Cowboy Brothers of Rainbow Canyon: A Western Contemporary Cowboy Romance

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Cowboy Brothers of Rainbow Canyon: A Western Contemporary Cowboy Romance Page 58

by K. C. Crowne

To make matter that much worse, I was told by Ellie’s grandpa that her mother had died in a car wreck. Despite our casual relationship years ago, the news hurt, and when I learned she’d kept my daughter from me, I learned what hurt really meant.

  After the initial shock had worn off, nothing in this world could keep me from meeting my little girl.

  Understandably though, Ellie hadn’t taken too well to the news of moving in with a practical stranger and she wasn’t afraid to show it. She had spunk, I’d give her that.

  All that matted to me was welcoming her to her new home, a safe place where she could be a kid a grow, even though it was a practical galaxy away in comparison to her life in the city. She’d hated the ranch from day one.

  I couldn’t blame her – what kid would be okay with getting yanked out of the only home they’d ever known only to be forced to live with a father they’d never met?

  After losing her mama so tragically and everything else, it was a wonder she was still functioning.

  She deserved better.

  I’d work like hell to give it to her.

  I was seated in the office of my cabin, trying to focus on work.

  It had been a struggle the past few weeks, with everything going on, but I had to get next week’s activities organized on the ranch and ensure that Ellie had a stable home - which meant I had to keep the income coming.

  My job was to make sure the tourists who stayed on the property never had a shortage of things to do, from hikes to fishing trips to horseback rides. Normally, I loved my career but lately it had felt like more of a distraction from the time I really wanted to spend with Ellie.

  She was my little girl, and I already loved her more than I thought I could be capable of loving someone.

  We’d only known each other for such a short period of time but I instantly recognized her as my own that day I picked her up from the hospital where her Grandpa was admitted.

  She’d been through hell and she couldn’t have any more disappointments in her life.

  I was doing everything in my power to prioritize my time with her ever all my other responsibilities - but I was barely able to hold things together.

  I’ve always been the kind of man who liked to take charge but it was clearly evident I needed help from someone with far greater experience with relating to a five year old little girl.

  The heated discussion we’d had earlier in the day was still fresh in my mind.

  “I hate you!”

  Just a kid. She was just a kid. And kids learned pretty darn quick how to get a rise out of adults when they were upset.

  Those three little words had power, even with a thick-skinned man like me.

  It’d been a stupid little argument over getting her to finish her breakfast, but it wouldn’t leave my mind.

  My phone buzzed on my desk, and I snatched it up. It was Wyatt, my older brother, and the man in charge of veterinary duties on the ranch.

  A new father himself.

  “You called me at a good time. I need to get my mind off things.” I leaned back in my chair, propping my boots up on the long, oak desk.

  “You holdin’ up alright?” he asked.

  “Just trying to get work out of the way, so I can get back to my five-year-old that hates my guts. Living the life!”

  He chuckled. “Don’t take it too seriously. You know how kids can be. One minute you’re their worst enemy and the next minute you’re their best friend. Or at least you’re learnin’ real quick.”

  “I sure as hell am. Although, I’m pretty sure I have a ways to go before I witness the best friend part. What’s she up to right now?”

  “She’s playin’ with Olivia, doin’ a little peekaboo in the kitchen with Mama G.”

  The mental picture brought a smile to my face. Hearing she was getting along with the rest of the family was no small consolation.

  I sighed. “Hell, Wyatt, is this how it’s gonna be from here on out? An uphill battle?”

  “Nah, don’t you worry about that. The girl’s had to deal with a lot, and she’s gotta have some way to take out her frustrations. Sorry to say it, but you’re gonna be the target. But look at the bright side…”

  “There’s a bright side?” I scoffed.

  He chuckled. “She’s not bein’ ornery with any old stranger – she’s bein’ that way to you because she knows deep down, maybe on a level she doesn’t understand, that you’re gonna love her no matter what. And when she understands that, she’ll come around.”

  I’d never really been the type to talk about feelings and insecurities, but when I did, Wyatt was the one I went to. He was a rough-as-hell cowboy like the rest of us, but he was sharp as a tack on top of that and great with connecting with others. Always had a way of looking at things at a different angle.

  “Thanks,” I said. “Hopin’ it’s sooner than later because I’m not sure how much longer I can keep this up.”

  “It’ll be sooner than you think. Just keep bein’ a kick-ass daddy, and she’ll see it.”

  “Well, thanks for the vote of confidence, bro. Means a lot.”

  “Anytime. But that’s not the reason I called.”


  “Yeah. You got someone here at the house.”

  “Really?” I asked, wracking my brain. I didn’t have an appointment that I could remember.

  “Yeah. Someone from the nanny agency said they were here for an interview.”

  “Ah, hell – that’s right. Slipped my mind.”

  I was pretty damn relieved to hear the news. I’d need all the help I could get - including a female figure around for Ellie.

  She had Mama G and her aunts at the ranch, but she needed someone who’s focus was only on her.

  “Not like you to get your schedule all scattered. Hell, your job’s making schedules.”

  “I know, I know. Just trying to get used to my new norm, man.”

