The Mysterious Coat

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by Nicholas Walsh


  Nicholas was born in 1985 in Bendigo, Victoria, and has dreamed of being a famous writer for many years.

  He lived his early years on a farm outside of Boort, Victoria, and went to the local primary school before moving to Bendigo with his mum and sister, where he continues to reside.

  Nicholas was diagnosed with Autism at age four, and following this, spent a lot of time involved with the Mansfield Autistic Centre learning behaviour management, speech, language and social skills.

  Nicholas has an amazing memory and a skill for reciting statistics around football, movies, television and history. He became interested in the performing arts when he moved to Bendigo and has career aspirations of working as a writer and actor.

  He has written a variety of scripts, short stories and novels. The Mysterious Coat is the first book he has pursued for publishing. He relishes his weekly attendance at the Createability drama group in Bendigo.

  He has dreams of travelling the world as a famous writer, performing in movies, and hopes The Mysterious Coat will be the first in many well-known Australian books.

  Published in Australia by Sid Harta Publishers Pty Ltd,

  ABN: 46 119 415 842

  23 Stirling Crescent, Glen Waverley, Victoria 3150 Australia

  Telephone: +61 3 9560 9920,

  Facsimile: +61 3 9545 1742

  E-mail: [email protected]

  First published in Australia 2012

  This edition published October 2012

  Copyright © Nicholas Walsh 2012

  Cover design, typesetting: Chameleon Print Design

  Excerpt from ‘Oh, the Places You’ll Go!’ by Dr Seuss

  published by Random House 1990.

  The right of Nicholas Walsh to be identified as the Author of the Work has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

  This book is a work of fiction. Any similarities to that of people living or dead are purely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the publisher, nor be otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.

  Walsh, Nicholas

  The Mysterious Coat

  ISBN: 9781742982571 (ePub)

  Distributed by

  Port Campbell Press

  Conversion by Winking Billy

  I would like to dedicate this book to my family, my editor Les and, especially, my friend Therese, who spent countless hours helping me put this story together.



  t's Friday morning in St Kilda. The sun is shining. It is the Labour Day long weekend and the date is 12th March. In the street, there’s a car parked near the Duke of York Hotel where Tyler Brown works. Tyler is tall, dark, handsome and very fit. He’s wearing a very stylish modern suit, probably a Giorgio Armani. He walks from his apartment block, a few blocks away to the front door of the Duke of York. At the bar, he sees the most stunning woman he has ever seen. He doesn’t know how to approach her. If he says hello, will she answer?

  Her name is Angelique. She has long blonde hair, is slim and has a beautiful figure. Angelique is wearing designer label black pants and a Jenny Bannister-type top. She works as a table-top dancer. Her dancing outfit is a skimpy little bikini with a veil hiding her face; all but her piercing eyes are visible. Tyler doesn’t realise, but outside of her work, Angelique is shy and nervous. He decides not to speak to her, as he is late for work and has a long shift ahead of him.

  During his lunch break Tyler goes home to his apartment block. He lives on the second floor. He hangs out with his friends, including Peter McGuire. Tyler and Peter have a game of tennis. After a few sets, they go to the gym for a workout. Later, Tyler decides to do a few laps. On his third lap, he sees out of the corner of his eye a mysterious person creeping around his apartment block. He can’t tell if it is a male or female. It’s very mysterious, or is it? He jumps out of the pool and grabs his towel, puzzled by what a person would want here.

  Peter walks past.

  ‘Pete!’ shouts Tyler. ‘Did you see that person over there behind the bushes?’

  ‘No, mate, didn’t notice a thing,’ says Peter who is tall, fit, okay-looking and always wearing his Nike sports clothes.

  Tyler goes upstairs, gets dressed and gets ready for lunch. He decides to go to a little cafe around the corner. While sitting near the window, he sees the mysterious person walking past, but still can’t figure out if it’s a man or a woman. He decides to order steak and salad and a cup of coffee and forget all about this mysterious person.

