Bearly Breathing

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Bearly Breathing Page 8

by C. D. Gorri

  “So, you are saying what? That we’re mates?”

  “Uh, yes?”

  “Oh. You don’t sound sure.”

  “I’m fucking sure,” he moved so quickly she couldn’t follow it. One second, he was a few feet away, the next, he was right in front of her.

  “You. Are. Mine. Leya, I know this is a lot to take in and that you have no reason to believe me, but I swear to God, I am crazy about you. I feel things for you that should be impossible-”

  “You mean like you, turning into a Bear?!”

  “No, well, yeah! I guess-”

  “So, you mean it should be impossible for you to feel anything for someone like me?”

  “God no! That’s not what I mean at all! Shit, I’m sorry. I mean that it’s impossible to expect you to feel anything for me. And now I probably fucked it all up cause you’re perfect and I’m this fucking animal!”

  “Okay, Marcus, I think we need to start from the beginning.”

  “Fine, just let me get my shorts on-”

  “No, you just sit right there and start talking.”


  He wanted to growl, to roar, to punch something, anything to get that horrified look off her face. One thing he never considered was possible rejection.

  Oh crap. The dirt under his bare ass was hot from the late afternoon sun and the pebbles sticking to his cheeks grated. It wasn’t that he minded sitting there in the buff, well, not exactly, but how was he supposed to answer questions when his cock was sitting at half-mast? As a Shifter, he was hardly bothered by nudity, but the smell of her so close was driving him fucking nuts.

  Not being able to touch her? Fucking torture. In those tiny cut-offs and that fitted tank top, she looked good enough to eat. Talk about good ideas! She sat back on her feet facing him and unconsciously thrust her perfect breasts forward. Drool.

  He could almost imagine what she was thinking behind those gorgeous blue eyes of hers. How could she not know how perfect she was? He had to wipe that confused frown off her face. For good.

  “Just to recap, you’re a Bear and you think I’m your mate?”

  “I know you’re my mate.”

  “And it’s possible we have some sort of close connection, but we haven’t bonded yet because we haven’t had sex.”


  “Um, yes.”

  “So, if we have sex then we are what, like married or something?”

  “Yes. Sort of. We will be officially mated. It’s better than married to Shifters. Once I have claimed you, you can be damned sure, I will never let you go, and every other male around you will know you belong to me, but of course, a legal marriage would be prudent too.”

  “Okay, Captain Caveman, hold up a sec, are you saying you want to marry me?”

  Swallow again. Hard. Fuck.

  “Yes. Absolutely. I want you, Leya, only you. As my mate, as my wife, forever.”

  “Okay, then, there is only one way to see if this is true or not,” she stood up in front of him.

  Her skin seemed to glow against the rising moon as she took the band out of her hair and let the soft blonde waves fall down around her shoulders. She unbuttoned her shorts and Marcus hissed in a breath.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Unzip that sleeping bag, will you?”

  He moved mechanically following her orders, but his eyes never left her. She stepped out of her sneakers, stuffing her socks inside, and placed them inside the tent. His hands stilled on the sleeping bag as she stood just inside the opening.

  He tensed in his crouched position, eyes riveted to the movements of her hands as she unzipped her shorts and pushed them down her long legs. Marcus’ throat went dry. Before he could move, she had her tank top over her head, revealing lace-covered mounds of flesh to his starving eyes.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I’m taking my clothes off, Marcus.”


  “I thought that was obvious,” she grinned, her hands moved to the front clasp of her demi-cup bra.

  Before she had the chance to unfasten it, he was there. His sweet, sexy mate was taking her clothes off. For him. Marcus shivered like an inexperienced cub, taking her in his arms as if she was something delicate and precious. She is.

  “Are you sure you want to do this?” he asked. Part of him was afraid she’d say yes, the other part of him wouldn’t move a muscle until she told him to. Her big, blue eyes looked up at him, trust and something else, something warm and all-consuming glistened in their depths.

  “Yes,” she said, “Marcus, I’m sure,” her blue eyes roaming his face as she raised her hands and pulled on his head.

