Cowboy Brothers of Rainbow Canyon: A Western Contemporary Cowboy Romance

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Cowboy Brothers of Rainbow Canyon: A Western Contemporary Cowboy Romance Page 36

by K. C. Crowne

  “This isn’t the most romantic place in the world,” I commented, casting a glance around the studio apartment. “No bed covered in roses at your ranch.”

  “Babe, wherever you and I are together is the most romantic place in the world.”

  I smiled, not knowing what to say. Wyatt lowered his head and kissed me softly, slowly, tenderly. The studio apartment, as sparse as it was, as filled with boxes and junk as it might’ve been, became exactly what Wyatt said it would be –the most romantic place in the world.

  We kissed, and there was more than simply passion in the kiss, though there was plenty of that. There was relief, pure joy at being reunited after what we’d been through. And the only way to express the feelings that had taken hold of us was to do it in a way without words.

  Words were unnecessary. We had each other in our arms, after all.

  We continued kissing, taking pieces of clothing off the other as we did. There was no place I’d rather have been than in Wyatt’s arms, feeling his embrace. And I wanted to feel much, much more than that.

  The moment my bra came off, his mouth went to my nipples, each solid the moment his lips touched them. I moaned as I moved my hands along the ropey lines of his arms, closing my eyes and focusing on the sensation of his tongue flicking my breasts.

  Moans escaped my lips as his free hand traveled down between my legs. He and I were in nothing but the underwear, and however wet I was before was nothing compared to how I felt when he began rubbing me through the thin fabric of my panties.

  “We…” I stammered, trying to form words through the pleasure. “We should move to the bed.”

  “You want to do this on a bare mattress?” he asked, anticipating the problem.

  “You have a better idea?” I asked, his hand rubbing my clit as my knees buckled underneath me.

  “I do,” he growled. “Right here, right now.”

  The idea was a total thrill. And as I searched through my restored memories, I couldn’t think of a single time I’d ever been with a man in my apartment, let alone on the floor.

  “I like that idea,” I said.

  “Same here,” he replied. “Especially since I don’t think I can wait the time it’d take to get you over there.”

  More arousal coursed through me. I needed him so badly it hurt.

  Wyatt lowered his body and reached down, scooping me up in his arms and setting me down on the floor. The carpet was soft against my bare back, and Wyatt was quickly between my open legs. He gazed at me, a big grin on his face.

  “Don’t know if I’ll ever get tired of this view,” he said, his hands on my ankles.

  I pointed to his boxer-briefs, his cock tenting the fabric. Wyatt hooked his thumbs under the waistband and rolled them down his thick legs. His cock jumped out, hard and ready to go.

  “Now there’s a view I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of,” I replied, rubbing my thighs together in anticipation.

  He opened my legs and lunged between them, his cock grazing my clit as he positioned himself. Once his face was over mine, he came in for another slow kiss.

  “I love you so damn much.”

  “Right back at you.”

  No more words. Wyatt grasped his cock and dragged it slowly over my soaking wet lips. Then he drove it into me slowly, deeply. I let out a long sigh as he entered me, each inch sending new waves of delight through my body.

  God, he felt so good it wasn’t even fair.

  Once Wyatt had buried himself to the root, he pulled back and tunneled into me hard, my breasts shaking and my nails digging into his back. His hips worked, lifting and lowering. I couldn’t believe how good it felt to have him moving inside me. It felt so perfect, so right, like our bodies were made for one another’s.

  Wyatt wrapped his arms around me, pulling my body flush with his, my breasts flattening against his pecs. It was like we were one being, each giving the other pleasure beyond words.

  In the middle of a frenzy of thrusts the orgasm erupted, pouring through my body. I dug my nails into his back as I came, Wyatt’s expression tightening as his own orgasm arrived. His prick throbbed inside me, filling me with his hot essence. I savored the feeling, loving how it took my own pleasure to another level.