  After lunch, he leaves the cafe and goes back to work. Then in the dark corner, he sees the coat hanging on a hook and he stands still, looking at it, thinking to himself, That’s the coat I saw when I was in the pool and when I was having dinner at the cafe. I wonder who owns it. So he sits and watches for a minute to see whether anyone goes to the coat to claim it for their own. But no one goes near it. So Tyler goes back to work.

  While working, he keeps looking over to the coat. Still nobody goes near it. It drives Tyler crazy. Who owns the coat?

  Soon, his shift is over so he gets ready to leave. He looks over again and much to his shock, the coat is gone. What’s the hell is going on? says Tyler to himself.

  Tyler goes home and decides to do twenty laps of the pool because it’s driving him crazy. Who owns that damn coat?

  At home, he keeps thinking about the coat. I’m not sure. Could this coat belong to a mysterious person? Tyler’s brain ticks overtime. He’s driving himself crazy so he decides to have a walk outside. Next thing, he hears something rustling in the bushes. Something’s sticking out beneath the leaves. Tyler runs over. When he gets there, there’s nothing there. He sits down on the grass and says to himself, ‘Am I just imagining this, is it an illusion, or am I just going crazy?’ Tyler goes upstairs to his apartment, gets changed and decides to go to Dave’s Restaurant for dinner.

  Later that night, Tyler arrives at Dave’s Restaurant and is shown to his table. He sits down and looks at the menu. The waiter asks Tyler what he’d like to order. ‘Would you like a drink?’

  ‘I’ll have a light beer, please’ says Tyler.

  Then, he orders the steak with salad. The meal arrives and he starts eating. While eating, he looks at the table next to his and sees Angelique eating alone. Tyler walks over to her. ‘Hi, Angelique. How are you? Are you expecting anyone?’

  ‘No,’ replies Angelique.

  ‘Do you mind if I join you?’ says Tyler.

  ‘That would be great,’ says Angelique.

  So Tyler brings his meal over to her table and he orders a bottle of chardonnay for the two to share.



  he next morning, Tyler goes down to the swimming pool and swims laps. There are already three people in the pool. His friend, Peter stops for a chat.

  ‘Hey, Tyler,’ says Peter. ‘What did you do last night?’

  Tyler stops swimming and says, ‘Well, I have some good news and bad news. The bad news is I went to a few places in St Kilda and I saw that coat again.’

  ‘So, what’s the good news?’ says Peter.

  ‘The good news is I went to the steak restaurant and …’ Tyler pauses, and says, ‘I ended up on a date.’

  ‘You little ripper!’ smiles and shouts Peter. ‘What’s her name?’

  ‘Angelique. I’ve seen her before as she works at the Duke of York Hotel,’ says Tyler.
/>   ‘What’s her job there?’ says Peter.

  ‘She’s a table-top dancer,’ says Tyler.

  Peter laughs and says, ‘You gotta be kidding, mate! She must be gorgeous.’

  ‘She has a fantastic exotic dance act; has to be seen to be believed,’ says Tyler.

  ‘Is that true?’ says Peter.

  ‘Oh yeah. Have you ever seen the movie Showgirls? Or Striptease with Demi Moore?’ says Tyler.

  ‘Have you got her address and phone number?’ says Peter.

  ‘No, not yet,’ says Tyler. ‘I’ll catch up with her at work later.’

  ‘Ask her around because I’m having a party at my apartment,’ says Peter.

  ‘That’s sounds great!’ smiles and says Tyler.

  ‘Are you still swimming?’ says Peter.

  ‘No, mate,’ says Tyler. ‘I haven’t done laps because I’m too busy talking to you.’

  ‘Oh sorry, mate,’ says Peter as he stops smiling. ‘I’ll better go now so I’ll see you later.’

  Later, after swimming, Tyler goes up to his apartment and has a shower. He decides to have coffee and toast for breakfast before going to work. He looks out of the balcony window and catches glimpses of that coat for just a fleeting second.

  ‘Oh no, not again!’ says Tyler himself. ‘I think I’m having a nightmare!’

  So Tyler goes to work.