  “I won’t be able to stop,” Marcus’ voice was a low growl. Longing and need threatened to consume him. Never like this, he thought as he struggled to hold on to his Bear.

  “I don’t want you to stop. Please Marcus, no more waiting. I want you,” she went back to the bra, but his hands swallowed hers and gently moved them aside.

  “Let me, baby,” his voice echoed through his body. More Bear than man, he had to will his skin to stay put as he, oh-so-gently, peeled the lacy fabric from her glorious skin.

  Better than any Christmas or birthday present. Those were always too hastily unwrapped to be really appreciated. Yes, this was something to be savored. For his mate, he would not rush. He’d go slow. Even if it killed him.

  His blood thrummed in his veins, heart pounding as, inch by inch, he revealed her gorgeous form. Her skin was smooth and unblemished. She was suntanned from their day on the beach. A lovely shade of gold, like honey. Grrr. His Bear growled as he tested her softness beneath his searching hands.

  She arched her back in silent submission. Her eyes grew heavy-lidded with desire. The scent of her arousal made his mouth water. He couldn’t wait any longer. Marcus bent his head.

  He took one plump nipple in his mouth while pinching the other with his fingers as he tasted her. Sweet as honey. And mine. Roarrr. She shivered in his arms and moaned his name, her hands tugging his long hair, pressing him closer to her sweet flesh.

  She tasted so fucking good. He burned for her. Finally, he had her in his arms. Joy and possession welled up inside of him. His lips left her breast to find her mouth. Their kiss was deep and passionate. Tongues tangled, teeth nipped, and hands roamed. Honey and lavender, sweetness and spice. His Leya was all woman, more than a handful for the mighty Bear.

  He fucking loved it. She pressed herself against him, hips swaying as she moaned her delight in the feel of skin against skin. Her boldness and the innocence that lurked underneath made his dick swell and throb against her soft belly.

  Fuck. If she kept that up, he was gonna come all over her. His Bear rumbled as her sweet musk filled his nostrils. Mate.

  “Finally, my sweet Leya,” his lips found her neck and he nipped her none too gently.

  “Marcus,” she moaned, “I think I’m ready.”

  “For what, baby?”

  “To see what all the fuss was about.”

  His whole body seemed to vibrate at the depth of passion in her gaze. He lowered her onto the sleeping bag and loomed over her. He was determined to give her everything she wanted, but first, he needed to taste all of her.

  “And I’m gonna show you, baby, but the Bear wants a taste first.”

  Her eyes widened with questions, but he let his body do the talking. His hands traced the curve of her arm up to her bare shoulders, his mouth followed, dropping kisses along her sun-kissed skin that seemed to glow in the moonlight.

  Marcus forced himself to blink just to make sure she was real. She looked like an angel and smelled like heaven. Tupelo honey and lavender. Her scent filled his nostrils. He caught her flower petal soft lips with his, then took them between his teeth and nibbled delicately.

  His mate was a virgin, fresh and untouched. His. She clung to him sweetly with her mouth opening slowly for his tongue, answering his need with her own. She was ripe and ready for him.
  Her entire body seemed to vibrate beneath him. She moaned low in her throat, and if possible, he grew even harder at the raw sound. Mine.

  His open mouth pressed kisses down the crevice between her breasts. He’d be back later to properly indulge himself with the sweet mounds, but for now, he had other places to tease and taste. Marcus needed her hunger to match his own before he took her.

  His hands roamed over her luscious curves. Leya was a fucking goddess without her clothes. Big enough to fill even his hands and sweet as the honey his Bear craved.

  Her passion was a delightful surprise. She met him kiss for kiss, touch for touch. Never shying away from him. No, his mate dove right in, submitting to him, but not leaving him in charge. Her nails scratched at his back, lips and teeth nipped his skin, hands cupped his ass. She was eager and responsive. A hot-blooded siren in his hands.

  Marcus wanted to make everything so fucking perfect for her. She pulled on his hair, but he didn’t mind as he knelt between the open v of her legs and moved the naughty little piece of lace that barely covered her to one side.

