Wrong Number, Right Guy

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Wrong Number, Right Guy Page 24

by Elle Casey

  He lets the door go and comes back to stand in front of me.

  I look up at him, freaking out because he’s so close and fully clothed while I’m naked and wet. Are we going to have sex again? Make everyone wait for the meeting as we sigh, moan, and yell out in ecstasy?

  He pulls me against him, trapping my arms against my chest, the towel there between us keeping things from getting too real.

  “You’re welcome for everything.” He grins for a second. “For all that stuff.”

  “Is this going to be weird?” I ask, the first slivers of doubt sneaking in. What will the team think? Will they hate me on principle because I slept with the boss on my first week of work?

  He shakes his head slowly. “Doesn’t need to be.” His green eyes are clear and kind. He seems very sure of himself.

  “What do you think the others are going to say?”

  “I don’t think they’re going to say anything. Why would they? You stayed the night for security reasons. Thibault suggested it.”

  “Oh. Okay.” He means he’s not going to act differently around me in front of the others, even though we slept together. I shouldn’t be unhappy because it’s better that no one knows what we’re doing after hours. I just have to suppress the silly schoolgirl in me who wants to walk the halls holding hands. “Good.”

  “Don’t worry,” he says, his face expressionless.

  “I’m not worried.”

  “You look worried.”

  “I’m not.”

  “You sound worried.”

  I frown. “No, I don’t. I sound fine.”

  “I made you an omelet.”

  “You did?” I’m getting warm again. “Did you make one for everyone?”

  “No, just for you.”

  He stands there, letting his words sink in. The way he’s looking at me, I swear I can tell he cares about me. Why else would he make me my very own omelet? Something that feels a lot like love rushes into my heart and takes hold of me.

  He leans down, and I let go of the towel so I can wrap my arms around his neck and give him the kiss he deserves.

  His tongue and mine begin the dance again, the one that we started and perfected last night. His big warm hands span my lower and middle back. It gets hot between us within seconds. I moan as the feelings start to take over. I’m picturing him bending me over the sink and having his way with me when he pulls away.

  “Meeting. Gotta go.” He leaves me standing there, almost in that sex-mannequin pose again. He’s at the door before I can speak again.



  “I like you.”

  My chin falls to my chest, and I scoop the towel up off the floor to hold it against me. I totally and completely hate myself for being such a poozer. What the hell, man? Why can’t I just keep some of my thoughts to myself? His kisses loosen my willpower and my tongue way too much.

  “I like you too, Bo Peep. But don’t think for one second that’s going to earn you an easier workout today.”

  I grin really hard into the towel, praying he’s not looking at me right now. No way can I check to see. When I have control of myself, I move the towel from my mouth and dry my belly with it. I’m afraid to move it away from my chest and expose myself, silly non-virgin virgin that I am.

  “We’re working out today?” I ask, aiming for light and casual.

  “You’d better believe it.”

  Flashes of Dev with a sword come to mind. “Is Dev out there waiting to attack me?”

  “I guess you’re about to find out.” He opens the door and walks out, leaving me alone in the bathroom.

  My heart leaps. He likes me too! And he’s still going to train me and let me be in the company! I throw my arms out to the side and spin around. That was a mistake since my feet are still wet and the floors are marble. I slip and barely catch myself. Now the adrenaline is flowing too. I almost hope Dev will be out there doing another one of his stupid sneak attacks. I will totally be ready for him. Ka-chow! Judo chop!

  I finish getting ready in record time, sliding out of the door of his bedroom exactly fifteen minutes after my wake-up call in the bathroom. Yeah, baby. I’m so handling this new life of mine like a boss.


  I sidle down the hall, waiting for the attack. When I reach the entrance to the kitchen, I get the lay of the land. I need to find Dev before I reveal myself.

  Everyone’s sitting at the table but me, including Mr. Sneak Attack. The omelet’s on a plate by the stove, but I leave it there. No way am I going to sit down and dig into my specially prepared breakfast in front of my coworkers. My not-so-sneaky glances at Ozzie are already suspect enough.

