Nazi Gold

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by Douglas Botting

  332 ‘“It is difficult for me to find words”’ Brigadier General Walter J. Muller: Parting Address to Members of OMGB (OMGB Munich, nd) 143–2/13 263 14

  332 ‘“I have just realised I was surrounded by knaves!”’ Wilson: Correspondence, 17 February 1983


  Published Sources

  After the Battle, No. 9: Obersalzberg (London, 1975)

  Robert S. Allen: Lucky Forward – The History of Patton’s Third US Army (New York, 1947)

  Stephen E. Ambrose: Ike’s Spies (New York, 1981)

  Ruth Andreas-Friedrich: Berlin Underground (London, 1948)

  Michael Balfour and John Muir: Four-Power Control in Germany and Ausiria, 1945–6 (Royal Institute of International Affairs, London, 1956)

  Victor H. Bernstein: Final Judgement – The Story of Nuremberg (London, 1947)

  General Antoine Béthouart: La Bataillepoure l’Autriche (Paris, 1966)

  Eugene K. Bird: Prisoner No. 7 – Rudolf Hess (New York, 1972)

  Douglas Botting: The Aftermath: Europe (Time-Life, Virginia, 1982)

  Tom Bower: Blind Eye to Murder (London, 1981)

  C. R. Boxer: ‘The Count of Ericeira and the Pirates, 1721–2’ (History Today, London, December 1974)

  Omar N. Bradley: A Soldier’s Story (London, 1951)

  W. ByFord-Jones: Berlin Twilight (London, c. 1946)

  A. Cave-Brown: The Secret War Diary of the OSS (New York, 1977)

  Gen. Lucius D. Clay: Decision in Germany (London, 1950)

  Charles R. Codman: Drive (Boston, 1957)

  Eugene Davidson: The Death and Life of Germany (New York, 1959)

  Franklin Davis: Come as a Conqueror (New York, 1967)

  H. Deschamps: Les Pirates à Madagascar aux XVII et XVIII Siècles (Paris, 1949)

  Documentation Centre of the State Archives Administration of the German Democratic Republic: Brown book – War and Nazi Criminals in West Germany (Dresden, rid)

  Hans Dollinger: Deutschland unter den Besatzungsmächten, 1945–9 (Munich, 1967)

  Hans Dollinger: The Decline and Fall of Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan (London, 1968)

  F. S. V. Donnison: Civil Affairs and Military Government North West Europe, 1944–6 (HMSO, London, 1961)

  Dwight D. Eisenhower: Crusade in Europe (London, 1948)

  Dwight D. Eisenhower: The Papers of Dwight D. Eisenhower, vol. VIII, The Chief of Staff (Baltimore/London, 1978)

  Waldeman Erfurth: The Last Finnish War (Foreign Military Studies Branch of the Historical Division, HQ European Command, Washington DC, 1979)

  Jeffrey Ethell and Alfred Price: Target Berlin (London, 1981)

  Ladislas Farago: The Last Days of Patton (New York, 198 1)

  Joachim Fest: Hitler (London, 1974)

  Jack Fishman: The Seven Men of Spandau (London, 1954)

  Charles Foley: Commando Extraordinary (London, 1954)

  Foreign Office: Who’s Who in Germany and Austria (London, 1945)

  Oliver Fredericksen: American Military Occupation of Germany, 1945–53 (Darmstadt, 1953)

  Roger A. Freeman: The Mighty Eighth (London, 1978)

  Roger A. Freeman: The Mighty Eighth War Diary (London, 1981)

  John Kenneth Galbraith: A Life in our Times – Memoirs (London, 1981)

  Reinhard Gehlen: The Gehlen Memoirs (London, 1972)

  Dr Joseph Goebbels: The Goebbels Diaries – The Last Days (London, 1979)

  Samuel A. Goudsmit: Alsos – the Search for the German Atom Bomb (London, 1947)

  Alfred Grosser: Germany in our Times (New York, 197 1)

  Frank Grube and Gerhard Richtens: Die Schwarzmarktzeil (Hamburg, 1979)

  Guinness Book of Records (1957 et seq)

  History of the Counter Intelligence Corps: vol. XXV, Occupation of Austria and Italy (Fort Holabird, Baltimore, 1959)

