Paradise Lodge

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Paradise Lodge Page 2

by Riina Y T

  “Where the hells is everyone?” I said at the same time as Ky asked, “Do you want to wait here or come check out the other cabins with me?”

  My heart started racing for a different reason then. I didn’t feel like hanging out here by myself, so I told him, “I’m coming with you.”

  “All right, let’s go.” Ky beamed a boyish smile at me, so I wondered if he’d forgiven me after all and whether his silence during the helicopter ride had been due to his nervousness that came from being trapped a thousand feet above ground in a rather small aircraft.

  I followed Ky back outside while we both tried calling Luke and Parker, but neither of us could get through as we made our way along the narrow path zigzagging up the slope, heading toward the other cabins near the lake and boat shacks.

  I inhaled deeply, the air clear—the breath of the woods calming. I enjoyed the fine, resinous odor of pine needles blended with the faint scent of Ky’s sporty perfume as I unconsciously leaned in close every few steps. The familiarity of it comforting as my heart began to beat faster again.

  I focused my attention on the setting sun and an eerie chill set in from being surrounded by nothing but nature. I was a city boy through and through, and I had to admit the quiet of the forest and the oncoming night sent shivers down my spine.

  AFTER INVESTIGATING THE surrounding area, we found every single cabin deserted, spiking my uneasiness at the unexpected and, frankly, quite creepy situation. Now, we were sitting inside the last of six cabins, Ky across from me at the long table decorated with a white-and-yellow checkered tablecloth and a porcelain vase holding plastic sunflowers.

  Much to my surprise, we’d also discovered the electricity working just fine. Lights and even the televisions and old-time radios turned on without a problem. Which gave me an idea, and it seemed Ky had come to the same conclusion, because he jumped off his seat, saying, “Wait, what about the landline?”

  If the television had a signal, the telephones should work as well, right?

  I went after Ky to the bedside table on which sat a surprisingly modern-looking wireless phone. Ky easily dialed our friend’s number from memory, and Luke answered on the second ring, as if he’d been waiting for us to call. He’d probably just been scrolling through his Instagram feed as always. In our band, Luke was the most obsessed with photography and nonstop gramming.

  “Luke! What the hell, man? Where are you?” Ky yelled into the phone, holding it close to his mouth. Then he pressed the speaker button and lowered the device so I could hear what our friend had to say as well.

  I leaned closer, put my hand on Ky’s shoulder and asked into the phone, “What’s going on?”

  “Dudes, we’ve left you guys a note! Your detective skills aren’t up to snuff, man.” Luke’s voice was small and tinny through the speakers, but he sounded as amused as ever.

  “What note?” Ky replied, his voice edging on irritation. “We didn’t see any note.”

  “Where the hells are you guys?” I said, my hand automatically squeezing Ky’s shoulder. “Actually,” I corrected, adding, “Where the hells is everyone?”

  “Dude. Go find the note. It should be in the main cabin, I think? The one with the little gift shop?” Luke informed us, still sounding way too amused for my liking. Why weren't they here? “No, wait, Parker says the staff dudes left it in the Honeymoon cabin.”

  I heard a partly stifled laugh followed by Parker cursing as Luke either hit him over the head or shoved him into the nearest wall or table. The usual, then. Those two were constantly roughhousing, breaking things left and right.

  “How do we know which one is this Honeymoon cabin?” Ky asked and stood, dislodging my hand so it slid off his shoulder.

  “I think I saw one with a sign saying Honeymooner cabin, I think? On the other side of the campground.”

  “Not cool, Luke!” Ky shook the phone and groused into the small device. “What kind of game are you playing?”

  Luke only laughed and said, “Go find that piece of paper, Sherlock.”

  Then he hung up.

  Ky and I shared a look, and then we both cursed our friends to hell and back.

  Seriously, what the hell was going on?