  “Morning, Bo Peep,” Lucky says, grinning at me as I walk up to join them at the table. He looks way too fresh and perky this early in the morning. Is he leaving to do a toothpaste commercial after the meeting? Is that a knowing smile on his face? I think it is. I try to act natural.

  “Good morning, Lucky. How’s your goldfish?”

  “Sunny’s great, thanks for asking.”

  I pull out my chair and sit down, pushing the files around in front of me, trying to appear busy. I can’t look at Ozzie. For sure I’ll go all goo-goo eyes on him, and then Toni will want to punch me in the face. I have to figure out what to do about her. I need to find out if she likes him or what her issue was with me staying overnight with him. She didn’t seem to like the idea much yesterday.

  “Morning, everyone,” Ozzie says. “Let’s start with the Harley Op. As of last night, we have ears on the target. Backyard for now, but I’d like to get inside.”

  “You should give Bo Peep a try at it,” Toni says, sounding a tad bitter. “She handled the Parrot just fine.”

  “What do you think, May? Willing to give it a shot? Want to try to fly the bug into the house? We can practice with another one we have.”

  I look up at my boss, all business. “Sure, Ozzie. I’d be happy to.” I grin enthusiastically, but realize it’s too much when everyone stares at me. My smile falls away to be replaced by embarrassment. Dammit. Is the fact that Ozzie and I got seriously naked last night written all over my face or what?

  “We added another wrinkle to the Op last night,” Ozzie says.

  I can’t breathe. Is he about to tell everyone that we had sex? Ack!

  “There was an intruder at May’s around nine. Set off the perimeter alarm.”

  I let out the big breath of air I’d been holding, really slowly so no one will hear it.

  “That’s not good,” Thibault says, looking at me. “Everyone okay?”

  I nod. I’m too dizzy from lack of oxygen to trust my voice.

  “Yes,” Ozzie answers, “but we relocated over here for the night.”

  I really envy his ability to make that sound so casual. If I had said it, I would have giggled and turned red. As it is, I’m having a hard time keeping a straight face. I seriously need to get a grip on myself. I think a phone call to Jenny is definitely in order. Maybe I can manage a quick one in the bathroom before I start work.

  “You’d better stay here until we figure out what’s going on,” Dev says. He looks across the room and frowns. “Anyone going to eat that omelet?”

  I open my mouth to answer, but Ozzie cuts me off.

  “Don’t touch it. It’s not yours.”

  Dev frowns. “Okay, geez, just asking.”

  Thibault shakes his head. “Bottomless pit, man.”

  Dev shoves him with an elbow. “Shut up. I didn’t have time for breakfast this morning.”

  “There’s cereal in the pantry,” Ozzie says before opening a folder in front of him. “We’ve gathered about twenty-four hours of data. I’d guess we have about an hour of stuff worth looking at. Any volunteers?”

  I raise my hand.

  “I don’t mind,” Toni says, shrugging, “since I’ve been banned from the site anyway.”

  “Good. Toni and May, you’re on it. Put a report together of anyth
ing interesting, and deliver it to me by end of day.”

  “Done.” Toni nods at me and I nod back.

  “Dev, workout schedule?”

  “I got May this morning,” Dev replies. “The rest of you are on the circuit.”

  Grumbling comes from around the table.

  “No whining. I changed it this morning before the meeting. I think you’ll like what I’ve done. Look at the clipboard before you start. Use the timers. No cheating. If I catch you cheating, you’ll pay for it.”

  I have no idea what this circuit is, but it doesn’t look like it’s very popular.

  “I’m going to manage May’s workouts for the time being,” Ozzie says. His voice sounds a little gruff to me. I look around the table, but I can’t tell if anyone else noticed it or not.

  “Why?” Dev’s clearly not happy. “You think I’m not up to snuff?”

  “No, you’re up for it. I just want you to focus on combat training. I’ll get her cardio where it needs to be. After that we’ll work on building muscle.”

