Taking the Plunge

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Taking the Plunge Page 26

by J. B. Reynolds

  She heard footsteps and the door swung open. Lawrence’s face contorted into an ugly sneer. “Well, well, look what the cat dragged in.”

  She stiffened, but ignored the comment. In the few minutes she’d had to gather her thoughts between the shock of Tracy’s house and here, she’d promised herself she would try to keep things civil. “Good morning, Lawrence. I’ve come to collect Corbin.”

  “Oh, have you now? And I’m just supposed to give him to you, am I? After you neglected him to go off and do God knows what with God knows who all bloody night?”

  “I didn’t neglect him. I left him with Tracy.”

  “Yeah, white-trash Tracy. You’d have been better off leaving him home alone.”

  “She’s not white-trash. She’s a good friend.” Kate lowered her eyes, feeling a further stab of guilt. Somehow she was going to have to make amends with Tracy, but that was a problem for another day.

  Lawrence snorted. “I knew you had bad taste, but I didn’t think it was quite that bad.”

  She clenched her teeth, feeling the heat rising inside, her cheeks flushing. It was clear civility wasn’t part of Lawrence’s game plan. She changed tack. “Tracy said you were looking for me. What for?”

  Beneath his top lip, Lawrence rolled his tongue over his teeth. “Missing anything?” he asked.


  “I said, are you missing anything?”

  “Like what?” she asked, frowning.

  “Oh, I don’t know. Any jewellery, perhaps?”

  Kate shook her head. “No. What are you…” Through the fog in her brain, a memory coalesced. Evan had mentioned jewellery last night, while his tongue… Her hand shot up, stroking her left ear, the butterfly pin pricking into her thumb. Slowly, Lawrence’s head began to bob, his lip twisting. She moved her hand across her face, pinching her right ear, and felt… the gentle give of skin on skin. Her eyes flashed wide.

  Through his sneer, Lawrence’s voice dripped with sarcasm. “Ahh, there we go, the light bulb moment.” He reached into his pocket, withdrawing a balled fist which he extended towards her. “Would you like it?”

  “I… I…” Kate reached out, her palm open, but he snatched his hand back.

  “On second thoughts, I might just hand it in to the police. Evidence, you know.”

  “Evidence of what?”

  “Breaking and entering.”

  “I’d hardly call it breaking—”

  “What would you call it? You climbed through the window—”

  “It was open.”

  “So? That’s not an invitation! You spilt laundry powder all over the floor. You went snooping around in my room.”

  “I wasn’t snooping.”

  “Then what were you doing?” he snarled, his voice cracking, jaw quivering.

  “I… I was…” She stopped, her eyes narrowing. No, she thought. I’m not the bad guy here. I’m not going to feel guilty for your crimes. Clenching the umbrella tighter, she said, “Why the charade? Why pretend that you wanted me back when the whole time you were still with her?”

  Lawrence paused, eyebrows raised, his mouth falling open. “I… I wasn’t pretending. And I—”

  “Oh, please, you can stop the games now. I know you were with her. You weren’t the only ones skiing at Coronet Peak yesterday.”

  His expression hardened again. “Call it a moment of weakness. I was feeling guilty.”

  “Oh, so you’re human after all?”

  “Thankfully the moment passed and I came to my senses.”

  “And does she know about your moment of weakness? Or is she just another pawn in your game?

  “There is no game, Kate. I told you, we broke up. But after your… performance, shall we call it, the other night, I realised I’d made a terrible mistake. Fortunately, Rachel is a far more understanding woman than you.”

  Hearing Rachel’s name was like fuel to the fire. “Understanding? More like stupid.”

  Lawrence snorted again, nostrils flaring. “You’re the one breaking into people’s houses! Was Corbin with you on your little criminal jaunt? Or did you leave him at Tracy’s?” He shook his head. “Jesus, Kate, how could you? Rachel would never abandon her child and disappear for the night.”

  “How would you know? She doesn’t have any children. She’d have to hit puberty first!”

  “She’s doing a fine job of being a mother to Corbin in your absence!”

