The Mysterious Coat

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The Mysterious Coat Page 3

by Nicholas Walsh



  hat night after Tyler has a snack at the restaurant, he arrives at the Duke of York Hotel. He is wearing a trenchcoat, pants, shirt, tie, suit and a hat. He walks to the bar and a twenty-something bloke with a Mambo T-shirt and a glass of beer says to him, ‘Hey, mate, what are you wearing?’

  ‘Mind your own business, you busybody mongrel,’ says Tyler. ‘It’s a secret.’

  ‘You stupid little bastard!’ says the bloke. ‘What are you? A private eye?’

  ‘That’s nothing to do with you,’ says Tyler, ‘so go away and leave me alone.’

  Tyler walks to the dark corner of the bar until he sees a coat hanging on a hook. He says to himself, That’s it! The coat! He takes the camera from his pocket, and takes a photo of the coat. He puts the camera back in his pocket and starts work.

  Later that evening while working, he decides to play the jukebox but he can’t decide between the 60s, 70s, 80s or 90s. He shouts to the people in the bar, ‘Hey! Which song should I play?’

  There was a group of people standing at the bar but they ignore him. This makes Tyler upset and he says, to himself, Ohhh, I give up! I need help!

  He walks back to the dark corner of the bar again and checks to see if the coat is still there. It is, so he goes back to work.

  Although the coat is still hanging in the pub, Tyler wants to go home. A few hours later, he is back in his apartment sitting alone in the lounge room until Peter arrives.

  ‘How it’s going, Tyler?’

  ‘I’m lonely.’

  ‘Lonely?’ says Peter. ‘Did Angelique dump you for another man?’

  ‘No mate, a guy at the bar annoyed me and I couldn’t decide what to play on the jukebox.’

  ‘What the … you’re bloody joking!’

  ‘Look, Peter, I’m sick of nightshift at the Duke of York and I’m going to quit because I am going crazy about this coat and who the owner is.’

  ‘Did you take a photo of the coat?’ says Peter.

  ‘Yes, it’s on Dr Airhardt’s digital camera,’ says Tyler.

  ‘Excellent, so what’s next?’

  ‘Tomorrow, I’m going to Dr Airhardt’s office to give the camera back and then, I’m going to contact Angelique about which song I should choose on the jukebox.’

  ‘Ahhh, okay. I’m going to bed because I’m tired after watching TV and having dinner at Dave’s Restaurant. One day, maybe we can all go to the restaurant for a get together.’

  ‘Sounds good.’

  ‘See you tomorrow. Hoo roo.’

  ‘Bye,’ says Tyler and after he watches Peter leave, he wonders if he should go swimming or go to bed.

  The next morning, Tyler arrives at Dr Airhardt’s office. He sits down and takes the camera from his trenchcoat pocket.

  ‘So, Mr Brown, how did you go last night?’ asks Dr Airhardt.

  ‘I took a photo of the coat at the Duke of York Hotel,’ Tyler says, as he gives the camera back to Dr Airhardt. Tyler starts thinking about last night.

  ‘Is something wrong?’ asks Dr Airhardt.

  ‘I had a problem when I was working at the Duke of York Hotel last night,’ says Tyler.

  ‘Why?’ asks Dr Airhardt.

  ‘I felt crazy when a guy at the bar teased me about my clothes and he thought I was a private eye and after that, I couldn’t choose a song on the jukebox because I couldn’t stop thinking who was wearing this bloody coat,’ says Tyler.

  ‘Is that right?’ asks Dr Airhardt.

  ‘Yes, it’s true.’

  ‘All right,’ Dr Airhardt says as he stands up, walks to the door, opens it, and shouts, ‘Leo!’

  ‘What, Doc?’ asks Leo.

  ‘Can you come to my office please!’ shouts Dr Airhardt.

  ‘All right, I’m coming!’ Leo arrives in Airhardt’s office and asks, ‘What’s up?’

  ‘Can you help me and Mr Brown on this case?’ asks Dr Airhardt.

  ‘Certainly,’ says Leo.

  Dr Airhardt shuts the door and introduces Leo to Tyler. ‘Mr Brown, meet my assistant Leo.’

  ‘Hello, Leo,’ says Tyler as he and Leo shake hands. ‘How are you?’

  ‘Good,’ says Leo. ‘What about you?’

  ‘Average,’ answers Tyler. ‘I’m waiting to solve this case about who’s wearing this mysterious coat.’

  ‘Where did you get the case from?’ asks Leo.

