Bridal Bonds (Warriors of Phaeton Book 2)

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Bridal Bonds (Warriors of Phaeton Book 2) Page 8

by Leora Gonzales

  “I should have figured it would be you two.” Zane’s amused voice traveled to her from the entryway.

  “We are here to see Andi.” Tamin’s voice came across loud and firm to where she was sitting.

  “Of course, we were just about to eat our evening meal. Would you like me to make you a plate?” Zane led the men into the living area and threw Andi a knowing grin.

  “That would be welcome, thank you,” Rodin replied with a nod to Zane as he made himself comfortable next to Andi on the couch. “What is it that you are eating? It smells wonderful.”

  “This is lasagna and it is wonderful. I introduced Zane to it when I first arrived. I learned pretty quickly that if it’s his night to cook, lasagna is inevitable. No matter how many times in a row it has been.” Andi raised her voice, teasing Zane while he stood in the kitchen gathering more plates of food.

  “I cannot help it that your Earth food has bewitched me, woman!” Zane shouted back into the small space. Grumbling out loud, he muttered, “I am needing to visit the rec center more often because of it.”

  Both Tamin and Rodin relaxed at the easy way the friends teased each other. There was obviously no sexual tension between the roommates. As they all sat to eat, the teasing between them played over into picking which movie to watch.

  “We are not watching that one again, Zane.” She laughed.

  “But it is about us, I think Tamin and Rodin have the right to see how aliens are viewed from Earth,” Zane argued.

  “These aliens eat humans and pop out of their chests. I’m pretty sure that is not something that you do.” She laughed again at his obvious attempts to get his way.

  “We have never seen this and it seems interesting,” Tamin added as he read the blurb about the movie.

  “Fine, I guess I’m outvoted.” Throwing up her hands, Andi gave in and got comfortable on the couch between them.

  Before Andi knew it, she was drifting off to sleep. Resting against Rodin’s chest while Tamin stroked the curve of her legs, she let the murmur of deep voices lull her to sleep.

  Noticing how comfortable his friend seemed with her men, Zane smiled. Looking between the doctors, Zane knew he surprised them when he turned serious.

  “You hurt her and I will kill you,” he said quietly.

  Tamin and Rodin shared a glance before focusing on Zane sitting on the floor with his arms on his knees. There could be no doubt he meant what he said.

  “We will never hurt her,” Rodin promised, hugging her sleeping body closer to his.

  “Swear?” Zane watched them closely while waiting for a response.

  “You have our oath,” Tamin said, his tone as serious as could be.

  Zane stared at the men for a moment then nodded.

  “How did you not want to mate with her? She is perfect,” Rodin wondered, genuinely curious.

  Zane let out a long sigh. “When Andi first arrived, she was everything I had hoped for. I admit, I felt attraction for her.” At the warning growl rumbling through the men cuddled close to his friend, he laughed and shrugged. “I have eyes and you can see she is beautiful.” Turning toward the men from his position on the floor, he folded his arms over his crossed legs.

  “After she moved into my quarters, we talked about our pasts. I could see from the moment I met her that she had pain in her eyes. After asking some questions, I found out that she had recently lost a young patient she had come to care deeply for. The death of the young ones is what made her apply for the Bridal Pact. The more she spoke, the more protective I became. My feelings were similar to ones I would imagine having for a sibling instead of a wife. We both realized our connection was no more than that. It would have been convenient if we had mated, but nothing more.”

  His gaze softened as he moved it to his sleeping friend. “I would protect her with my life if needed, but we both deserve more when it comes to marriage. Andi made me watch some of her favorite movies and the relationships in them were very clear. A marriage based on convenience would not have been fair to either one of us.”

  “Thank you for that, Zane,” Tamin said softly. “I can already say that my life would not be the same if she were missing from it.”

  Rodin hugged Andi closer. “I feel the same way. I still have trouble believing that she is not desired by every man who meets her, but I will accept and welcome your friendship to our bride. It is easier for me to understand since meeting the rest of the humans. Poppy was desirable to us at first at well, but now that I have met Andi, I realize friendship was the feeling that Poppy evoked.”

