Handling the Hybrid

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Handling the Hybrid Page 6

by Evangeline Anderson

  “You, uh, think my toes are ‘cute’?” she asked, uncertainly.

  “To be perfectly honest, I think all of you is fucking adorable,” Vrox rumbled, grinning at her and showing those sharp, frightening fangs. Although now Tandy found she wasn’t quite as frightened of them as she had been before. “But of course, I’m not supposed to say that to my ‘Mistress’,” he added, lifting an eyebrow at her.

  “No. No, you’re not.” Tandy tried to make her voice stern but she was aware that her stomach suddenly felt like a thousand flutter-bys had taken flight inside it. And he smelled better than ever—had the dark musk and spice scent intensified somehow? Beneath the golden bustier she wore her nipples were suddenly as hard as diamonds and the place between her legs began to feel swollen and hot. What was wrong with her? She had to get away from the big Kindred so she could think!

  “I…I should go now. I’ll send someone in with your supper and some bedding materials. You can sleep here until I can think where else I could put you,” she told him.

  “You have a guest room?” he suggested.

  “Not for slaves,” Tandy said firmly. “If my Aunt Deelee found out I was housing you in a room meant for other Mistresses she’d report me to Mistress Sinda and the Sacred Seven for sure.”

  “Okay,” he grumbled. “Well, I’ve slept worse places, I guess. At least you’ve got an interesting collection.” He pointed at all the devices hung on the walls. “You use this stuff on any other slaves, little girl?”

  Tandy felt her face getting hot. “No—I told you, you’re the first slave I’ve ever had to train. And I don’t…don’t believe in hurting or abusing males just for fun, like lots of Mistresses do.”

  “Guess it’s a good thing I got bought by you after all, then,” he rumbled and a worried look came over his face. “Wish you’d bought my friend, Dannen, too.”

  “Why? Who bought him?” Tandy asked.

  “Some female named Mistress Tornflesh—said she needed him for her ‘pain display’ whatever the fuck that is,” he growled. “Do you know?”

  Tandy bit her lip. She’d heard vague, ominous rumors of the Mistress in question, but she lived outside of Opulex on a country estate and only rarely came into the city. Plus, since she favored “cruel entertainments” she had never been part of Aunt Zora’s circle of friends.

  “I’ve heard of her but I don’t know much about her,” she admitted. “She lives in an estate outside the city. I’ll help you find her when our deal is over.”

  “All right.” He still didn’t look happy about it. “Dannen’s a grown male and he can take care of himself. I just hate to think of him being tortured somewhere by some sadistic Mistress just for the fucking fun of it.”

  Tandy couldn’t deny that such practices went on here on Yonnie Six, but she didn’t want to go into that right now.

  “I’d better go,” she said going to the edge of the force field and waving at its shimmering surface. It recognized her heat signature and opened at once—just enough for her to get through.

  Vrox watched her go, a bemused look in his mismatched eyes.

  “See you later, little girl,” he rumbled. “I’m lookin’ forward to having you ‘tame’ me tomorrow.”

  Tandy just bet he was—especially if her taming him involved the use of the pain collar or cuffs so he could spank her again.

  Uh-uh—not going to happen, she told herself firmly. But then, how was she going to make her aunt Deelee and Mistress Sinda believe that she really had tamed the giant Kindred?

  Tandy didn’t know but she was certain she’d better think something up—and soon or she would wind up back over his knee with her ass in the air and she didn’t want that!


  An older male slave with a hunched back and a quiet air about him brought Vrox a good supper and some pillows and blankets to bed down with. He was cautious around Vrox, which wasn’t surprising, but after Vrox thanked him politely for the food and bedding and didn’t offer him any threat, he seemed a little more at ease.

  “So you’re the Young Mistress’s new slave,” he remarked, looking Vrox up and down after depositing his burdens and closing the force field around him. “You’re a big one, you are—if you don’t mind me saying so.”

  “I’m Kindred,” Vrox said. “We run on the large side. Are you one of Tandy…er, the Young Mistress’s slaves too?”