  Chapter Three


  We ran across the campgrounds toward the single structure with a wooden sign, reading “Honeymooner cabin” dangling above the porch. It appeared to be the smallest one around, probably built with two guests in mind, and had a veranda decorated with fairy lights and plastic flowers in pinks, reds, and purples everywhere. I glanced behind me but could not see over or beyond the woods surrounding us. We were truly isolated out here. Knowing we’d been set up and there wasn’t anything more sinister going on did little to calm my nerves.

  With a shaky hand, I opened the door and flicked on the lights. A warm yellow glow filled the space almost instantly. The air was stuffy and the smell somewhat better than it had been in the other cabins but still not very pleasant. I wondered how long they’d stood empty. It couldn’t have been too long now, could it? Unless the lodge didn’t see much action during the winter months. I imagined the colder weather wasn't as inviting for families to go camping.

  Inside, we indeed discovered a sheet of notebook paper clipped together with a brochure of the place and stuck to a white woven gift basket. Azariah took the note and looked it over as I dumped the contents of the basket on the table. Curious, I rifled through all sorts of things newlyweds might find convenient. You know, pink bubble bath, heart-shaped body sponges, chocolates, condoms in two different sizes, and a big bottle of warming lube.

  “Ehh…” The hell?

  I looked up at Azariah watching me with a funny look on his face, and I noticed he’d taken off his aviators at some point. With a hitch to my breath, I lowered my gaze for fear I might lose myself in Azariah’s bright eyes. My cheeks heated when I remembered the lube and condoms in my hand, and I shoved the mess of goodies back where they’d come from. I placed the basket on the floor, shoving it under the table with the tips of my boots. Jesus. Out of sight out of mind, right? I told myself there was no reason for this to be awkward.

  Azariah cleared his throat and said, “You, uh, you won’t believe this…” He averted his eyes and handed me the letter.

  Dear K & A,

  Dudes. Yo! Change of plans. Parker and I had about enough of your dumb little fights and decided it would be good for the two of you to spend some time together. Alone. Therefore, together with Lady Luce, we set up this little vacation for you to work through your unresolved sexxxual tension! It’s gotten you both distracted, and much to everyone's dismay, in the worst of moods lately. Seriously, bros, it can’t go on like this, and you both know it.

  Soooo, dear friends, you better work this bullshit out ASAP, get into each other’s pants, or whatever, so we can finally start putting out badass music again. We’re behind schedule as it is. The album needs to be a done thing next month!!!

  In order to achieve our usual level of awesomeness, the two of you get a few days without any form of distraction, the Holy Internet included, and you better make good use of it!

  We’ll be there in time for our NYE party, with everyone from the team, just like we’d originally planned. We hope to see you’ve put together some songs, as well.



  PS: A, everyone knows you’ve been drooling over Ky’s monster biceps and that killer chest for years. It’s cool. Everyone does. No biggie. Now, YOU get to do something about it, bro. Wink wink.

  PPS: Ky, my man! You’ve got to stop admiring from afar—that’s so ninth grade. Get over whatever’s your deal and go for it. Make a move, honey. You’ll find all the supplies you’ll need in your cabin. Thumbs-up! You’ve got this.

  PPPS: Parker and I do accept repayment in form of pizza and booze.

  “The hell?” I crushed the letter with both hands and tossed it blindly over my shoulder. The crumpled piece of paper landed with a quiet thud somewhere on
the floor. I opened my mouth, but something seemed stuck in my throat, preventing me from forming any words. My head was spinning, and my knees went soft as I met Azariah’s eyes. Without a word I turned around and wobbled toward the door, expecting my face to literally burst into flames any second now.

  “Ky…” I heard Azariah say, his voice small, gentle, and I kind of wanted him to shut up. I felt so put on the spot by our friend’s words, the sheer amount of embarrassment was unbearable. Luke’s betrayal stung. Even though I’d never outright told him my true feelings, I’d let it slip that I thought Azariah was the sexiest guy I’d ever met.

  Jesus. If I’d known it would come back to bite me in the ass big time, I would have kept my mouth shut. Tugging on my scarf, I could barely breathe. Was I suffocating?

  How could these idiots be so…so…damn idiotic? I couldn’t believe Luke had the nerve to write what he did! And was he implying Azariah had a thing for me? Or was he just messing around? Which would honestly be a shitty move.

