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Bearly Breathing

Page 1

by C. D. Gorri

  Bearly Breathing

  by C.D. Gorri

  For anyone who believes in true love, this one is for you!

  del mare alla stella, C.D. Gorri

  Copyright 2018 C.D. Gorri

  This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, names, places, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either part of the author’s imagination and/or used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to a person, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental. This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. All rights are reserved. No part of this book is to be reproduced, scanned, downloaded, printed, or distributed in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the author. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of any materials in violation of the author’s rights. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  About the Author

  C.D. Gorri always wanted to be an author. An avid reader, she has a profound love for books and literature that she shares with her friends and family. When she's not writing she can usually be found with a book or kindle in her hand.

  She resides in her home state of New Jersey with her husband, their children, and their dogs, Dash and Chewie.

  To learn more, please visit

  Table of Contents



  A Message from one of The Devlin Brothers

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10




  More Books


  He’s looking for his mate. She just wants to have fun. Will Leya and Marcus find their destiny one hot summer night?


  Sweet and curvy, Leya Tremayne is tired of being a shoulder to cry on for the men in her life. Determined to shed her image, she goes on a tropical vacation with plans to let her hair down!

  She meets Marcus Devlin and is instantly attracted to the devastatingly handsome stranger. He is exactly the type of man she needs to help her build her new image! Can she handle a one-night stand with this rugged Bear Shifter or will she lose her heart in the process?

  Marcus Devlin is looking for his true fated mate. After months of searching, he is just about ready to give up when destiny lands in his lap. Literally.

  After rescuing the beautiful blonde tourist from an untimely accident, Marcus knows instinctively that she’s the one. He just has to convince her!

  A Message from one of The Devlin Brothers…

  Hi there,

  My name is Taylor. I’m the youngest of the three Devlin Brothers. Now, this is a secret, but I feel like I can trust you, so I’m just gonna say it. We’re Bear Shifters. Werebears if you prefer.

  My oldest brother, Marcus, has been a real sonofabit-, well, he’s been one cranky ass bear! He needs to find his one true and fated mate to soothe his beast or there’s a chance he might go feral!

  That would really suck for us, seeing as how we’ve just hit the bigtime with the family business. We’re the owners of Bear Claw Bakery, you might have heard of us! The best non-GMO savory breads and sweets in the country! Heck, maybe the whole damn planet!

  But don’t take my word for it. Dive into these pages and see for yourself! And if you see Marcus, maybe let him give you a sniff, just in case you’re the one?

  Oh, steer clear of Daniel! My poor big bro got his heart crushed. Yup, he was left at the alter by his fiancée! Let’s just say the experience left him one bitter and angry dude. He hates women.

  Yup. I’m the nice one in the bunch. But don’t get any ideas. I am a confirmed bachelor for years to come yet! No rush to mate here. Especially not with Krissy Sposa, our home store manager. Despite what the curly haired bear seems to think!

  Anyway, back to Marcus, he’s the one looking for love. I gotta get going, I have a hot date with a sexy redhead.




  Marcus rolled his shoulders and waited impatiently for the familiar buzz that preceded his Change. It was early yet. The evening sky was still bright with the setting sun. Too light for what he was about to do, but he didn’t care. He needed to do it now.

  He tore off his apron and stepped out of his flour-caked sneakers, kicking them onto the rubber mat that sat against the exposed brick wall of the hallway that led to the ovens.

  He’d have to remember to tell the cleaning service to hose down the mats before they left at night. He made a mental note, but that didn’t slow him down in the least.

  Marcus turned sideways so he could fit smoothly through the back door of the bakery and half-jogged down the steps. He sniffed the air, ignoring the sweet smell of flour and yeast as he loped towards the stand of trees just behind the employee parking lot.

  He ran his eyes over the area, checking one last time to make sure he was completely alone, before stripping out of the remainder of his dough splattered clothes.

  The bakery was hot as fuck on any given day, no matter the season. Today was no exception. Tiny rivulets of sweat clung to his skin, but the cool air that met it caused him to shiver. Or was it caused by something else?

  He sucked in a deep breath. Change was coming, his Bear sensed it. Not the kind that swapped skin for fur, this was something else. The weather perhaps?

  Just another week or two and the unseasonably cold spring would be over, replaced by the intoxicating heat of summer. Marcus loved summer.

  Actually, what he liked most about his home in southwestern New Jersey was the change of the seasons. Except lately.

  This winter had been a long one and, as for spring, it was nonexistent. He felt restless and barren as the landscape. Small, unfulfilled buds covered the trees. They looked hard and small, dead even, incapable of holding the life he knew that dwelt deep inside.

  He longed for the lush green of the summer months. With it came the frenzy of his fellow woodland creatures as they went about their lives of hunting, gathering, making homes, and making babies. Fuck. Babies. The thought alone used to be enough to have him breaking out in hives. But now…

  This line of thought was getting him nowhere. He exhaled and shook his head, freeing his shoulder-length hair from the confines of the tight braid he preferred when baking. It’s time. The voice inside him growled, but Marcus resisted.

