A Bride For Christmas

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A Bride For Christmas Page 4

by M. K. Moore

  “Thank you, you look handsome yourself. Are you ready to go?”

  “Very ready. Did I tell you that I love you today?”

  “Yes, about ten times, but I never get tired of hearing it. And I love you too,” she says as we head out to the car I hired for the night. “A limo? Really? I’ve never been in one before. I like sharing all my firsts with you,” she says kissing me.

  “Me too, baby. Me too.” Never have felt more like a man. Nothing could have prepared me for how much I would love this woman.

  The ball is really a networking excuse. I can tell from a mile away. People are drinking and dancing, but all I can think about is getting my wife home.

  “I’m tired,” she says after almost four hours of dancing.

  “Let’s go,” I say.

  “How are you guys doing?” Delilah asks.

  “Never better,” Matilda says. “I really can’t thank you enough.”

  “Yes. I agree. Thank you,” I say

  “You guys got off to a rough start. I was going to check in on you last week, but something came up.”

  “No worries. We are better than fine.”

  “Excellent. I hope you enjoyed your evening. Merry Christmas,” Delilah says, giving Matilda a hug and then shaking my hand.

  “You too,” we say in unison. Going outside of the hotel, there is a light dusting of snow.

  “It’s snowing,” she says spinning around in the snow. She looks so fuckable. It’s all I can do to wait until we get home.

  Chapter 8


  Two Months Later

  Married life with Jeb has been fantastic beyond my wildest dreams. Every day he shows me he loves me with more than words. His every action shows the depth of his feelings for me and I crave it. After the funeral, my picture appeared in the paper next to Jeb’s. It was my coming out of sorts. My mother has called me nonstop since that day. I’ve ignored her for the most part, but now I feel a looming black cloud when it comes to her, but I refuse to let her spoil anymore of my life.

  I have been feeling poorly for the last few days and I missed my period, so I drove my new car, a Ford Edge, to the drugstore and picked up a pregnancy test. Jeb wanted to buy me something more expensive, but I don’t need anything fancy. Even this is too much, but I needed something to drive around. I couldn’t wait to get home to take it. Now, I am pacing in the bathroom. Three minutes never seemed so long. I let out a squeal of excitement when I see those two pink lines. Those two pink lines that change my whole life. I have never wanted anything more than this baby.

  I just hope Jeb feels the same way.

  With the way he keeps fucking me and the things he says while he is inside of me, I am willing to bet that he does.

  I just can’t get past the niggling feeling that everything is about to change.

  Later that evening, I am making dinner when Jeb comes home from work. He has been putting in lots of hours trying to clean up the accounting nightmare his father left behind.

  “That smells amazing, what is it?”

  “Meatloaf and mashed potatoes, green beans.”

  “I can’t wait. I’m starving.”

  “Dinner will be ready in five minutes. You have time to change,” I say smiling and accepting his kiss. I put the pregnancy test in a Ziplock bag and set it on top of his dresser in the closet. He puts his keys and wallet there when he comes home. It will be the first place he looks. I am plating our food, when he comes back out with the Ziplock bag in his hand, he doesn’t say anything at first. I’m starting to get worried that he isn’t happy.

  “Is this what I think it is, baby?” I nod, setting the spatula in my hand down on the counter.

  “Yep, we are going to have a baby,” I say dancing around the kitchen and into his arms.

  “Fuck, yes. I love you baby. This is everything.”

  He twirls me around in his arms.

  “Oh, sorry guys. You said dinner was ready,” Patty says coming into the kitchen from her wing.

  “It’s okay, dinner is ready,” I say. She moved in with us about a week after the funeral. Enid as well. Since it was left to Jeb and Enid, they sold it, and gave the money to Patty. I jump out of Jeb’s arms and take the plates to the table.

  I don’t think I am ready to share this with everyone yet, but Enid notices the ziplock bag on the counter.

  “Oh my God. Are you pregnant, Tilly?” Enid screams.

  “I am. But I haven’t confirmed it with the doctor yet, so I don’t want to tell too many people.”

  “This is just the best news,” Patty says smiling.

  “It is. Let’s eat the meal Matilda prepared for us before it gets cold.”

  I look at him with relief. He knows me so well. I don’t like being the center of anyone's attention but his.

  After dinner, Jeb and I go for a walk around the block to work off some of dinner. I felt cooped up all day with my excitement brimming over about tell Jeb he’s going to be a daddy. I immediately notice a piece of shit car parked down the street that is out of place in this neighborhood. We go left down at the end of the driveway and I hear the piece of shit start to rattle down the road. I chance a look back at the car and when I see who is driving, I stop dead in my tracks. Zion?

  “What’s wrong baby?”

  “Um, we might have a slight problem,” I say. Not really wanting to tell him about my mother, I realize I have no choice when I see my mother in the passenger seat. The car pulls up alongside of us and my mom gets out of the car.

