Handling the Hybrid

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Handling the Hybrid Page 16

by Evangeline Anderson

  “So tell me now,” she said, shifting a little to get him settled more comfortably in her pussy. “How did this happen?” She nodded down to where their bodies were joined.

  Vrox sighed. “My body makes a special compound to help a female I want to bond with stretch for me. It’s in my saliva and even more concentrated in my precum—which I was leaking all over you just before I slipped inside.”

  Tandy frowned. “If you knew this, why didn’t you tell me before? Were you afraid if I knew you’d be able to penetrate me, I’d feel free to penetrate you during the Test of Mastery?”

  “That’s part of it—or it was at first,” he admitted. “But there’s also the fact that I knew I couldn’t bond you to me. This…” He nodded to where they were joined. “Doesn’t matter. Even if I went all the way inside you—mating fist too—and bit you while I came in you, I still couldn’t bond you to me.”

  “Why is this bond you’re talking about so important?” Tandy demanded. “Why should I care if you can bond me to you or not?”

  “Because I can’t get you pregnant if I can’t bond you, little girl,” he explained patiently. “I can’t give you kids and you’re young enough to want them. You’d be unhappy, just like my ex was.”

  “I don’t need kids to feel complete, Vrox—the only thing that would make me unhappy is being without you,” Tandy told him honestly. She bit her lip. “Or am I crazy to be saying this? I know we haven’t known each other very long…”

  “I’d say we know each other a hell of a lot better now,” Vrox said dryly. “No, little girl—you’re not crazy. I just…didn’t want to ask you to give up your life of luxury here in Opulex to go running off with me to the far corners of the universe when you’re about to become a full-fledged Mistress.”

  “I don’t care about that,” Tandy told him recklessly. “This life is a lonely one now that Aunt Zora is gone. I’d go with you tonight if I didn’t need the money for my little brother’s operations so badly.”

  Vrox seemed to consider her words.

  “You saying you wanna run off together after you pass the test tomorrow and get your affairs settled?”

  “Yes.” Tandy nodded decisively and then rolled her hips, to take him deeper inside her. “That’s exactly what I’m saying. I want you, Vrox. Want to be with you,” she murmured, looking into his eyes.

  He groaned softly. “Goddess, little girl—you better be careful or you’re going to get a second load of my cum in your tight little pussy.”

  “I don’t mind.” Boldly, she rolled her hips again, thrusting out her bare breasts and tight nipples as she moved erotically against him. “You can come in me all night, Vrox. As long as you promise to take me with you when you go.”

  Reaching up, he cupped her cheek.

  “Gods, little girl—I hope you don’t regret this. But I want you too. Yes, I’ll take you with me. After you pass your test tomorrow and get your affairs settled, we’ll find my partner Dannen and get the Seven Hells out of here together.”

  “Yes!” It was half excitement, half desire Tandy heard in her own voice. And maybe…love too? Or maybe just a connection so deep it didn’t have a name. All she knew was that she felt drawn to the big Kindred—felt like her life would never be complete without him.

  She rolled her hips again, riding him, showing him how much she wanted him and Vrox responded by pumping up into her, his mismatched eyes glowing as he filled her for a second time.

  Tandy threw back her head and moaned his name. Tomorrow as soon as she passed the Test of Mastery and insta-transferred the money to her family, they would leave this place and never look back. She would leave with Vrox and never think of her old life again.

  She couldn’t imagine anything better.


  “Now then—if you’re ready my dear, the Test of Mastery can commence.” Mistress Sinda smiled at her encouragingly and Tandy took a deep breath.

  “Thank you, Judge of the Change. Thank you, Sacred Seven, for this opportunity to prove myself today,” she said, nodding at all the women who sat in a row behind the tall white podium in front of her and Vrox. She pointedly excluded her Aunt Deelee, who was sitting in a folding chair off to the left of the podium. She was allowed to observe because of her relation to Tandy and the late Zora, but she was most certainly not part of the ruling body of Yonnie Six and her lower seating arrangement plainly showed that.