  At the Duke of York Hotel, Tyler sees Angelique having a coffee. When she sees him, her face lights up with a big smile.

  ‘Tyler, come and join me for a coffee,’ says Angelique.

  Tyler sits down and says, ‘So what did you do after dinner at the steak restaurant?’

  ‘Oh, just went home and went to bed,’ says Angelique.

  ‘Mmmm, that’s bad. Why didn’t you come clubbing with me?’ says Tyler.

  ‘Because I was too tired from work so I just went home,’ says Angelique.

  ‘I forgot to get your address and phone number,’ says Tyler.

  ‘Ooh, here it is. I’m sorry,’ says Angelique, so she wrote down the information and gave it to Tyler. ‘Here you go.’

  ‘Phew! I mean, thanks,’ says Tyler.

  Angelique laughs and says, ‘Don’t worry about it, Tyler.’

  ‘What’s do you want to do tonight? Would you like to come out for dinner and then catch a movie?’ says Tyler.

  ‘Great!’ says Angelique.

  That night, Tyler and Angelique go to an Italian restaurant in Fritzeg Street. They order pasta and Italian salad, then have a glass of wine and discuss which movie to see.

  ‘Angelique, which movie would you want to see?’ says Tyler.

  ‘Well, I really like arty movies,’ says Angelique.

  ‘Great,’ says Tyler. ‘There’s one playing up the road at the old theatre.’

  ‘Yeah, okay,’ says Angelique. ‘The movie is starting in twenty minutes.’

  Later that’s night as Tyler and Angelique leave the cinemas, he puts his arm around her waist and pulls her close to him. Their eyes met and they kiss. Tyler invites Angelique up for a coffee. They get in the lift.

  When they get inside, Tyler gives Angelique a glass of red wine and says, ‘Here you go, Angelique.’

  ‘Thank you.’ Angelique smiles.

  Tyler sits on the couch and pulls Angelique close. They have a long passionate kiss and he says, ‘Would you like to sleep over tonight?’

  ‘Okay,’ says Angelique in her soft voice. So, they disappear to his bedroom.



  he next morning, Tyler decides to do a few laps. Peter turns up when Tyler is having a break.

  ‘G’day,’ says Peter. ‘How did the date go last night?’

  ‘Brilliant!’ says Tyler. ‘I had a good time with Angelique.’

  ‘What did you get up to?’ says Peter.

  ‘Well, we had dinner at an Italian restaurant in Fritzeg Street, and then we went to the cinemas to see an art-house movie,’ says Tyler.

  ‘What was the movie called?’ says Peter.

  ‘As A House. It was three short films that were weird and different,’ says Tyler.

  ‘That sounds bloody strange,’ says Peter. ‘Did you take her back to your place?’

  ‘Yes. We had drinks and then, we had a long passionate kiss so Angelique and I are now an item,’ says Tyler.

  Peter’s shocked. ‘Far out! I didn’t think your first date would turn into such a romance just like a Mills and Boon book.’

  ‘Yeah, I know,’ says Tyler.

  ‘So, how does she feel about becoming a couple?’ says Peter.

  ‘She’ll be right, Peter,’ says Tyler. ‘I’m going to make breakfast in bed for Angelique before she has to leave and go to work. I’m not sure if I’m going to work today as I don’t usually work on Sundays. I like to go to the market on the Espy.’

  ‘I don’t work on Sundays either,’ says Peter. ‘I’m going to go upstairs and get changed for a walk. I’ll see you later.’

  Tyler decides to do a few more laps before getting ready to cook breakfast for Angelique.

  Tyler cooks bacon and egg muffins with a pot of fresh coffee for Angelique. He finds a tray and sets it with food and orange juice. He walks to his bedroom, opens the door, but she isn’t there. Tyler is shocked ‘Oh my god! Where’s she gone to?’ Then, he sees a note from her on the pillow. He puts the tray on the floor and walks to his bed. He takes the note from the pillow and reads it.

  Tyler, go to your answering machine and listen to my message.


