Claimed By The Babymaker (Kyrzon Breeding Auction Book 2)

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Claimed By The Babymaker (Kyrzon Breeding Auction Book 2) Page 2

by Luna Voss

  My stomach feels like lead. I stare at the floor in front of me, waiting numbly for the auction worker to tell us about how this sacrifice is our highest duty, and how every human on the planet is grateful to us.

  “But,” she continues, “it is your sacrifice that guarantees the safety of New Sutter, and that allows our way of life to continue. Everyone has a duty. Some work the fields, some tend the animals, and some are destined to be sold at auction. By appearing here today, you are performing your highest duty, and doing so admirably. On behalf of every human living on the Planet Kyrzon, I thank you. Every single one of us is in your debt.”

  Nobody reacts as the auction worker finishes her speech. We’ve all heard it before, repeatedly.

  “I’m going to lead each of you to your dressing room, where you will change into your auction clothes,” the worker tells us. “You will remain there until I knock on your door, at which point I will take you to the auction block. You will be given further instructions once you have been purchased.”

  I raise my hand. “Which one of us is going to be sold first?” I ask, my voice shaking.

  The auction worker’s practiced demeanor slips for just a moment, and she looks at me with what seems to be a measure of compassion.

  “The order in which you will be auctioned off will be chosen at random,” she tells me. “I’m sorry, that’s all I can say.” She addresses the group. “Now, if you’ll all come with me, I’ll take you to your dressing rooms. Leave your personal items here. They’ll be returned to you after the auction.”

  We follow her in silence back down the hallway.

  Chapter Four

  “Your auction clothes are on the counter,” says the worker, opening the door to my dressing room and gesturing me inside. “You’ll have a little bit of time to get dressed before the auction. I’ll come back to get you when it’s your turn to be sold.”

  I nod meekly and step into the small dressing room. The auction worker nods back at me, all business, and then closes the door behind her. I hear her footsteps disappearing down the hallway.

  Well, fuck, this is really happening.

  I’m really about to be sold.

  There’s a little bundle of fabric on the counter in front of the mirror. My “auction clothes,” apparently. I unwrap the bundle, and I’m horrified to discover that it’s one single piece of clothing that barely looks big enough to keep me decent. It’s just a tight, light-colored bodysuit. Thin, and undeniably skimpy. I’ve worn swimsuits that covered more.

  I grimace, feeling a pit in my stomach at the idea of wearing this in front of other people.

  Not just other people. A crowd of huge, boorish Kyrzons who all want to buy me.

  I don’t know what to do. I feel so trapped. I know I can’t stay here in New Sutter, but I don’t want to be a Kyrzon Bride, either. And at this point, it’s too late for me to do anything but go along with the auction process. No one in Human Territory would accept a Bride who ran away from her duty.

  All I can do is keep moving forward.

  And so with trembling hands, I strip off my clothes and stand naked in the dressing room, alone with my reflection in the mirror.

  “You are strong,” I tell my reflection, willing myself to believe it. “You are strong, and you can handle this.”

  The short, curvy blond girl in the mirror looks back at me, scared, but determined.

  I slip into the bodysuit, and man, it’s just as revealing as I thought it would be. The thin material does nothing to hide the contours of my body. Every curve, every dimple, is perfectly on display. Even my nipples can be clearly seen, poking conspicuously through the fabric.

  Never in my life have I felt more like a sexual object than in this moment.

  And the really surprising part is, a certain part of me finds it thrilling.

  I did not expect that.

  But I also can’t deny it.

  Seeing myself in the mirror wearing such a suggestive garment causes me to think about myself in a way I never have before. Growing up, I always dressed conservatively, and avoided suggestive clothing. I never wanted my body to be on display. I was always deeply embarrassed at the idea of being seen that way.

  But despite the circumstances, and despite the absolute cavern that is continuing to grow in my stomach, what I’m wearing right now makes me feel sexy. It makes me feel desirable. When I look in the mirror, I see a full, womanly figure. The kind that any man would want to bear his children.