  When our orgasms ebbed, Wyatt slowly withdrew from inside me and laid down at my side. Like it always was when we’d made love, for a time neither of us could say anything.

  “Gonna miss this place?” he asked after a while.

  I laughed. “You kiddin’?”

  “Well, thing is, my place isn’t too much bigger.”

  “You mean the cabin? It’s cozy.”

  “So,” he said, elongating the word. “That’s why I did a little work while you were gone. Started on some blueprints for an addition.”

  “Is that right?”

  He nodded. “Gonna build a little expansion for our new family. Even got a crib in the works for the little guy.”

  “Or girl,” I added.

  “Or girl.” He leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. “We’re gonna build a life together, you and me. You ready?”

  “So ready.”



  Ten months later…

  Olivia cooed, her chubby, adorable little fingers wiggling in the air as she tried to touch my face. I couldn’t believe how beautiful she was. She was a newborn, only a month old, but already I could make out Wyatt’s and my features in her perfect face. She had his eyes, that was for sure. They were golden and gorgeous, always looking around with adorable curiosity. But she had my auburn hair, coming in curly and thick.

  A little miracle, through and through.

  “She’s got your nose – that’s for damn sure.”

  I glanced up to see Wyatt leaning against the entrance of our new nursery, his arms crossed over his broad chest. Olivia cooed again, and I wondered if she heard and recognized her dad’s voice.

  “How on Earth did you know that’s what I was thinking?”

  “Come on now, gorgeous,” he said, strolling over to me and Olivia. “I know you well enough to get what’s on your mind.” He flashed me a cocky grin as he reached for Olivia.

  She sighed contentedly once she was in his arms. Next to Wyatt’s towering frame, Olivia looked even smaller and more precious. And the sight of him with her, holding our little girl close as she nuzzled her head into his flannel, I loved it beyond words.

  “Alright,” he said. “Mama G’s ready for her. More than ready, as a matter of fact – she’s about chomping at the bit to get this little lady over.”

  “One-month birthday party,” I said, shaking my head at the silliness. “Your family’s really pulling out all the stops with the celebrations.”

  “Can you blame ‘em?” he asked. “Mama G’s still walking on air that she has another grandchild. Woman couldn’t be any more thrilled to be a grandma.”


  “Again,” he said with a laugh.

  Olivia had been the talk of the ranch ever since she’d arrived, and I liked to think I was settling pretty well into the role of new mother.

  “So,” I asked. “What’re you thinking?”

  “We need to stop in and check on the horses really fast,” he told me, winking. “Juniper and Red are excited to see you.”

  “I bet,” I said with a laugh. I hadn’t been riding for a while, since before Olivia’s birth when the doctor told me it wasn’t safe at such a late stage of pregnancy. I missed Red so much and couldn’t wait to introduce my daughter to the beautiful horse.

  “After that, we can drop the precious little package off with grandma while we help the family get the party all ready to go. That sound good to you?”

  “Sounds perfect.” I gave Olivia a big kiss right on her chubby cheek, the baby girl cooing happily as I did. “Alright,” I said. “Let’s start the day!”

  Wyatt handed over Olivia as we headed out. I took one more look at the nursery, admiring the room Wyatt and his brothers
had created. The room was gorgeous and cheery, the walls a soft pink and the windows facing east to catch the soft, morning light that poured in. And the crib he’d built by hand was something else. It was magical in a way, always managing to put Olivia to sleep almost as soon as she was placed in it.

  The day outside was bright and warm, the ranch grounds a lovely emerald green, the trees around us in full bloom. Together the three of us made our way to the barn, Wyatt pulling open the door. He checked the horses first. I carried Olivia to the stall to see Red, though she was entirely too young to pay attention to the glorious creature.

  Red had grown into a fine animal. He was tall and proud, built like a truck. And like Wyatt had suggested with the name, his coat was almost the exact shade of red as my hair – Olivia’s, too.

  “Look at this handsome guy,” Wyatt said as he put his hand on Red’s haunch.