  Peter Hoffmann: Hitler’s Personal Security (London, 1979)

  Heinz Höhne: The Order of the Death’s Head (New York, 1970)

  Heinz Höhne and Hermann Zolling: The General Was a Spy (New York, 1972)

  Edward J. Huntinger: The 388th at War (USA, 1979)

  Glen B. Infield: Otto Skorzeny – Hitler’s Commando (New York, 198 1)

  Glen B. Infield: Secrets of the SS (New York, 1982)

  David Irving (ed.): Dr Morell, the Medical Diaries (London, 1983)

  Rolf Italiaander: Berlins Stunde Null 1945 (Düsseldorf, 1979)

  Charles de Jaeger: The Linz File – Hitler’s Plunder of Europe’s Art (London, 1981)

  Arthur Kahn: Betrayal – Our Occupation of Germany (Warsaw, 1950)

  Ursula von Kardorff: Diary of a Nightmare – Berlin, 1942–5 (London, 1962)

  Douglas Kelly: Twenty-two Cells in Nuremberg (London, 1947)

  Robert M. W. Kempner: Das Dritte Reich in Kreuzverhör

  George Kennan: Memoirs, 1925–50 (Boston, 1967)

  Gerhard Kiersch, Rainer Klaus, Wolfgang Kramer, Elisabeth Reichardt-Kiersch: Berliner Alltag im Dritten Reich (Düsseldorf, 1979)

  Percy Knauth: Germany in Defeat (New York, 1946)

  Hildegard Knef. The Gift Horse (London, 1971)

  Thilo Koch: Fünf Jahre der Entscheidung – Deutschland nach dem Krieg, 1945–49

  Jochen von Lang: Bormann (London, 1979)

  James Lucas: Alpine Elite – German Mountain Troops of World War II (London, 1980)

  Paul Manning: Martin Bormann – Nazi in Exile (Secaucus, NJ, 1981)

  James Stewart Martin: All Honourable Men (Boston, 1950)

  Werner Maser: Nuremberg – A Nation on Trial (London, 19 79)

  Charles L Mee: Meeting at Potsdam (London, 1975)

  Paul Meskeil: Hitler’s Heirs (New York, 1961)

  Rodney G. Minott: The Fortress That Never Was (New York, 1965)

  W. Stanley Moss: Gold is Where You Hide It (London, 1956)

  Lester M. Nichols: Impact – The Battle Story of the Tenth Armored Division (New York, 1967)

  James O’Donnell: The Berlin Bunker (London, 1979)

  George S. Patton: War As I Knew It (Boston, 1947)

  Edward N. Peterson: The American Occupation of Germany (Detroit, 1977)

  Bruce Quarrie: German Mountain Troops (Cambridge, 1982)

  B. V. Ratchford and W.D. Ross: Berlin Reparations Assignment (N. Carolina University press, 1947)

  Guenther Reinhardt: Crime without Punishment (New York, 1952)

  Piers Paul Read: The Train Robbers (London, 1978)

  Report of Operations: The Seventh United Slates Army in France and Germany vol. 111 (Heidelberg, 1946)

  David Rowan: Famous European Crimes (London, 1955)

  Klaus-Jörg Ruhl: Die Besatzer und die Deutschen-Amerikanische Zone, 1945–8 (Düsseldorf, 1980)

  Cornelius Ryan: The Last Battle (London, 1966)

  Antony Sampson: The Sovereign Slate – the Secret History of ITT (London, 1974)

  Henriette von Schirach: The Price of Glory (London, 1960)

  Fabian von Schlabrendorff. The Secret War Against Hitler (London, 1966)

  Heribert Schwan and Rolf Steininger: Als der Krieg zu Ende ging (Frankfurt, 1981)

  Heribert Schwan and Rolf Steininger: Besiegt, bestzt, geteilt (Oldenburg, 1979)

  V. Sevruk (ed.): How Wars End (Moscow, 1969)

  SHAEF: Counter Intelligence Handbook – Germany (April, 1945)

  Harry E. Slater: The Big Square – 94th Bomber Group, 1942–5 (USA, 1980)

  Louis B. Snyder: Encyclopedia of the Third Reich (London, 1976)

