Blood & Magic

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Blood & Magic Page 18

by Catherine Wolffe

  J.T. rubbed his chest where his heart lay still now. What did it mean? No need to worry, he chided his confused brain. It was a trick, a very cruel trick, but a trick all the same. More of the Sultan’s games. Making a mental note to share with Logan, he watched her frolic in the water.

  Jessie’s response while they made love opened his eyes. He had seen more than mere mechanics in her reaction to his touch. Where did that leave their relationship which she had labeled sex only days before? Women! Where did it leave them, his irritated brain repeated? Teetering on the edge of a world-changing battle, she wanted to tweak the rules. J.T. rolled his shoulders. Her timing was spot-on as always. She bounced from concept to concept like a kangaroo on the Australian plains. Leaning on his knees, J.T. starred out at the scene before him. Ah, but he loved her. The long-legged woman romping naked in the surf wanted him, J.T., an undead vampire. She still didn’t understand, that much was clear. He was too chicken shit to tell her. So where did that leave them?

  The romping continued. Jessie called to him, her voice carrying on the wind. The moon’s light dancing on the water reminded him of thousands of glimmering diamonds. Not unlike the ones found in Africa. He wanted to share that with her. He wanted to take her to Africa and watch her race among the grass of the Serengeti or to touch the velvet nose of a joey in Australia. To climb to the highest peak of Mount Everest and gaze out at the wonders below.

  The dream popped like a bubble. Who was he kidding? J.T., the vampire, and Jessie, the time traveler may as well be lost to each other.

  Forcing the thought deeper, J.T. got up, stripping off his remaining clothes. Wading out to Jessie, he shoved the pain filtering through his system into a box. No good, man. Keep it real, keep it now. He grabbed her up in her race to elude him.

  Her giggles elicited something low in his belly. Needing to ignore the feeling, he buried his face in her wet hair.

  She shoved at the strains of ebony hair hanging lank about his face. Her fingers traced the line of his cheek.

  He pulled her close, her slender curves melding perfectly to him. Warm and yielding, she stirred his juices.

  She licked her lips as breathless she gazed at him. “Come on, J.T. Run with me.” Her long legs splashed in the water sending up plumes of spray as she raced ahead.

  They had this time. J.T.’s weary mind urged him to enjoy. They had each other for as long as it would last. He knew the time grew fleeting. He knew the moment was probably the Sultan’s evil magic. Somehow, he didn’t care. “Where are we going, Jessie?”

  She giggled, flinging her head back to look at him. “To a marvelous place, far, far away from pain and suffering.” Spinning, she flung water at him, before laughing madly when his arms roped around her neck.

  She had fantasies, he mused. What of it? Couldn’t they both have a fantasy? Skimming his fingers over her lips, J.T. gave in and kissed her.

  Chapter 14

  The clock on the nightstand read one-thirty in the frigging morning. “This better be good.” Logan flung back the covers and shoved into his jeans.

  Groggily, Aubrie murmured, “What is it?”

  “Somebody outside. The dogs are going nuts. Don’t worry. Probably a deer. I’m going to check it out. Keep the bed warm for me, Sugar.”

  She snorted out a laugh from under the quilt.

  Logan grinned at his fiancé. By the gods, he loved her. How had he gotten so lucky, he mused as he padded to the door. With an ear to the solid metal, he listened. Nothing. Silently, he unlocked the door. With the precision of one trained in combat, he eased the door back a fraction. Still nothing. Okay, time to go out. With his gun in position, Logan swept through the door, crouching on the lawn. The sky glistened with stars. The moon waxed thin over the landscape. A heavy frost blanketed the ground. Logan scanned the area before calling to Copper and Gracie, who’d bolted through the door ahead of him. “Come on, guys. Let’s check the back. Probably some lost shadow walker wandering around back there.”

  A thin fog hung over the shallow valley. Things were going to warm some by midday, he mused. Good, he had a tuxedo fitting appointment. No postponing that. His antithesis to that plan could be lurking about though, so he kept to the shadows. Finally, Logan started up the deck steps.

  “It’s been a long time, Lodi.”

