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Can't Change Nature

Page 3

by H. D. Nels

  Once everything was up and running the pair watched a DVD before Mike went to get changed for work. They called a taxi and Mike dropped Simon at his home before heading to The Griffin.

  The place filled up early. Mike felt more comfortable taking orders and preparing the drinks. It was partway through his shift when he made a cardinal mistake. A nice guy bought himself two shots of Jägermeister and looked at Mike. The man knocked back his shot while Mike watched. The man nodded towards the other glass and said, “That one’s yours and I’ll have another.”

  Mike brought the man his shot and held the other glass as they touched in a toast. He drained his glass the way the other man had done. It burned his throat and tasted like licorice. The man bought another pair for them. The night then went sideways.

  It worried Garrett and Sharon that Michael worked so late the night before. He seemed touchy when they mentioned it then. They had settled down to watch a movie and around midnight the doorbell rang.

  “I got it, babe.” Gar stood up and stretched. Sharon heard him muttering a few things and went to join him. At the door, a drunk Michael was kissing a young man on their doorstep.

  “Hi, I’m Barry. Mike and I work together. I assume he belongs to you?” He kept trying to peel Mike off him.

  Garrett stood there shaking his head. “Michael, this is not good, not good at all.”

  Mike went inside and Barry got into his car and left. Michael turned to look at Garrett.

  “What are you trying to tell me, Mr. H? Barry is a nice guy. You don’t think I kissed him good?”

  Mike staggered over in front of Gar and smiled a huge goofy smile. He walked his fingers up the front of Gar’s shirt and when he got to the top button bunched it in a fist and pulled Gar forward. He planted a huge kiss on Gar’s lips. Sharon nearly died laughing at the startled look on his face. Gar pushed Mike back and held his shoulders at arm’s length.

  “Oh God, that’s awful.”

  Mike looked stricken. “So it’s true? I can’t kiss?”

  Gar chuckled. “You taste like Jägermeister. I hate that stuff. As for the kissing, you aren’t too bad, but I don’t like whisker burn.”

  Michael beamed with pride as he rubbed his chin. “You could really feel it? I’ve been shaving a lot lately.” Gar looked over at his wife, winked, and shrugged his shoulders.

  “Let’s get you downstairs and to bed. We’ve got a long conversation coming in the morning.”

  Michael wore a huge grin as he glanced over to Sharon. He looked back at Garrett and batted his eyelids. “You’re coming to bed with me? Are you going to be my first? How sweet is that?”

  Gar laughed. “No Mikey, I will make sure you get to your bed okay, but then I’m running like a scalded cat back to my turf.”

  Sharon knew Michael that being drunk wasn’t funny but the situation just seemed hilarious.

  After helping the young man downstairs, Gar soon emerged unscathed. “I’m making breakfast tomorrow, babe. I set his alarm for seven and left a big note on the night table for him to be upstairs for breakfast at seven-thirty.” He smiled an evil grin. Poor Mike.

  * * *

  Garrett was puttering around the kitchen humming off-key songs from his early years. Coffee was on and there was a huge pile of greasy sausages. He was waiting to pour the eggs into the pan. No doubt they would be under-cooked.

  “Slimy eggs and greasy sausages ought to teach the little bugger not to come home drunk again.” He smiled to himself.

  Michael’s head was pounding, his mouth was dry, and tasted gross. His stomach didn’t feel so well. Glancing over to the night table and seeing the note, he got dressed and made his way upstairs. He looked awful.

  “Well, good morning sunshine.” Garrett had a huge grin. “Come, sit, breakfast is ready. I hope you are.”

  Mike fell into a chair, cradling his head in both hands. “I’m really not so hungry, Mr. Hall. Maybe I could go back downstairs?”

  Gar made to look like he was thinking about it. “Nope, I told you last night, we’d be having a conversation coming, so now is the time we’re having it.” Mrs. Hall came over and sat beside Mike while her husband got the breakfast served.

  “I remember everything from last night.” Mike blurted out. “I’m so embarrassed and sorry for stuff.” He took a deep breath that seemed to break. “Please, don’t ask me to leave. I promise I’ll never drink again. I really didn’t know what shots were like and they went down so easy. I can’t handle being kicked out again.”

