Handling the Hybrid

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Handling the Hybrid Page 13

by Evangeline Anderson

  “Hey, you don’t need to do that,” she said, feeling a moment of panic. “I’m not going to move!”

  “It’s just to hold you steady, Mistress.” He gave her a smile that didn’t reach his e yes and didn’t untie her. “Now what plant would you like to start with?”

  Tandy thought of the way Vrox had penetrated her so gently the night before, using a single big finger to do it. The little white plants seemed to be about the same size, she estimated. Maybe that would do to start.

  “A…a white one,” she said, nodding at the mass of writhing vines just a few inches from her feet. “I think a white one to begin with.”

  But instead of obeying, the slave shook his head.

  “Come now, Mistress, I’m sure you can do better than that. What about a yellow one? Those are still quite small but they make much more seed juice.”

  “Well, I guess maybe…”

  Before she could finish, the slave was parting her skirts—which were split in the back as well as the front—to bare her ass and pussy. Tandy felt embarrassed and exposed but since showing your body off was part of Yonnite culture, she told herself it was no big deal.

  “Here you go,” the slave said and reached down to pick a vine. But instead of the yellow plant he had promised her, Tandy saw he was holding a wriggling orange one in his grip.

  “Hey!” she gasped. “That’s an orange one—it’s a lot bigger than the yellow! I didn’t agree to that.”

  “Too bad, Lady Sweetbottom.” Mistress Tillabong laughed nastily. “We don’t have all day to do this, you know. We need to see if you can take a shaft as big as your slave’s—you’re lucky we’re not starting with a red one!”

  “I don’t want—” Tandy began but then the slave let the writhing orange shaft plant go and she felt the bulbous, waxy head poking at her naked pussy lips. “Hey!” She tried to shut her legs but she was slippery from the way Vrox had tasted her earlier and the plant was able to slide its way inside anyway. Soon it was poking at the mouth of her pussy.

  Speaking of Vrox, where was the big Kindred? Why wasn’t he stopping this?

  Tandy turned her head and saw that he was just standing there, watching.

  “Vrox?” she asked, her voice catching in a gasp as she felt the orange flower penetrating deeper into her.

  “Just relax, Lady Sweetbottom,” Mistress Poodlefart advised. “And let us see. How can we tell if the shaft is too big for you if you’ve got your thighs clenched like that?”

  Tandy bit her lip. Well, the whole point of this stupid exercise was to prove that she wasn’t able to take a shaft the size of Vrox’s. Maybe if she let the other Mistresses see that, they would let her go.

  It’s not really hurting me, it just feels strange, she thought, taking a deep breath and trying to calm down. She forced herself to unclench her thighs and open up a little, though she really didn’t like the sensation of the cool, waxy plant pushing up inside her.

  The orange shaft-plant seemed to be happy that she was no longer obstructing its progress. At least, it started to work itself more vigorously into her. As it burrowed deeper, propelled by the whipping purple vine, Tandy felt its long, clit-tickling leaf fluttering against her slippery inner folds in a way that actually felt kind of good. Not as good as Vrox’s tongue, of course, but it was still pretty pleasurable.

  Maybe this won’t be so bad after all, she told herself. Taking another deep breath, she tried to relax even though the rigid shaft of the plant was stretching her to the limit. It didn’t exactly hurt but it was a very tight fit. Tandy tried to concentrate on the pleasure of the clit-tickling leaf instead of the thickness invading her until at last she felt the bulbous head pressing hard against the mouth of her womb.

  “There it goes!” she heard Mistress Poodlefart say. “It will be releasing its seed juice any minute now!”

  Sure enough, there was a feeling like something flexing quickly inside her and then a sensation of wet slipperiness. The clit-tickling leaf abruptly stopped moving and the entire plant went limp inside her. Then, to Tandy’s great relief, the orange flower slid out of her and dropped limply to the ground.

  “There.” She looked up at Mistress Tillabong, frowning. “You saw that—it barely fit in me so there’s no way something the size of Vrox’s shaft would fit. So let me go, now.” She tugged at the leather thongs holding her tied to the rough wooden post to illustrate her point.