  “Shit,” I mutter under my breath. I squeeze Jeb’s hand, hard. “Mom, what are you doing here?” I ask.

  “Mom?” Jeb asks from beside me. I never even mentioned how I came to be in Atlanta, but he never asked either.

  “Yes. How the hell did you find me?”

  “You were in the news with your rich new husband, punching a stripper. I gotta say I was never prouder of you.”

  “Mom, this is my husband, Josiah. Jeb this is Tina, my mother and her husband, Zion.”

  “Nice to meet you ma’am,” Jeb’s manners are impeccable, though unwarranted with Tina.

  “What are you doing here?” I ask again.

  “You moved on up, babycakes. I came to get my due,” she says.

  “Your due?” I ask quizzically.

  “I took care care of you for eighteen years. You owe me.”

  “What?” I am thoroughly confused right now. My mom has been on disability my entire life. I got a job when I was thirteen and took care of my damn self.

  “Money, babycakes. Money. I am sure you have access to his mega millions.”

  “I really don’t, and even if I did, I wouldn’t give you any. You should go now. We don’t have anything else to say to each other.”

  “That’s where you are wrong,”

  I start walking over to my mother.

  “Mom, you need to go. I can’t help you,”

  “Matilda, I’ll give her what she wants,” Jeb says.

  “No, absolutely not. She’ll never go away.”

  “You’ll regret this, Tilly. I swear it.”

  “I already do, Mom. I already do.”

  I watch my mom get into the car but they don't move. We start walking back to our house. I definitely don’t expect the car to gun it over the curb and barrel right into me, but it does and that fucking sucks.

  The last thing I remember is looking at Jeb in the split second before everything goes dark.



  One Month Later

  Thank God, Matilda's injuries weren't worse. A broken wrist and a concussion from where her head bounced off of the concrete twice. Our baby was okay. I have never felt more helpless than I did in that moment. I pulled my phone out and called 911.

  Once she was bandaged up, we spoke to the police. Her mother and stepfather were arrested and charged with extortion and aggravated assault.

  I took her home and let her rest. After three days, she is getting stir
-crazy, but I held my ground. I didn’t let her up for damn near four weeks. Today, she has had enough.

  “I have to get out of here,” she says getting out of bed.

  “Where are you going?” I ask.

  “To the kitchen to start with. I want some hot tea,” she says walking out of the room. I follow her, and the trail of clothes she leaves along the way. When I get into the kitchen, she is up on the island, her legs spread. Her belly has popped out in the last few days and her excitement was noticeable. I also haven’t made love to her while she was recovering.

  “Baby, what are you doing?”

  “I am tired of you telling me no. I am fine, but I need you,” she says, spreading her very wet pussy lips open for me. Like I am going to say no to that?

  “Fuck baby. You’re a filthy girl,” I say dropping my shorts to the floor. Kissing her, I line my cock up with her opening and slide inside, slowly. “God damn, I’ve missed this, missed you baby.”

  “Shut up and fuck me, Jeb. I need it. Give it to me.” God, her words ramp me up.

  I slam in and out of her, her sweet honey dripping down my balls. She screams my name as she shatters around me.

  I follow quickly behind her, filling her with my seed.

  “Damn, baby,” I say.

  “That was a good start,” she says laughing. I help her off the counter, laughing as well. She goes down the hall and returns dressed again. She starts cleaning the counter off.

  “What are you doing now?”

  “I am going to make dinner. I don’t think your family wants to eat food prepared on a filthy counter,” she says matter-of-factly.

  I can’t help laughing. “What can I help with?”

  “Can you run to the store? I haven’t been in so long. I need onions and sugar to make sweet tea.”

  “You got it, anything else, cravings wise?”

  “I really want some kosher dill pickles. I ate all the ones I had.”

  “You got it,” I say kissing her and running into the bedroom to grab a t-shirt and my wallet and keys.

  “I’ll be back, baby,” I say.

  “Okay, drive safe,” she says as I go into the garage from the kitchen.

  Once in my car, my phone rings.

  “Hey baby. What did you forget?” I ask, expecting Matilda.

  “Well, hello to you too, baby,” My buddy Nathan says, surprising me.

  “Shit. What’s up man?”

  “I’m not sure if you heard, but I recently got married. We are in the process of adopting and I need you to be a character witness for me.”

  “Wow. Congrats, man. I’d be happy to.”

  “Great, our court date is coming up in a few weeks

  “Sounds great. Let me know the details,” I say. We hang up.

  I sent him to Delilah after everything with Matilda worked out so well. He was looking for a wife and I guess everything worked out for him too.

  Once we are tucked into bed for the night, I pull her close to me. She has quickly become my everything and I don’t know what I’d do without her and hopefully I’ll never have to.