  “Has Andi told you why she applied to be matched?” Zane asked the men.

  “Other than what you just told us, no. She had not shared.” Tamin frowned down at where Andi was sleeping. “Should we ask her more about her time on Earth or will it be too painful for her to speak of?”

  “Andi worked with children suffering from cancer. They often stayed for months at the hospital, so she became close with them.” Smiling sadly Zane continued, “She is a very loving woman. I am amazed she was able to stay in her position for the years that she did. It must have been slowly eating at her to see the deaths of the children she had come to care for. One of the reasons she applied was because our race is willing to share cures for most of those illnesses in exchange for brides.”

  Tamin nodded in agreement. “The cures would have definitely been a motivation for her.”

  “We will make sure that she never regrets her decision,” Rodin said confidently.

  The men were interrupted from their thoughts when the tone at the door signaled a visitor. Zane dropped his head into his hands and ran his fingers through his hair.

  “What is it?” Rodin asked, obviously curious why Zane appeared defeated.

  “If you both are already here, then that tone means there is probably someone at the door to let me know that I am needed in the docking bay for an extra shift,” Zane said tiredly, getting ready to stand.

  “Why didn’t they just signal your cuff?” Tamin asked, nodding to the cuffs they all wore that worked as communication devices between warriors.

  “It is easier for me to ignore a message on my cuff than it is to tell them I am too tired to work on ships when they come to my door,” Zane said with a grimace, walking to the door.

  As he spoke with his visitor, the men sitting on the couch could clearly hear that Zane was indeed being called back to work. Zane requested a few moments before leaving to make sure Andi was taken care of.

  Walking back to the doctors, Zane propped his hands on his hips. “Will you make sure she gets to bed?” When the men nodded quickly, he added with a smirk, “Alone?”

  “That will be up to her,” Rodin quickly countered.

  Tamin surveyed the apartment with his eyebrows raised. “Where is it that you sleep? Our quarters are shared so we have two sleeping chambers but you only have one.”

  Rodin growled low in his throat. “Do you share sleeping quarters with our Andi?”

  Holding his hands up, Zane defended himself quickly. “I have a mat that I roll out next to the bed. We have never shared the bed. I swear.”

  “Good. If you come back this evening and we are still here, then please use our quarters for a restful sleep. I will program the door to accept your cuff so you have entry if needed.” Tamin went to the terminal located at the door to program what was necessary to allow that to happen.

  “You are very confident that she will let you stay,” Zane said aloud.

  “We will not leave our future bride unprotected,” Rodin stated.

  “As long as it is her decision, then I will support it. Andi’s choices are her own to make,” Zane countered, wanting the doctors to understand that he was on Andi’s side regardless of them being higher-ranked officers.

  “And we appreciated that. She will not be pressured. You have our word as warriors,” Tamin agreed as he took his place back at Andi’s side, once again cuddling her lower legs into his lap. “You should be leaving. I
would not want your absence to make the commander in the bay punish you with a longer shift than needed.”

  Zane knew he was being dismissed but didn’t take it personally. The men in front of him obviously cared for Andi just as much as he did, only in a deeper way. Saying his goodbyes quickly, Zane grabbed his personal tool kit and left before he did indeed anger the commander on duty.

  Tamin and Rodin did not glance up as Zane departed. They were too busy enjoying the feel of the woman at their side.

  “Even her feet are perfect,” Tamin said as he studied the small feet in his lap. “She colors her nails as well. This pink is attractive on her. Should we find out what it is and order some as a gift?” Running his finger across the tip of her toes must have tickled her enough to wake her up.

  Before Tamin could protect the lap that Andi was resting her feet on, she slammed the heel of her foot into his crotch.

  Andi became fully awake when her legs were moved quickly by a body that was gasping for air. Realizing that she must have kicked the man she had been resting on, she immediately sat up and started apologizing. “Holy shit, Tamin! I am so sorry!” Andi felt helpless as he sat doubled over his lap, wheezing every so often.

