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Can't Change Nature

Page 6

by H. D. Nels

  It impressed Mike’s father. Not only had his son saved the entire sum to buy his bike, but he researched and found the one that was best suited for him. He had always thought of Michael as a child but never as a person who would grow and develop an incredible personality. Mr. Hall was correct when he pointed out how amazing his son was.

  “Ha! I won! How does it feel to have your scrawny ass whipped by your gay son?” Michael was doing a fist pump.

  “When did you get so good? What do you mean ‘scrawny ass?’ I‘ll bet that bugger, Hall, has been giving you lessons.”

  They both laughed, and it was relaxed and natural. Michael believed his parents were coming to accept that his being gay was as normal as him being incredibly cute.

  “Is it too late for me to tell you how proud we are of you for how you managed your life since we sent you away? Your mother and I had always noticed how things changed in the place after you were gone. Neither of us had the courage to admit that home just wasn’t the same without you there. We missed you and were too stubborn to come out and say it. My biggest regret is that it cost you the love of your life for us to come around and accept that you’re a normal human being, despite the way we treated you.”

  “I had a fantastic counsellor who worked with me after they killed Simon. Her name is Dr. Rudy, and she also worked with Simon’s parents. I told her I couldn’t understand why something like being gay would cause you to hate me. She helped me to know there are many parents out there with gay sons or daughters who feel the same as you and mom did. She didn’t excuse it but said many people just want a normal life and have kids who follow what the parents’ idea of normal should be. I never stopped loving you and mom just so you know.”

  * * *

  Everything was ready and Mike contacted Colin Wilson. The audition shoot was arranged for a few weeks away to give Mike’s new piercing a chance to heal. He was also developing strong feelings for Barry and paid a visit to Simon’s grave.

  “Hey Simon, I still miss you, baby. I know you can hear me, I hope I can hear you too. I will help the police get the guy who did this to you. You met Barry Decker; he works with me at the bar. He likes me a lot, and I’d like to go out with him, but I worry you might think I’d stopped loving you. I feel so guilty thinking the way I do about him is all. I love you and always will. I hope you know that.”

  Mike left a rose on the grave then walked back to his bike to drive home. The feel of the air on his face and the freedom his mobility gave had him feeling more upbeat than he had since before Simon died.

  * * *

  Wilson was more than willing to have Mike bring Barry along. He recognized him from the bar and always thought he would be a good model although he was too old for the other things he had planned for Mike. Instead of going to the address on his business card he told them to come to a warehouse he’d rented and set up as a makeshift studio for photos and videos. Detective Williams had all that information and planned on having a full team cover every inch of the place. Mike and Barry each had a custom barbell in their pierced nipple, and each had a tiny receiver in an ear so they could hear instructions from their handler.

  “Just relax boys; if we tell you to dive, hit the floor and stay low. If you understand tap your finger over the barbell.”

  Mike did so first, then Barry followed suit after.

  “Excellent, we’ve got you covered.”

  It surprised Mike at the number of people in the place.

  “Relax guys; these are most of our production crew, still and video cameramen, makeup and producers. The first thing I want you to do is to take your clothes off but do it slowly. You want to put on a good show for your audience. Maybe you and Barry can help each other undress and make out.”

  Mike paused. “I work with Barry. I don’t think I can do stuff. I mean, I like him and all, but we have to work together.”

  Wilson laughed. “No problem, maybe on the next shoot, you’ll feel more into it. A couple of the guys here will help keep you motivated.”

  The action began, and the cameras were rolling. Two older men came over and knelt in front of the boys, each one looking way too eager for Michael’s comfort level.

  Before the boys were undressed Mike stood up. “Mr. Wilson, Simon Brule was my boyfriend. He told me he was in your gang. Why did he have to die?”

  A voice whispered in his ear. “No Mike, not a good idea.”

  Wilson turned and glared at Mike. “Everybody out!” he ordered. The area cleared, and they were all rounded up by the waiting police.

  “That asshole was supposed to do one thing, only one thing. Bring you so I could make some serious money off you. He fucking refused and when someone in my gang refuses an order, they die.”

  Barry moved forward. “It’s okay Barry, I got this. Simon was never an asshole, and you should be careful who you mess with. Is that why you hang around The Griffin, looking for young guys like Barry and me?”

  Wilson laughed. “You got fuck all kid. You’re both going to get what your boyfriend did. One thing about The Griffin is that they aren’t too particular about the age of the boys who work there.”

  The door burst open and Detective Williams with his team poured in.

  “That was risky Mike, but it sure helps the case. Murder and attempted murder charges on top of the child porn will keep this gang under wraps for a long time. I’ll need you to come to the station to give statements but that can wait until later.”

  The whole thing went so much easier than Mike imagined. He looked over at Barry as they were pulling their clothes on.

  “Let’s go to my place and I’ll make dinner. I really am a decent cook.”

  When they got to the house, the Halls were waiting for them. “Detective Williams just filled us in on what happened. We’re so proud of you both.”

  Everyone got hugged, and the boys went downstairs. Mike took Barry by the arm and led him to the sofa. “I didn’t mean the things I said about you at the warehouse. I didn’t want Wilson to know I liked you.”

