietro in Montorio church, Rome, 144, 160
San Pietro in Vincoli church, Rome, 157
San Salvador, 18
San Sebastián de los Reyes, Spain, 185
Sanchez, Juan, 97
Sancroy, 185
Sangallo, Giuliano da, 154
Sanlúcar de Barrameda, Spain, 112, 185, 235, 240
Santa Cruz island, 44
Santa Gloria, Jamaica, 101–11, 124
Santa Maria (Columbus’s ship), 14, 45
Santa Maria de la Concepción, 18
Santa Maria la Antigua, 44
Santa Maria la Redonda, 44
Santangel, Luis de, 26
Santiago de Palos (Columbus’s ship). See Bermuda (Columbus’s ship)
Santistevan, Jerome de, 250
Santo (also known as Gallega; Columbus’s ship), 77, 83, 95, 96, 99
Santo Domingo, Hispaniola, 56, 57, 62, 103, 164, 313
Columbus’s last days in, 111–12
Columbus’s re-internment in cathedral in, 312–13
Gothic cathedral in, 312, 313
Hernando in (1509), 117–24, 126–27
injunction (1502) against Columbus to not land on, 81–83, 124
Santo Domingo de la Calzada, Spain, 185
Sanuto, Marin, 220–22, 223, 265, 270, 285–86
Satyricon (Latin novel), 142
Saxo, Grammaticus, 202
scholars (sumistas), at Biblioteca Hernandina, 254, 255, 268, 269, 288
scholastics, medieval, 64, 121
Scotland, Auld Alliance with, 196
Sebosus, Statius, 296
security system, at Biblioteca Hernandina, 3, 286, 318–19
Segovia, Spain, 191–92, 233
Selim I, Sultan, 196, 218
Seneca, 64, 69, 74, 148, 190, 242
Septem mirabilia (Albertini), 140
Sevilla la Nueva, Jamaica, 135
Seville, Spain, 1, 43, 47, 64, 135, 195, 258, 311, 324
Aprile de Carona sculpture in, 262
booksellers in, 22, 133, 136, 288, 314, 316
cartographers and mapmakers in, 190, 250–51
Cartuja de las Cuevas in, 64, 260, 261, 264, 312, 318
Casa de Contratación in, 188–89, 190, 244, 269, 270, 273, 328
Cathedral in, 6–7, 326–27
Columbus’s grave at Capilla de Santa Ana in, 260, 312, 324–25
Hernando’s building of home and library in, 1, 259–62, 260, 262, 273, 311, 323
Hernando’s gardens in, 2, 3, 148, 262–64, 262, 323
map and images of, 260, 262
monastery of San Pablo in, 326
New World plants in, 264
Puerta de Goles (Hercules Gate) in, 259, 260, 260
Sforza, Francesco II, Duke of, 273
sharks, 94–95
Ship of Fools (Brant), 207
Ship of St. Reynuit (Ship of Mismanagement) (print), 130
Siculus, Lucius Marinaeus, 296–97
sign system (hieroglyphs), 3, 5, 228–30, 228, 240, 321
Silóe, Gil, 33
Siqueira, Diego Lopes de, 251
Sistine Chapel, Rome, 141, 153, 154–55
Sixtus IV, Pope, 150, 153
slave trade, 46, 47–48, 135–36, 309, 312
Solomon, King, 67, 71, 100
Badajoz conference and, 243–52, 253
Capitulaciones de Santa Fe (1492) with Columbus and, 21, 55, 56, 112, 300, 310
“clean blood” (limpia sangre) concept in, 35, 36
death of Philip the Fair (1506) and, 125
double marriage with House of Habsburg and, 53–54
expulsion of Jews from, 16–17, 72, 106–07
Hernando’s Description of Spain on, 6, 179–81, 183–88, 189, 191, 193, 216, 238, 239, 248, 264, 266, 269, 329
Hernando’s time at royal court in, 32–43, 46, 48, 50, 52–53
Italian wars and, 53, 55, 153, 156, 196, 252, 273, 292
Peace of Cambrai (1529) and, 292
Reconquista completion (1492) and, 16–17, 72
royal officials in, 34–35
Tordesillas Treaty (1492) between Portugal and, 63, 127, 174–75, 189–90, 241, 244, 249, 253, 300
Treaty of Zaragoza (1529) and, 252
union under Ferdinand and Isabella, 14, 21–22
universal library as memory bank needed for, 276
see also Castile; Seville
Spanish empire
atrocities of the conquistadors/settlers and, 135–36, 310, 326
capture of Tunis (1536) and, 288
Casa de Contratación in Seville and, 188–89, 190, 244, 269, 270, 273, 328
colonial rivalry between Portugal and, 30–31, 63, 174–75, 189–90, 241, 243–52, 270, 272
Columbus’s expansion of, 18–20, 29–31
de Lugo’s capture of Tenerife (1495) and, 46
encomienda system and, 135–36, 137