  “I still don’t see why she’s allowed to keep that dangerous slave,” she said loudly, glaring at Tandy. “I heard how he killed another slave yesterday—he ought to be destroyed!”

  “Mistress Deelee, we have been over this.” Mistress Sinda frowned down at her from her high seat behind the broad white podium. “Lady Sweetbottom’s slave was simply protecting her from an attack. We all agreed that he was justified in his actions.”

  “Although it does make one nervous to think that he was able to defend her even with his pain collar turned to maximum,” Mistress Yodledandy, one of the other Sacred Seven, murmured. “How can one possibly control such a slave if the pain collar is no deterrent?”

  “He was only able to defy the pain collar because he is Kindred and his Mistress was threatened,” Mistress Sinda assured her. “The Kindred are the most loyal of slaves—they will face any danger or even death in order to save the female they are devoted to.”

  “He’s too devoted if you ask me,” Deelee said nastily. “How do we know she doesn’t have his half-breed baby in her belly this very minute?”

  “Deelee, please!” Mistress Sinda rapped a large round crystal she held in one hand sharply against the podium. “I must ask you not to speculate about obscenities while this Council is in session!”

  Deelee subsided in her folding chair, an ugly look on her narrow face. It was clear she had a lot more to say but Mistress Sinda had shut her up—for now, anyway, Tandy thought.

  She couldn’t help feeling guilty in a way, as she faced the Sacred Seven. After all, if only Deelee knew it, she was absolutely right. Tandy was still deliciously sore between her legs from spending most of the night with her slave’s shaft buried deep in her pussy. He had come in her again and again, filling her with his seed. Then, after they’d cleaned up, he had held her in his arms and she had dozed off to the sound of his deep heartbeat under her cheek.

  Tandy couldn’t remember ever feeling so blissfully happy. In fact, she was trying not to smile right now because she knew she had to look serious for this test. But it was a struggle not to let the grin inside her rise to the surface or the lighter-than-air feeling that filled her make her giddy with joy.

  As soon as she passed the test, all of her late aunt’s assets would pass automatically to her. Just a moment alone with a viewscreen and a secure connection and she could transfer as much as she wanted to her mother. She would only keep a little for herself, she decided. Just enough to buy Vrox’s friend, whom she knew he was worried about, from Mistress Tornflesh. Then they would leave Opulex behind forever and start their new life together.

  They just had to get through the next hour and they could have it all.

  “Very well now,” Mistress Gladbag said to her. “Mistress Sinda was appointed the Judge of the Change for you, Lady Sweetbottom, and she has given us a very positive report so far. All we really need to do is watch you put your slave through his paces. If he obeys you at once and without hesitation or complaint, we will consider him well trained and you will pass the Test of Mastery.”

  “Thank you, Mistress Gladbag.” Tandy nodded respectfully. “I and my slave, Vrox, are ready.”

  “Very good,” one of the other Mistresses nodded. “Then let us see you order him to fetch your handbag.”

  “Vrox—please get my bag.” Tandy pointed to the small black bag she had brought and left on the other side of the room, especially for this purpose.

  Vrox got it at once and then dropped to his knees and offered it to her in both hands as a sign of respect.

  “Here you are, my
Mistress,” he said clearly. “To serve you is my only joy.”

  There were murmurs from the Council members and Tandy heard Mistress Gladbag whisper to Mistress Sinda, “And you say he was completely savage when she bought him only three days ago?”

  “Utterly.” Mistress Sinda nodded. “Tandace has really done a remarkable job with him.”

  “So it seems!” Mistress Gladbag and the other members of the Sacred Seven all looked suitably impressed.

  They had Tandy order him to do other things too and Vrox obeyed at once and always with a remark about how he loved serving her. Tandy could tell that his show of obedience and his obvious devotion to her were really winning over the women who were judging them. She was a little worried when she was told to order Vrox to kiss her foot, but he dropped to his hands and knees and pressed a sweet, hot kiss to her instep without a single moment of hesitation. Then he looked up at her.

  “I love your little feet, Mistress. Every part of you is beautiful,” he rumbled.