  “Now, I am.” The older slave looked sad. “My own Mistress—Mistress Zora—passed on several standard weeks ago. She owned me almost all my life and hers. This place feels…empty without her.”

  Vrox was surprised to see genuine emotion in the old male’s face.

  “You’ll really miss her that much? You were her slave,” he reminded the male.

  “Aye, and proud to be so.” The old male straightened his hunched shoulders and lifted his chin. “She was the kindest and fairest Mistress in all of Opulex—in all of Yonnie Six, for that matter. And I know the Young Mistress will follow in her footsteps. If she’s allowed to,” he added darkly.

  “What do you mean by that?” Vrox growled, frowning. “Who’s going to stop her?”

  “Her aunt Deelee will for one, if she’s let to,” the old male said. “She wants the whole fortune for herself—always has. She was ever jealous of my old Mistress—who was her older sister, you know. Steals and lies like you wouldn’t believe—you’d do best to be on the look-out for her, since you’re going to be the Young Mistress’s new slave. You might need to protect her from her aunt—I wouldn’t put anything past that Deelee!”

  Somehow Vrox didn’t have the heart to tell the old male he wouldn’t be here all that long—certainly not a lifetime of servitude to serve and protect Tandy. He just nodded his head respectfully.

  “I’ll watch my back—and hers. Thanks for the warning.”

  “You’re welcome. And be kind to the Young Mistress.” The old male shook a quivering finger at Vrox through the shimmer of the force field. “She’s a sweet one, she is—never one to hurt so much as a barsa bug. So just you mind that you don’t abuse her kindness or try to take advantage of her. Or you’ll have me to answer to.” He threw out his chest and gave Vrox a warning look.

  Vrox smothered a smile. He knew the old male was just trying to look out for a female he cared for—it was touching that Tandy had caused this level of protectiveness in her aunt’s staff. Clearly she was as sweet and kind on the inside as she looked on the inside—for all she tried to play the stern Mistress.

  “I’ll be careful of her,” he promised gravely, thinking of how he’d turned her over his knee and given her a sound spanking not an hour before.

  But that had been part of their agreement and even though he’d heated her lovely bare bottom considerably with his hand, it was still kinder than putting the pain cuffs on her and giving her a jolt, as she had at first suggested. Vrox was afraid that the level of pain he’d endured might kill her and he didn’t want that. To be honest, despite the position he found himself in, he found he didn’t wish any harm on his captor at all. In fact, quite the opposite.

  I wonder how she’ll choose to “tame” me tomorrow, he thought as the old male—who he assumed must be the butler—said goodnight and shuffled off, leaving him to his dinner. And I wonder if I’ll be spanking her again this time tomorrow night.

  He sort of hoped so. Having the soft little female writhing all over his lap would almost be worth another jolt from the pain cuffs, he thought. Although he’d rather do other things to her that spank her…

  Unbidden, the image of those tiny golden panties she’d been wearing floated into his mind’s eye. He could just imagine lying her down on the bench and spreading her thighs to feast on her soft little pussy while she moaned and thrashed and tugged his hair, begging for more…

  Vrox shifted uncomfortably on the bench as his shaft rose to full attention. Damn—just thinking about it made him hard! Like all Kindred, he loved to eat pussy and the warm, sweet smell of Tandy’s skin let him know that
hers would be fucking delicious.

  Better put a pin in that fantasy, he told himself sternly. I’m pretty sure you’re not gonna get the chance to taste between her thighs—so there’s no point in thinking about it.

  But some how his mind kept going back to his new little Mistress and her heart-shaped ass…her full breasts and ripe nipples…and that soft little pussy he’d seen peeking from behind the tiny golden panties.

  Even though it was an impossible fantasy, it still made his mouth water and his shaft as hard as fucking granite.


  Tandy had gone to sleep uncertain what she was going to do and how she was going to “tame” the big Kindred the next day—but she woke up in the morning with the answer beaming into her head like a ray of warm sunshine.