  Logan’s throat closed off. He shifted from watching his careful progress up the icy steps to staring slack-jawed at the apparition standing at the head of the stairs. “Luke?”

  “Roger that, lieutenant.”

  Logan became instantly wide awake. He glanced hesitantly from the shadow walker to the area around them, expecting the Sultan to appear at any moment. “What are you doing here, Luke?”

  Luke shrugged. “Dropping off a few of refugees from the Sultan’s work camp. Hey, you better come sit down. You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” The grin played out on Luke’s filmy features.

  “How did you get here, Luke?” Logan’s question settled cautiously between them.

  “I flew, materialized, magically appeared. Take your pick, lieutenant.” He gestured to a nearby chair. “Here, why don’t you have a seat? You look a little green.”

  Logan shook his head. “Not yet. Where are the slaves you brought back?”

  Luke nodded toward the east. “I dropped a couple dozen off at the Glenwood emergency room. It’ll keep the nightshift busy for sure.” The grin was pure Luke Calder.

  Logan blinked before straightening. “All by yourself? You brought how many?”

  Squinting one eye, Luke lifted the corner of his mouth. “I’d say around forty, all total.” He shifted to sit across from Logan.

  “I don’t get it. This can’t be, can it? I mean, we’ve been back from Afghanistan for over three years. Where have you been?”

  Luke smiled, before leaning back to cross his booted foot over his knee. “Good question, bro.” He flicked a wink at his buddy in arms. “Well, you know how a shadow walker has to learn how to be a shadow walker, right?”

  Logan could do little more than nod.

  “I’ve been honing my skills, you see. Working on the craft of being a shadow walker, so to speak.” The grin held Luke’s mischievous nature.

  “No, I mean, where in the hell have you been while we were fighting these bastards?” A smile filtered across Logan’s mouth. Beginning to warm to the idea this was his commander, Logan craved the banter.

  “The Netherworld. Oh, in disguise, of course.” The cocky grin lit Luke’s face. “I took the shape of Thomas, the overseer at Jessie’s, or should I say Rocco’s camp.”

  “I watched you die, Luke. I…,” Logan trailed off. “It’s a shock to see you, is all.”

  “Logan?” Aubrie stepped through the deck door. “Why are you up at this hour. What’s going on?”

  Logan jumped up. He glanced at Luke, afraid he would disappear. Luke lounged as only Luke could. “Uh, Aubrie, this is…”

  “Go on. It’s okay to tell her. I got the slaves out, and I’m not going back until we can destroy the Sultan, so it’s okay to tell Aubrie.” He grinned that patented cocksure grin.

  Logan rubbed the back of his neck. His brow wrinkled as he cut anxious eyes at Aubrie. “Sugar, this is Luke Calder, the shadow walker.”

  Aubrie pulled the robe up around her neck before taking a cautious step outside. “Luke?”

  “Yeah, Aubrie, it’s me.” His eyes twinkled a jittery blue. “Been a while, huh?”

  She crossed to Logan before smiling sheepishly. “You’re here.” Her hand moved of its own accord as she reached out to touch him. “It’s you, really you!”

  The laugh proved helpful. “You bet it is.” Winking at Logan, he opened his arms. “Got a hug for an old friend?”

  She went into his hold, laying her head against his chest. “Oh, Luke.” Drawing back, Aubrie smiled through the tears streaming down her face. “We’ve missed you.”

  “Yeah, I know. I’m a hard man to forget.” Another wink and he slapped Logan on the sh
oulder. “Sorry about the timing, but I had to work fast, and the Sultan was busy. Oh, I almost forgot, I left Jessie in a safe place. A little cove off the coast I discovered. J.T. is with her. If I’m not mistaken, they have a few things to work out. The mini vacay will do them good.”

  “Okay,” Logan said drawing out the word. “Anything else?”

  Luke thoughtfully shook his head. “Oh yeah, here.” He handed Logan a wad of zip drives. “Pilot left us some cool shit on there. You’ll like what you find, lieutenant.

  Logan grinned because he couldn’t help it. Glancing at a silent Aubrie, he ventured on shaky ground, “You need a place to crash?”

