Rumor's Fury

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Rumor's Fury Page 24

by Brown, Harlow

  “You. You’re a lot to take on. The big picture just hit me. Specifically, your ability to hide a body and your moonshine operation. I am going to be in this now. This is going to take some time to sink in. I’m okay with it…I think, but I don’t want to let you down. Have patience with me, yeah?”

  “First, you won’t always know about the ugly side of business. That’s something that isn’t discussed outside of the members. Secondly, I owe you all the time in the world. You were good enough to wait on me. Even after Creed made you wait for years, you chose to be patient with me. If you need some time to adjust, then you get all of it you need. I really think you are over thinking everything. We’ll take it in stride. Let’s just figure us out first, the rest will all work out. Stop worrying.”

  I smiled, tucked myself under his arm, and he pulled me in for a hug. I let the moment soak in. This was real. This was happening. I was going to be happy. I was going to be normal. Well, as normal as dating an outlaw can be.

  “Let’s go home, yeah?” I suggested.

  “Home as in your home that you shared with Creed or home as in Charlie’s place?”

  “We should probably stay at Charlie’s until we’re sure the cops aren’t coming snooping. I get to tell them that I saw him, but he wanted to reconcile our relationship, but I caught him with another woman and when confronted about it he disappeared again. I say we wait until the investigation dies down before we move in my house.”

  “Wait. What? We move in?” Fury asked in surprise.

  “Um, eventually. That was too soon, huh? I didn’t mean I was asking you to move in. I was saying it needed to be a while til’ I moved back in there and I assume you will be over there some, too. I mean that’s what normal people do.” I shot him a smile.

  “We can and will cross that bridge when we get there. That isn’t something we need to focus on just yet. But Rumor, just for the record, I would do it in a heartbeat. Let’s go.” He was good at leaving me in some state of shock.

  We traveled home in silence, the both of us absorbing the events of the evening. Upon arriving at Acres, before I could reach for the handle, a big, strong hand reached across my face and turned my head. There were those big hazel eyes I’ve grown to adore.

  “Rumor, thank you. Thank you for taking a chance on me when you didn’t have to. I don’t know what I did to deserve this, but I’m glad the stars finally aligned for me, for us.” He said and kissed me again. It was sweet. It was urgent. It was needy. It was perfection. Our tongues tangled for what seemed like forever before we broke apart.

  As he gasped for oxygen, he put his forehead on mine and sweetly said, “This is right.”

  “Yes. It does feel different for sure.”

  “I wouldn’t trade Daisy and our relationship for anything, but even as much as I loved her, what we had doesn’t compare to this. I have never felt so…”

  “So what, Fury.”

  “Free. It’s like the truth finally set me free. Mind you, you’re the only one that knows that truth, but I feel like a weight has been lifted off me. Lying to my brothers has been hard, but not as hard as it was lying to you. I feel like I can be the best president possible with that weight lifted. I can take on more club shit because the weight of that secret is gone. Because of you, I get to move on and put my past to bed forever.”

  Tears stung my eyes. My big, scary, moody biker was feeling things. I’m sure he would only show this sweet side to me and I was okay with that. I knew the real Fury. He would likely still be an asshole because that is what he had to become. He was just like any of the other guys, well, except for the thing we don’t speak of. As far as I was concerned, Eric died. I wasn’t falling in love with a dead person, I was falling hopelessly for Legend Morrow, aka Fury, and he was full of life.

  “Fury, you bring me peace. I know how you feel.”

  A harsh look covered his face.

  “What’s the matter? Why are you so irritated?”

  “I’m not, but I have a reputation to uphold.” He smiled and winked at me as his face turned cold again.

  The End


  A FEW MONTHS had passed, and we were in the middle of fall. The leaves were vibrant shades of red, yellow, orange, and brown. As they fell to the ground in the front yard of Acres, I heard Fury discussing what I could only assume was a business deal. He was talking in code, a habit of his I had grown to live with.

  “Yes, Dirt, I understand. I know shit happens and that’s part of the business. It will get fixed and it will be right, I have no doubt. Yes, that’s fine. We plan on coming to visit real soon. Yes, tell Dane and Kat and the rest of the Savage Angel’s that we said hello. See ya.”

  “Fury, who was that?” I asked.

  “No one you have met yet. It’s business, don’t worry.” He pulled me close and kissed my lips.

  “Is this business going to involve the restaurant?”


  “Then tell me, please.” I got irritated.

  “I can’t just yet. I will tell you when the time is right.” He leaned in for a kiss and I dodged.

  “No way, Jose.” If you won’t give me what I want, then two can play at that game. “I’m going to be late for work.”

  “Rumor, damn it. I said I would tell you when I could. Don’t be mad.”

  “Oh, I’m not.” I stomped off.

  “Of course, you’re not.” I could practically hear his eyes roll.