  ‘Just somewhere in St Kilda.’

  ‘So what do you want Leo and I to do about finding the coat?’ asks Dr Airhardt.

  ‘I agree with your idea, Dr Airhardt. The one about printing a photo of the coat off the camera and you, Leo, taking the photo to the police station and asking Mack to look at it.’

  ‘All right, Mr Brown,’ says Dr Airhardt.

  ‘Good,’ says Tyler as he gets ready to leave the office. ‘I’ve gotta go to the Duke of York Hotel to see Angelique or maybe I’ll do laps in the pool. Remember, if you have any questions, come to my apartment block.’ He shuts the door.

  Later, at Tyler’s apartment block, Tyler calls Angelique.

  ‘Hello, Angelique, it’s me, Tyler.’

  ‘Hi, Tyler, how are you?’

  ‘I had a problem when I was working at the Duke of York Hotel last night,’ says Tyler.

  ‘Oh no! What happened?’

  ‘I think I’m going to have a nervous breakdown soon,’ says Tyler.

  ‘Why? What’s the matter, Tyler?’

  ‘I couldn’t decide what song to play on the jukebox.’

  ‘It’s not a big deal; you worry too much.’

  ‘What did you do last night?’ asks Tyler.

  ‘Just worked for an hour and then had a snack and went back to my house.’

  ‘So, you didn’t have time to see me last night?’ asks Tyler.


  ‘Here’s the plan for tonight then. When you’re finished working, come and meet me at the bar because you’re going to help me to choose a song on the jukebox at the Duke of York Hotel. Do you have a favourite song?’ says Tyler.

  ‘I think Stuck In A Moment is my favourite song and I think you should play it if I’m not there.’

  ‘Okay,’ says Tyler. ‘I’ll see you at the bar tonight.’

  ‘Okay, bye,’ says Angelique.

  Tyler hangs up the phone and goes off to the kitchen to make toasted sandwiches for lunch.

  At the police station, Dr Airhardt and Leo are working with Mack and a forensic scientist named Professor Jerry Bowie in his lab. Professor Bowie is wearing a lab outfit and has short black hair. He is checking the photo by using specialised computer technology.

  ‘Okay, everybody,’ says Mack. ‘We’re going to check and test this photo of the coat which was taken by a person named …’

  ‘Tyler Brown, Inspector,’ Dr Airhardt interrupts Mack.

  ‘Thank you, Doctor. Let’s go back to the case and the photo. Professor Bowie will put the photo in the scanner, which will come up on the computer. We will discuss the colour of the coat and who wears this coat. Any questions?’

  ‘Is this is a joke, Inspector?’ asks Leo.

  ‘No,’ says Mack.

  ‘Bugger!’ says Leo, feeling silly.

  ‘Alright, Doctor, show Professor Bowie the photo,’ Mack says to Dr Airhardt.

  Dr Airhardt takes the photo from the folder and gives it to Professor Bowie as Bowie is turning on the scanner.

  ‘Okay, Professor Bowie, what’s goin’ on?’ asks Mack.

  ‘Well, Inspector,’ starts Professor Bowie, ‘first, we need hair, skin, saliva, fingernails and other things from the mystery person who wears this coat. Then, we put all the stuff next to the photo on the scanner, and finally, we’re going to check the results of who wears this coat.’

  ‘Right, we’re going to need some help from the forensic team,’ says Mack.

  ‘Good idea, Inspector,’ says Professor Bowie. ‘I agree.’

  ‘All right, Doctor,’ Mack says to Dr Airhardt. ‘Yo
u can go if you like, Doctor, and we’ll send the results to you.’

  ‘Certainly, Inspector,’ says Dr Airhardt. ‘I’ll talk to Tyler and I’ll see you next time. Goodbye.’

  As Dr Airhardt and Leo are leaving, Leo says, ‘Jesus Christ, Doctor, what should we do now?’

  ‘Well, Leo, we have to get more clues about this coat before we can solve this case.’

  At Tyler’s apartment block, he is getting ready to go work at the Duke of York Hotel when he hears a knock on the door.

  He says to himself, Jesus Christ! ‘Who is it?’

  ‘It’s me, Dr Airhardt. I have some news about the testing of the coat.’

  Tyler opens the door and sees Dr Airhardt and Leo. ‘What is it?’

  ‘I’m afraid the forensic squad is searching for clues at the Duke of York Hotel.’

  ‘What?’ says Tyler, frowning. ‘Is there going to be a forensic squad at the Duke of York Hotel?’