  She bucked under his exploring fingers. He used his hands to part her lips, the cropped curls teased his skin and he groaned aloud when his tongue snaked out to steal a taste.

  Leya moaned in response. Her hips jerked as he lapped at her warm, throbbing center. Unsatisfied with his access, he tugged on the lacy panties she wore. The fabric tore right off her supple body with a sound that sent tremors through him.

  He pushed forward, causing her to spread her legs wider. Oh, I fucking like that. He lifted her left thigh and draped it over his shoulder digging his fingers into the soft flesh at her hips.

  Mine. Roarrr. He thrust his tongue into her tight hole, growling when her muscles clenched. He could almost imaging how she would feel surrounding his dick. She was so hot and tight. It was going to be amazing.

  Fuck yeah. But she had to come first. Yes, Marcus needed that very much. He swirled his tongue around her quivering bundle of nerves. Long kisses, deep licks, and a few pulls on her tiny bud with his lips had her calling out his name.

  His Leya tried to buck him off, but he held her in place with his hands and stroked her from ass to clit with his long tongue. She tasted like ambrosia and he couldn’t get enough of her. He felt the second she reached her pinnacle, her pussy clenched and spasmed around his mouth. Her juices dripping, he lapped up every single drop. Fucking delicious.

  “That’s right, baby, feel it,” he growled against her, reveling in her pleasure. Pleasure he gave her. Grrr.

  Marcus watched as she slowly opened her eyes. Leya breathed with her mouth open, chest rising with each inhale, glorious breasts bouncing in the sway. So beautiful. He rose to his knees, ready to worship at the altar of his mate. Mine.

  “Leya?” He voiced her name like a question as he positioned his cock against her swollen lips. She was so wet for him, and so fucking hot. Still, the choice was hers.

  “Marcus!” She called out and opened her arms. Fingers clasping him and drawing him down to her sweat-slicked body.

  “Mate,” he growled and pressed inside.

  Marcus felt her barrier and was filled with a fierce sense of possession and pride. Untouched. Mine. Only mine.

  “Look at me, baby,” he said as he pushed his hips past her maidenhead. He claimed her in a roar that filled the tent.

  Her body froze in the midst of his deafening yell and he forced himself to still.

  “Marcus, I don’t think you fit-” she panicked and squirmed underneath him, but he did not move.

  “Relax, sweet, allow your body to adjust to me. Like a stone falling into water, you can take me, baby, you were made to,” he stared at her, lost in her blue gaze and felt the second she relaxed and accepted him into her.

  She was so tight. Perfect. Made for him. Her body softened and opened around him, then he began to move. He felt her enjoyment in her pleasure filled cries and the way she raked her nails across his back and shoulders as his body moved over hers.

  Fucking music to his ears. The pain only adding to his pleasure. Leya twined her arms around his neck and panted. Leya, sweet, sexy Leya. Love. Mine. Mate.

  Blood thundered in his ears, his Bear roared inside. Every thrust of his cock he seemed to touch more of her inside. Stroking her walls, heightening their pleasure. His cock pulsed in time with ever squeeze of her channel. Fuck, soon now.

  Their scents mingled, entwined, and a new one emerged. Theirs. Yes, that felt right. It was the scent of their mating. One she would always carry. As would he. Marking them both as taken, mated forever. Marcus groaned as he thrust deep inside her quivering warmth.

  She pulled him down for a soul scorching kiss that made him tremble. He needed her to come one more time before he could reach his pleasure. Marcus grabbed her legs, and she followed his lead, locking them around his waist. He slipped even deeper inside of her. Oh fuck. Gonna come. No, not without her. No fucking way.

  He found her nub with his hand and rubbed with his callused thumb while he pushed himself deeper and faster. Tiny nails dug into his shoulders and his mate threw her head back and cried out his name. He felt her pussy ripple in her climax, sucking his dick with her sheath.

  Finally, he felt the pleasure of his own orgasm rip through his body. A million fireworks, a comet orbiting the earth, a fucking supernova. Coming inside of her was all of these things and more. He roared her name as his hips jerked out of time, pumping his seed into her heat with every quivering movement.