  But the blonde Mistress was smiling at her cruelly.

  “So you say nothing the size of your slave’s shaft would fit in you. But how can we know? Unfortunately, we don’t have any shaft-plants that are anywhere near his impressive girth.” She rounded on the slave. “Or do we?”

  “As a matter of fact, Mistress, I think we do.” Grinning evilly, the slave reached down into the mass of vines and brought out a shaft-plant with a flower that was a deep, ominous purple. “This one is really over-ripe,” he explained, waving it in front of Tandy’s face. “Notice how big and swollen it is—it’s full to bursting with seed juice. Makes it really rigid and hard, I’m afraid.”

  Tandy felt her breath catch in her throat as she looked at the massive plant he was showing her. The purple flower, which writhed so powerfully in his hand he could barely contain it, was probably over a foot and a half long and five inches thick. Its clit-tickling leaf was bigger than her palm and three times as long. with crimson fronds on the end that almost looked like nettles.

  “There’s no way you can fit that into me!” she protested, shaking her head. “It’ll split me in two! Get it away from me!”

  “But it’s about the same size—give or take—as your slave’s impressive equipment,” Mistress Tillabong purred. “I think we need to see if it fits just to be sure that big Kindred of yours isn’t pumping your pussy every night, my dear.”

  “No! No—Vrox—help me!” Tandy cried, twisting her head over her shoulder again to stare at him. But once again, the big Kindred was just standing there. He seemed to be trembling but he wasn’t moving to do anything to stop this. Was he really going to let her be penetrated and hurt by the huge, out-of-control shaft plant?

  “Vrox?” she pleaded again, trying to twist her hips away as the slave let the massive plant go. “Vrox, please! I need you!”


  It was killing him, not being able to move when the female he cared for was in danger! Vrox strained against the invisible force that held him, longing to break free and save her as the huge purple shaft plant pressed hard against her bare bottom. Tandy had shut her thighs again tightly but he wondered if that would be enough to keep the fucking thing from well…fucking her. His guess was not for long. Goddess-damn it—he had to get free somehow!

  “You really care for her, don’t you?” Mistress Tillabong murmured, smiling up at him. “I can tell by the way you’re trembling—it’s tearing you apart not to be able to help your sweet little Mistress while she gets her pussy penetrated by a shaft that’s nearly as big as your own!”

  You bitch! Vrox glared at her. He had never hurt a female before but at that moment if he could have gotten free, he would have ripped the blonde bitch to shreds—after he saved his Mistress.

  “I tell you what,” Mistress Tillabong continued, still giving him that superior little smirk. “I like you, Kindred—I like your obvious devotion to that little half-breed, illegitimate bitch you call your Mistress. So I’m going to give you a fighting chance. I’m going to take off the freeze setting…” She held up the black rectangular remote, right under his eyes. “And change it to the pain setting.”

  She pressed one button and then another, in quick succession.

  For one split second, Vrox felt the invisible force that had been holding him in place release him. And the next moment, his entire body felt as though it was on fire.

  He gasped hoarsely as agony coursed through him. Gods, the pain! Like every nerve had been dipped in lava! Like being burned alive! Dimly, he became aware that Mistress Tillabong was still speaking.r />
  “If you can fight through that—through the highest pain setting on your collar—to save your little Mistress, well…” She laughed cruelly. “Let’s just say I don’t think you’ll be able to manage it. Raising her voice, she shouted at the slave, “Come on now—this isn’t working. How can the plant penetrate her with her legs glued shut? Pry them apart—let the shaft get inside her. Deelee says she has to get good and fucked!”

  Vrox had fallen to his knees, his vision hazy with pain, but what he saw overrode even the agony of his nerves.

  The shifty-eyed slave was dragging Tandy’s ankles apart, allowing the vast, purple shaft-plant’s bulbous head to find her entrance.

  “No! No!” Tandy gasped, shifting her hips from side to side. But with the slave holding her ankles and laughing at her discomfort, there was little she could do. To Vrox’s horror, he saw the blunt end of the purple flower find its mark and begin to press inward…

  Goddess, he prayed, though he wasn’t usually the religious type. Goddess, please help me—give me strength—help me save her!