  What if he was being serious?

  I didn’t dare face Azariah. When a hand landed on my shoulder, I shook my head, opened the door and walked into the darkening night.

  Chapter Four


  I stood in the Honeymooner cabin staring at the door Ky had departed a moment ago, debating whether I should go after him or not. Like the other structures on the grounds, the cabin was two stories tall with the bedroom on the upper floor. It must have a fantastic view of the river, making it a charming spot for couples.

  The table caught my eye and I went over to get myself organized. I took off my winter coat, set my sunglasses on the table, and rummaged through my backpack for the portable Bluetooth speakers to set up some music. Knowing Ky wouldn’t want me to follow him, I decided it would be for the best to give him space and time to work through whatever was going on inside his head.

  Dealing with people’s emotions wasn’t something I was particularly good at. And since this was Ky, I didn’t want to make matters worse by assuming I knew why he needed space and thinking I could fix it. It wasn’t too hard to imagine the stupid letter had embarrassed Ky. On the other hand, he could easily be upset to be stranded here with me. It probably wasn’t the grand New Year’s Eve celebration he’d expected. Our friends could be real assholes sometimes.

  I sighed and unzipped the hoodie I wore over my tee. Spending almost an entire week with Ky out here in the middle of nowhere sounded pretty awesome to me, if I was being honest. What didn’t sit well with me, however, was the way this had gone down, how it clearly upset Ky, for whatever reason.

  Scrolling through the most recent playlist on my phone, I selected one of the songs we’d recorded last summer, hoping to capture the mood from not so long ago. Ky and I often listened to our own songs, and since he was the main vocalist in our band, I was a big fan of our music, naturally.

  Listening to my favorite tracks, I tried to get into the right headspace so we could make the best of the situation since we apparently had all six cabins to ourselves. There would be no staff tending the bars, no one to cook or clean for us either. The little gift shop we’d passed on our way up the trail stood empty as well. I hoped the kitchen was well stocked so we could grab drinks and snacks at the general store or else I didn’t know how we’d make it through the weekend, let alone six whole days stranded out here in the wild.

  Hearing Ky’s familiar voice through the tiny speakers filled my chest with a tightness I’d come to associate with him and filled my mind with a mix of the most epic and exciting memories of my time with Moving Insignia. Above all else, my friendship with Ky stood out, likely because it had become something extraordinary.

  From the very moment I met Ky O’Sullivan, I knew he’d end up taking a special place in my life. There was something about the shy, blue-eyed boy who made me feel good from the start, not just about myself but about life. Being Ky’s friend helped me rediscover and appreciate the little things I’d come to take for granted, like to touch, to feel, to breathe, to see, to laugh and sing, to taste, and to love.

  Over the years, Ky’s friendship had taught me what it meant to have a real family again, people who’ll always have your back. By now, I can proudly say everyone in the band has grown close, and we’re all like family, but with Ky, the connection was instant, heart-stopping and spine-tingling.

  Writing songs with Ky and performing them with the others had reawakened my love for music—something I thought I’d lost when I forced myself to practice too hard in the past—and had deepened my appreciation for the process of creating albums and music videos. Nowadays, these things made up ninety-five percent of my day, and I couldn’t imagine living any other way. My job was to write and create songs, and in my free time, I literally breathed music in all its shapes. It was who I had become thanks to Ky—he’d helped me discover this is exactly what I was meant to do.

  I’d learned so much from Ky there was no way I could repay him for the things he had done for me throughout the years. He was awe-inspiring and brilliant on so many levels—his love for life had slowly bled into me. If I were a fan, I’d worship the hell out of him, but perhaps I did, anyway.

  With all we went through together as friends, he’d quite easily earned the biggest spot in my heart.

  Just then, the sound of a door creaking open forced me to put a lid on that particular can of worms, which was probably for the best. I’d spent too many sleepless nights wondering how I could make myself fall out of love with my best friend. It didn’t seem possible.