  Angelique XX

  Tyler walks to the answering machine and presses the PLAY button.

  ‘Hello, Tyler, it’s Angelique,’ she says in her soft and sexy voice. ‘I have to go as I have to work, but how about dinner and a walk on the beach tonight? I’ve left my number on a piece of paper on your desk. Call me. Goodbye, darling.’

  The message finishes and Tyler sees the piece of paper on his desk. He takes it, picks up the phone and dials her number. Lots of things run through his mind while the phone rings. He hangs up the phone when she doesn’t answer. He leaves his apartment block and just as he steps out the front door he sees somebody wearing the coat walking around the corner of the street. The person is moving too quickly to tell if it is a man or a woman. But seeing the coat again startles Tyler.

  ‘Who’s wearing that coat?’ he says to himself. He keeps walk down the street on his way to the Espy Market thinking, Who is the mysterious person? Is it a man or a woman and should I go and see the police about it?

  After visiting the Espy market, Tyler enters the police station. He approaches the police desk sergeant.

  ‘G’day, I’m Tyler Brown. I want to talk to the inspector. I’ve got some trouble.’

  ‘Okay, Mr Brown, the inspector is in his office. He arrived early today,’ says the police desk sergeant. He leads Tyler to Inspector Mack Young’s office.

  ‘Thank you,’ says Tyler and knocks on the door.

  ‘Come in.’

  Tyler thinks to himself, Sounds like Alwyn Kurts from Homicide.

  He opens the door and sees the inspector reading a newspaper sitting at his desk. His hat is on the desk and his trenchcoat on the back of his chair. The inspector keeps Tyler waiting while he finishes reading the newspaper. Eventually, he says, ‘How can I help you, young man?’

  Tyler then shuts the door and sits down to have a chat with Mack, who is in his mid-fifties and very tall, fit and good looking.



  t the police station, Mack asks Tyler questions.

  ‘So tell me, what happened?’

  ‘Well, two days ago, I saw a mysterious person wearing a coat creeping around my apartment block and later that afternoon, I saw the same coat when I was having lunch at a café,’ says Tyler.

  ‘Then what?’ says Mack.

  ‘Then when I arrived at work at the Duke of York Hotel, I saw the coat hanging on a hook and then the next thing, it was gone,’
says Tyler.

  ‘What type of coat was it?’ asks Mack.

  ‘I don’t know. I’m not sure if it was brown, or darker with a bit of fur on it, just like one of the girls from Sex and the City wears,’ replies Tyler.

  ‘Did you see who was wearing it?’ asks Mack.

  ‘No, I couldn’t tell if it was a man or a woman, or even Angelique,’ replies Tyler.

  ‘Who’s Angelique?’

  ‘She’s my girlfriend. She left my apartment before breakfast so I didn’t see her this morning.’

  ‘Do you feel maybe you’re making too much out of this coat you’re seeing?’

  ‘But I keep seeing it. I think I need help!’

  ‘There’s somebody I think you should see.’ Mack opens a drawer. He takes out a card and gives it to Tyler.

  It reads:

  Dr Van Airhardt

  Psychiatrist and Private Investigator.

  Underneath that is the address and phone number.

  ‘Dr Van Airhardt. Who the hell is he?’ asks Tyler.

  ‘He is a private investigator who can help you,’ says Mack.

  ‘Do you think I need him?’ asks Tyler.

  ‘Yes, Tyler. I reckon Tuesday is a good day as he will be back in Melbourne from his holiday in Ipoh, Malaysia, with his wife and family,’ replies Mack.

  Tyler stands up, walks to the door and says to Mack, ‘I’ll call him tomorrow night as the Labour Day weekend will be over then.’

  ‘Okay. Have fun. Don’t forget to bring any information you have about the coat when you come back’ says Mack.

  Tyler leaves the police station and goes back to his apartment.

  At his apartment block, Tyler decides to put a sign on his front door, which says:


  He closes the door, walks to the couch and sits down.

  ‘I wonder if this mysterious person is a stranger or a vampire. I need to go to sleep.’


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