  The thought of bearing children brings a heat to my cheeks. Sure, I had a sexual education class in school, but it’s not like I have any actual experience. Being a Kyrzon Bride seriously limits your dating options growing up, and I never put any effort into relationships anyway. I’ve never even kissed a guy before.

  But my new husband is going to want to do a lot more than kiss. He’s going to want to make a baby with me. And I happen to know that the Kyrzons make babies in the exact same way that humans do.

  This train of thought should elicit revulsion. The idea of having sex with an alien is horrifying. Instead, I find myself tingling with a sudden arousal.

  Fucking hormones.

  Maybe I’ll just run away into the woods and get eaten by a raptor or a tusk-bear. As conflicted as I’m feeling right now, that almost seems like the easiest option. At least I won’t have to deal with getting up on stage in front of a group of Kyrzons and having them bid for me.

  As if to confirm my misgivings, I hear what sounds like muffled shouting coming through the wall. It sounds like a group of Kyrzons are yelling about something, presumably in the auction room.

  Great. So whenever it’s my turn, they’re going to be all riled up.

  I do my best to listen, but I can’t hear what they’re saying. Clearly something is going on, but I can’t make out what it is. Perhaps it’s normal for auctions to be noisy like this? It’s not like I have any idea what a typical auction looks or sounds like.

  Eventually, the yelling dies down. Is the auction over? I strain my ears listening, trying to tell what’s going on.

  My heart starts to beat at a rapid pace as I hear footsteps coming down the hall in my direction.

  Not me, I think to myself, crossing my fingers tightly. Please, let the footsteps just keep walking past my door. Just give me a little more time.

  The footsteps stop. My heart sinks as I hear a knock on my door.

  “Lily?” says the auction worker’s voice from the hall. “It’s time.”

  Chapter Five

  I follow the auction worker to a door at the end of the hall. My heart is absolutely racing now, and my breaths are starting to come in shallow gasps. We stop outside the door, and her face softens somewhat as she notices me trembling.

  “You’re going to be fine,” she tells me kindly. “You’re going to go out there, and all you have to do is listen to the auctioneer’s instructions. He’ll be leading things.”

  I swallow, my throat dry. I’ve been dreading this moment ever since I was 13 years old.

  The auction worker opens the door and waves me through it.

  I step out onto some kind of runway. It’s almost blindingly bright, with lights shining at me from seemingly all directions. I walk forward, squinting, and see steps leading up to a platform in front of me. My eyes still adjusting, I climb up onto it.

  As my vision gets used to the bright lights, I become aware of people all around me.

  Not people. Kyrzons.

  They’re everywhere. Filling the room, sitting at tables all around me. All of them at least 7 feet tall, with broad shoulders and bulging muscles.

  And every single lustful pair of eyes in the room is focused directly on me.

  I shiver, the attention making me feel both very self-conscious, and embarrassingly, very turned on.

  I had no idea that having so many men admire my body would make me feel like this.

  My nipples are poking uncomfortably through my bodysuit, and I know that the assembled warriors m
ust have quite the view. My “auction clothes” allow me zero room for modesty. I can feel my face growing hot at the idea of all these huge Kyrzons being able to see the outlines of my most private areas.

  I startle as a voice booms out from a speaker above my head. “Okay, warriors and warlords, it’s time to begin!” I look around me, and see a human man at a podium to my right holding a microphone. This must be the auctioneer.

  “This is Lily, our second tribute to be sold this Auction Day,” the auctioneer continues, gesturing to me. “Lily, dear, can you spin around and let these gentlemen get a better look at you?”

  I look back at him imploringly, my cheeks burning. Does he really want me to turn around and show myself off?

  The auctioneer makes a twirling motion with his fingers. “Just a little spin, dear,” he repeats.

  As if this situation couldn’t get any more embarrassing. Taking a deep breath and closing my eyes, I spin around in place on the auction block, returning to my original position as quickly as I can.