  I watched Ky enter the cabin, followed by multi-colored leaves, which traveled on a gust of chilly winter air. He pulled off the beanie and ran a hand through his highlighted curls.

  “Sorry I ran out on you all of a sudden,” Ky said by way of greeting.

  What did I say to that?

  It’s okay? I wish you hadn’t? Are you all right?

  None of it seemed adequate, so I kept my lips pressed together. I forced myself to smile, and hoped I appeared approachable, like the friend he deserved.

  Ky reached for the zipper on his leather jacket and searched my face. “Also, I think we should address what happened the last time we saw each other.” He spoke slowly, unzipping the jacket and letting it slide off his broad shoulders. The navy shirt he wore underneath flattered his toned body, and the way it stretched across his muscles made my pulse race. Unlike me, who preferred jeans, leather and loose shirts, Ky didn’t stick with one style and instead wore whatever he felt comfortable in. From tracksuits and football jerseys to shorts with silly prints and faded band tees, Ky made it work. Now, with the lower temperatures, he was dressed in a sophisticated long-sleeved shirt, dark jeans, and leather boots.

  As Ky took a seat across from me, he draped his jacket over the back. He then met my eyes. “You hurt me with the things you said, but I know I wasn’t fair to you either.” Before I was able to form a response, Ky added, “It’s not all your fault, so we should probably talk and work things out, right?”

  “Right,” I agreed, my mind spinning. A cold sweat broke out over my whole body. He wanted to talk about it? Now? I wanted it, too, but…I wasn’t quite ready. Saying I’d been wrong, opening up to Ky and telling him the truth, terrified me.

  “I mean, it’s you and me and this cabin for the next few days, we might as well clear the air, so we can try to actually enjoy this place.” Ky’s voice became smaller with every word until it was barely a whisper. The uncertainty on his face was clear, and it killed me.

  Ky was right, of course, and he deserved to know the truth, no matter the outcome, so I took a deep breath, intending to tell him everything.

  “Ky? I don’t know what to say. For starters, well, I am truly sorry for the things I said. I was out of line, so many times. There is no excuse.” I had to trust opening up to Ky wouldn’t ruin our friendship the way I’d feared it might for months. I paused to see if he’d react to my words, but his face gave away nothing. I swallowed and met Ky�
�s eyes, the irises a stormy gray. I held my breath. Fighting the shivers his intense gaze elicited wasn’t easy. Good gods, Ky would be the death of me.

  I stalled, unable to say the things he needed to hear. “Please forgive me?” I added lamely, panicking when he still hadn’t said a word.

  “Of course I forgive you. How could I not? We’re friends, right?” Ky bit his lower lip, his brows furrowing. “I also regret how I reacted so poorly. You know, I didn’t think we’d ever fight. Not you and me.” He looked at me then, his frown fierce. “I’m still not sure I understand what happened. What made you so angry with me?”

  “Nothing’s your fault, Ky,” I insisted, pleading with my eyes, hoping to convey what I couldn’t say with words.

  “Isn’t it though? There must have been something I said or did that caused all of this. I wish I could recall what it was so I can properly apologize.” Of course, Ky wanted to apologize. He was too damn nice sometimes.

  “Oh, no, Ky. It’s not your fault at all. It’s…I’ve been struggling with some things and I…I didn’t handle some of the shit that happened lately quite so well.” I met Ky’s gaze again, holding it. I needed him to get it, to understand he hadn’t done anything wrong. “I should have been more mature about…everything. I’m sorry for behaving like a spoiled child.”

  And I had, at least in my eyes. Acted like someone had taken away my favorite toy, and I couldn’t believe it might be lost forever. Instead of letting Ky know he meant the world to me, how I couldn’t stop feeling the way I did, I’d lashed out and hurled insults at his head. Shame made my face burn. How had I not realized sooner what I’d done? Hurting Ky had never been my intention.

  “What things? What are you talking about?” Ky looked utterly confused, which only confirmed how oblivious he’d been all along. He heaved a sad little sigh and lowered his gaze, locking his eyes on his clasped hands. “I honestly have no idea what went wrong between us.”


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