  Part of it probably had to do with the fact that she’d had the best night sleep she’d gotten in ages. Or maybe it was just because she felt so unaccountably good today.

  It shouldn’t have been possible but somehow her burdens felt lighter. Maybe it was because she’d finally let herself cry about all the awful things that had happened and were building up inside her. Or maybe it was because she’d struck what she felt was a binding bargain with the big Kindred and she was pretty sure things were going to be all right.

  For whatever reason, she hadn’t tossed or turned a bit and when she did close her eyes, a dream came that seemed to tell her exactly what to do.

  It was a dream based on a documentary vid she and Aunt Zora had watched not too long before her beloved aunt had died—a vid about the yarrons of Tamber Five and the people who worked with them and tamed them.

  Yarrons were a kind of equis with powerful bodies, talons for feet, and a whip-like tail that could kill a man if it drove the barb at the end into him. They had long, mild faces and lovely, silky manes but their teeth were as sharp as daggers and they could take off a man’s entire hand with one bite if they felt like it.

  But the yarrons were also incredibly intelligent and useful animals. They enabled the agrarian society that lived with them to thrive and multiply because they were good for hunting and the milk their mares gave was rich and sweet. Plus, once they were broken to the saddle, they would be loyal forever to the one male they recognized as their master or the female they thought of as their mistress.

  The documentary had been mostly about how the people who lived with the yarrons tamed the ferocious beasts. As Tandy remembered in her dream, they had used a technique called “gentling” which was supposed to be fool-proof for domesticating the huge animals.

  And what was the Kindred slave in her play room but a big, scary animal? At least to Mistress Sinda and her Aunt Deelee, Tandy thought. They believed that males were less than people—unworthy of their notice and no better than wild beasts. So why wouldn’t they believe it if Tandy used the gentling technique on her new slave instead of shocking him half to death with his collar and cuffs?

  They might not like it much—especially Deelee, who liked to see slaves in pain, Tandy thought—but they would buy it. It would be the perfect way to tame the big Kindred without using the pain devices and that way she wouldn’t wind up over his lap again tonight!

  Although…she bit her lip as she remembered the way he’d spanked her…and then held her afterwards. His warm, spicy fragrance still seemed to cling to her skin where she’d touched him and for some reason just the scent of him was enough to make her nipples hard and her pussy wet.

  Don’t be ridiculous, Tandy told herself. There’s no way you’re getting turned on by a slave—not even that one. Now get up and get going—there’s a lot to do before Mistress Sinda and Aunt Deelee come over.

  Which was absolutely right—if she was going to make this act convincing, there were several props she had to collect and arrange.

  I’ll make them believe, Tandy promised herself. I damn well will! And I’ll be able to send the money to Mom and Dad and Remy before the end of the week for sure!

  With that encouraging thought, she got up to greet the day. There was a lot to do to get ready.

  “Well this is quite a set-up, you have here, Tandace.” Mistress Sinda looked speculatively around the large ballroom with its high ceilings and shiny parquet floors. Tandy had instructed her late aunt’s staff to clear everything away except for two chairs, placed at the far edge of the circle of the force field. That was where Aunt Deelee and Mistress Sinda could sit and watch her “work.”

  The lights were out in the huge ballroom but the three-story-high windows that rose on either side, let in the weak, purplish light of the Yonnie Six sun. Tandy thought that the gloom added to the atmosphere and the impression of mysticism she was trying to cultivate.

  Placed strategically around the outer edge of the force field were four incense burners, their fragrant smoke already rising to the arched ceiling above. Interspersed with them were thick, three-wick candles shedding a flickering golden light over the scene. Over the sound system, soft, mystical music was playing—deep drum beats and a high, soulful flute that wove between them like a rainbow through clouds.

  And standing in the center of the force field circle, wearing only his black loin cloth and a dark scowl, was Vrox. He looked, if possible, even more intimidating than he had at the Flesh Bazaar. When Aunt Deelee got too close to the force field, he actually leaned towards her and growled.