  ‘Yes,’ says Dr Airhardt. ‘It’s the only way we can be sure that nobody will tamper with all that evidence.’

  ‘Listen, Doctor!’ says Tyler. ‘If you and your guys are looking for that damn coat, leave Angelique alone and keep your hands off my girlfriend!’

  Dr Airhardt is shocked and says, ‘Tyler, I am only trying to help you.’

  ‘Oh, if the bastards are checking that coat, I’m going to call Angelique so she can stay at my flat until you and the rest of investigators find the person who wears this coat and solve the case!’ says Tyler.

  ‘Tyler, remember I’m only trying to help you!’ says Dr Airhardt.

  ‘Go screw yourself!’ Tyler shouts loudly and slams the door. He walks to the telephone, and dials Angelique’s number. He tries to stop frowning and calms down. ‘Hello, Angelique? I have some good news and bad news for you.’

  ‘What? Tell me both,’ Angelique replies.

  ‘All right, let’s begin with the bad,’ says Tyler. ‘The bad news is we will not get to choose a song on the jukebox because the investigators are going to invade and gate-crash the hotel.’

  ‘Oh no! What about the good news?’

  ‘Okay, the good news is, why don’t you come to my flat and stay here so we can skip work for the rest of the day?’ says Tyler.

  ‘All right, that’s a good idea. I think I’ll call the manager of the Duke of York Hotel and tell him.’

  ‘Thanks, that will work out fine,’ says Tyler.

  ‘I’ll see you later, Tyler,’ Angelique says. ‘Goodbye.’

  ‘Thank you, bye,’ says Tyler as he hung up the phone.



  hat night at the Duke of York Hotel, Dr Airhardt, Leo and Roy are all wearing trenchcoats and hats, pretending to be detectives of an old TV cop show. They walk to the bar and the barman asks, ‘What would you like to drink, boys?’

  ‘I’ll have a cappuccino please,’ replies Dr Airhardt.

  ‘And I’ll have a scotch on the rocks please and, actually, make it a double, mate,’ replies Leo.

  ‘Yeah, I’ll have a bourbon and make mine a double too please,’ replies Roy.

  ‘Okay, boys,’ says the barman. ‘I’ll bring the drinks to your table.’

  ‘Thanks, mate,’ says Dr Airhardt.

  The barman leaves the bar to make the drinks and Dr Airhardt says to the men, ‘Are there any other rooms in this hotel?’

  ‘Well,’ says Leo, ‘it has a gay bar and an entertainment area with live bands, and it’s also got a secret room with table-top dancers.’

  ‘Hang on a minute, Leo,’ says Roy. ‘Are there going to be any table-top dancers here tonight?’

  ‘I don’t know Roy,’ says Leo.

  Roy thinks aloud, ‘I wonder what they wear before they start dancing.’

  ‘Thank you, gentlemen,’ says Dr Airhardt. ‘Now back to business. I’m afraid if the coat is going to be here, there will be a couple of cops and a couple of forensic …’

  Just then, the twenty-something bloke who previously threatened Tyler interrupts Dr Airhardt and shouts, ‘Oi! Who the bloody hell are you and what the bloody hell are you wearing?’

  ‘Listen, mister, my name is Dr Van Airhardt and I believe from my client Tyler’s description of you, that you were recently very rude towards him.’

  ‘Yeah, I was,’ says the bloke. ‘What are you wearing?’

  ‘We’re wearing our trenchcoats and hats while we’re waiting for the police to arrive to check the mysterious coat. It’s over there in the dark corner.’

  The bloke frowns and says, ‘Listen, Doctor, you fool, if the police are going to arrive and raid this place, they will make the people line up, and they will check their clothes to see if they have drugs and weapons. You are making a big mistake!’

  Dr Airhardt stops frowning and is shocked. ‘I don’t get it.’

  ‘Hey! Your drinks are on the table!’ the barman says.

  ‘If you’re going to stalk me, I’m going to tell the cops,’ Dr Airhardt says to the bloke and then he, Leo and Roy walk to their table to drink their drinks. But Dr Airhardt is worried. When are the police going to arrive to do the raid?

  At Tyler’s apartment block, there is a knock on the door so Tyler walks to the door to find out who it was.

  ‘It’s me, Angelique.’

  Tyler opens the door to see Angelique with a bag in her hands. Tyler shuts the door, smiles and says, ‘There you are, Angelique, I haven’t seen you for a while. Did you ask the hotel manager about your time off?’