  “He will be fine, Andi,” Rodin said without sounding concerned at all. “I believe he has learned that you are ticklish though.”

  Andi snapped her head to the side to glare at Rodin, who had reluctantly let her go when she had sprung into action. “Shut it, Rodin. I could have really hurt him.”

  “He has been hit by much harder objects. Just let him catch his breath and I am sure that he will show you just how fine he really is,” Rodin said while his friend panted for breath.

  Just as Andi was about to launch herself at Rodin and give him a punch on the arm, a set of arms reached out to hold her. Andi turned and gave Tamin a sympathetic look. “Are you okay?”

  “Yes, I am fine. I did not expect you to move so quickly. I will be all right, maybe a little sore, but fine nonetheless.” Tamin smiled tightly, trying to put her at ease.

  “I guess warning you I’m ticklish may be a little too late?” Andi said with a sad laugh, still feeling awful that she had essentially kicked him right in the balls.

  “I will remember it in the future.” Tamin shifted slightly on the couch. “In fact, I can say that I will never forget that piece of information for the rest of my life cycle.”

  Rodin reached across and tugged Andi out of Tamin’s arms. When he tried to keep her by his side, Tamin moved enough to bring his attention to his sore lap. Tamin conceded the tug of war with a grimace.

  Shifting her weight until she was comfortable lounging against Rodin, Andi looked around the room. “Where’s Zane?”

  “Your friend has been called back to the docking bay for an extra shift,” Tamin explained, reaching across the couch to play with a piece of her hair. Luckily her hair was fairly straight so he was able to sift his fingers through the light-brown locks without pulling it.

  “Well, shit.” Andi made a face showing she did not agree with the hours he was working. “He was exhausted before he got off this evening. After this shift he’ll be a zombie tomorrow.”

  “We have instructed him to take our apartment for the evening so he has a bed to sleep in instead of a pallet on the floor,” Rodin said quickly, sending Tamin a look.

  Tamin nodded at his friend, realizing that concern for Zane would win them a more favorable place with their bride.

  “We can always get him a medical leave for rest if he finds that he is too tired to function properly in the bay area,” Tamin offered.

  “I’ll check with him and see what he thinks. He is trying to look good for the council since he is up to be matched in the system soon. He didn’t want to rock the boat with his superiors and have it go against his chances of getting his name drawn.” Andi’s expressions softened at their suggestion. Hopefully, looking out for her friend was a sign that they were all right with her relationship with Zane.

  “Just let us know. We understand that you care for him and would like to make sure that he is taken care of as part of your family unit,” Tamin supplied, twirling the lock of hair he seemed to be obsessed with.

  Andi cleared her throat. “So, if Zane is taking your apartment then where are you sleeping? Or should I even ask?”

  Rodin smiled at her and winked. “We would like to spend the evening here with you.” When Andi started to sputter, he placed his finger against her lips to stop her refusal. “We will not engage in sex if that is what you desire. We simply would like to speak to you more and become accustomed to each other.”

  Tamin tugged at her hair. “Although if you would like to have sex, then we will not fight you.”

  Between Rodin’s winking and Tamin’s teasing, Andi could feel her stomach flutter.

  “Well, I guess you can stay. I’m pretty boring at night though. Not a whole lot goes on in here except for sleep.” Andi laughed nervously.

  “Maybe we can change that?” Rodin suggested with a sexy smile while he rubbed his palm the length of her thigh.

  Scooting out from between the men on the couch, she quickly moved to the area in front of the coffee table. “Okay guys, here is how it is going to work. Tonight we can cuddle and talk. Clothes on.” When Rodin started to protest, Andi pointed at him sternly. “Clothes. On.”

  “Is that your final decision or can we try to convince you?” Tamin asked, leaning forward to place his elbows on his knees. Rodin kept his relaxed pose, leaning back against the couch.