  Helmuth Spacter: Die Branden burger – eine deutsche Kommandotruppe zb V800 (Munich, 1982)

  Albert Speer: Inside the Third Reich (London, 1970)

  W. Stanley-Moss: Gold Is Where You Hide It (London, 1956)

  James Stern: The Hidden Damage (New York, 1947)

  John Toland: The Last Hundred Days (London, 1968)

  Trial of the Major War Criminals at Nuremberg (HMSO, 23 vols, London, 1946-51)

  Hugh Trevor-Roper (ed.): The Bormann Letters (London, 1954)

>   Hugh Trevor-Roper: The Last Days of Hitler (London, 1981)

  John Frayn Turner and Robert Jackson: Destination Berchtesgaden (London, 1975)

  David Wallechinsky, Irving Wallace and Amy Wallace: The Book of Lists (London, 1977)

  Simon Wiesenthal: The Murderers Among Us (London, 1969)

  Robert Wistrich: Who’s Who in Nazi Germany (London, 1982)

  Earl F. Ziemke: Stalingrad to Berlin – The German Defeat in the East (Army Historical Series, Washington, 197 1)

  Earl F. Ziemke: The US Army in the Occupation of Germany (Army Historical Series, Washington, 1975)

  Harold Zink: The United States in Germany, 1944–55 (New York, 1956)

  Harold Zink: American Military Government in Germany (New York, 1967)

  Unpublished Archive Sources

  US Army: Military records of Frederick Siegfried Neumann and Kenneth Asa McIntyre

  Major E. S. G. Bach: In Search of the Reichsbank (Control Commission for Germany, 30 June 1945)

  Berlin Document Centre and US Archives: Documents relating to Fritz Rauch, Helmut Schreiber, Helmut Groeger, Mathias Stinnes, Klaus Bremme and Gottlob Berger

  SHAEF, Finance Branch: Report on Reconnaissance to Discover Further German Gold, Foreign Exchange and Loot (Unsigned undated secret typescript, c. May 1945. Frankfurt)

  ‘Reichsbank Building, Frankfurt am Main’ Currency Section for Germany, US Army Branch, 13 May 1945

  SHAEF: Captured Currencies (typescript, May 1945, PRO)

  Berlin Document Centre: Documents relating to Hubert von Blücher

  Kriminalabteilung beim Präsidium der Bayerischen Landpolizei: ‘Final Report – Gold and Foreign Currency Assets of the Former German Reichsbank’ (Munich, January 1953)

  SHAEF: Discovery of Hidden German Gold Reserves. Appendix ‘B’ to Weekly Field Report (Secret) April 1945

  Organisation Turicum: Report Lt DuBois, G-5 Financial SHAEF (Mittenwald, 22 May 1945)

  Third Army G-2: Secret Weekly Intelligence Report, No. 4, 29.8.45

  Register of Valuables in Custody of the FED, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 15.4.45 – 29.11.80

  Office of Alien Property, US Department of Justice: Vesting Orders for US currency recovered in Germany 7.12.78 and 18.4.79

  CIC file on M. H. Knoebel – Dossier XE216143–1

  FED Currency Section. Inventory of Shipment 52A, 22.7.46

  FED: Inventory of Shipments 1–115 (Frankfurt 1947–48)

  Civil Censorship Division: Transcripts of’ telephone intercepts

  Memo to 307th CID Detachment HQ 7th Army. Interrogation of Wilhelm Spacil, Head of Amt 11, 27.7.45

  970th CIC Detachment: Memo on ownership and disposal of effects recovered as a result of interrogation of Wilhelm Spacil, 4.2.46

  61st Armored Infantry Battalion: After Action Report, 12.6.45.