  “Probably.” Luke straightened before heading for the door. “I’ll catch you two later. There’s somebody I need to see. I have intel about Meagan’s family.”

  Logan grinned for Aubrie. “Hasn’t changed a bit.”

  “I’ll be back for dinner,” Luke said, winking at Aubrie.

  “Same ol’ Luke.” Standing at the front door, Logan shoved his hands in his pockets, rocking on the balls of his feet. “Sugar, could you make us some coffee? It’s going to be a long day.”

  Stunned, Aubrie stood in the middle of the room. “He’s really here.”

  Logan heard the tone of her voice. “Yeah, really here.” Scratching the back of his head, he turned to her. “Come here, you.” Wrapping her in his arms, Logan let go of some of the shock of seeing his long dead friend once more. “Why didn’t I see this coming?”

  She tilted her head back to gaze into his eyes. “Because you’ve had a lot on your plate. Now, maybe, you can let go of some of the deep seeded guilt. He’s back.”

  The look of love in her eyes warmed him. “You always know what I need to hear.”

  “Well yes, it probably comes from being inside your thoughts most of the time.” The wry arch of her lovely brow teased the laugh right out of him. “You win. Just for the record, I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  “That’s good to hear because you’re stuck with me from now on, lieutenant.” She shoved back. “I’ll get that coffee started.”


  The sun rising over the water showcased her silhouette as she gathered shells which had washed up with the high tide. J.T. watched from the protective cover of the cave’s canopy of palms. No coat this time and nowhere to go other than the dank darkness of the cavern. The time was upon him. He had to explain himself. The question was, did he have the courage?

  Images of the vampires he had sent to their end flashed before him. Others floated past in a wash of progression like spirits floating on a breeze. The fates taunted him, he mused.

  Be a man for the gods sake. Tell her the truth and let the cards fall where they may. You knew this was coming. You always have.

  The ache in his chest had nothing to do with physical pain. His dead heart was breaking though just the same.

  Jessie raced up the bank toward him. Her long hair hung loose and wild with the sea breeze teasing stray strands about her stunning face.

  How had he gotten so lucky, he wondered? These precious hours he’d remember forever. All good things had to come to an end, this being no exception.

  “Hey you.” Jessie pushed back a stray strand of dark hair as she beamed at him. “What are you doing? Come play with me.” The giggle sounded so female.

  “Something I forgot to mention.” He glanced up at her standing with the sun at her back. The second the sun hit his retinas he winced.

  “Oh J.T., what is it?” She crouched close, reaching for him.

  Wheeling away, J.T. scrambled for more cover. The burn wasn’t deep. The sun’s rays had only burned the first layer. “I’m all right,” he managed. Give her your best face, you idiot. His little voice could pick the damnedest times to nag him. “Jessie, we need to talk.”

  She stalled out in front of him. The hand she rested on his forearm left. The dancer’s dights now fluttered near her throat. “Talk?” The droop to her bottom lip intensified. “About what?”

  He heard the apprehension in her voice. Jessie knew. Somehow, she understood things weren’t going to continue. They’re little utopia was finished. “I can’t see you anymore.”

  Her brow knitted. “Why?”

  “I’m not who you think I am, Jessie.” He stretched out his arms to her. She didn’t come to him like before. He waited a beat before continuing. “There are things about me you wouldn’t appreciate at all. I’m…I’ve…” Swallowing hard, he shook his head. The fact she sat apart from him drew a tangible craving for her from his depths. No greater pain, he mused. “I’ve killed people. So many of them.” Look her in the eyes, you fool! The damn voice was back. J.T. cursed under his breath. He rose to pace because he couldn’t look her in the eyes.

  “You were a SEAL. I knew you had no other choice. It’s part of war.”

  This was hard, the hardest thing he had ever done. “No, there’s more to it than that.” More pacing in the shadows of the cavern. His nerves were on full alert now. She was slipping away, he could feel it. “You’re right about the choice. There was no choice. What I did, I did because of a horrific change. One I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy, not even the one who made me.”

  Now she stood. Unable to move closer to J.T., she wrapped her arms around her chest. “I’m confused. The one who made you? What are you talking about, J.T.? What’s this crazy talk?”