  The words were like a blow to the stomach. She gulped for air, the anger leaching out of her. Suddenly aware of the cold, she crossed her free arm over her chest, shivering.

  “Mummy?” Corbin’s quiet voice, from behind Lawrence. She stepped to the side to better see him and he came running, a smile blossoming on his face. “Mummy!” he repeated, as Lawrence’s hand sprang down to hold him back.

  “Stay here, Corbin.”


  “Give him to me!” snarled Kate, eyes flashing.

  “What, so you can leave him with strangers and run off again? Like hell.” Swooping, he took Corbin in his arms, clutching him tight.

  “Cut the bullshit, Lawrence. I’m taking him — it’s my turn.”

  “Says who?”

  “Says me. We agreed, remember?”

  Corbin squirmed in Lawrence’s arms.

  “That was when I thought you could look after him. I’m changing the terms.”

  “You can’t do that!”

  “Sure I can. Our agreement was verbal. Nothing in writing — it doesn’t mean shit.”

  “Let go, Daddy!” Corbin cried, reaching for Kate, tears welling.

  “I’m his mother, Lawrence. He wants me. Please…” She extended her arms, begging, a wave of longing crashing through her.

  Corbin screamed, thrashing madly. A stray leg caught Lawrence in the groin and he doubled over, loosening his grip, Corbin sliding to the floor.

  Serves you right, she thought, but couldn’t bring herself to smile. “Lawrence, please, let him come.”

  Grimacing, Lawrence turned to Kate, then cocked his head, brow wrinkling, just for a second, before he straightened, lips curling into the slightest of smiles.

  “What?” she snapped.

  “Nothing,” he said, letting go of Corbin.

  Corbin ran to her. She crouched and hugged him, one-handed, holding the umbrella with her other hand so it protected him from the rain. She exhaled, long and slow, the tightness in her chest easing. “Thank you,” she said, looking up at Lawrence.

  He nodded but didn’t reply.

  Taking Corbin’s hand, she walked down the path. Lawrence murmured something and she turned back to query him but he was gone, the front door clacking shut. She shook her head and led Corbin to the car, where she folded the umbrella and hurried to strap him into his car-seat, rivulets of icy rain sliding down her neck.

  Climbing into her seat, she started the engine, blasting the heater, then strapped her seatbelt on. Adjusting the rear-view mirror, she caught a glimpse of her reflection and paused, frowning. In the heat of the moment she’d forgotten about the earring. Brushing her hair behind her ear, she removed its twin and held it in the palm of her hand, the metal cool against her skin. Then she slowly closed her fingers over it and wound down the window. Reversing down the driveway, her tyres slushing through puddles, she flung it away, taking her eyes off the mirror just long enough to watch it disappear into the murk.


  Evan gunned the engine and roared off down the street, tyres slipping in the wet. His mouth felt fuzzy and foul, and he reached across the dash to flick the glove-box open, rummaging inside for a pack of chewing gum. After squeezing out a stick and slamming the glove-box shut he looked up, appalled to see a hooded figure facing away from him in the middle of the road. He slammed the brakes on, tyres squealing, and the figure twisted, jumping out of the way as Evan swung the steering wheel to the right, then snapped it back, swerving to avoid a car parked on the opposite kerb. The back wheels danced, threatening to slide
out, but obeyed at the last second. He passed the car with inches to spare.

  Skidding to a halt, he snapped his belt release and flew out the door, running back up the hill. “Hey, dickhead!” he called. “Get off the fuckin' road!”

  The figure pushed back their hood to reveal a familiar face framed by a pair of sleek black headphones.

  “Darryl? What the fuck?”

  “Mate, you scared the living shit out of me. I thought I was gonna die.”

  “Don’t blame me! You were just standing there!”

  Darryl shrugged. “I was changing tracks on my iPod.”

  “In the middle of the road?”

  “Pedestrians have right of way.”

  Evan rolled his eyes. “What are you doing, anyway? Just out for a walk? Great day for it.”

  “Bit of rain never hurt anyone,” said Darryl, raising his head to the sky. “I’m going to see Jamie. Have you just come from his place?”

  “Yeah,” said Evan, squeezing his eyes shut as a stab of pain lanced through his head.