  ‘Yes, Tyler,’ replies Angelique. ‘He’s giving me a few weeks break.’

  ‘Who is going to take over your job when you’re absent?’

  ‘I don’t know, Tyler. Maybe Elizabeth Berkley’s character from Showgirls,’ jokes Angelique.

  ‘Oh, what the heck’ says Tyler. ‘I’ll cook a nice meal for us, so we can have a candlelight dinner.’

  ‘All right, Tyler, that will be delightful.’

  Meanwhile, back at the Duke of York Hotel, Dr Airhardt is calling Mack on his mobile. ‘Any news about preparing to raid the Duke of York Hotel?’

  ‘We’re not going to raid this hotel, we’re just going to visit and check the coat in the corner,’ replies Mack.

  ‘Right, so what are you going to bring?’ asks Dr Airhardt.

  ‘We’re going to bring a team of forensic scientists, a policeman and also, a fashion cop.’

  ‘How many of the team are forensic scientists?’ asks Dr Airhardt.

  ‘Only three or four,’ replies Mack. ‘Except Professor Jerry Bowie.’

  ‘What’s the professor doing now?’

  ‘He’s busy solving other crimes, including murder, robbery, assault, battery and arson, so he doesn’t have enough time to do the coat,’ Mack says.

  ‘By the way, Mack, can you interview this idiot who is threatening me?’

  ‘Certainly,’ Mack replies.

  ‘All right, I’ll see you later. Goodbye,’ says Dr Airhardt. He turns to Leo and Roy and asks them what they think of this plan. Leo and Roy don’t answer because they are still drinking. Dr Airhardt is a little bit annoyed at the plan and says to himself, Oh, strewth!

  Later at Tyler’s apartment block, he and Angelique are having avocado prawn cocktails followed by crayfish mornay. The candles are flickering romantic light across the room and Air Supply’s soft beats are coming from the stereo.

  Tyler asks, ‘What do you think of the food?’

  ‘I think it’s fabulous Tyler. All I need is a glass of champagne and it will make the night perfect.’

  Tyler goes off to the fridge to get the champagne. He goes back in to Angelique, and pops the cork. He and Angelique click their glasses and sip champagne. Angelique looks at the champagne with a knowing smile. ‘I think it’s lovely.’

  ‘Thank you,’ says Tyler.

  Tyler and Angelique put their glasses on the table.

  ‘So, what should we do for the next few days?’

  ‘Maybe we can go somewhere,’ says Angeliq


  ‘We could visit Lorne for the weekend,’ says Angelique.

  ‘Where’s Lorne again? I’ve forgotten.’

  ‘It’s down past Geelong on the beach. It’s beautiful. Have you been to Lorne before?’

  ‘Um, yes, I went there when my family and I used to go to our holiday house when I was young. What about you, Angelique?’

  ‘I’ve never been there.’

  ‘Oh I see,’ says Tyler. ‘What should we do after dinner tonight?’

  Angelique stands up, walks to Tyler and whispers in his ear, ‘How about we have some fun?’

  ‘Which room?’ asks Tyler.

  ‘The room with the spa,’ replies Angelique.

  Tyler is shocked and excited. ‘Do you mean my bathroom?’

  ‘Yes,’ replies Angelique.

  ‘All right, we’ll go skinny dipping after dessert,’ says Tyler.

  ‘Beautiful!’ Angelique purrs.

  A little bit later at the Duke of York Hotel, Dr Airhardt stands near the door when a guy with a Rip Curl t-shirt comes up and asks, ‘What are you waiting for?’

  ‘Mind your own business. I am waiting for the police to come,’ replies Dr Airhardt.

  ‘Yeah, right, whatever,’ says the guy and then walks away.

  Shortly, a police car, a plain car, and a divvy van arrives. A barman walks to the door and opens it It is Inspector Mack Young with four members of the forensic team, two males and two females. There is also a policeman named Constable Troy Williamson who is tall, dark and handsome and wearing a policeman’s uniform; and the fashion cop named Carson who has short brown hair and very trendy clothes.

  Mack says to the barman, ‘Sorry to interrupt. My name is Inspector Mack Young of St Kilda police and we’re looking for a mysterious coat. Have you seen it?’

  ‘Yes, Inspector,’ gasps the barman. ‘It’s right over there in the dark corner of the bar. Someone left it when they finished work and I don’t know who it was.’

  Mack turns around and says to the four members of the forensic team and Carson, ‘All right, everybody, check that coat!’


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