  That brought Gar to a sudden halt. The smile faded from his face. Sharon reached over and took Mike’s hand. “We aren’t making you leave Michael. We wanted to impress on you how important the house rules are and why we have them. I guess you beat us to the message. Let’s rework this breakfast so your stomach can handle it.”

  Mike looked over at Sharon. “Mrs. Hall, I’m so sorry that I hit on your husband. He is handsome and all, for an older guy, but I have Simon. I promise it won’t happen again.”

  They both smiled at Mike. “You said you were working at a restaurant, Mike, but seeing what you wore from work, and with the alcohol you had in you, I’m guessing that may not be true?”

  Mike looked over at Garrett and grimaced. “They serve food sometimes, but really it is a gay bar. They taught me to be a bartender. I make great tips. I slipped up last night with the shooters. I’m sorry.”

  They survived breakfast and when Mike could face the world again, he went with Gar to the gym. Sharon said she would prepare the week’s lesson plan.

  * * *

  “For a hung-over, scrawny, virgin, teenage punk, you sure beat the crap out of me at racquetball. Where did you learn to play like that?”

  Michael shot him an indignant look. “I am not scrawny. My dad used to take me to the club at his work to play. I got decent at it. He was a good teacher before he drank too much. Bet I could beat his scrawny ass if he played me again.”

  They had a laugh, grabbed showers, and Gar warned Mike to keep his hands and eyes to myself.

  “Yeah right, I won’t touch, but you can’t make me not look—especially at that body.”

  The drive home was typical, and as they were pulling into the drive Mike sat up.

  “That’s my Dad. He’s at the house. He must be here to see me.”

  They drove up and just as they pulled in the driveway Mike’s father looked up at them and hurried over to his car.

  “Hey Dad, it’s me, Mike. Please stay.” His heart felt like it dropped as his father sped away. “He must be here to see me. Why else would he come? Maybe they want me to be their son again.”

  Gar glanced at the open mailbox and figured out why the bastard had come. He said nothing to Mike. They went inside and Gar made two smoothies while Mike went downstairs. Checking the mailbox, Garrett found the birthday card Mike sent to his Mom, unopened, and a letter and two postcards he’d sent. Garrett had a hard time understanding how people can be so heartless.

  “Hey sweetie, how was the gym?” Sharon saw the look on his face. “Oh Gar, what happened this time?”

  Garrett held out the contents of the mailbox. “Mike’s father came by to drop these in the mail. When he saw us he drove away in a hurry. So do I tell Mike or let him continue to think they read his letters and card?”

  They heard a sound and looked around. “It’s okay Mr. Hall. You don’t have to protect me. I would rather know what’s going on.” Mike tried to put on a smile. “I’ll keep sending cards to them. That way I may be here when they return them. Maybe I could make them talk. But I have to tell you, I don’t know where I’d be if you both didn’t help me out. I’ll always be grateful for that.”

  Sharon gave him a hug. He perked up. “Hey, I meant to ask. Simon and I want to make dinner for you at my place on Wednesday evening. We were thinking around seven? I’ll have wine for you and juice for Simon and me. Are you up for it? I found a recipe I want to try.”

  Sharon and Garrett looked at each other, n
odded, and accepted the invite.

  Chapter Three

  It looked like it would be a hectic week at school. The kids were restless over the upcoming break; a whole week ahead with little to do. As she was thinking about that, Sharon got a page to go to the principal’s office. Mr. Sprague said she had a visitor.

  The woman speaking with the principle was sharply dressed. Mr. Sprague nodded and sat at his desk.

  “Hello, Mrs. Hall, I’m Isobel Clark with municipal Social Services. I’d like to talk with you about Michael Ward. Our office received a call he was staying at your house. He’s only fifteen and we need to discuss the situation.”

  Sharon nodded. “May I take you to our home to show you around and explain things? Mr. Sprague, I’ll give you any details you may need later.”

  The social worker nodded. “I was hoping to visit the home. Are we able to go now?”