  “Good,” says the auctioneer, smiling. “Now the same thing again, only a little slower. We want to make sure everyone knows what they’re bidding on.”


  I start to spin around again, more slowly, feeling a little less awkward than the first time. I’m starting to get used to being on stage, or at least I’m starting to feel like I can be up here without wanting to throw up.

  Of course, my embarrassment ratchets up about 16 levels as I turn around, giving the audience a view of my rear end, and immediately hear dozens of Kyrzon men murmuring their approval.

  That’s enough to make anyone blush.

  And enough to send some very confusing tingles through my lower body, to my great consternation.

  I end my spin, turning to face the audience once again. I’m standing up straight now, no longer cowering and trying to make myself small. I’m here now, on the auction block. I might as well embrace it.

  “All right, warriors and warlords,” says the auctioneer. “You’ve all gotten a good look at this prime childbearing specimen. The bidding will now commence! Do I hear 500 power units?”

  I realize suddenly that I have no idea what a typical price for a Bride would be. Electrical energy is the only form of currency we use in New Sutter, and to me, 500 power units seems like a lot.

  But apparently, the warriors in the crowd think I’m worth more.

  “600!” one of them shouts. I glance over at him, and then down at the floor, unable to meet his eyes.

  “700!” growls another.

  “800!” a third Kyrzon at the back of the room yells.

  I keep my back straight and my head facing forward, but I can feel myself blushing furiously as the warriors bid for the right to claim me.

  “I’ll bid 1,000 for her!” shouts a tall alien near the front of the room.

  “1,200,” counters the first Kyrzon to place a bid for me. I look over at him again, and then quickly away, intimidated. He has a long, scraggly beard, and his face is covered in blue war paint. He looks tough and mean.

  Please, don’t let him win the auction, I find myself thinking. I don’t want to be purchased by any of these Kyrzons, but something about this one is particularly terrifying to me. There’s a look in his eyes as though he wants to eat me.

  ...And not in the sexy way.

  I shudder to think how he would treat me if he had me alone in his tent.

  As the warriors continue to bid, I allow my eyes to scan the crowd, trying to familiarize myself with the faces. Scraggly Beard Kyrzon is surrounded by other warriors wearing the same blue face paint, and I assume they must be part of the same clan. Next to him is a fierce-looking bald warrior, and on his other side is a very handsome younger Kyrzon, with no beard and long hair.

  I turn my gaze sharply to another section of the crowd as the handsome warrior meets my eyes. Suddenly, my knees feel just a little bit weak.

  This warrior is very attractive.

  …For a Kyrzon, at least.

  If someone here has to buy me, he probably wouldn’t be the worst option.

  Wow, Lily. I resist the urge to palm my face. Did I really just allow myself to think that about a Kyrzon?

  In any case, the handsome warrior isn’t bidding. All the action from that part of the crowd is coming from his scraggly-bearded friend, the one who I’m really hoping doesn’t buy me.

  And unfortunately, it seems like Scraggly Beard has deep pockets.

  “12,200!” he shouts, taking the lead in the bidding once again.

  “12,400,” growls a Kyrzon on the other side of the room.

  “12,700!” yells Scraggly Beard.



  I’m amazed by the numbers I’m hearing. 15,000 power units is a lot of energy.

  It’s down to Scraggly Beard and one other warrior, bidding back and forth. Both of them seem determined to make me their property.

  “20,000 power units,” yells the Kyrzon who isn’t Scraggly Beard.

  I feel a glimmer of hope. Perhaps Scraggly Beard is out of his price range?

  But no. The blue-faced, mean-looking Kyrzon steps forward, puffing out his chest as though daring anyone to challenge him. “I’ll pay 35,000 power units to claim Lily,” he announces.

  The other Kyrzon looks mad. He opens his mouth, and then closes it.

  And then he shrugs.

  The auction is over.

  “Sold!” the auctioneer announces, clapping his hands together. “Sold for 35,000 power units to Lurkka of Clan Broga!”

  The room fills with whistles and cheers. The bald warrior next to Lurkka claps him on the back as though in congratulations.