  Several of the Sacred Seven pressed a hand to their hearts and Tandy heard murmurs of approval and several distinct, “Awws.” She had to admit that the big Kindred was really nailing the test beautifully—he was wooing the Council of females watching him as surely as though he was talking to them instead of her.

  And when it came time for him to pay obeisance to her by kissing her panties…well, then he was really impressive. Tandy had warned him that it might not be appropriate for him to actually go down on her and make her come in front of the Sacred Seven, but the slow, hot way he kissed her through the thin panties and the way his mismatched eyes burned up into hers as he did so, made her breathless with need.

  “Goddess,” she heard one of the women on the Council murmur. “I wish I could find a slave as interested in paying obeisance as that!”

  “You have to get yourself a Kindred,” Mistress Sinda advised. “They especially enjoy that kind of activity.”

  Tandy could certainly attest to that. Even though she’d ordered Vrox not to make her come, he nearly did anyway as he slowly licked her slit through the tiny, white lace panties she’d chosen to go with her pale pink gown that day.

  “That…that’s enough, Vrox,” she said, breathlessly at last. “That was extremely good. I could…could really feel your devotion for me but you may stop now.”

  Reluctantly, he’d lifted his head from between her thighs and looked at her.

  “Gods, I love to kiss your panties, Mistress,” he growled. “And everything that’s under them too.”

  “All right, now Vrox…” Tandy raked her hands through his wild black hair. “Thank you. You can…can pay obeisance to me again later.”

  “It would be my pleasure.” He licked his lips expressively and slowly rose to his feet when she ordered him to.

  “Well…” Mistress Sinda cleared her throat. “I think I speak for the entire Council when I say that you’ve put on a most impressive display, Lady Sweetbottom. I think we should confer upon you the title of Full-Fledged Mistress and—”

  “Slap him.” Deelee’s voice rang out, interrupting Mistress Sinda’s pronouncement.

  “I beg your pardon?” Mistress Sinda frowned down at Tandy’s aunt.

  “I said—she ought to slap him,” Deelee said, glaring at Tandy. “You can talk about how well-trained and well-behaved he is all day when all she’s doing is letting him kiss her pussy—which he obviously enjoys for some reason. But the true test of a slave’s brokenness is how he acts towards his Mistress after she punishes him. We all know how dangerous he can be when provoked—I say provoke him and see how he acts.”

  There was some clearing of throats and some shuffling of feet from the Sacred Seven but at least Mistress Dippitydo said, “You know, she has a point.”

  “Yes, I think she does,” Mistress Gladbag said. “No, no, Sinda—do not protest. Deelee is correct in saying that this slave can be most dangerous—though he also appears quite charming.” She nodded at Vrox. “So I think a little provocation is in order, to see how he reacts.”

  “Very well, but it will only prove that Tandace has done a good job with him,” Mistress Sinda said, frowning. Turning to Tandy, she said, “Go on, my dear—slap your slave. And be certain you do it good and hard.”

  Tandy bit her lip unhappily. She didn’t want to do this—didn’t want to strike the man she cared for so much. But she didn’t know what choice she had.

  “I’ll try,” she said at last. “Though this is very much against the method I used to train Vrox in the first place. And I don’t know how hard I can do it—he’s too tall to get much leverage,” she pointed out.

  “Well, he is quite tall. I suppose a step-ladder could be brought—“ Mistress Gladbag began. But before she could finish, Vrox was bending down obligingly, putting his face at Tandy’s level.

  “Oh Vrox,” she whispered, keeping her voice low. “I’m really sorry.”

  “Don’t worry about it, little girl,” he rumbled softly. “Just go for it—it won’t hurt me.” Then louder, for the Council’s benefit he said, “Go on, Mistress. I would rather have a slap from your hand than a caress from any other.”

  There were murmurs from the Sacred Seven and then Tandy pulled back her arm and slapped him—hard. She knew she had no choice about it or Deelee would only complain and make her do it again. So she really put her strength into it, though she hated to hit him.

  It was a little like slapping a brick wall—the big Kindred was solidly built and she wasn’t nearly strong enough to really hurt him. Still, a red print of her hand appeared on the side of his face, proving that she really had given it her best shot.