  Sharon looked at Mr. Sprague. He said, “I’ll have Mrs. Daly cover your classes. Take your time.”

  They left and Ms. Clark followed Sharon to the house where she welcomed her inside. “Did your informant explain Michael’s circumstance and the reason he isn’t living at the family home? Please have a seat while I put on coffee. Or would you prefer tea?” Sharon glanced over as she walked to the kitchen.

  “Coffee please, I don’t function well without it. And no, the only thing the message said was that an underage youth was living with his teacher against his parent’s wishes.”

  Sharon made the coffee and controlled the sudden rush of anger. She knew bloody well who the anonymous caller was. “If I may, let me explain and then I’ll give you a tour of our home, and Michael’s.”

  Ms. Clark whistled and shook her head. “I know parents are sometimes misguided, but to throw a child out like that? This is the part of my job I dislike the most, seeing the worst in people.”

  Sharon nodded in agreement. "I need to show you one more thing before we go downstairs.” She handed over the mail that Mike’s father dropped in their mailbox the previous day. “They found him so they could return his correspondence.”

  Both ladies went downstairs and Sharon gave Isobel a tour of Mike’s apartment. He kept the place spotless which impressed the social worker as much as it did Sharon.

  “We have a lease and he pays his rent on time, buys his own groceries and incidentals, and has his boyfriend over to visit. There is no noise; no partying and I’ll show you his marks. His school work is not suffering. If you force Mike to leave this, I know he’ll run and will probably end up on the streets.” Sharon showed her the lease and gave her a copy, then got Mike’s marks by logging into the school records from her laptop.

  “Bright kid.” was all she said.

  Sharon showed her a deposit record. “We deposit the money Mike pays in rent into an investment account in his name. He doesn’t know about that. Both my husband and I have good jobs and don’t need the rent money. We’re just trying to teach him some responsibility. When he moves on or goes to university, we’ll give it to him to help him get started. He really is a good kid and his parents’ rejection broke his heart. He works, saves, and is an honest person.”

  Isobel Clark polished off her second cup of coffee. “Thank you, Mrs. Hall. I know Michael is in no danger and that he will thrive in this environment. I need to speak with the police and his parents about the way they withheld the necessaries of life by forcing him to leave. The police may ask to speak with Michael. I can be here when they do, or just you and your husband can attend with him. Let me know and thank you for everything.”

  She left and Sharon got on the phone to call Garrett. He was as angry as her about Mr. and Mrs. Ward’s behaviour. They would speak to Michael together after the dinner he had planned.

  * * *

  “Hey Simon, want to come grocery shopping after school? I need to pick up things for the big dinner. Maybe we can catch a movie too? Homework is light for me this week.”

  Mike noticed that Simon looked so tired all the time. “Sure thing babe and watching a movie sounds great. There’s the train wreck, the space invaders, or the shipwreck. I vote for the train wreck.”

  Mike laughed. “Action flick it is. You okay? You seem tired a lot lately.” As if to prove the point, Simon yawned.

  “I’ve been hanging out with some new friends. I guess we keep late hours. If my father asks, I’m at your place all the time, okay?”

  Mike stopped and looked at him. “You want me to lie to your father? That isn’t right; I don’t think I can do that.”

  Simon got angry but then laughed. “He probably won’t ask, anyway. I thought if he did you’d back me up. We are dating you know.”

  Mike was definitely not comfortable with that. “Who are your new friends? Do they go to our school?”

  Simon shook his head. “Keep this to yourself but I joined a gang. These guys are so cool and once I get active, I’ll be making decent coin. You won’t have to work and we can plan big things for our future. I love you and I’ll look after you. Let’s catch that movie.”

  Later, Michael got home with bags of groceries and was heading downstairs. “Hey, Mike. Want a hand with that?” Gar was about to stand.

  Mike hefted the bags. “With these muscles, I couldn’t impose on a senior citizen for help.”

  Garrett grinned. “Senior citizen now am I? Be sure whatever meal you’re making is soft so I can chew it.”