  OMGB Finance Division: Briefing Notes of Meeting with General Dwight D. Eisenhower, 14/15.10.46

  OMGB Intelligence, Historical and Reports Branch: Time Necessary for Trial of Minor Cases after Arrest, 6.1.47

  CIC Dossier on Guenther Reinhardt (Dossier XI 446319)

  National Archives: Papers relating to raid on the Socialist Unity Party in Soviet Sector of Berlin

  American Embassy, Prague – Note of protest from Office of Political Affairs to Public Safety Branch, OMGUS, 4.2.48

  Record of Trial – General Court-Martial of Jack W. Durant CM 234234, 11.12.46–30.4.47

  Record of Trial – General Court-Martial of Captain Victor J. Haig, 11.3.47–18.3.47

  FED: Memo from Deputy Chief of Currency Section to Assistant Director, Financial Division, US Group Control Council, 10.7.45

  US Group Control Council: 3 1– page secret report – Report on Recovery of Reichsbank Precious Metals

  Major R. M. Allgeier: Report of incident to Provost Marshal, 3rd US Army (HQ 512 MP Battalion, Bad Tölz, 29.6.45)

  Rona L. Geib: Currency sent from the Reichsbank, Berlin, to Southern Germany in April 1945 (FED, Frankfurt, 1947)

  Rona L. Geib: Liaison Visit to G-2 (FED, Frankfurt, 1947)

  Lt Hubert Gais: 537 Gebirgsjäger Regiment. Diary entries prior to American Occupation of Garmisch-Partenkirchen (Garmisch Partenkirchen, 15 May 1945)

  Gottfried Arendt: Report concerning the transfer of valuables from Berlin to Munich, April 1945

  R. A. Nixon, Chief Financial Intelligence and Liaison Branch, OMGUS: Report on Recovery of Reichsbank Precious Metals (HQ ‘US Group Control Council, Finance Division, 6 September 1945)

  Lt Herbert G. DuBois: In Quest of Gold, Silver and Foreign Exchange (Finance Branch, SHAEF, May 1945)

  Paul S. McCarroll: Foreign Exchange Depository (HQ USFET Finance, typescript,. 24.1.46)

  Lt-Col. F. S. McFadzean, SHAEF, Finance Branch: Seized Enemy Funds, 10.3.45

  Capt. Benjamin S. Schilling, HQ USFET G-5 Financial Branch: Shipment No. 60, 11.8.45

  Frank J. Roberts: Data re German Foreign Office Gold Reflected by Records of Foreign Exchange Depository, 3.5.49

  Lindley Beckworth: Letters to Congressional Interstate and Foreign Commerce Committee, 6.6.50 and 2.6.50

  Col. Roy L. Dalferes, 3rd Army, G-5: Delivery of Treasure, 6.7.45

  Major Melvin W. Nitz: Military Government Annual Report, June 1946

  Robert B. Shawe, 13th CID: Report to Office of the Provost Marshal, CID, Eucom, 27.6.47

  Lt-Col. Leonard H. Smith: Testimony before Inspector General into allegations by Guenther Reinhardt, 20.1.48

  Major Lionel C. Perera, HQ 3rd Army G-5 Section: Interrogation Report on Fritz Rauch, 4.7.45

  Russell R. Lord: Letter to Director of Finance Division, OMGUS re Direct Contact between OMGUS and German Officials, 8.3.47

  Edwin P. Keller: Report on Visit to OMGB Munich, 31.7.47

  Edwin P. Keller: Memo re US Dollars Discussions on 3 January, 3.1.49

  Joseph A. Angotti: Internal memo – Item 37, Shipment 109, 2.11.48

  Murray D. Van Waggoner: Letter to Major-General George P. Hays re Military Government Law No. 53, 3.2.49

  Siegfried F. Feld, CIC Special Agent: C.I. Arrest Report, 28.11.45

  Charles S. Dimarino, CIC Special Agent: Secret Report re Helmut Groeger – Illegal Possession of Large Quantities of American money, 17.6.48

  Ellington D. Golden, 970th CIC: Secret Report re H. Groeger 17.2.48

  Max L. Marshall, CIC Agent: Secret memo re Helmut Groeger, 25.5.48

  Guenther Reinhardt: 55-page memorandum on American Occupation of Germany, December 1947

  George O. Muse, CID Agent: Alleged Illegal Traffic in German Automobiles, 14.5.47

  Col. Thomas H. Young: Final Report of Investigation and Transportation Branch, 31.3.48

  Captain Elwood J. Pennetto: Inspection Report, 4.5.46

  Col. Fred A. Mayer: Report on Personnel Ordered Out of the Occupation Zones for Prejudicial Acts, 30.10.47

