78 The ... bear my intentions
are, or cease stand or fall
79 th'advice the judgment
fire ... slime sun that brings fertility to the mudbanks of Egypt's River Nile 82 thou affects you desire
83 lace the ties of her bodice as she struggles for breath 84 let it be leave it alone
85 So Antony loves Antony loves in just such a changeable manner/depending on whether or not Antony loves me 86 forbear be patient/control yourself
87 give true evidence bear witness
stands will sustain
92 Belong to Egypt are shed for the Queen of Egypt
93 dissembling playacting
95 heat my blood make me angry/passionate
96 meetly fairly good
98 target small shield; Cleopatra completes Antony's phrase and makes it into a blustering theatrical oath mends improves (in his act)
100 Herculean heroic, prodigiously strong; Antony's family claimed descent from the Greek hero Hercules become ... chafe carry off his anger convincingly
107 oblivion forgetfulness/loss, abandonment
108 all forgotten forgetful/completely forgotten
109 But were it not
idleness foolishness/frivolity/triviality/worthlessness
110 holds ... subject considers frivolity beneath you/means that you are in control of frivolity 112 sweating labour the language of childbirth, continued with bear
115 becomings attractive qualities
116 Eye look, seem
119 laurel ... feet on his return to Rome, a victorious general wore a laurel wreath, and had flowers and rushes strewn in his path 122 Our ... thee i.e. although separated physically they will still be together since they are joined spiritually 3 competitor associate, partner (plays on the sense of "rival") 5 Is he is
6 Queen of Ptolemy i.e. Cleopatra; in keeping with Egyptian royal tradition she was married first to her brother Ptolemy XIII and, after he was accidentally drowned, to a younger brother, Ptolemy XIV, whom she was subsequently thought to have poisoned 7 gave audience received messengers
8 Vouchsafed condescended
9 abstract epitome, summary
13 spots of heaven stars; his faults stand out against his virtues as the stars do against the dark 15 purchased acquired otherwise than by inheritance (legal term) 18 tumble have sex
19 mirth joke
20 keep ... tippling take turns in drinking toasts
21 reel stagger drunkenly around
stand the buffet exchange or endure blows
23 As though
composure constitution, disposition
25 foils disgraces
when ... lightness since we have to bear an extra burden because of his frivolity (or "promiscuity") 27 vacancy spare time
voluptuousness sensual pleasures
28 surfeits digestive disorders resulting from too much food and drink dryness ... bones corrosion of the bones is a symptom of syphilis 29 confound waste
30 drums summons with a (military) drum
31 his ... ours i.e. our positions as triumvirs 'tis ... chid deserves reprimand
32 rate berate, scold
mature in knowledge old enough to know what's right
34 to against
36 biddings commands
38 How 'tis what the situation is
40 only have feared have obeyed (Caesar) through fear, not love 41 discontents discontented
42 Give him claim he is
44 primal state beginning of the world/first organized government 45 he ... were he who is in power was only deemed desirable until he gained power 46 ebbed declining in fortunes, on his way out
ne'er ... love no longer powerful/unable to reward his followers 47 Comes deared becomes loved/becomes valued
lacked absent, missed
This common body the people
48 vagabond drifting
flag water iris/reed, rush
49 lackeying following like a servant
52 famous notorious
53 ear plow
54 hot inroads violent raids
55 borders maritime coastal regions
56 Lack blood turn pale
flush vigorous, lively/flushed, ruddy (i.e. unafraid)
58 Taken captured
strikes ... resisted causes more loss than resisting him in battle 61 wassails revels
62 Modena city in northern Italy
64 whom i.e. famine
65 daintily with fine food/in a refined way
67 stale urine
gilded tinged with gold glint of scum
68 deign not refuse
69 rudest wildest
70 sheets covers
71 browsed fed on
76 So ... not did not so much as grow thin
77 pity of a shame for/about
79 twain two