Inquisition funding of exploration by, 17
Papal bulls on “discovered” territories and, 30, 244
see also New World
spice trade, 174, 189–90, 244
spider monkeys, 93, 122
Studium Urbis (university), Rome, 147–49, 164
Strabo, 25, 245
Strasbourg, 283
street singers (cantastorie), 151
Suda (medieval encyclopedia), 124
Suetonius, 147, 164, 168, 169, 268
Suleiman, Sultan, 218, 284
sumistas (scholars), at Biblioteca Hernandina, 254, 255, 268, 269, 288
Swift, Jonathan, 90
systems of ordering knowledge see knowledge, ordering and organizing of
Table of Authors and Sciences (catalogue), Biblioteca Hernandina, 319, 320–22
Tacitus, 301
Taino people, 111, 121
on Hispaniola, 36, 46, 49–52, 62, 70, 83, 84, 86, 264
on Isla Mona, 134–35
on Jamaica, 103, 104, 105, 106–09, 110, 135
Tempietto chapel, Rome, 142, 144
Tenochtitlan, 202, 202, 233–34
Testera, Jacobo de, 135, 288
Thomism, 41
Till Eulenspiegel (German trickster), 207
Tissard, François, 133
Titian, 160
Toledo, María de (Hernando’s sister-in-law), 126, 128, 285, 293, 326
Tordesillas, Treaty of (1492), 63, 127, 174–75, 189–90, 241, 244, 249, 253, 300
Torquemada, Tomás de, 17, 120
Torres, Antonio de, 42, 44, 47
Torres y Ávila, Juana de, 42
Toscanelli, Paolo dal Pozzo, 23–24, 182
Tostado, Alonso (El Tostado), 64, 70
Tragedies (Seneca), 190, 242
Trinidad, 60, 61
Tristan, Diego, 97, 99
Tristão da Cunha, 174
Trithemius, Johannes, 224, 302
Tunis, Conquest of (1536), 288
Two shipwrecked men clinging to the same plank (Weiditz), 237
Ulloa, Alfonso de, 337
Umayyad library, Córdoba, Spain, 287
universal library of all books concept, 3, 209, 276, 287, 303, 316, 327–28
Utopia (More), 224, 225–30, 228, 261, 292
Utopian alphabet, 227–28, 228, 269
Valla, Lorenzo, 208
Valladolid, Spain, 32–33, 55, 113, 189, 201, 234, 236, 310
Van der Weyden, Rogier, 197, 202
van Gorp, Johan, 204
Vasaeus, Jean, 281, 292, 311
Vatican, 137, 139, 142
Apostolic Palace and, 144–46, 154, 156
Archivio Segreto Vaticano in, 145, 150, 275
Cortile del Belvedere in, 153, 154
Raphael frescoes in, 170–71
Stanza della Segnatura in, 172
Vatican Library, 148, 150, 153, 171–73, 275,
Vázquez, Juan, 33
Venice, 6, 43, 153
book trade and, 137, 216, 222–23, 236, 314
diplomacy and, 221
election of Doge in, 219–20
Hernando’s collecting visits to, 216, 217–18, 220, 221, 223, 227, 231, 232, 236, 285
Ottoman threat to, 218–19
printing houses in, 197, 217, 222–23, 236
Sanuto’s documenting of, 220–22, 223, 265, 270, 285–86
the Sensa and, 217–18
Veragua region, Central America, 93–94, 95, 100–01, 127, 232
Vespucci, Amerigo, 56, 112, 128, 225
Vespucci, Juan, 244
Veteranus, Sebastianus, 148
Victoria (Magellan’s ship), 234–35
Vienna, siege of (1529), 284
Vignola dynasty, 118
Villalobos (agent), 296
Villegas, Pedro Ruiz de, 243
Virgin Islands, 271
Vives, Juan Luis, 292, 304–05
Vizcaína (Columbus’s ship), 84, 94, 99
Vocabulario (Hernando Colón), 6, 191–93, 233, 239, 242, 306
Vulgate Bible, 207, 208
Winebag and wheelbarrow (Weiditz), 290
Weiditz, Hans, 237, 290
William of Rubruck, 24
Wolgemut, Michael, 140
Wolsey, Cardinal Thomas, 194, 231, 290
Worms, Diet of (1521), 216, 217
Würzburg, 224, 302
Yumbe (Mayan translator), 91
Zacuto, Abraham, 106–07, 108, 120, 183
Zaiton (modern Quanzhou, China), 23
Zamora, Alonso de, 264
Zaragoza, Spain, 179, 191
Zaragoza, Treaty of (1529), 252
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Copyright © 2018 by Edward Wilson-Lee
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ISBN 978-1-9821-1139-7
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Endpapers: A page from Hernando’s main book register, including (at entry 2091) the entry for the Book of Prophecies that Hernando compiled with his father.
The Catalogue of Shipwrecked Books Page 42