  “The Sultan is my maker. I am a vampire.” The words were out and he couldn’t take them back.

  Her brow twitched as she studied his face. Soon, her eyes went wide as the realization sank in and shock swept over her features. “No.” Her eyes never left his as she uttered the one word. Perhaps she hoped he would flash her a smile and tell her it was all just an attempt at humor. But he didn’t and finally Jessie shook her head before turning to slowly walk out of the cave.

  He let her go. By the gods, why did he let her go? His body ached for the feel of her in his arms again. She hadn’t asked how or when or anything. She had simply walked out without a backward glance.


  He brooded alone inside the confines of the cave the rest of the day. Jessie had not returned as he had hoped she would. Better to give her space, he mused. Breaking her heart was the end for him anyway. No way he would ever go on without her by his side, no way.

  The time had come, he decided. He’d face the Sultan alone, one bloodsucker to another. A sure-fire way to rid the world of two demons at once. With his last effort, he vowed he would eliminate the Sultan, that was his mission now, for the love of Jessie. With his mind made up, he settled down to wait. The sun would set soon. He would find his maker.

  Chapter 15

  Resolved, J.T. left the beach as the sun disappeared over the horizon. No longer dreading what he faced, he decided his decision was better for all concerned. His condition was a burden none of his friends needed. His lover needed nothing from a vampire.

  The high council met each week at the same location and time. J.T. gauged his trip to their meeting accordingly. If nothing else, he could at least be punctual for his own trial.

  A cavern deep in the canyon overlooking the Mexico border held many creatures. Some friendly to vampires and some not. Cautiously making his way inside, he listened for danger. The small squeaks and scurries of tiny feet proved comforting to him. After all, a vampire on his way to death required some minor pleasures. The sounds emanating from the darkest points inside the cave were welcoming to J.T. As if by their existence, he existed, he mattered, he held worth. No one else harbored such sentiment.


  Aubrie shrugged out of her shirt and hurriedly unzipped her jeans. “Crap! I’m late to my own bachelorette party. Where are my shoes?”

  “Sugar, you look dazzling just the way you are.” Logan leaned on the door jam, his wicked grin gleaming.

  The lust in his eyes stirred her own. “Stop it. I have to be at Katie’s in less than thirty minutes, and I haven’t even bathed.” Whirling back to t
he closet, she yanked out a top before reaching for slacks. “Help me find my shoes, will you?”

  “There’s a pair in the living room. Copper’s laying on them.”

  “What?” Racing from the room, she halted midway. “Oh, Copper. I hope you didn’t taste these. Did you?” Tugging the leather flats out from under his big nose, she sighed. “Whew, that would not have been good.” Clutching the shoes close, she retraced her steps. “Gotta get going.”

  Logan chuckled. “You’re adorable when you’re frazzled. I hope you stay just the same after we’re married.”

  Her brows arched. “Stay frazzled. I don’t see why I can’t. It’s part of my DNA, you know?”

  He snorted. “Yes, it is. By the way, the intel on those zip drives pinpoints the location of the Sultan’s latest torture chamber. Guess where it is.”

  She cut a wild-eyed look in his direction. “No clue.”

  “Under the mansion.” His brows winged up. “I should have listened closer to Jessie when she said the amulet glowed brightest when she was inside the mansion. Must have driven her crazy searching high and low and not finding a clue as to where her parents were stashed. They were under her feet. Of all the irony.” Logan reached out to gather Aubrie close.

  “That’s wonderful. I see what you mean about Jessie. Well, at least we can locate them. Maybe Luke or J.T. can save them.”

  His smile faded a degree. “Sugar, you know we’re going back, right? There are no two ways about it. We have to go.”

  She shoved at his chest. “I know. I can’t think about that now. I’ll think about that tomorrow. Right now, I’m late for my own bachelorette party.” The sigh was for dramatic effect. Her insides were churning just thinking about returning to the Netherworld.

  The door slammed up front.

  “Who could that be?” Aubrie asked.

  Luke’s voice filtered back to them over the barking dogs in his wake. “Hey guys?”


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