80 i'th'field on the battlefield
85 can be able am capable of mustering
86 front confront
90 stirs events/uprisings
93 bond duty/obligation
4 mandragora juice of the mandrake, a plant with strong narcotic properties 13 Not ... sing an anachronism: castrated singers were employed in Renaissance courts 15 unseminared castrated, deprived of virility
freer looser, less restrained
16 affections desires
19 in deed in terms of the sexual act (punning on indeed) do perform/have sex
20 honest chaste
22 Venus ... Mars the Roman goddess of love and the god of war had a passionate adulterous love affair 27 bravely splendidly
wot'st thou do you know
28 demi-Atlas in classical mythology, Atlas carried the world on his shoulders; Cleopatra, ignoring Lepidus, describes Antony bearing responsibility for half the world arm weapon
arm And burgonet i.e. complete soldier/defender
29 burgonet light steel infantryman's helmet/helmet with a visor 33 Phoebus Greek and Roman sun god
black i.e. deeply tanned
34 Broad-fronted with a broad forehead/with a wide or open face Caesar Julius Caesar, with whom Cleopatra had an affair
36 morsel beautiful woman/sexual mouthful
great Pompey Cleopatra was actually supposed to have had an affair with Gneius (or Gnaeus) Pompey, the son of Pompey the Great (though great here may simply be a descriptive "noble" applied to Gneius) 37 make ... brow fix his eyes on my face (but stand and grow are suggestive of penile erection) 38 aspect gaze
die be consumed with desire/orgasm
39 his life what he lived for
42 great med'cine alchemical term for the supposed elixir that turned base metal into gold 43 tinct dye, color/transmuting elixir
44 brave valiant/splendid
47 orient lustrous
49 quoth said
50 firm constant, resolute
Egypt the Queen of Egypt
52 mend make amends for
piece enrich, augment
55 arm-gaunt steed slender-limbed horse/horse that is battle-hardened or eager for battle 56 high loud
57 beastly dumbed drowned out by the horse's noise/rendered inarticulate like the sounds of a beast 60 nor sad nor neither sad nor
62 'tis the man that's him exactly
64 make ... his model themselves on him
68 violence extremity
69 posts messengers
70 several separate
71 so thick such a throng
72 Who's whoever is
82 paragon compare
87 green young, inexperienced
blood passion/sexual desire
4 what ... deny delay does not signify denial
5 Whiles ... for while we're praying to the gods, the thing we ask for is decaying 12 the sea i.e. control of the sea
13 powers military forces
crescent growing, like the new moon
auguring prophetic
15 dinner often euphemistic for sex
16 without out of
18 Of by
neither loves loves neither
21 strength military force
25 Looking for expecting
charms spells
26 Salt lecherous
waned faded, aging
29 fuming fuddled with alcohol
epicurean gourmet
30 cloyless never-cloying, which will not satiate
31 That so that
prorogue delay, postpone
32 Lethe'd oblivious (Lethe was a river in Hades, the Greek underworld; drinking from it caused complete forgetfulness) 33 This ... deliver what I am about to report is most certain 35 'tis ... for there's been time for
37 less matter less serious news
38 ear hearing
39 donned his helm put on his helmet
40 his ... twain he's twice as good a soldier as the other two (Octavius Caesar and Lepidus) 41 rear ... opinion elevate our opinion of ourselves
43 lap vagina
Egypt's widow Cleopatra was the widow of Ptolemy XIV
45 hope suppose
46 well greet together meet on friendly terms
47 wife that's dead i.e. Fulvia
trespasses wrongs, injuries
48 brother i.e. Lucius
49 moved incited
53 pregnant obvious
square quarrel
54 entertained received
57 yet not do not yet
58 It ... hands our lives depend upon our using our greatest strength 5 like himself i.e. in a manner appropriate to his position/according to his natural disposition move angers, provokes
6 look ... head treat him as small and insignificant
7 loud as Mars loudly and aggressively like the god of war Jupiter another name for Jove, supreme Roman god
9 I ... today i.e. in order to dare Caesar to pluck it insultingly 10 stomaching resentments, being offended or the provocation of such feelings 19 compose settle our differences