  James A. Rutter, 66th CIC Group: Interview with Lt-Col. E. Van Buskirk, 13.8.57

  Col. William G. Brey, Chief, FED: Letter to Mr Jack Bennett, Finance Adviser, OMGB, 23.4.48

  Victor H. Peccarelli, Chief Agent: Secret Preliminary Report on Narcotics Trafficking in Upper Bavaria (Project Garpeck), 2.12.47

  Charles B. Dyer, Narcotics Officer, OMGB: Narcotics Situation in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, 3.4.48

  Philip P. Benzell, Chief Agent: Concluding Report on Narcotics Trafficking in Upper Bavaria (Project Garpeck), 10.1.48

  Major Earl S. Browning, 970th CIC: Report on Boleslaw ‘Kasimierski’, 27.2.47

  Lt-Col. Leonard H. Smith: Report of Investigation of Conditions in Garmisch, 14.7.47

  HQ Eucom, Frankfurt: Message (signed Huebner) concerning Gammache case, 7.1.48

  Record of Trial: Frank J. Gammache, 9.9.47–11.9.47

  Col. F. J. Pearson, Inspector General’s Office: Reports of Investigation of Allegations made by Mr Guenther Reinhardt, 22.4.48

  Orville J. Taylor: Reinhardt Report. Wholesale Irregularities in the Counter-Intelligence Corps in the European Theatre,

  Carl Sussmann: Memo for CO Garmisch Sub-Region CIC, 19.10.46

  Lt-Col. Clarke: Secret Message from CSGID Security Group to HQ Eucom, Frankfurt, 12.1.48

  Major-General Louis A. Craig, Inspector General’s Office: Report of Investigation of Allegations of Guenther Reinhardt covering Suppression of Information, 3.2.48

  Major Robert B. Hensley, Deputy, Inspector General’s Office: Alleged Black-Market Activities of American Personnel, 3.2.48

  Col. Harold R. Booth, Inspector General’s Office: Correspondence with General Clay re Investigation of Property Control Officer, 22.3.49

  Brigadier-General W. B. Palmer: Investigation Report re Lt-Col. Russell R. Lord. 17.8.49

  Robert M. Barnett, Personnel Officer, OMGUS: Memo re Russell R. Lord, 31.8.49

  Receipt from Lt-Col. Robert P. Rowe, G-5, HQ 7th Army to Major William R. Geiler and Captain Walter R. Dee, 9.6.45

  Dr Robert M. W. Kempner: Letter to Mr Perry Lankhuff, Political Division, OMGUS, 28.12.48

  CIC Munich: Telegram to other CIC stations re Kasimierski, 12.3.47

  Chief of FED: Letter to Fiscal Officer, OMGB, Munich, April 1945

  Frank J. Roberts, Acting Chief, FED: Secret Report US Dollars Found in Germany, 28.3.49

  News Sources

  Antony Terry, Phillip Knightley and Stephen Fay: Soviet Agents Try to Cache 27 Million German War Loot Bonds (Sunday Times, 31.1.71)

  Lorana Sullivan: The Weimar Bonds That Won’t Go Away (Observer, 21 November 1982)

  Ottmar Katz: Interviews with Colonel Franz Pfeiffer, Captain Hans Neuhauser, Josef Veit and Josef Pinzl.

  Garmisch-Partenkirchner Tagblatt: ‘Dunkle Rätsel aus Dunklen Tagen’ (Garmisch-Partenkirchen, January/February 1956)

  Jürgen Bungert and Armin Walter: Das Gold, die. Nacht und der Nebel (Bild am Sonntag, May-June 1974)

  ‘Die Sauhund’ hau’n wir wieder ‘naus’: Die Geheimakten der US-Militärregierung In Bayern 1945 bis 1949 (Part III, Der Spiegel, I December 1980)

  Frank Orman: ‘Was geschah in diesem Haus’ (Wochenend, Nuremberg, 1952)

  Robert Reed: War Report No. NI 43 (BBC German Service, 8 April 1945)

  Guenther Reinhardt: ‘I Spy, You Spy, He Spies’ (Pageant, 1948)

  Henriette von Schirach: ‘Wo bileb das Gold der Reichsbank?’ (Wochenend, Nuremberg, 5 October 1950)


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