  “Now you’ll see,” Deelee sneered as the Sacred Seven waited in breathless silence to see how Vrox would react. “He’s crazy—you’ll see!”

  But instead of roaring or ranting or making a scene, as her aunt clearly hoped he would do, Vrox simply lifted the hand that had slapped him and laid a gentle kiss in her palm. Then he bent his head to her.

  “If it is my Mistress’s will to punish me, then I accept her punishment as I accept her love,” he murmured. “Thank you, Mistress.”

  “Oh, Vrox…” Tandy whispered. Taking his face in her hands, she pressed a kiss to his broad forehead, letting him know how much she cared for him, how she appreciated the way he was playing his part so beautifully.

  There were more “Awws,” from the Sacred Seven and this time Tandy was certain they were done. She released Vrox and looked up at Mistress Sinda, ready to receive the title of Full-Fledged Mistress as well as her inheritance when Deelee spoke again.

  “A slap is nothing,” she said, glaring at Tandy and Vrox. “Make her give him the rod.”


  Vrox felt his gut clench as Tandy’s evil relative spoke the words. Gods damn it all, this was what he really didn’t want—what he’d been dreading from the moment he was first sold to a Mistress of Yonnie Six.

  Just the thought of being invaded like that made every muscle in his body tense and his hands clench into fists. The primal male in him prepared to fight—there was no fucking way he was going to submit to being penetrated, he thought to himself. No fucking way in all the Seven Hells he’d let himself be fucked.

  Dimly, he was aware that Tandy was arguing against the suggestion.

  “That’s not how I train my slaves,” she said, glaring at her Aunt Deelee. “I don’t punish them with the rod, I motivate them through love.”

  “Listen to you—that’s not how you train ‘your slaves’,” Deelee sneered. “As if you’ve trained so many! You’re no expert, niece—you’ve had one slave and him only for three days! Mistresses of Yonnie Six have been giving their slaves the rod for generations to keep them in line and you think you can improve on years of tradition?”

  “I think I can, yes.” Tandy lifted her chin. “There is a kind of…trust between Vrox and myself,” she said, appealing not to Deelee, but to the Sacred Seven. “I don’t want to break that trust unnecessari

  “You call passing the Test of Mastery ‘unnecessary?’” Mistress Gladbag frowned at her reprovingly.

  “No, of course not!” Tandy backpedaled hastily. “I just meant that Vrox has done nothing to warrant punishment—it seems wrong for me to punish him without cause.”

  “The Council of the Sacred Seven asking to see you put your slave through his paces is cause enough, young lady,” Mistress Dippitydo exclaimed. “As your Aunt Deelee pointed out, giving a slave the rod is a time-honored tradition on Yonnie Six. There isn’t a single Mistress here who hasn’t punished a slave in this way at some time or another.”

  “Except for you, niece” Deelee said, glaring at Tandy pointedly. “But apparently you think you’re above all of us because you’ve trained your slave with love instead of discipline.”

  Vrox could feel the mood of the room beginning to go against them. He and Tandy had almost completely won over the entire Council at first and he knew their victory would have been complete if it wasn’t for Tandy’s evil aunt—Goddess damn her to the Seven Hells!

  Still, Tandy tried to keep the situation under control.

  “Please,” she said desperately, appealing to Mistress Sinda. “Don’t make me do this to Vrox—don’t make me hurt him. He cares for me deeply—he trusts me—I don’t want to break that trust by punishing him this way.”

  “My dear, giving a slave the rod doesn’t have to be a punishment, you know,” the older female said gently. “It can be a sign of his submission to you—a willing sacrifice of his body to show how very much he cares for you. If you have truly broken the Kindred to your will, he will open to you and offer himself without reservation because he loves you. Do you see?”

  “I guess so.” Tandy sounded really upset and Vrox couldn’t blame her. He was pretty fucking upset himself about what they were being forced to do. And yet…somehow Mistress Sinda’s words seemed to stay with him, to resonate inside his head in a way he never would have expected.


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