  “I get it – kids have a way of putting a wrench into plans. A good kinda wrench, but a wrench all the same. You want me to tell her to come back later?”

  “Nah. If she trucked out all the way here, the least I can do is meet with her.”

  “Alright, I’ll drive her over to your place.”

  “Sounds good. Thanks, Wyatt.”

  I ended the call, took my boots off the desk, and heaved my big body out of my leather chair. Once up, I started some coffee in the French press. I wasn’t normally the type for fancy stuff, but I liked my specialty coffee. One of my few indulgences.

  About the time the water reached a boil, I heard the grumble of Wyatt’s truck as it pulled up in front of the house, followed by a car door opening and closing, then the sounds of soft footfalls on the gravel of my cabin’s driveway.

  I poured myself a cup of coffee as a soft knock sounded from the door. “I’m a-comin’,” I said as I set down the steaming mug on my desk and hurried over. I threw the door open, and it was a damn good thing I wasn’t taking a sip of coffee because I would’ve sprayed it out like a damn cartoon character with the vision that graced me suddenly.

  The woman was on my doorstep, and damn, was she beautiful.

  Her figure was petite with curves in just the right places. Her hair was long and straight, the color of sunset. Her eyes were a gorgeous green-gray and set among delicate features, her face a perfect heart-shape.

  She wore an off-white blouse that clung to her body, accentuating her full breasts. And the jeans she wore fit so perfectly it looked like she’d been poured into them.

  I was stunned.

  And I also felt my cock twitching in my jeans.

  So far, this was not going as planned.

  She was about the best-looking woman I’d ever seen in my life.

  And the idea of her taking care of my daughter meant that we’d be in close proximity to each other and often. I wasn’t sure if all that was a good idea.

  My cock certainly liked the idea of it, though.

  “Hi!” she said, her voice chipper and cheery as
she extended her hand. “I’m Samantha Taylor – here about the nanny position.”

  I cleared my throat, trying my best to snap myself out of the daze she’d put me in. “Chance Walker,” I said, shaking her hand. “Pleasure to meet you.”

  The moment my hand touched hers, a wave of something wild ran through me. The feeling of her soft skin against my fingertips had me wondering how it would feel to have my hangs all over her body, caressing those luscious curves and wrapping her hair around my fingers and fist.

  Shit. This wasn’t going to be easy.

  “Come on in,” I said.

  She gave me another warm smile as she stepped into the cabin. A folder was tucked under her arm, and she set it down on the coffee table before slipping off her purse and taking a seat. And, of course, I couldn’t help but appreciate her backside as much as I’d enjoyed the rest of her. She had a perfect, and I mean perfect, ass, one of those rears you couldn’t help but imagine bent over in front of you.

  Ready for the taking.

  Fucking hell, Chance, I thought. Getting this working relationship off to a professional start, huh?

  I cleared my throat again, trying to push the arousal running through my veins out of my mind.

  She looked around my small but cozy cabin. “You have a beautiful home,” she complimented.

  I grinned. “Thank you. Coffee?”

  “I’d love some.”

  “Be right back.”

  I said a silent thanks for the chance to take to compose myself and tame the beast between my legs to the point where it wouldn’t embarrass the hell out of me.

  I walked into the kitchen and poured a mug of coffee.

  When I returned, I handed it to her as I sat down in the chair across from the couch.

  “So,” I began. “I gotta admit the dynamics of our situation are not exactly normal.”

  “Not to worry. I’ve seen quite a bit over the years. I’m sure I’ll manage if we find we’re a good fit for each other.”

  I was already impressed by Samantha – she had poise and confidence and wasn’t shaken or nervous so far.

  I tried to guess her age and figured she had to be around twenty-five or so. If that was true, it put her at a full decade younger than me, yet another reason to get myself in check – that much of an age difference didn’t sit quite right.

  “I’m surprised to see you’re so young. I hope you don’t mind me saying, I’d initially pictured someone much older. I don’t know why I think of Mary Poppins when I think of a nanny. How original, right?”

  “Well, the service does have a few older women working for them, if that’s more your speed.”

  I chuckled. “Nah, just surprised is all. If you can do the job, and you have the qualifications then that’s what’s most important.”

  My eyes flicked to the folder on the table. I picked it up and opened it, seeing that it was all her documentation and work history.

  “I see here, you’re no stranger to kids my daughters age?”

  “Not at all. I got my degree in elementary education from Washington State, then worked for a couple of years at Tillman Elementary in Portland.”

  “So, if you were workin’ in Portland, what brings you all the way out to Texas?”

  For the first time since she’d come in, a brief expression of worry flashed on her face.

  “It’s a long story. I’d lived in Portland for years and decided I wanted a place that is quieter. Texas seemed like the perfect place for that. There are a lot of hoops to jump through to get your teaching certificate when you change states, so when I saw the posting online for the position where I could practice my elementary teaching at the nanny service, I figured it was a great fit.”

  She was poised.

  Calculated in her answers.

  Yet, I had a strong sense for people.

  There wasn’t a doubt in my mind that she was hiding something.

  From what I could tell, her record was clean, and the nanny service had assured of their procedures around deep background checks by a third-party agency.