  Suddenly, despite the unremitting agony, a red haze fell over his vision and he felt his body changing, flooding with hormones. Rage, he was going into Rage, he thought dimly. It was the state of berserker fury that Kindred warriors went into when they thought the female they loved was being hurt or threatened.

  Vrox couldn’t help himself—didn’t want to help himself—he let the Rage fill him. He had claimed Tandy and she had claimed him, there was no fucking way he was going to let her get raped by a fucking plant while he stood here and watched, pain collar or no pain collar!

  With a massive effort, he staggered to his feet. Mistress Tillabong could have stopped him if she’d noticed, but she was too busy watching avidly while the purple shaft plant forced the head of its flower deeper into Tandy’s body.

  Knowing he would have only one shot at this, Vrox ran forward. Ignoring the burning agony and his nerves which were shouting that he was on fire…on fire—he grabbed the purple plant which was seeking to penetrate his female by the whipping purple vine.

  The shaft plant was incredibly strong, struggling in his fist like a high-pressure hose used to put out fires. It wanted to get back to Tandy, Vrox could tell that much, but there was no fucking way he was letting it.

  With a roar, he wrestled the thing to the ground and stomped on the seeking purple shaft with one big boot while he yanked on the purple vine. Just as the vine came off with a fleshy tearing sound, the rigid purple shaft gave way and a huge squirt of clear, slippery fluid came shooting out—about a gallon of it, Vrox thought grimly. It splattered everywhere, coating everyone within a three-foot radius with its slime.

  But he had no time to examine the damn thing. His nerves were still on fire but he didn’t know how much longer it would be before Mistress Tillabong reacted to his actions and froze him in place again.

  He turned his head and saw that, sure enough, the blonde Mistress was already fumbling with the remote. But some of the liquid from the burst shaft plant must have gotten on her hands because the small black box squirted out from between her fingers and flew into the nest of writhing vines. She went to her knees, scrambling to find it, at the same time shouting at the slave.

  “Deelee said to fuck her, so fuck her!” she shrieked. “Forget about the damn plant—just do it yourself, you idiot!”

  Vrox turned and saw the shifty-eyed slave with the snake tattoo on one arm was now bending over Tandy. He wasn’t bothering with any of the shaft plants this time—instead he had his own cock out and in his hand. His intent couldn’t have been more clear.

  Vrox lost it entirely.

  Despite the agony that consumed him, he couldn’t bear to see his female taken by another male. He charged forward, grabbing the slave by his shoulders just as he was bracing one hand on Tandy’s full hip and aiming himself at her entrance.

  “Hey now—” the slave began, his eyes widening as he turned to see who was grabbing him. “You can’t—”

  “Oh yes, I fucking can,” Vrox growled and with a single twist, ripped the other male’s head completely off his shoulders.


  Piercing shrieks filled the air and blood sprayed up and spattered down like rain. Crimson droplets were everywhere as Tandy sagged against the rough wooden post, crying. She wasn’t sure if the warm wetness on her cheeks was tears or blood but she didn’t care—she just wanted to get out of here! Just wanted to be home in her bedroom in Aunt Zora’s building away from all the horrible things that had happened to her.

  “Little girl?” she heard a hoarse voice ask.

  Turning her face, she saw Vrox standing over her.

  “Vrox?” Dimly she knew that he had saved her—she had seen part of what he’d done, ripping up the plant that was trying to invade her and then fighting with the slave—which must be where all this blood had come from. But she was too much in shock to really register anything.

  “You okay?” he asked and slumped beside her. His motions were stilted and awkward, as though it hurt him to move.

  “I…I think so. It…it hurt so much but it…I think it only got a little way inside me.” Tandy tugged at her wrists, now slippery with blood and the fluid from the plant. “Please, Vrox—help me!”

  “Of course, little girl.” Raising up, he reached for the thongs that held her to the rough, wooden post. The knots were slippery and wet and after a moment of fumbling with them, he made a low growl of frustration in his throat and snapped them both instead.

  “Thank you, Vrox.” Tandy sank down, grateful to be free.