to Parthia we should make for Parthia (the Middle Eastern empire that was a rival to Rome) 20 Hark ... Agrippa Antony and Caesar both continue their private discussions until Lepidus' intervention 23 That which combined the cause that united
24 leaner ... us lesser enterprise (or "military campaign") divide us What's whatever is
25 gently mildly, without anger/honorably
26 commit ... wounds destroy attempts at healing and reconciliation 28 The rather for all the more because
29 Touch refer to, deal with
30 Nor ... th'matter don't allow bad temper to aggravate the situation 32 to preparing to
38 Nay then well since you insist
40 being even if they were
42 or ... or either ... or
44 Chiefly i'th'world of all people/more than anyone else 45 derogately disparagingly
46 not concerned me was none of my business
51 practise ... state plot against my position
52 question business
53 How intend you what do you mean by
54 catch at grasp
56 contestation conflict
57 theme for you about a subject that concerned you/about you/on your behalf you were ... war the war was in your name/your name was their war-cry 59 urge me cite me as his motive
inquire make inquiries into
60 learning information
reports informants
61 drew ... you fought on your side
62 with along with
63 stomach inclination
64 Having ... cause I having the same reason as you to oppose his actions 65 patch put together, contrive
66 As matter whole though you have sufficient material 72 I ... thought I'm sure you must have known
74 he i.e. Lucius
75 graceful friendly, favorable
76 fronted confronted, opposed
77 I ... another I wish you had a wife like her
78 snaffle bridle bit, giving gentle control of a horse 79 pace put through its paces, manage
82 uncurbable uncontrollable (maintains the horse-handling metaphor; a "curb" is part of a horse's bit) garboils disturbances, tumult
83 not wanted did not lack
84 policy planning, strategy
grieving grant regretfully admit
86 But only
88 rioting reveling
90 gibe ... audience jeer my messenger away, out of hearing 92 ere admitted before he had even been announced
93 newly very recently
did ... was wasn't at my best
95 told ... myself explained my condition
97 nothing no part
contend quarrel
98 question debate, argument
100 article clause, terms
102 Soft wait a moment/go gently
105 Supposing implying
107 required requested
111 mine own knowledge knowing my own mind
113 Shall ... it won't detract from my authority, nor shall I exercise that authority without honesty
116 ignorant motive unwitting cause
121 griefs grievances
quite completely
123 atone reconcile
126 instant time being
131 presence assembly
132 Go to, then! expression of impatient dismissal ("Very well then!") You i.e. I shall be your
considerate showing consideration/thoughtful, deliberate
135 conditions characters, dispositions
137 staunch firm
141 sister ... side i.e. a half-sister; historically, however, she was Caesar's full, younger sister 145 reproof ... rashness reprimand would be merited by your rash speech 149 amity friendship
154 Whose ... utter i.e. no one else's words can express the true nature and extent of her virtue/no one else's virtues can match hers 156 jealousies suspicions, misunderstandings
157 import bring about/signify
158 Truths ... truths uncomfortable truths would be dismissed instead of malicious half-truths being accepted 159 both i.e. Antony and Caesar
162 present spontaneous
165 touched With affected by
167 power authority
168 would were to
171 unto over
173 so fairly shows seems so agreeable, looks so promising 174 impediment obstacle; echoes the use of the term in the marriage service 175 act of grace pleasing (or "divinely sanctioned") action 181 never ... again may our love never desert us again 185 For ... me Pompey had courteously received Antony's mother when she fled Italy with Fulvia strange extraordinary
187 remembrance memory/reputation
188 At ... him immediately after which I must nevertheless challenge him 190 Of by
presently immediately