  Mark her. His Bear growled and Marcus felt his fangs distend. He leaned forwards and she tilted her head, granting him access. His teeth slid into the flesh at the side of her neck like a hot knife through butter. He reveled in the coppery liquid that poured down his throat, pressing his teeth in deeper in the way of his kind.

  Marcus claimed Leya as his mate for all the world to see. He put his mark on her body, while her sex tightened around his shaft and milked him for all he was worth.



  The plane ride back to the states was long. Too long. At least it felt that way to Leya. She smiled and leaned her head against Marcus’ shoulder. Her mate grumbled softly and opened his eyes to place a kiss on her forehead.

  “Can I get you something?” Her stomach tightened at the sound of his deep, sexy voice.

  “No, I’m good,” she replied still smiling.

  “Okay, I’m just gonna use the restroom. Be right back, baby.” He got up and she admired the six-foot plus view of him as he squeezed down the aisle to the first-class restrooms.

  They had almost the entire section to themselves, except for an older couple. The woman looked at Marcus then at her and nodded her approval. Leya bit back a giggle. He was a damn fine specimen of man. And Bear. Her Bear. Grrr.

  Leya stretched in her seat. Her body was deliciously sore. She’d used muscles she never even knew she had the past few days! Heat warmed her face as she thought about how she’d gotten in that state.

  And now I know exactly what the fuss is all about! She smiled at her own little joke. Marcus spent the remaining days of their vacation showing her exactly what she’d been missing on the king-sized bed in his suite, and the shower, and the floor, and the kitchen table…

  Still, she couldn’t get enough of him. Her very own Bear! Her one true, fated mate. According to him, what they had was rare and special. Something to be treasured. He vowed to do just that, to treasure her every single day of their lives together.

  As far as she could tell that meant he felt the need to protect, provide, and possess her. The three P’s. She giggled at her silly thoughts. Leya was a realist of course.

  She knew relationships took time and effort on both sides. Compromise, patience, love, and understanding. All things she was ready to try with him. Marcus was incredible.

  Her heart swelled with emotion as she thought about how her life had changed in just a few days. Sure, it was fast, but how many chances did a girl g
et to be claimed and mated by a sexy Bear Shifter who made her feel loved? She was grabbing onto him with both hands!

  She’d never been impulsive or reckless, but this was her life. Her mind was still flying high, but her heart, her heart told her that he was worth it. He was the one. Her only one. She believed everything he told her.

  How could she not after she watched him get all furry and fangy to save her from that feral dog? She had watched him risk life and limb for her and had no doubt he’d do it again. He loved her. The truth of that statement warmed her, hell, it made her shiver too.

  The idea that she was loved. Big, dependable, boring Leya Tremayne loved by Marcus Devlin of Bear Claw Bakery. And she loved him right back. That was all that mattered.

  Her eyes found his as he walked back over to his seat beside her. He put his arm around her back and she snuggled into his side. One of her favorite positions when they weren’t doing other things.

  “So,” he breathed in her hair as he spoke. He seemed to love sniffing, kissing, and petting her. He was a very physical being. She loved it.

  “The moving company should be finished packing your apartment up today. They’ll deliver everything by the end of the week. That okay? Need to run up there and get anything?” Marcus asked while holding her securely in his strong arms.

  She ran her hand over his t-shirt covered chest and smiled as he rumbled beneath her touch. He liked being petted too. She sure had enjoyed exploring his body with her eyes, hands, and mouth that morning. With any luck, she’d be back to exploring him in just a few short hours.

  The diamond that winked up at her as she rubbed his pectorals had been an amazingly wonderful surprise after they’d mated, an occurrence he assured her was more unique than she knew. According to him and Clan law they were already married, but being a normal, he knew she would want a traditional wedding. Flowers and all.

  After that brief discussion, he’d gone out for a few hours and came back with a string quartet, dozens of flowers, chocolates, champagne, and a huge diamond engagement ring. Her Bear was a romantic! She was so ridiculously happy, she couldn’t stop smiling.


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