  “Welcome, little girl. C’mere.” He scooped her into his lap and held her to his chest, though his entire big body continued to vibrate and tremble.

  Tandy didn’t understand why until Mistress Sinda’s voice pierced the haze around her.

  “Tandace? Oh my goodness, Tandace—what happened here?”

  Tandy looked up to see the other Mistress’s face wavering in an out of focus. She tried to explain but when she opened her mouth, no words came out.

  “I’ll tell you what happened.” Vrox’s voice was a low, painful growl. “That fucking Mistress Tillabong tried to have Tandy raped by the fucking shaft plants. Then when that didn’t work, she told her slave to do it.” He nodded at the slumped, headless body of the slave nearby, its ragged neck lying in a growing puddle of blood.

  Tandy looked away from the sight, feeling she might be sick.

  “But what—” Mistress Sinda began and then a new face hovered into view.

  “I found it! Here is the control to the Kindred’s collar!” The new Mistress—one of the Sacred Seven, Tandy thought wearily—was holding a small black box. “Mistress Tillabong had it. But they’re still trying to get her out of the shaft-plant bed.”

  “Let me see.” Mistress Sinda took the slippery black rectangle carefully and looked at it, her eyes going wide. “My goodness!” she exclaimed. “The pain setting is on and it’s set to maximum.”

  “Yeah,” Vrox rasped. “If you could turn it off I’d be fucking obliged.”

  Mistress Sinda pressed a button and the big Kindred collapsed with a groan, leaning back heavily against the wooden post where Tandy had been tied.

  “My gracious,” Mistress Sinda said, looking at him. “How long was the pain setting turned on?”

  “Don’t know.” Vrox shook his head wearily. “For a while. Mistress Tillabong turned off the freeze and turned on the pain when she started to have Tandy penetrated. She wanted…wanted to see…” But he shook his head and shut his eyes. “Sorry—fucking tired,” he growled.

  “I should say so if you fought through the greatest pain setting to save your Mistress,” Sinda said.

  Tandy felt terrible. “Vrox, I’m so sorry! I had no idea your collar was on,” she whispered.

  “’S right, little girl,” he muttered, shifting so she was settled more firmly in his arms. “Just sorry I didn’t…didn’t get to you sooner.”

sp; “It’s a lie—it’s all a lie!” Mistress Tillabong’s strident voice rang out, startling Tandy. The angry Mistress came marching over, her elaborate towering hairstyle wilted and disarrayed and her long silver skirt torn and dirty.

  “I beg your pardon, Mistress Tillabong—what is a lie?” Mistress Sinda asked coolly.

  “Anything that little half-breed bitch says about me is a lie!” Mistress Tillabong seethed. “She pushed me into the shaft-plants so I would get penetrated and then her slave went crazy and tore Mistress Badonkadonk’s slave’s head right off! He’s a menace, I tell you—he ought to be put down!”

  “Nobody is touching Vrox—he’s mine!” Tandy fought through the haze that kept wanting to cover her vision and glared at the other Mistress. “He didn’t do anything wrong—he saved me!”

  “You little liar! You pressed his pain button to make him go berserk and then set him loose on the lot of us!” Mistress Tillabong protested. “And all because you wanted first turn with the shaft-plants!”

  “That’s not true!” Tandy protested. “I would never—”

  “She’s not even a full-fledged Mistress, yet she’s here at a public function with a dangerous slave who has run amok and killed someone!” Mistress Tillabong continued shrilly. “She should be stripped of her inheritance and thrown out of Opulex! And the slave should be destroyed!”

  “No!” Fear rose up and grabbed Tandy by the throat. She pressed closer to Vrox, as though she could shield his big body with her own. “No, never! Leave him alone!”

  “Enough—enough!” Mistress Sinda’s normally quiet voice crackled with authority. “No one is doing anything until I and the rest of the Sacred Seven get to the bottom of this!” she announced, glaring around at everyone. “Until then, I think it’s best that you all go back to your domiciles.”

  “But…but…” Tandy wanted to say more—wanted to tell her side of the story and clear Vrox’s name. But the big Kindred was already gathering her close to his chest and rising wearily to his feet.


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