193 Mount Misena Misenum, a port in southern Italy
197 fame rumor/report
198 Would ... together! Antony either wishes he had discussed matters with Caesar or Pompey sooner, or that he had gone to battle sooner 199 ere before
dispatch we let's speedily settle
202 my sister's view see my sister
206 Not not even
208 Half the heart i.e. intimate friend
212 digested settled
stayed well by't kept at it, stuck it out well
213 day ... countenance upset day by sleeping through it 214 light bright/merry/dissolute
216 but only
217 by to
218 monstrous matter strange, exotic foods
220 triumphant magnificent
square just
222 pursed pocketed (sexual connotations; "purse" is a term for the vagina) 223 river of Cydnus now the Tarsus Cay; not in Egypt but Cilicia, a region in what is now southern Turkey 224 reporter ... her made up a good story about her
227 burnished shining, as if made of metal
228 Burned gleamed as though it were in flames
poop highest deck at the stern or back of a ship
233 strokes beats of the oars/caresses/blows (eroticized violence) 235 cloth-of-gold of tis
sue rich cloth, woven with gold thread 236 O'er-picturing ... nature more beautiful than a painted image of Venus in which (the artist's) imagination has surpassed nature 237 her of her
238 like resembling/in the guise of
Cupid Roman god of love, son of Venus and Mercury; always depicted as a child 239 divers-coloured multicolored
240 glow make glow (with amorous excitement)
242 rare splendid, magnificent
243 gentlewomen ... Nereides female attendants resembling (or "in the guise of") beautiful sea nymphs 244 tended her i'th'eyes attended to her every glance 245 made ... adornings made the scene more beautiful with their graceful bows 246 tackle gear, i.e. ropes and sails
247 Swell with connotations of penile erection
248 yarely ... office nimbly perform the task
250 wharfs riverbanks/buildings
253 but for vacancy except that it would have created a vacuum (something nature proverbially "abhors") 254 Had would have
256 Egyptian potentially ambiguous since the word could be a synonym for "Gypsy," and both Egyptians and Gypsies were associated with magic and witchcraft 262 Being barbered having had his hair and beard trimmed and styled 263 ordinary supper; meal available at a fixed price in a tavern 264 what ... only i.e. he ate nothing except with his eyes 265 wench loose woman/whore/lower-class woman (creates oxymoron with Royal) 266 Caesar Julius Caesar
lay ... bed abandon his military responsibilities/have sex/abate his erection (through orgasm) 267 cropped bore fruit; Cleopatra had a son by Caesar, Caesarion 271 That in such a way that
275 stale make stale (along with custom, plays on the idea of prostitution; a stale was a whore) 278 vilest ... themselves foulest things achieve dignity (or "... become truly themselves") 280 riggish licentious
283 lottery prize
1 office duty, position (as triumvir)
7 Read ... report don't believe popular accounts of my faults 8 my square my life in strict order (carpentry metaphor: a square is an implement for measuring right angles) 9 by th'rule in a direct and orderly manner (maintains carpentry image) th'rule the ruler
12 sirrah sir (used to social inferiors)
13 nor you thither and that you had never gone there
14 can know it
15 motion inner prompting
16 hie you hurry
21 demon attendant spirit, guardian angel
that thy thy
keeps protects
23 angel spirit, demon
24 as as though
27 no ... thee I shall say no more except to you personally 30 lustre thickens splendor darkens
33 he he being
36 art or hap magical skill or chance
38 better ... chance greater skill fails against his luck 39 speeds succeeds, wins
41 it i.e. the odds in my favor
42 inhooped in cockfights, the birds were confined to a hoop to make them fight at odds even against the odds
2 Your generals after after your generals (rather than accompanying me) 4 e'en just, only
8 Mount i.e. Misena (Misenum), where Pompey's ships are anchored 11 draw ... about require me to go the long way round
Antony and Cleopatra (Arden Shakespeare: Third Series) Page 23