  I left Acres and headed to Wish You Were Beer. We were down to the inside now and needed to decorate. There were a few items for the kitchen that hadn’t been delivered, but we were down to the fun stuff now. Charlie pulled up and came in to assist.

  “Mornin’ Glory.” She announced as she be-bopped her way inside.

  “Yeah,” I snapped as I grabbed the paint and brush. I painted the walls in the women’s bathroom. Charlie was so hellbent on colorful, so the walls were a turquoise color and were going to have song lyrics written on the walls in black. We decided on I got that boom boom that all the boys chase and all the right junk in all the right places~ Meghan Trainor, Body like a backroad, drive it with my eyes closed~Sam Hunt, When all your mascara is going to waste, when things get ugly you just got to face that you can’t cry pretty~Carrie Underwood, and Fat bottom girls you make the rockin’ world go ‘round~ Queen.

  We were going for a positive environment that the ladies would love. Jazz had pretty handwriting, so we had her draw on the wall and I painted over her handwriting.

  The men’s was all about beer. We went with songs about beer and broken hearts. Don’t think for a second I’m out to drown your memory baby you ain’t worth the whiskey~ Cole Swindell, Ask any ol’ barstool in this town that’s my newfound party crowd~Jason Aldean, It’s beer time~Justin Moore, There’s only two things in the world I need to get close to and that’s a big ole brew and little ole you~Mel McDaniels.

  The dining room had a plethora of song lyrics, movie quotes, and a few television quotes. Jazz was dead set on He’s her lobster~Phoebe and Joey doesn’t share food~ Joey, PIVOT~Ross, How you doin’?~ Joey, We were on a break ~Ross, Whoop-ah!~Chandler, I got off the plane~ Rachael, SEVEN! Seven, seven seven seven seven! ~Monica, I’m full and yet I know if I stop eating this, I’ll regret it~Chandler, I’ll be there for you when the rain starts to fall, I’ll be there for you ‘cause you’re there for me too. ~The Rembrandts. Her favorite show was Friends, clearly.

  Charlie chose Aerosmith for her music lyrics and Sweet Home Alabama for her movie quotes. I’m back. I’m back in the saddle again~ Aerosmith, You’re my angel come and save me tonight~ Aerosmith, I don’t want to close my eyes I don’t want to fall asleep ‘cause I’d miss you baby and I don’t want to miss a thing~ Aerosmith, Dream on dream on dream on dream until your dreams come true~Aerosmith. What do you want to be married to me for anyhow? So I can kiss you anytime I want~ Sweet Home Alabama, You can’t ride two horses with one ass sugar bean~ Sweet Home Alabama, The truth is I gav
e my heart away a long time ago, my whole heart, and I never really got it back. ~Sweet Home Alabama.

  I chose Sons of Anarchy quotes. I accept that. ~Chucky, There’s an old saying,’That what doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger.’ I don’t believe that. I think the things that try to kill you make you angry and sad. Strength comes from the good things-your family, your friends, the satisfaction of hard work. Those are the things that’ll keep you whole. Those are the things to hold on to when you’re broken~Jax Teller, We don’t know who we are until we are connected with someone else. We’re just better human beings when we’re with the person we’re supposed to be with. ~Tara Knowles, I killed a fed for you. Nothing says endless love like capital murder~Jax Teller. I chose one lyric.

  Bury me in my boots and don’t forget the whiskey light a cigarette girl lean on in and kiss me send me on my way with some black roses this is the path I’ve chosen and you can’t go with me my hourglass was always half empty it was bound to be the bottle or the bullet that bit me So when I go baby you know just what to do…bury me in my boots~The Cadillac Three

  “Hey, Charlie, what do you say we let the first week of customers leave a quote they would like to see on the wall?” I asked, trying to get in a better mood.

  “I think that’s a great idea. It will make them feel like they are a part of the business. Good thinking. I think the guys need to give us some input. It is their business, too.”

  “Yeah, I guess.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Fury wouldn’t tell me something this morning, and it pissed me off. I know it’s club business or whatever, but I don’t like it. It had to do with the restaurant, so since I quit my job to come help out here, I should get to know about things that happen in this business. Am I wrong?”

  “Yes and no. Yes, because the club does business and they don’t discuss it with anyone outside of members. That is just how it is. You eventually get past it. No because this is your business, and you did quit a reliable job to work here.”

  I went back to paining the quotes on the wall and got lost in my own thoughts. I know he wouldn’t keep something from me on purpose. Perhaps I did jump the gun. I snapped out of my painting trance by the voice that had the power to melt me.

  “Are you done being pissed yet?” Fury asked timidly, well, as timid as Fury could be.


  “So, no. Okay then. That means you won’t interrupt when I say there is going to be a change of scenery for a bit.”

  My world stopped, and I knew he meant that he was leaving me.

  “I knew it was too good to be true, and that you would hurt me just like they did.”

  “Rumor, stop...”

  “Why? Why did you start this?”