  He didn’t want things to change. He liked his life. Business was good, his family was healthy and safe, he had roots right there in town, what more could he want? Mate. Must find a mate, his inner beast growled.

  His great-great-grandfather, Ignatius Devlin, moved to Barvale from Ireland over two hundred years ago seeking fortune and a better life for himself.

  After he landed, he started as an apprentice baker to the one man willing to give an Irishman a job. Years later, after marrying the man’s daughter and inheriting the shop, he founded the Devlin Clan.

  Family legend said the young baker’s wife was curious about her husband’s nightly runs through the woods. He’d avoided her questions with success until one night when their first child promptly turned into a bear cub after refusing to go to bed when his mother ordered him to.

  Old Ignatius had a lot of explaining to do that night, afterwards, harmony reigned in their house, and the bakery was re-christened the Bear Claw Bakery.

  The Devlin Clan owned and operated the Bear Claw Bakery to this very day.
In fact, his own father had recently retired from the business and gave control over it to his three sons.

  Marcus had immediately thrown himself into work, aiming to prove he could do a good job, and he had. Only, just lately, he felt as if time itself was breathing down his neck. His Bear was restless.

  It wasn’t because of work, that much he knew. Marcus had baking in his blood. There was nothing on God’s green earth that compared to the heady rush he got when he breathed in the wholesome fragrance of freshly baked bread and the other sweet and savory goods that made the Bear Claw Bakery one of the best in the industry.

  The old family recipes that had been passed down to them were revered by the brothers. They were responsible for keeping their products fresh with bold new innovations in flavors and by using only the best non-GMO, organic ingredients.

  His father had smiled indulgently whenever they talked about their new take on old family recipes. As if he had ever used inferior ingredients! Bah! But the world was changing, and chefs and bakers the world over had their work cut out for them in so far as selecting only the best for their products.

  Marcus dusted the flour off from his hands and grunted. Success aside, something was missing from his life. Something soft and supple with sweet curves and a wicked tongue… Fuck, not now, he thought.

  The image of a faceless woman with a body made for him entered his mind and he felt himself swell instantly in response. No. He was damned if he was going to admit that what he craved, what he lusted after was a woman. No, not just a woman.

  Women were not exactly flocking to his bed, though he’d had his fair share. He was a good-looking guy, but his days of sowing his wild oats were long gone.

  One night stands simply held no appeal. But having one woman, the right woman, might. Marcus squinted against the setting sun and rubbed his hand over the middle of his chest.

  He was acutely aware of the emptiness there. Like a hole had suddenly popped up right smack in the middle of his heart. He’d been fighting it for months now. But tonight, it hit Marcus like a ton of bricks.

  He couldn’t outrun it any longer. You need a mate. The second he acknowledged it, his Bear roared in agreement. He wanted to balk at the very idea of it.

  That his Bear should demand he find a mate before the man was ready! It made him damned angry. Shit.

  He just didn’t have the time to find a mate. Not now. He was too busy. But when he had the time, it shouldn’t be too hard, he told himself. He knew that women found him attractive.

  Marcus was the eldest of the Devlin trio. He was taller than his two brothers, though they too shared his bulk, and he had an easy-going nature most of the time. He worked hard, his body evidence of just how hard.

  All three Devlin boys were heavily built, each one covered in sinewy muscle. They were big as, well, as Bears. Shifters in general were well muscled, but Bears were downright brawny.

  It didn’t stop the ladies from flocking to them. When he was younger, he ate up the attention, but nowadays it just felt wrong. He was tired of one-night stands. And he had plenty to offer a mate, now that he was coming around to the idea.

  He was handsome, with his chiseled features, full lips, and preferred bit of scruff on his face. He was financially sound and the bakery was doing amazing.

  Unlike his two younger brothers, Marcus had inherited his mother’s mane of dark brown hair. He kept it long and plenty a woman enthused over the natural silkiness of his locks. Yes. He was enough to tempt any female.

  Not just any female. A mate. My mate. Fuck, fuck, fuck. He’d never been interested in more than a casual affair with women. But he realized this was bound to happen sooner or later.

  At least he could be objective and choose one before he fell under her spell. Lord knew he didn’t want to wind up like his brother, Daniel. Poor guy was still eating his heart out after his fiancé left him at the altar for another man.

  “Fuck me,” he growled out loud.

  Sure, he’d tried dating more and more the last few months, but there were slim pickings out there for a guy like him. He disliked aggressive women, and the types that frequented the bars and restaurants that he and his brothers used to hang out in were more than that.

  Christ, last night a long-legged blonde had walked right up to him and put her hand right on his dick before he even got her name. Not his type at all.