  “Final decision.” Looking back and forth between the man-candy on the couch, she shrugged. “Am I tempted? Yes. Do I want to get pregnant before I’m sure this will work? Not a chance.”

  “What if we were to say that we have been able to procure contraceptives? Would that change your mind?” Rodin offered with an innocent expression she didn’t fall for one bit.

  “Did you?” Andi blurted out the question, unable to stop herself.

  Rodin shook his head, “Unfortunately, we have not had the shipment arrive. It will not be here for a few weeks at the earliest.”

  “Well then why the hell did you just ask that?” She frowned at the men in front of her. Confused and more than a little pissed off, she let out a frustrated huff of air. His question had been like dangling a juicy steak in front of a starving woman and then whipping it away at the last minute.

  “I was curious to see if that is the only reason that you are denying us the pleasure of your body,” he explained. Sending her a sexy grin, he leaned forward on his elbows. “There are ways for us to enjoy this evening without risking a pregnancy.”

  “I’m not a virgin, Rodin. I know about all the fun stuff we can do. My concern is that I won’t want to stop when the time comes. You guys are like pure moonshine. You go straight to my head and to hell with the consequences.”

  Tamin stood up and crossed the room to take hold of her arms. “What is so bad about that? We feel the same way.”

  Shrugging again, Andi mentally ran through the list that didn’t want to come out of her mouth. When she stayed silent, Tamin leaned forward and snuck a quick sucking kiss at her lips.

  Andi moved back a step and placed her palm on his chest. “See. That right there is going to get us into trouble. No kisses. Not while we have a bed that is right in the other room and our chaperone is MIA.”

  “Tell us what you would like to know, Andi.” Rodin’s voice came from her immediate right side. Unaware that he had moved from his place on the couch, she was slightly startled when he spoke.

  “What I need to know?” Thinking for a second, Andi tried to concentrate on their conversation. It ended up being one of the hardest things that she had ever had to do. Tamin took advantage of her pause and shifted forward to run his lips up her neck and underneath the sensitive skin of her ear.

  Andi batted at him with her hands and he moved just in time to avoid her palms.

  “Stop that will ya? I can’t think when I can feel
you breathing on my neck.” Adjusting her position a little farther from the pair, she started again. “Well, I would like to hear about where you grew up, for starters. Maybe your favorite colors… Small things like that.”

  “Our favorite colors?” Rodin watched Andi with a strange expression.

  “Yeah, favorite color. What is it?”

  “I do not happen to have one.” He elbowed Tamin at his side. “Do you have a favorite color?”

  “Not particularly. Although, I do find the color of the top that you are wearing pleasant. What is your favorite color?” Tamin nodded to Andi, indicating it was her turn.

  “I guess turquoise would be my favorite.” Running a finger along the bracelet she was wearing next to her new bridal band, she showed the men the piece of jewelry that rested there. “This is a bracelet that my mom bought at a Native American festival a long time ago. Probably ten years or so before she passed. The stones are turquoise and whenever I see the color it reminds me of her.” Pointing out the different colors to the men, she stilled when Tamin grasped her wrist in his large palm.

  “It is very pretty. The fact that it reminds you of your mother makes it truly an important fact about you.” Holding up her wrist to his mouth, he kissed the area beneath the bracelet.

  “What about your favorite foods?” Andi tossed out, trying to suppress the shiver that resulted from his kiss.

  “I enjoyed the pie that you made this evening,” Rodin said quickly, not wanting to be outdone by his friend.

  “Pie? Do you mean the lasagna?”

  “It had layers and you cut it into pieces. Is that not a pie?” Confusion laced his voice as he quirked his brow at her.

  Tamin moved around while Rodin was speaking and started to nuzzle the area behind her neck. Focusing on the lone man standing in front of her was almost impossible with the shivers racing along her spine.

  “Well, no. It’s not pie.” Shaking her head slightly to dispel the shiver that was tingling at her neck made her hair brush against Tamin. “I’m glad you liked it though. What’s something else that you like?”


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