  Red snorted in response. Olivia jolted a little at the unfamiliar sound, but she didn’t cry. I hoped she loved horses as much as her father and I did.

  “See this guy?” I asked. “Your daddy named him after me. One day you’re going to ride him.”

  “One day far, far into the future,” Wyatt commented with a grin. “Let’s see how she toddles around on those chubby legs before we strap her onto a stallion.”

  “Baby steps,” I agreed.

  He winked before turning his attention back to Red. Juniper in the stall next to us watched, and as strange as it sounded, I felt a kindship with her. We were both new moms, after all.

  “Alright, everybody is good here,” Wyatt announced. “Ready head to the house?”

  “You know it.”

  We left the barn for the main house. Mama G was right on top of us the second we stepped inside, scooping Olivia into her arms.

  “There’s my beautiful little grandbaby,” she cried, holding Olivia close. “Beautiful as the day she was born.”

  “How’s the party coming along?” Wyatt asked. I glanced into the lounge, noting the family at work setting the room up with decorations.

  “Don’t you worry about that,” Ginny admonished. “Go out and enjoy this amazing day – we’ll sort out all the rest.”

  I sniffed the air after she spoke, smelling the scent of freshly baked cake. My mouth watered at the scent.

  “Well,” Wyatt said. “I’m thinkin’ of being a good son and doin’ what Mama says.”

  “I like that plan.”

  I gave Olivia another kiss before we stepped back outside and headed to the barn. Once there, we set to work getting Juniper and Red fitted with saddles and ready to be taken out. Fifteen minutes later we were on horseback, Red trotting beneath me as Wyatt rode Juniper. The landscape melted into the trees that surrounded the property, the sky brilliant and blue above. It was a heck of a sight.

  “You ever think your life would be like this?” Wyatt asked.

  “Never in a million years. But I wouldn’t trade it for the world.”

  We let the horses have their lead, and as we did I reflected on everything that had brought me to this point. Over the last few months I’d gotten my business up and running, working as a freelance private investigator for the local police department. The work suited me just fine. Instead of meddling in marriages, I provided civilian expertise for the department. In a quiet town like Patterson that didn’t mean much action, but there was more than enough to keep me busy.

  Together the two of us made a slow loop around the ranch, the sun warm on my face. But it didn’t take long before I was missing my girl.

  “They’re probably ready by now, right?” I asked.

  “They better be,” Wyatt said from underneath the brim of his hat. “‘Cause I’m ready for some celebratin’.”

  I was right there with him. Together we steered the horses back to the barn and put the two back in their stables. When we returned to the main house, the party was already underway. Olivia was the star of the show, of course, dressed up as precious as could be in a onesie Mama G had made for her. The whole family was there, Emily and Logan, Chance, Silas, Molly, and little Violet, and Travis.

  And me. After all, I was something of a member of the Walker clan. Not officially, of course – Wyatt and I weren’t engaged, but we something damn near close. Close enough to make me happier than I’d ever been. My memory had fully returned, and I remembered enough to know that whatever my life had been before, it was nothing compared to the joy I felt every single damn day at Rainbow Canyons.

  “Alright,” Wyatt said, tapping his beer with the cake fork in his other hand. “Gather ‘round, all. Got somethin’ to say.”

  The attention of the family fell on Wyatt. I watched and waited – he hadn’t said anything about a speech. He cleared his throat and glanced around. It was almost adorable watching him. Wyatt wasn’t scared, of course, but I knew he didn’t really care to be the center of attention.

  “Just want to start off by sayin’ it’s nice as hell to see you all here. I know we’re all busy like crazy around the ranch, but having my family all together in one place never fails to remind me of how damn lucky I am.”

  “No swearin’ in front of the baby,” Mama G scolded. We all laughed.

  “Fair enough,” Wyatt said with a chuckle. “Anyway, I’m all sorts of blessed. And havin’ my new baby girl around…well, it’s made me a happier man than I ever thought I’d be. But there’s still somethin’ missin’.”