  Barry smiled. “I almost shot my load when he said the things he wanted us to do together. I like you and find you handsome but I know Simon has your heart.”

  Mike rubbed Barry’s cheek. “I spoke with Simon at his grave, and he answered me in a dream last night. He told me it was okay to be with you and knows I love him and he’ll always love me. He wants me to be with you and also said that what we were doing at the warehouse would turn out well. That’s why I asked Wilson about the murder.” With that, Mike leaned into Barry and caught his lips in a hungry kiss.

  He’d missed this so much, and it relieved him that the empty spot in his heart was gone. There was no guilt. He stood, took Barry’s hand, and led him to the bedroom. They tore the clothes off each other, panting as if they ran a marathon.

  “Should we take out the barbells or do you care if the whole police department knows what’s going on?”

  Mike just winked. The kissing was hot, rough and passionate. “I rented a gay porn video so I could get a few ideas. I’d like to bounce some of them off you.” He wiggled his eyebrows and gave the details. “Are you good with that Mr. Decker?”

  Barry nodded and followed Mike to the bed. Mike got the supplies, and they made love, more from instinct and less from watching movies. Barry sat up and flipped Mike onto his back. “I want to look into your eyes the first time we do this.” Mike nodded and thought to himself that he didn’t want this end.

  “Want you to spend the night, baby.”

  Barry looked at him and gave a quick kiss. “I have to go do a few things first. I’ll be back later.” They got dressed. Mike walked him upstairs and stood on the porch, watching as he left.

  Garrett came out and stood beside Mike. He put his arm around the young man’s shoulders.

  “We had to turn the music up. I hope we didn’t disturb you.” He grinned.

  Mike shook his head and blushed. “I may need to borrow that ladder again but when Barry comes back, we�
��ll get to work on cleaning the rest.”

  Michael thought for a few moments. “Mr. Hall, you and your wife are so good with me. Why don’t you have kids of your own?”

  Garrett was quiet for a while before he spoke. “We’d love to Mike. When I was fourteen, I got a viral disease called mumps. It affected my testicles and I don’t produce viable sperm.” With that, he turned and mumbled, “I may as well get that ladder now.”

  Chapter Six

  During the investigation into Wilson’s activities, the police did a thorough check of The Griffin. They found no connection between Wilson and the bar owner. He received a citation for hiring underage staff but Bert made sure everyone carded all patrons to ensure no underage drinking happened. Bert took it all in stride and let Michael continue to work while he was going to university.

  Time flew by and Mike and Barry were almost attached at the hip. Mike would often invite his parents over for a meal or he and Barry would visit them. He’d kept in regular contact with Simon’s parents.

  Mrs. Hall had been thinking about an idea for the school and wanted to pass the idea by Michael.

  “I often wondered, since you moved here, how things might have been different if we had a Gay-Straight Alliance in place. There are so many boys and girls who would benefit from such an organization. What do you think of the idea?”

  Michael furrowed his brow. “I never really thought about it or what effect being gay would have on family and friends. If I’d known more perhaps I would have approached my parents differently. In the big scheme of things if they hadn’t kicked me out I wouldn’t have worked at The Griffin and Simon would still be alive. I’m not blaming anyone other than Colin Wilson for that, but things would have been different.”

  “Would you be willing to speak about the idea with Isobel Clark, Dr. Rudy, and Mr. Sprague? It will be his choice to allow it. If we’re prepared, there is no reason he should deny the group.”

  “You know me well enough by now that I’ll do it. If we can help even one kid, the whole thing will be worth it. You still amaze me even after me living here for over three years. Thank you for everything.”

  * * *

  The Halls threw a party for Mike’s eighteenth birthday. During the celebration, he found Garrett and Sharon in the kitchen. “You somehow manage to surprise me each year. You will never know how much this means to me.”

  Sharon looked at Garrett. “He’s eighteen now. I think it is time.” Mike looked puzzled. “Since you moved in we have been taking your rent payments to put into an account in your name for your future. The account is an investment vehicle and as luck would have it, an aspiring entrepreneur developed an innovative and successful software design and phone app. He made a fortune and you’ve got a portion through that account. You now have some three hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars and growing. It’s all yours.” They handed Mike the account information and deposit records.

  * * *

  Christmas rolled around and with his windfall Mike paid off mortgages on his parent’s home, and the Brule’s. The Halls already owned theirs outright, but he decided he might offer them a special gift. He was anxious because he was unsure how they would take the idea. He cornered them out on the back deck, ignoring the chill of the December night.

  “Gar, remember when you told me about you having the mumps?” Garrett frowned then nodded. “You and Mrs. Hall have been amazing and I can provide you with some baby batter if you want to have a child. I checked and since I’m of legal age now, it would be okay for me to donate. I know you would be fantastic parents and it would be an honour for me to do it. It would be my Christmas gift to you.”

  Sharon had glistening eyes as she looked at Garrett. “If you’re okay with the idea sweetheart, I sure am.”

  Garrett nodded his agreement. “Baby batter? Where did you learn that term? No, wait, I’d rather not know. I’ll check with a fertility clinic to find out what we need to do.”