  Taylor, the baby of the family and his mama’s pride and joy, had been too happy to take over from there. Marcus left early and came right here to work off his annoyance.

  Ten hours by the ovens in their main distribution baking facility and, still, he was agitated. Need to Change. Now.

  He rolled his neck and relaxed his crouched stance. Mate or no mate, he needed this time right now to unwind. He was more than a little anxious to stretch his legs.

  He refused to think about what would happen if he couldn’t find her. His Bear roared at the thought of going feral. Unmated Bear Shifters, or Werebears, were a threat to their entire way of life.

  The face that supernaturals walked amongst humans, or normals as they were called, was a secret that must be kept at all costs. Each group had their own way of enforcing this rule, and there were other agencies that helped track down and take care of anyone who was a threat to that and a handful of other absolute rules.

  Fact was, a feral Bear had no place amongst society. In short, Marcus would be hunted and later put to death if he went feral. A strong probability if he remained unmated.

  This odious task was usually carried out by the Alpha of the Bear Clan in question. For him that would mean his father. Fuck.

  Okay, time to Shift, he told his inner beast. He visualized the thick, dark fur and the hefty weight of his other self.

  His body trembled in response to the magic that responded so readily whenever he called forth his Black Bear. He was easily double the size of any normal black bear and right then, every single inch of him was on edge.

  The next day, he was leaving Barvale to visit one of the new Bear Claw Bakery locations. His job was to evaluate the site and make sure it was up to their specifications.

  He’d leave all this business of finding a mate till he got back. This new store was the perfect excuse for a few days of relaxation. Just what he needed!

  As the eldest, he got first pick when it came to travel. He’d use this as a mini-vacay. After all, it was his business plan that led them to lease spaces in Stein Luxury Hotel & Resorts.

  Bear Claw Bakery had over a dozen locales up and down the east coast already, but with these new mini-storefronts in the popular hotel chain, they’d launch into an entirely new level of renown and fortune.

  Famous locally and in the tri-state area for their wide selection of organic, non-GMO, freshly brewed coffees and teas, not to mention their made-to-order fresh fruit or veggie smoothies, Marcus knew they’d benefit any tourist establishment.

  They also served a delectable assortment of freshly baked bread, muffins, cookies, pies, pastries, croissants, and other goods throughout the day.

  He was thrilled with the prospect of Bear Claw Bakery becoming a household name. Of course, the new mini-bakeries in the hotel chain had shortened menus, but they were damn good ones. Marcus made sure of it.

  His brothers had helped him decide what products they’d sell at these smaller bakeries. Of course, baking would be done on the premises. That meant finding chefs. Good ones.

  Marcus had spent months interviewing and training the right people to manage the new locations. Finding experienced chefs was handled by Daniel. The Bear may be a woman hater now that his fiancée had dumped his ass, but he could sniff out talent fast as lightning.

  Taylor, his youngest brother, came up with the idea to feature fresh local produce in their stores according to each location. Marcus and Daniel readily supported the decision. Real ingredients for real people.

  All three brothers took turns to visit the new locations, and there were just a handful left. Marcus’ turn was next. A
nd not a minute too soon. This mate business was making him nuts. He couldn’t wait to land in paradise!

  He booked the hotel room for an extra week instead of the normal day or two the trip usually entailed. He couldn’t remember the last time he just relaxed. It was long overdue.

  This time tomorrow he’d be sitting on a beach with a tumbler of Clover Bite, his favorite brand of artisan whiskey, and soaking up the glorious sun. But right now, he needed to Change.

  His Bear hated to fly. The idea of soaring thousands of feet above land was ludicrous to the beast inside him.

  Marcus found it best to let him out before a long trip. Alright, buddy, let’s run, he said to himself and let out a short roar as his body changed to that of his hulking Black Bear just before he took off into the woods.


  Leya Tremayne sipped from her glass of chilled Chardonnay and listened to her impeccably dressed boss over their shared appetizers.

  She sighed and nodded her head in all the appropriate places, but her mind was a million miles away. I can’t believe this is happening.

  When her big, handsome boss asked her to accompany him to dinner, she’d had a minor heart attack. All her daydreams over the past few months were finally about to come to fruition! Or not.

  She’d been certain her luck had changed, but after nibbling on a stuffed mushroom, not her favorite appetizer[TP1] by the way, and watching him order a fruity cocktail that made her shudder, he started confessing his real reason for asking her out. This cannot be happening to me again!

  “You don’t have any plans tonight, right?” he’d asked while perching on her desk earlier that evening.

  Like the desperate jerk she was, she nodded her head and agreed with him. Even though it was Friday night and damned presumptuous of him to ask her to go with him on such short notice.

  Oh well, she thought, that’s what you get for being obvious. Still, at least I’ll get a nice dinner. Those had been her thoughts when he first brought up the subject of his super sexy, super skinny, and somewhat bitchy girlfriend.


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