  “You coming to his party?”


  “You know, his birthday party.”

  Opening his eyes again, Evan shook his head. “Doubt it.”

  “Oh, go on. You should bring that chick you were with at the hotel — what’s her name?”

  “Kate,” Evan croaked, a wave of guilt rushing through him. He took a step back, feeling unsteady. “I told you, we’re just friends.”

  “Really?” said Darryl, then ran his tongue over his top lip in a gesture that made Evan feel even queasier. “Coulda fooled me. How’d you get on with her last night, anyway? Good time?”

  There was something in the way he smiled as he said this that gave Evan pause. “I don’t wanna talk about it,” he said quickly, shaking his head. “Anyway, I need to get going. See you. Enjoy the rest of your visit. Try not to get run over.”

  “Yeah, see ya,” Darryl said with a nod.

  Evan turned and took a step towards his car.

  “Hey,” Darryl called. “Did you know Jamie’s got the hots for some Japanese chick that’s been staying at his place? I forget her name — Akiko or Yuki or something like that.”

  Evan spun around, eyes wide. “Eh? What did he say?”

  “Not much.” Darryl, shrugged again. “Just that his flatmate has a friend staying and he thinks she’s hot.”

  “Anything else?” he asked, stepping closer to Darryl.

  “Not really.” Darryl tilted his head. “Why, what’s it to you?”

  “Only that she’s my fuckin' girlfriend.” Heat flushing through him, Evan squeezed his hand into a fist, nails digging into his palm. “How could I be so stupid? No wonder he told her I was cheating on her!”

  Darryl’s eyebrows leapt skyward. “What? You’re cheating on Akiko? And now Jamie’s trying to snake his way in there? Scandalous.” His smile broke, reforming into a rabid grin.

  “It’s Yumiko, you idiot, and I’m not cheating on her! Jesus, I asked her to marry me!”

  “Whoa — what?” Darryl’s eyes were bulging. “You proposed? While you’re screwing around on her? Man, even for you that’s pretty fucked up.”

  “It’s not like that! I love her!”

  Darryl giggled. “You and Jamie both.”

  “Fuck you!” Evan slapped his hands against his face, pressing his eyes shut. “Jeez, this is such a mess. What am I gonna do?”

  “I dunno, mate,” said Darryl, resting his hand on Evan’s shoulder, “but you sure do know how to put on the entertainment.”

  Evan smacked his hand away and twisted, glowering at him. “Get fucked, Darryl. You’re a fuckin' psycho, you know that? Always taking pleasure in other people’s pain.”

  “Least I’m not the one causing the pain.”

  Evan winced as if struck, then clenched his fist again, wanting to take a swing. The problem was, Darryl was right — he had no one to blame but himself. Head down, he stomped back to his car. He slammed the door and revved the engine, but still heard Darryl’s shout above the roar.

  “Come to the party, man! I love me some fireworks!”


  “So, how’s Lawrence?”

  Gritting her teeth, Kate turned to her mother. “He’s still seeing Rachel. Has been the whole time.”

  Elizabeth raised an eyebrow as she sipped her tea. “Don’t be silly, dear.”

  “It’s true. He was just toying with me. Once he’d got what he wanted the truth came out.”

  “You can’t be serious,” said her mother, leaning closer. “He was beside himself when he asked for our help. Truly ashamed.”

  “It was all an act.”

  “Are you sure?” asked her father, sitting next to her on the couch. Corbin was perched on his lap, watching a Thomas the Tank Engine DVD. “Your mother’s right — he did seem very genuine.”

  Kate’s eyes began to water and she blinked, fighting back the tears. “He’s a good actor. Always has been.” She took Corbin’s hand and squeezed it gently. He ignored the gesture, eyes glued to the screen, but she took comfort from it anyway, reassured by the warmth of his small fingers enclosed within hers.

  Having composed herself, she looked her mother in the eye and said, “Why is it so hard to believe? I told you he was a bastard.”

  To Kate’s surprise, her mother rose from her chair, placed her cup on the coffee table, and sat down next to Kate, wrapping an arm around her back.