  * * *

  Barry had been saving and bought himself a small gym with a growing clientele. He hired creative trainers, and it looked like it would be a hit. Mike set aside enough of the remaining money for tuition and they went shopping for a house for himself and Barry. They found a perfect starter home well within their budget. It was close enough to Barry’s gym and only a short commute for Mike to get to university.

  Michael donated his sperm and insemination happened on the first attempt. Mike boasted that his swimmers were Olympic contenders. He and Barry talked about the upcoming birth and wanted to be there to support Sharon and Garrett.

  “Mr. Hall, I was wondering, when the baby comes, would Barry and I be able to be there? Not in the delivery room I mean, but nearby?”

  Gar smiled and nodded. “Sharon and I talked about it. Both of you are welcome to join us in the delivery room. It will be something new for all of us so no fainting or anything, okay?”

  It wasn’t long before they were in that room. Michael skipped classes and Barry took time away from his gym to be there. The labour seemed to go on forever but then the birth went quickly.

  The midwife swaddled the child and stood. “Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Hall, you have a son.”

  Mike noticed Sharon had tears of joy and saw that Garrett’s eyes were wet. Garrett looked around. “Everyone, we’d like you to meet Michael Simon Hall.”

  Mike felt a deep sense of purpose and walked over to Barry. He kissed him and then hugged him. “Barry, I know we’re young but I love you. Will you marry me?”

  The entire room went silent in anticipation, the only sound being those made by a newborn. “We’re not too young Mike, and yes, I’ll marry you. You’re mine and you have been for a while now.”

  The room erupted into cheers and applause and Michael Simon cried.

  * * *

  Since they’d met, Mike had asked Barry about his parents a few times. He gathered from the brief and brisk conversation that Barry might be an orphan. After Michael Simon was born, and they talked once again about parents, Barry let it slip that his parents were likely alive and well and living on the west coast. He’d sent five cards a year for the past seven years; one for mother’s day, father’s day, each birthday, and Christmas. He never got a reply.

  Michael’s mother invited the boys over for dinner but since Barry had to cover at the gym only Mike could make it.

  Mary Ward wanted to know all about her son-in-law. “Tell me more about Barry. He’s handsome and adores you. What are his parents like?”

  Mike squirmed. “I really don’t know. He doesn’t talk about them. They live on the west coast and he tries to keep in touch, but they don’t reply.”

  His mother squinted at him. “Get me contact information. I’ll get them onside. If they don’t march in whatever city’s Pride parade they live in, my name isn’t Mary Ward.”

  Michael squirmed even more. “I’m not sure Barry would be comfortable with that. Pride Parade? You?”

  “You betcha, buddy. I want the world to know my son is amazing and I support him. So, the same applies to my future son-in-law. Get.Me.Their.Contact.Information.” She smiled sweetly. “That’s my boy.”

  Michael got home and found Barry slouched, exhausted, on the sofa. “Hi, honey. We got issues. Let’s order in and we can talk about it. And for the record, you can either tell me or talk to my mom.”

  Barry looked puzzled as he walked to the phone to order a pizza.

  “Fine, I have parents. They don’t have a son. What more can I tell you? I gave you the last known address. Why is your mom making such a fuss?”

  “My mom has changed a lot since we reconciled. Dad too actually. I don’t ask why; I accept it and am thankful.”

  * * *

  The Halls asked Michael and Barry to be Godparents to Michael Simon and without hesitation; they agreed. The ceremony was awkward as the pastor was expecting a godmother and father. He quickly recovered and got through the ritual. He was magnanimous and told the congregation that a child wit
h loving parents was a child of God, regardless of the gender of those parents or Godparents.

  * * *

  Michael’s mother counted the rings. On the third, someone picked up. “Hello, I’m looking for Jackie Decker. My name is Mary Ward.”

  “This is she. How can I help you?”

  “Well, since we will be in-laws I’d like you to come for a visit. Your son, Barry, was kind enough to provide an airline ticket. What’s your e-mail? I’ll send you the details. You’ll stay with us, my husband and me.”

  There was a hesitation on the line. “Jackie, neither of us is getting any younger. Just tell me your e-mail address. You and your husband can take time from work to come here. It is too important for you not to. I guarantee you will regret it for the rest of your life if you don’t.”

  Surprisingly, but not to Michael’s mother, Jackie gave all the information and even sent a confirmation e-mail that they would come.

  A few weeks later, Mary had a huge sign with a rainbow bracketing the names Jackie and Martin Decker. She was at the airport waiting for Barry’s parents to arrive.

  A typical west coast couple approached them. “We’re the Deckers. You can put the sign away. You must be Mary Ward?”

  “I am and this is my husband, John. We will be your hosts for the next few days. Let’s get your luggage and head home. I’ll let the kids know you’re here.”

  “Kids? You mentioned that we would be in-laws. Will we be meeting your daughter? We didn’t know Barry had a girlfriend.”

  Mary laughed. “Let’s get home. We have so much to talk about and it will be best done when you’re settled in.”

  They got the bags and left the airport on the road to a hopeful reunification.


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