  “My!” She jumped back and put a hand to her throat with a gasp. Her thin hair, which had been teased up into a poof at the top of her head, bobbled comically with the movement and her narrow, angular face twisted into a look of distaste. “Ugh—such a brute!” She smiled maliciously at Tandy. “I just don’t know how you’re ever going to tame him, niece.”

  “You’ll see.” Tandy kept her voice and face serene and confident. “If you would please both have a seat,” she said, indicating the padded chairs which had been placed on the edge of the force field.

  Aunt Deelee and Mistress Sinda sat, the former with a sour grin on her face and the latter with a bemused expression of curiosity.

  “So, we have come to see your progress today, Tandace,” Mistress Sinda said, giving her an encouraging smile. “You’ve only had a night and a morning to work with your new slave, so I don’t expect to see complete submission yet but it will be interesting to see what you have achieved in the short amount of time you’ve had with him.”

  “If you’ve achieved anything at all,” Aunt Deelee added rudely.

  Tandy ignored her aunt and focused completely on Mistress Sinda.

  “I’m so glad you’re here, Judge of the Change,” she said, addressing the older woman formally by her title. “Because I’m going to be showing you something I think you’ll find remarkable.”

  “Oh really?” Mistress Sinda looked intrigued. “And what is that, my dear?”

  “It’s a new technique for breaking and mastering slaves that my Aunt Zora and I were working on before her death—it’s called ‘gentling’,” Tandy told her.

  “Is that right? I had no idea that Zora was interested in slave breaking techniques,” Mistress Sinda said.

  “That’s because she wasn’t,” Deelee snapped. “Zora was never any fun. “She only ever wanted to sit in her ridiculously big building and do handicrafts and watch informational vids. She was boring.”

  “Mistress Deelee, we must not speak ill of the dead,” Mistress Sinda reproved her with a frown.

  “Aunt Zora was not boring—she was a kind and decent person,” Tandy said sharply. “And she was interested in this technique because she knew this day would come and I would have to train a slave myself. She wanted me to pass the test so that her last will and testament would be observed.”

  “I see.” Mistress Sinda nodded thoughtfully. “Do go on, Tandace. Tell us about what you’re going to do.”

  Tandy nodded solemnly.

  “Very well. This new technique is based on the way the indigenous peoples of Tamber Five tame their yarrons.” She focused on Mistress Sinda, trying to explain
. “You see, the yarrons are big, dangerous beasts but they can be immensely useful—much like males are to us. So we can tame them in the same way.”

  “You really think you can?” Mistress Sinda asked, looking a little doubtful.

  Tandy nodded firmly.

  “I do. In fact, I’m so confident that I’m going to be leaving the remote control to my new slave’s pain collar and cuffs in your hands, Judge of the Change.”

  “I’ll take it.” Aunt Deelee made a snatch for the little black box but Tandy pulled it out of reach just in time.

  “I think it’s better if Mistress Sinda holds it,” she said, giving it to the other woman. “I don’t want my work with my new slave to be interrupted by painful shocks. In fact,” she continued, looking earnestly at the Judge of the Change. “I must ask you not to press the button that delivers a shock unless I tell you to. All right?”

  Mistress Sinda looked uneasy.

  “My dear—do you really think it’s wise to go into the circle with him alone and unprotected?”

  “Mistress Sinda is right—he’ll tear you limb from limb,” Aunt Deelee predicted flatly. She didn’t seem very upset at the idea, though.

  “Thank you for your concern but I’ll be fine,” Tandy told them both. “Please remember to be careful with the remote. Vrox must not touch me unless I allow it—only if he gets out of line will I ask you to shock him.”

  She spoke clearly, directing her words to the big Kindred as much as to the Judge of the Change. She knew Vrox would understand that she was telling him what to do—how to play along. “And now if we’re all ready, I think it’s time to begin,” she said.

  “Very well, my dear. But please do be careful!” Mistress Sinda leaned forward anxiously, clutching the remote to the big Kindred’s pain collar and cuffs in white-knuckled hands.

  “I’ll be fine,” Tandy repeated, and walked serenely to the force field.


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