  “I’m sorry, darling,” she murmured. “I do believe you.”

  Kate gave her a weak smile, then rested her head on Elizabeth’s shoulder. The four of them sat for a minute, lulled by the whistle of steam engines and the dulcet tones of Ringo Starr’s narration until their moment of intimacy was shattered by the sound of her cellphone ringing.

  “I’d better get that,” said Kate, heaving herself off the couch. In the kitchen, she took the phone from the counter and answered with a breezy, “Helloo,” trying to sound happier than she felt.

  “Hi, Kate. It’s Evan.”

  “Oh,” she said, frowning. “Just hold on a minute.” She left the kitchen, her stomach clenching, and padded down the hall to her bedroom, shutting the door with a click. She sat on the edge of her bed, then slowly brought the phone to her ear. “What do you want?” she asked, all breeziness gone.

  “Ahh, to apologise, I guess.” He was silent for a moment, but then gave a sigh so long and loud it made her cringe. “I’m sorry, Kate. I shouldn’t have slept with you. I don’t know what I was thinking.” His voice was ragged, with a hint of tears.

  Oh, great. Just what I need. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to be angry or sad, and didn’t have the energy for either. “Look, Evan, forget about it, okay? Shit happens.”

  “I can’t, Kate. I… I…”


  Another sigh came flooding down the line, disembodied, ghostly. “The day we went snowboarding I freaked out, but not because of you. It was about Yumiko. She wanted to get married and I didn’t feel ready. Then after you said you loved me I realised I needed to grow up and make a decision about what I really wanted in life. And I realised that what I wanted was her. So I asked her to marry me—”

  “Why are you telling me this?” she snapped, cutting him short.

  A pause. “Because I need your help.”


  “Just listen, please. When I asked her to marry me, she didn’t accept. She said she needed time to think about it.”


  “No, it’s not okay!”

  He was crying now, his voice wrought with a desperate sadness. It was pathetic, but she found herself feeling sorry for him anyway.

  “Jamie told her I was cheating on her. She said she didn’t know if she could trust me. I tried to deny it, but now,” he said, sobbing, “I’ve only gone and proved it.”

  She heard sniffles, followed by the loud trumpet of a nose being blown. Scrunching her own in distaste, she said, “Look, Evan,
I’m sorry, but what has this got to do with me? I don’t know what to think about the other night — we were so drunk. It didn’t mean anything.”

  “Yumi doesn’t know that! Which is why I want you to talk to her.”


  “At Jamie’s party. Yumi’s staying at his house — her best friend is his flatmate. She’ll be at the party. I want you to go and talk to her. Tell her… I don’t know… that we’re not together, that it was an accident.”

  She didn’t know whether to laugh or scream. “An accident? It’s not like you tripped and fell inside me. Are you crazy? Why would I…” She trailed off, stunned by his audacity.

  “Please, Kate, I’m desperate.”

  There was no doubting that. It was so potent she could almost smell it.

  “She won’t talk to me. I went round there this morning and she screamed at me. But coming from you, maybe she’ll be more responsive.”

  “You can’t be serious.” She clenched the duvet with her free hand, wanting to collapse back into it, sleep forever. “Look, I’m sorry you’re in this mess, Evan, but it’s not my fault. I can’t help you.”

  “Please, Kate,” he begged. “He likes her.”


  “Jamie likes Yumiko. I’m worried he’s going to make a move on her at the party. She’s always been fond of him. The way things are, if she’s had a few drinks… but he’s an arsehole. She deserves better.”

  Kate gave a bitter laugh. “And that’s you, is it?” She dared him to answer Yes but there was only silence. Well, at least there’s a limit to your conceit. “You think she’s going to go from wanting to marry you to hooking up with Jamie — all within a few days? That’s pretty demeaning. Give her a little credit.”

  “Why not? Jamie’s a good-looking guy. And isn’t that what you did with me?”

  Perhaps not. “Fuck you,” she snarled and hung up, squeezing the phone until her knuckles turned white. It rang again but she turned her phone off and stood, glancing in the mirror, brushing a lock of hair behind her ear before she returned to the lounge.


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