  I focus on the papers in front of me. My instinct is to stare at Ozzie and share goofy smiles with him, but even I know that’s a bad idea. I don’t want to embarrass him and make him hate me before he even has a chance to like me for more than twenty-four hours. That would be a tragedy, considering the amazing sex we had last night. Twice!

  “Okay. We’ll start with the singlestick.”

  I’m not going to remind Ozzie that he promised to teach me how to use that weapon. He’s doing my workouts. That’s enough special attention. I don’t want everyone thinking I’m some kind of prima donna.

  “What else?” Thibault asks.

  “I need someone to chase down the intruder from last night,” Ozzie says. He sounds angry.

  “I got that,” Thibault says. “Not sure what I’ll be able to find, but I’ll give it a shot.”

  “We might find something on the tapes,” Toni offers.

  “Keep your ears open for anything,” Ozzie says. He turns his attention to Lucky. “What’s going on with the Blue Marine Op?”

  “I don’t know, actually.” Lucky is frustrated. “I sat down and went through their financials, and they seem fine . . . but something’s up. They were right to call us.”

  “What do you mean?” Ozzie stops messing around with folders and stares at Lucky.

  “I’m not sure. I need to go on-site and figure some things out.”

  “Go ahead. Just don’t talk to any employees without speaking to our contact first. And obviously, don’t identify yourself to anyone there at the site, even our contact.”

  “No, of course not. I’m going to shop for some fishing tackle.”

  “And what would Sunny think about that, I wonder?” Dev smiles evilly at Lucky.

  “What Sunny doesn’t know won’t hurt him.” Lucky throws his folders to the middle of the table. “We done here? I need to get going.”

  “Hot date?” Thibault asks, grinning.

  “If you must know, I have a doctor’s appointment. But thanks for caring about my personal life.”

  Thibault holds up a hand to the table. “Speaking of which, I need everyone’s time sheets by the end of the day. Payroll is Friday, don’t forget. If you want to get paid, get me your time sheets. No excuses.”

  Groans come from around the table. I’m a little worried myself, since I don’t know anything about time sheets. Do I need to do one too, or is being on probation somehow exempting me from that?

  Thibault rolls his eyes. “I’ll say it again, since we have a new hire at the table . . . fill out your sheets every day, as you book the hours. That way it isn’t a big chore at the end of the week.” He points at me. “I’m doing yours for you for now, but after this week, you’re on your own.”

  I nod.

  “Booo,” Dev says with his thumb pointed down.

  Thibault shakes his head. “Jesus, people, grow up. It’s a time sheet, not a calculus test.”

  Ozzie stands. “One more thing before you all leave.”

  Panic hits me. I know it’s irrational and completely contrary to how he’s treated me so far, but all I can think is he’s going to tell them. He’s going to expose me for the slut that I am, revealing that I slept with him just mere days after meeting him for the first time.

  “We need a company car for May. I’m open to suggestions about make and model.”

  I’m too stunned to speak. I get a company car? Does that mean I’m not on probation anymore? Am I the only one noticing how crazy this is?

  “How about a minivan?” Toni says, snorting at her own joke.

  I glare at her, my misgivings flying out the window. “What . . . you’re saying I look like a minivan type? A mom with a bunch of kids? No thanks.”

  She shrugs. “You’re Bo Peep. Might as well work with the cover you’ve got naturally.”

  “It’s not a bad idea,” Ozzie says.

  Traitor! I turn on him. “Of course it’s a bad idea. It’s a horrible idea. I can’t drive a minivan! Minivans are for moms. They’re for married women, not single ones.”

  I don’t look like a minivan driver, do I? It makes me want to cry. I know they have a lot of headroom and storage space, plus room for eight passengers, but come on . . . I’m single, for God’s sake!

  “You’re worried it’ll get in the way of your dating life?” Ozzie waits impassively for my response.

  My face contorts itself through several expressions. Frustration. Embarrassment. Sadness. Jealousy. “How come Toni gets to drive an SUV?”

  Yes, I’m being childish, but what the hell. She gets to walk around in tight pants and stiletto-heeled boots. I’m in espadrilles and a minivan. I’m calling shenanigans on that. It makes me wonder why Ozzie slept with me in the first place. Is he some kind of weirdo with an Oedipus complex?