  Silence hung in the air, everyone curious and listening carefully.

  “There’s a hole in our family, and it’s taken too damn –sorry, darn— long for me to get around to doin’ what’s right. More than that, to do what I’ve been wantin’ to ever since my love came into my life.”

  He turned to me. I watched stunned, hanging on his every word.

  “Jess, I love you like crazy. But you know that. Now, I’m not much for speechifyin’, and you know that too. But what you don’t know is that I’ve been keepin’ a little secret from you.”

  “What kind of secret?”

  “Mama,” he said, speaking to Mama G. “Mind handin’ it over?”

  “Nothin’ would make me happier,” she said proudly. Olivia in one arm, Mama G reached into her pocket and pulled out a small, black box and handed it to Wyatt.

  “You’ve been a part of this family since you came through those doors so many months ago. And now it’s time to make it official.” Wyatt dropped to one knee and opened the box, revealing a brilliant diamond ring, the fire in the fireplace reflecting in the facets. “Jess, will you ma--”

  I couldn’t contain myself. “Yes!” I shouted as I rushed to Wyatt, throwing my arms around him.

  The family burst into cheers as we embraced, and Wyatt slipped the ring on my finger.

  “You’re mine, baby girl,” he whispered before planting a soft kiss on my forehead. “And I’m all yours. I love you with everything I have.”

  “I love you, too.”

  There, surrounded by the love of my life, my daughter, and my new family, I felt a sense of belonging that I’d never known before. Belonging, and love.

  The party went on, and after a time Wyatt took Olivia and the three of us went to the third floor of the house, stepping out onto the balcony and savoring the view before us.

  “We’ve got a whole life ahead of us,” he said. “You ready to get started?”

  There wasn’t a doubt in my mind what my answer was. A smile I couldn’t contain took hold as I spoke, Wyatt’s arm around my shoulders, Olivia happily cooing.

  “You bet I’m ready, cowboy.”


  Her Cowboy Daddies

  What’s every cowgirl’s dream?

  Two wild stallions that can’t get enough.

  How about a hot older boss - and his equally s*xy best friend?

  I got my dream job at a gorgeous Texas ranch.

  And I had to thank my lucky stars. Then I met my dream men...

  Travis: Exciting. Wild. And dangerous.

  Adam: Stoic.
Patient. And tough.

  And, it seems their desire has no limits.

  But between days working on the ranch…

  And nights bursting with pent-up lust,

  I'm more tangled up than ever…

  Then things take a dangerous turn.

  Will we get through this wild adventure unscathed?

  Or will I regret ever letting my libido do the talking?

  Especially when a pregnancy test comes back positive!


  Majestic. Only damn word I could think of to describe Rainbow Canyons Ranch. The place was majestic as all get-out.

  I sat in my beat-up old Chevy truck, the engine grinding in park as I sat taking in the view. The tall, steel gate blocked the road, a little speaker box next to it. The next step was hitting the button to let them know I was there. But at that moment, I just wanted to look at the place.

  After all, I would be working there. That was the plan, at least.

  The property was huge as hell, the main three-story house situated in the middle. The building stuck out like a big ol’ swollen thumb among the rest of the Texas landscape. Not only was it huge, it was done up like a proper log cabin on steroids.

  Rainbow freakin’ Canyons. Everyone in the area knew about the place and about the Walker family who lived there. A real tight-knit clan, the ranch passed down to the next generation from their daddy, who built the place.

  Working at a place like that would be a damn dream come true for a horse-loving girl like me. And when I’d managed to snag a phone interview with one of the Walker brothers that ended with him telling me to come in, I’d felt like I was walking on cloud nine.

  But I was nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs. Fresh off graduation from Texas A&M, I was hungry for my first job. And today was the big day for the interview that might just get me started.

  I glanced nervously at the intercom, knowing that as soon as I pressed the button, the process would start.


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