  Twelve Years Later

  I’m exhausted, but in the best way. In the twelve years we have been married, I have had six kids. Four girls and two boys. Yesterday, Jeb surprised me with a honeymoon after all these years. We traveled as a family over the years, but we’ve never gone anywhere just the two of us. Enid is watching all the kids with the help of her sister-in-law and husband. A week on a Caribbean island, just the two of us, is exactly what we need to recharge our batteries.

  While being a stay at home mom isn’t exactly easy, it is the most rewarding thing I have ever done. I love my babies and I am not opposed to having more.

  I am bringing exactly five bathing suits and one outfit. The rest of the time, I plan on drinking pina coladas and being naked.

  The plane ride was uneventful, but as soon as we get in the spacious hotel suite, he has me pinned to the wall. This has been a go-to for us, whenever we are in a situation that bores or annoys us. Such good leverage. He still commands my body like he owns me. Let’s face it. He does.

  “I am going to fill this womb again, wife.”

  “Are you now?” I ask, breathlessly.

  “I love when you are carrying my child. Your need for my cock is insatiable.”

  “Mmm, I do love that cock, babe,” I say as he frees his cock. I shimmy my leggings down. I stopped wearing panties years ago. They just get in the way. As soon as I kick the pants away, he has me up and impaled on his cock. His biting kisses on the jaw and neck always get me going.

  “This is going to be quick, but I’ve got all week to to make it up to you.” He works my clit with his free hand and I am coming in no time. He fills me just like he said he would. “Love you,” he murmurs into my chest.

  “I love you too, Jeb.”

  God do I. He is everything to me. The family we’ve created goes so far beyond anything I dreamed for myself when I was a little girl.

  Meeting Delilah in that Starbucks all those years ago, set off a chain reaction that made me who I am today. What I am today.

  Nine months after our little trip, we were blessed with our seventh and eighth children. Twins.

  Life couldn’t be any sweeter.


  I want to thank my husband, Daryl. You are so supportive of my dreams and I love you so fucking much for like ever.

  Thank you, Mama, for all of your support! I love you.

  Karlee, thank you for being a friend. #GoldenGirls reference. But seriously, thank you!!!! Love you .6 times!!!

  Elisa, thank you for being so supportive and betareading this for me! Love you, my #unicorn friend!!!

  JENNY!!! You are the best beta reader!!! Thanks for taking the time to read all the things I throw at you!!

  To my arc team, no matter how many arcs I send in a short amount of time you guys pull through! Thank you so much for hanging out with me!

  To all of the readers, you guys are the ones that make this possible! Thank you for reading me and taking the time to review. You don’t know how much seeing your words of encouragement help me when I am struggling!


  Other books by MK Moore

  To Love Series

  -Brother in Law to Love

  -Heel to Love

  -Wife to Love

  Royally Yours

  -A Princess for Hans

  Love In Norlyn

  -Madame President

  Regret, South Dakota

  -My Aubree

  Clearwater Curves Serial written with Elisa Leigh, C.M. Steele, & KL Fast

  -Fancy Curves (Book # 2)

  The Caribbean Rivalry Series written with C.M. Steele

  -Stealing Destiny (Book # 2)

  -Taking Her For Granted (Book # 4)

  A Hauntingly Romantic Halloween Novella with Elisa Leigh, C.M. Steele, & KL Fast

  -Hunting Gypsy (Book # 3)

  Kissing Junction, TX series written with KL Fast

  -Candy Corn Kisses

  -Thankful Kisses

  -Candy Cane Kisses

  -Champagne Kisses

  -Chocolate Kisses

  -Midnight Kisses

  -Shamrock Kisses

  -Summer Kisses

  All for Love Series written with Elisa Leigh

  -All for Erica at Christmas

  The Seven Brides of Christmas Serial written with Elisa Leigh, KL Fast, Sylvia Kane, Elizabeth Princeton, Shelby Reeves, & Vanna King

  -A Groom By Christmas #1 written with KL Fast

  -A Bride For Christmas #2

  Moosehead Minnesota Series written with ChaShiree M.

  -Marry Grinchmas

  -Sterling and Kennedy

  -A Rose for Max

  -The Time Between Us

  Queen of Hearts Ink Series

  -Inked Heart

  -Inked by Him

  -Inked by Her

; -Ink Me

  -Ink My Soul

  About the Author

  MK is married to the love of her life. She lives in Tennessee with her husband. She is an avid reader and loves telling steamy stories she deems filthy contemporary. She loves meeting readers, so come hang out with her!

  FACEBOOK: https://bit.ly/2PlRV6t

  Goodreads: https://bit.ly/2G02bSl

  TWITTER: @smutyourmouth

  Amazon: https://amzn.to/2FYLmaI

  BOOKBUB: https://bit.ly/2QgXZCE

  BOOK + MAIN: @mkmoore

  INSTAGRAM: mkmoore0320

  SNAPCHAT: mkmoore032010

  Email: [email protected]

  For more flirty, filthy fun check out my Facebook group with KL Fast:





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