  “I drive the SUV because it suits me.” She smiles at me, and I detect more than a hint of smugness there. Argh, she is so begging for a Tasering right now, or at the very least a pee-purse whacking.

  I narrow my eyes at her. “A minivan does not suit me at all.”

  “How about I take her car shopping?” Dev says. “I have time later today.”

  “Do that.” Ozzie nods. “I’ll be done with her around nine.”

  “And I’ll be done with her by two,” Toni adds. I think she likes speaking for my time schedule a little too much. She and I are going to have to share a few words about that. I can’t go running to Ozzie over issues like this, especially now that we’re sleeping together. I don’t want any special treatment. Yeah, Toni and I are going to have a little convo later this morning, just so we can get some things straight.

  “You want to meet me here at two-thirty?” Dev asks me.

  “Sure. As long as you don’t have a weapon on you that you plan to use against me.”

  He smiles. “No promises.”

  I shrug. “Fine. Same goes for me, though.”

  “Ooooh, baby, that sounds like a threat!” Thibault is laughing. “You opened up a can o’ worms with her, Dev. I think you’d better retreat.”

  “Retreat isn’t in my vocabulary,” he says, standing to his full, almost seven-foot height.

  I have to admit, it’s pretty impressive. But I’m not going to let anyone know I’m affected by it. I shrug. “Don’t worry, Thibault. You know what they say about guys like him.” I gesture at Dev with my chin.

  Thibault’s eyes are practically sparkling with glee. “No, what do they say?”

  “The bigger they are, the harder they fall.”

  Even Ozzie laughs when Dev replies. “Oh, it’s on, Bo Peep. It is so on right now.”


  After changing into my workout clothes, I meet Ozzie in the company’s gym. He’s wearing his workout stuff too, and I have to avert my eyes from his crotch that I swear is growing bigger by the second. It doesn’t help to calm me down, though. His chest is massive in the light of day, and I still remember what it felt like beneath my han
ds and what it looked like naked, hovering above me.

  “I’m going to show you Dev’s circuit today, so you can do it without me in the future.”

  My face falls. All sexy thoughts leave my mind immediately. The circuit? Nobody likes the circuit. I don’t even know what it is, and I don’t like it.

  “What’s the matter?” he asks me, moving closer.

  I back up. “Nothing.” I look around at the equipment, acting like I’m not hurt that he’s already trying to get out of his promise to work out with me. “Where do we start?”

  “We’re not starting anything until you tell me what I did wrong.” He’s looking down at me with an expression that tells me he means business.

  “It’s nothing. Me being a girl. Silly stuff. Come on, let’s work out.” I really need to stop being such a wiener. I’m starting to get tired of myself.

  He stands still for a few seconds but then moves to my right. “Over here is the famous clipboard.” He picks it up from a table and holds it up for me to see. His muscles flex even with just that small movement. Yums.

  “Dev has a list here of exercises that need to be executed on certain machines. Each one is done for one minute total, as many reps as you can bang out with good form, with a fifteen-second break in between each one. You can’t rest for more than that or he blows a gasket.”

  “How does he know if you followed the plan or not?”

  “Because he’s a freak. Trust me, he can tell from looking at you if you’ve been cheating. I don’t know if he secretly counts out the seconds from across the room or what, but he knows. Cheating the circuit is cheating yourself, and cheating yourself is cheating the team. So just don’t cheat. Follow the rules of the clipboard.”

  “Sounds ominous,” I say, trying to joke about the fact that I have a Nazi war general in charge of my exercises. I’m not as sure now as I was before that I want to get in shape.

  “Nah. You’ll get used to it. Besides . . . it gets results.” He shows me the clipboard. “Here’s the first exercise. Dev numbered the machines. This first exercise is done on number eight. You do pull-downs, behind the head. Pictures of how to do the exercise are on the machines themselves, so you can follow them as you work out.” He points to the paper and then walks to the machine. “Have a seat.”


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