  If she wanted to keep her secrets that were of a personal nature, I wasn’t about to pry.

  “This ain’t a school, as I’m sure you know. Workin’ on a ranch is gonna be like nothin’ you’ve ever done before.”

  Her confidence returned. “And that’s why I’m so eager for the chance. Working one-on-one with a child in a place like this…it seems almost too good to be true.”

  “Well, I’m happy you’re excited about it. But what did the service tell you about the job?”

  “That the position is at Rainbow Canyons Ranch working for one of the members of the Walker family. When I asked who you were, my boss had a great deal of details to share about your ranch and family. It seems you guys have a positive reputation in this town.”

  I laughed. “We’ve got a bit of a name around these parts, sure. Not intentionally, of course.”

  “I suppose when you run the biggest ranch in the area, your reputation will follow you,” she said.

  “Exactly. Doesn’t help that the gossip-mongers around town can’t get enough of talkin’ about us, neither.”

  “Sounds like a subject made for gossip,” she said as she raised one perfect eyebrow.

  Beautiful, smart and a sense of humor.

  She was the whole package.

  And I was in trouble.

  “So,” I went on, pretending not to be so in awe of her. “You know about the place. But what do you know about Ellie?”

  “I know she lost her mother when she was three. So sorry to hear about that, by the way.”

  “Thank you,” I said. “We’d only known each other briefly, but her passing came to me as a shock. And it was also the same moment I’d discovered I was a father.”

  Her look was sympathetic. “That must have been so much to take in. I can’t even imagine.”

  I nodded. “Yeah, I guess she figured she could do it all on her own. She was pretty bullheaded.”

  “My heart really breaks for your daughter. At least now she has a chance to know you exist, at a time when she probably needs you more than over.”

  “Yes. Ellie’s havin’ a very rough go of it.”

  “I’d be willing to bet she’s either responding by withdrawing or acting out, depending on her personality. All of that is normal behavior for what she is going through at such a young age.”

  I raised an eyebrow, impressed with her quick assessment of the situation. “You’re right about that. And it’s the latter. Been havin’ a hard time communicating and voicing my opinions and advise without feeling like I’m overstepping my boundaries.”

  Samantha nodded. “She’s trying to assert her independence. It’s common for kids that age.”

  “And how would you aim to sort that out? How would you recommend we proceed? I’m honestly all out of ideas.”

  She glanced away, and I could tell the gears of her mind were turning. After a brief silence, she met my eyes again. “I’d give her a combination of emotional support and structure. She’ll need to understand that we have her best interest in mind at all times and her well-being comes first and foremost. And to help her feel secure in her environment we’d build structure in her daily routines and, she’ll need to understand there are rules. Children thrive off of structure, as much as they will push back often and try to test boundaries.”

  “That all sounds amazing. Do you think you’re the right one to help me do it?”

  She smiled her gorgeous smile. “I think so. I don’t have any doubt you’re a great dad and are doing your best for her. But I’m betting right now she sees you and this place as the enemy.”

  “Sure as hell feels that way.”

  “And if I were to be her nanny, we’d be on the same team – two people new to this place, both trying to fit in to new surroundings. We’d help each other out.”

  “Now, that’s a damn good point.”

  She nodded her thanks. “Right now, you stand for
everything she’s not happy with about her life. Sure, you’re her dad, and she’s going to come to love you. But for the time being, she’s going to express her dissatisfaction by making things difficult.”

  “To say the least. Ellie’s been goin’ out of her way to break the rules around here.”

  “That’s how kids express their need for structure and security. It’s very common for them to act out – it’s their way of figuring out what the rules are, what they can and can’t do. And when you put your foot down, they might be upset, but deep down, you’re giving them exactly what they need.”

  Hell, I was impressed. Samantha sounded like a child expert, at least to someone like myself who was exceptionally green behind the ears around children. “Hm,” I said, sitting back. “Now, this all sounds good. But the real question is how you’re goin’ to manage around her attitude, push back, and hissy fits?”

  Samantha smiled. “I’d love to get the chance to find out.”

  Perfect answer.

  Right after she spoke the words, a soft knock sounded from the front door. “Hello?” came a sweet voice. “You in there?”

  I grinned. “Well,” I announced. “Hope you meant it because now’s your chance.”

  Samantha grinned right back. “I can’t wait.”

  Chapter 2



  Another knock sounded on the door as Chance rose to his feet. “I’m comin’, little lady. Hold your horses.”

  My intuition told me Chance had been impressed by what I’d said during the interview, but it wouldn’t matter much if I didn’t make a good impression with his little girl.

  “Ready or not, here she comes,” Chance said to me with a sexy smile that had my heart pumping.

  Chance was tall and strapping, easily around 6’4” and built as solid and strong as one of the trucks parked around the property.

  His shoulders broad, the sleeves of his cowboy shirt rolled up along taut forearms. Rugged jeans, a big belt buckle, and a pair of boots completed the picture.

  His face…God, was he handsome.

  Wide, strong jaw, steely green eyes, and lips that cried out for a kiss. Chance’s head was topped with shaggy brown hair, his sculpted features dusted with stubble.


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