  Mike started towards the stairs but stopped and looked back at him. “Would you come down with me for a few minutes?”

  Garrett raised an eyebrow. “Are your intentions evil? Cause I’m staying put if they are.”

  Mike laughed. “I wish. No, I need to ask about something. I don’t like dumping problems on you but I’m not sure even if this is a problem.”

  Gar followed his young tenant down to his apartment. Mike poured them each a glass of juice and started putting the things away. He paused after placing canned goods in his cupboard.

  “I’m worried about Simon. He’s tired a lot and asked me to lie for him if his father asked where he spends his evenings. He told me he joined a gang and will make real good money.”

  Gar put his juice down and looked at Mike. “You know those aren’t good choices I’m sure. How do you feel about all this?”

  Mike finished putting the food away. “It scares me if you want to know the truth. I love Simon and I want to share his life. He didn’t tell me about his new friends until after he hooked up with them. I guess that hurt. I want him—want us—to be okay.”

  Garrett nodded, “You can love the person without having to like all the choices he makes. Just keep the communication open. I’ve got to go. Thanks for the juice and you know we’re upstairs if you need anything.”

  * * *

  They got through the next two days and Wednesday evening when he arrived at the house Simon was all dressed up. The young couple laughed and joked as they prepared dinner. Salad, roast beef with garlic mashed potatoes; fresh veggies steamed to perfection and fried whole mushrooms. As promised, Mike had a bottle of Merlot for Mr. and Mrs. Hall, and club soda for Simon and him. Bert was kind enough to sell him a bottle of wine at cost so he wouldn’t have to find some other way of getting it.

  “Gentlemen, this is an amazing meal. You did everything to perfection and we appreciate it.” Gar raised his glass in a toast.

  Mike said, “It is our way of thanking you for the support and encouragement you gave us. I can’t tell you how much it means to us.”

  Simon surprised them with a dessert he bought on the way over earlier. Puff pastry filled with whipped cream and a dark chocolate glaze was the perfect finish to a superb meal. After some small talk the Halls headed upstairs. Mike gave them the rest of the wine to take and cleaned off the table. Simon came behind him and put his arms around Mike’s waist. He nuzzled his boyfriend’s ear and licked his neck. Mike shivered and Simon pressed his crotch against him. He felt his hard-on and turned in his arms to face him and rub against Simon before c
rushing his lips against his mouth, hungry for contact. He then took his hand and led him to the bedroom where he undressed him. Mike was so hard he wasn’t sure he could last until he got his clothes off but he wanted this to be romantic. Simon invaded his mouth again then licked his throat and kissed down his chest. He ran his tongue along the smooth pecs until he found one firm small nipple and sucked on it. Mike groaned.

  “Fuck that feels awesome.” He knelt in front of Simon his hands shaking as he undid his pants and pulled until his hard cock sprang free. Reaching up Michael pulled it down as much as he could to get his mouth on the flaring tip. Simon moaned again.

  “Easy baby, go easy.” He hissed. Mike stood and stripped as Simon got on the bed on his hands and knees, looking over his shoulder with smouldering lust obvious in his eyes. “I want you to fuck me hard. Please, I need you now.”

  Mike got the supplies but his hands were shaking as he opened the condom wrapper and tried to roll it on. He figured he should have had a few trial runs. He tore the first condom, so he grabbed another and took his time as he rolled it on his leaking cock. It was throbbing so hard it hurt. The feel of rolling on the rubber nearly brought him off.

  Mike put lube on his wrapped erection and got some on his fingers to grease Simon’s hole. Fuck he was tight. He got behind Simon and angled his cock so it lined up with him and eased himself forward. Simon sucked in a deep breath as the head of his boyfriend’s cock broke through his tight ring. Mike’s mind said to wait so he could adjust, but his body just thrust and he was all the way inside him. He held still with his arms wrapped around Simon so he wouldn’t shoot too soon.

  “Move dammit, get that thing moving.” He pushed his ass against Mike.

  “I don’t want to cum too soon baby. I want it to last.”

  Simon laughed, “We will do this all night. We may as well get the first one over with so we can get started on the second round.”


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