  My heart drops. I watch in dismay as my new owner stalks through the crowd to the auction platform, eyeing me hungrily.

  I am now the property of the Kyrzon warrior Lurkka.


  Chapter Six

  I shiver, standing outside the auction house in my skimpy auction clothes. It isn’t particularly cold out, but being outdoors makes me feel incredibly exposed. I’m very, very aware of the fact that my little jumpsuit leaves nothing to the imagination.

  I guess it doesn’t matter now. I’m never going to see anyone from New Sutter again. I could be naked for all it matters.

  In silence, I watch as my new owner counts out 35,000 units worth of power cells from a satchel and throws them on the ground in front of the auctioneer. The auctioneer waves a scanner over them, and then nods, content that the cells are fully charged.

  The female worker who prepared me for the auction comes out holding my little bundle of clothes and other personal items. “Lily’s clothing and possessions,” she says, handing the bundle to Lurkka.

  He grins at her cruelly. “She won’t be needing those,” he sneers. “I like her much better in what she’s wearing now.”

  Lurkka refuses to take the package from her. She stares at him, aghast, then turns to me and starts to hand me the package.

  “Don’t give it to her,” says Lurkka, his voice sharp. “I said we’re leaving that stuff here.”

  The auction worker hesitates, then stops, her shoulders slumping. She gives me a sympathetic look before scurrying away with my bundle of things.

  A group of three blue-faced warriors approach us riding tusk-oxen, the enormous, tusked beasts that the Kyrzons ride and use as pack animals. I startle, having never seen one of the creatures up close before. They stop in front of us, all three of the warriors looking to Lurkka as though for instruction.

  “Time for us to leave,” Lurkka growls at me. He then addresses his clan-mates, and I feel a sudden hit of nervousness as I notice that one of them is the handsome warrior from the auction.

  “Tark, give me your mount,” Lurkka orders. “You’ll share with Jarul until we reach camp.”

  One of the Kyrzons dutifully dismounts his steed and allows Lurkka to take his place on its back. He climbs onto another tusk-ox, sharing the sa
ddle with his companion.

  “Ragga, as my lieutenant, you will ride with Lily,” Lurkka orders, speaking now to the handsome, long-haired warrior. “For this purpose, and this purpose only, you have my permission to look upon her.”

  The warrior Ragga trots his tusk-ox over to me, and I resist the urge to cower as the great tusked beast approaches. Ragga reaches out his hand, and then seems to realize that I’m not nearly tall enough to get up onto the tusk-ox without a lift. He dismounts, and then lifts me by my waist, his huge hands gripping me firmly. I’m amazed by his strength as he effortlessly places me onto the saddle.

  Ragga gets on the tusk-ox behind me, and I feel his warmth as he puts his arms around me to take the reins.

  “Clan Broga, we ride!” roars Lurkka, and we set off.

  * * *

  It isn’t long before we reach the Clan Broga camp outside of New Sutter. Lurkka insists on parading me through the camp, loudly ordering everyone to pack up. None of the Kyrzons in the camp look at me. It’s clear that they have some kind of custom that prohibits this, and Lurkka enjoys taking advantage of it, barking orders at the men while forcing them to keep their eyes trained on the ground.

  “Chief Broga will soon return from the auction!” Lurkka bellows at no one in particular. “I want this entire camp packed up by the time he gets here. Anyone who straggles will be left behind!”

  Soon, I hear the sound of hooves, and a larger company of Kyrzons rides into the camp, headed by the bald warrior who I saw at the auction. He dismounts, and Lurkka greets him.

  “Chief Broga,” says Lurkka, bowing his head. “You did not purchase a Bride?”

  “I decided I would rather steal one,” says Broga with an evil grin. “Chief Drokal should be riding back to his territory with his newly purchased Bride as we speak.”

  Lurkka smiles approvingly. “You intend to attack the Drokal caravan?”

  “I intend to kill every single one of them,” Broga growls, “and mate with Drokal’s woman.”


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