  “Rumor, are you done flipping out? I’m trying to tell you we are going to Australia to see the Grinders on tour. I’ve been talking to Dirt with the Savage Angels. He mentioned that the Grinders were on tour and it’d be a while before he could run a business endeavor by Dane. Then he said that he could get us backstage passes and the full VIP package. Damn, woman.”

  “Wait, what? You’re coming back?”

  “Yes. We are coming back.”

  He looked at me, “We’re coming back and we’ll have one a hell of a vacation while we are there.”

  “Whoa. We as in the club or we as in you and me?”

  “Certain club members but most importantly, you and me.”

  I dropped my paint brush and stared at him for a minute with my mouth wide open.

  “Pick your chin up, Rumor.” He chided. “I had to make sure the deal was still going through before I got your hopes up. I had to make sure that Whiskey and Charlie and Briar and Jazz were good to come along.”

  “Who’ll take care of things here? When do we leave? Is it hot there? I have to get a passport!” I started rambling.

  “Rumor, chill out. We have time for all of this. We won’t leave for a month or so. I wanted to get this place going good first. Magnum, Sax, and Riddick won’t mind watching this place for us.”

  “Is Sax a member now?”

  “All I can say is, things are in the works.”

  “Fury, I’m sorry I acted a fool earlier. I just hate secrets. I felt like I had a right to know since it involved the restaurant. I get that you wanted things finalized though.”

  “You suck at lying by the way. I could tell you were pissed by your stomp.”

  I giggled because I knew it was true.

  “You think it’s safe to move back to the house yet?”

  “Well that was a swift change of subject.” He caught me off guard.

  “I need to talk to you about that. I have decided that I don’t want to live there. I don’t want any part of my old life. I want to sell it and build a new house. Charlie won’t care if I stay at Acres until it’s built.”

  “You’re sure? I can rent it from you.”

  “Why? You’d be giving me money and staying with me. How many nights have you slept in your room at Acres since we became official? Hmm?”

  “Fine, fair point. We can see if one of the boys wants to buy it, if you’re okay with that.”

  “Sure. I’m not going back, so I don’t care who has it. They can rent it or buy it. Whatever they want.”

  “I can’t wait to show you Oz.”

  “I’ve always wanted to go there.”

  “Well, look at me making dreams come true.”


  I dedicated this book to a special person. He was taken from us too soon and this is what I wish were the case for him. Unfortunately, it isn’t. He really is gone and really did leave behind a child and girlfriend. Those of you that know this real story, will get how hard this book was for me to write and why I had to have it just so-so.

  Special thanks to Bo. There are certain scenes in this book that I just couldn’t write. Thank you for making that happen. Thank you for being an ear to listen and a brain to bounce ideas off of. I love you, Tonto.

  Karessa, you have been a ride or die for so long now that I can’t remember. I appreciate you and your feedback more than you know. Your beta reading is so beyond helpful. You, Bo, and April get the really rough versions and help me make them what they are now. Love you, mean it.

  April, I don’t really know where to start with you. Since high school you and I have been close. You get me. Without your input in this book, I really feel like Fury would have been weak. Your opinion toughened him up some and made him rougher around the edges. He needed that. Thank you. I love you. Life might keep us from seeing each other or talking on a regular basis, but you are still my best friend.

  You three girls are my biggest support and my closest friends. I am blessed beyond measure with your friendship. Thanks for putting up with me. I realize I am a handful.

  Gale, your enthusiasm for my words blows my mind. Your input on the new scene solidified it for me. Thank you for everything…even not related to books.

  C.G. Lee, thank you for answering question after question because I’m a forgetful soul and can’t remember anything for more than a minute! I’d have had things real screwed up if not for you. Thank you.

  Aaron, you are my rock and my biggest supporter. I couldn’t do this without you. Your faith in me blows my mind. Thank you for supporting my dream. I do not deserve you.

  Belinda, Debb, Samantha, and Robyn, you girls are the bees knees. I am so grateful that I was introduced to you. Thank you for agreeing to beta read for me and helping make this book the best it can be. I can’t wait to see you in Oz again in March 2019.

  Kathleen, I don’t even have words for you. Your friendship leaves me speechless. You are always there for me, even across the ocean. Can’t wait to see you again as well. It’s been too long.

  MariaLisa, thank you for just being you. I love the planner and it’s been a huge help in my lack of organization. Thank you.

  Emily, you bailed me out BIG TIME. I know now why my sister loves you so much. Thank you. T
hat’s all I can say. I’m proud to have you edit this book in a pinch and in such little time when things didn’t pan out with my original editor. You are a lifesaver.

  Readers, thanks for giving book two a chance. I hope you enjoyed Fury’s story and get why it’s so personal and took me so long to write. Without each and everyone of you this wouldn’t be possible for me to do. Thank you.

  Follow me at the following social media outlets:

  Instagram: @harlowbrownauthor and you can enter #dontlookback as well.


  Twitter: @Harlowbrown1

  Email: [email protected]

  ~Don’t Look Back~




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