Archer of the Lake

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Archer of the Lake Page 23

by Kelly R. Michaels


  "They're preparing an army," Lisiek remarked to the princeling, hunching his shoulders even in the protective shield of the commanding tent. ?It had been a long time since Lisiek had left the desert.

  "Would you expect anything else? ?It is only a small recruitment."

  "What did the Seer tell you about the army?"

  "It is not a surprise, Lisiek. ?Honestly, if an army showed upon our doorstep, would you not feel inclined to respond appropriately? ?Besides, it only proves something in our favor."

  "Pray tell, what is that?"

  "They are worried we will enter the forest, which only means that we can," the princeling explained. ?Lisiek opened his mouth to speak, but someone else answered.

  "Just because you can does not mean you should. ?There is a reason why others have not entered our forest before you."

  Lisiek turned to see that two figures, undoubtedly elvish, had entered the tent.

  "Forgive us for the late hour of our intrusion," the one continued. ?Lisiek could not decipher the purpose of the silver tattoos on his face. ?Were they merely decorative or indicative of something else, rank perhaps? ?The elf continued, "But I'm sure you understand. ?We're not overly fond of visitors, particularly the kind ready to make war."

  "We mean no harm to any of you," the princeling said.

  "Your army would suggest otherwise."

  The desert princeling stepped forward. "I am the admiral, the commanding officer of this outfit."

  The elf with the silver tattoos tilted his head. "The admiral? ?Then why does everyone call you a princeling?"

  "I inherited some land and donated a section of it to the Umfang military," said the princeling. ?Lisiek checked himself, unsure if he would call nearly half the desert 'some land.'

  "And what is your name, oh desert princeling?"

  "Admiral Grimault."

  "And I am Markis Rilynnzea. ?My companion here is called Blaes Llychlin, but don't be fooled by his silence. ?He is no fan of uninvited guests either."

  Lisiek looked to the princeling. ?He hoped Grimault had maintained some shred of sense over the years, considering they were standing before two possibly hostile elves with unknown magical abilities.

  But, as Lisiek knew, Grimault was infamous for his pride and bravado. ?Grimault continued, "Then invite us into your forest so we shall not be uninvited guests."

  "We do not allow strangers, particularly bloodthirsty ones into our home," Blaes interjected. ?"Tell us your purpose for coming. ?We've gathered our own army, and its soldiers are waiting beyond the trees. ?We will not hesitate to defend ourselves or destroy you." ?

  Markis grinned gleefully at his elfkin's words. ?"Blaes does not fancy idle chatter," he explained.

  "We are here on behalf of the Blind Seer," said the admiral.

  Markis nodded in consideration and looked about the tent. ?"I do not see her here."

  "That was why Admiral Grimault clarified that our presence is on behalf of hers," Lisiek countered, annoyed with Markis's show.

  "And what mission has she put you to?" Blaes asked. ?

  The princeling answered him. ?"We are set on a course of revenge."

  "Who do you seek revenge against?"

  "Another elf, the Wandering Elf who intervenes in the affairs of humans."

  The two elves exchanged glances, and Lisiek might have wagered they knew which elf the princeling spoke of.

  "And what do you intend to do with him?" Markis asked.

  "We want nothing with him. ?We are after an elf he cares about. Are you aware of any such elf?"

  It was Blaes that looked to Markis in confusion, but Markis did not seem to share the feeling, instead looking between Grimault and Lisiek carefully. ?"And should you find this elf, what do you plan to do with them?"

  "That has yet to be determined."

  "We will not surrender one of our own to a hostile force," Blaes said.

  "It is already foreseen," Grimault argued.

  "The elves are not popular for favoring prophecy, admiral," Markis pointed out. ?"You may find your task slightly more difficult than you might have imagined."

  Grimault spread his arms wide, smiling. ?"And that is why I have brought my own army for the occasion."

  For the first time, Markis appeared uneasy. ?"Allow us time to relay your intentions to our superiors-"

  "We will not negotiate the life of another elf," Blaes interrupted angrily.

  "I did not say negotiate. ?We are merely messengers now, Blaes," Markis responded calmly.

  "Certainly," the princeling agreed. ?"You are free to visit us tomorrow with their response."

  Markis nodded and turned to leave. ?Blaes lingered, taking a step towards Grimault. ?Lisiek did not feel inclined to interfere, even for the princeling's safety.

  "Know this, little human. ?Just as Markis said at our entrance, there is a reason no one has disturbed the elves for centuries. ?We decimate armies, leaving nothing but ash and smoke behind."

  The princeling said nothing, and the two elves disappeared into the night.

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