Youre So Unromantic 3

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Youre So Unromantic 3 Page 3

by Roland Graeme

  “Nick gave it to me. For my birthday, yesterday. You missed the party. But I think there’s some cake left, if you want some later.”

  “Birthday present, huh? That’s interesting. All Nick’s ever given me is direction, while we’re filming,” Krishna joked. “That and those introductions and leads to the guys he knows in the industry, I have to admit I’m grateful to him for that. You and Nick must be pretty tight. Is he your lover?”

  “I’m not sure,” Austin had to admit. “Nick and I haven’t known each other all that long, and I’m still not sure exactly where I stand with him.”

  Krishna nodded. “I know how you feel. When I first met Nick, I made a play for him myself. But he wasn’t really interested in me, except professionally. I guess I’m not his type.”

  Austin felt a flash of jealousy at the thought of Krishna making a play for Nick, with all that implied, but he quickly suppressed it. “What do think is Nick’s type?”

  The bearded blond youth shrugged. “Your guess is as good as mine. He likes ‘em butch, I do know that, and you certainly qualify as far as that goes. I think most of the guys he’s been hooked up with for any length of time have been other porn actors, closer to his own age. He doesn’t usually get involved with younger guys, guys our age, except when he’s making the videos, or, you know, for fun. But you must be doing something right, man. After all, you’re the one who’s got the bracelet. You ought to get it appraised. Don’t you know what gold is selling for, nowadays? It must be worth a mint.”

  Austin was a bit taken aback by Krishna’s cheerful venality, but he made no comment. They could hear someone coming down the stairs. A bleary-eyed Denny stumbled into the kitchen barefoot, wearing only his sweatpants.

  “Okay,” he grumbled, “where’s the fucking coffee, where’s the fucking orange juice, and where the fuck were you, yesterday?” he added, when he saw Krishna.

  “I was delayed. I warned you guys I might be. Did I miss much?”

  “You missed seeing me and Steve getting fucked.”

  “I didn’t miss much, then, in other words,” Krishna retorted. “So the two big stud truck drivers bent over and took it up the ass, again. Yawn.”


  “I love you, too, man,” Krishna said, soothingly, and Denny gave him a hug and a kiss.

  Steve was the next to come downstairs. “I overslept,” he said, apologetically. “I’ll get breakfast started.”

  “I’ll help you,” Krishna volunteered.

  “Thanks. I assume you’ve met Norbert, Austin?”

  “Norbert!” Denny exclaimed. He snickered. “You have got to be kidding.”

  Krishna winced. “Don’t call me by my real name, man. Call me Krishna.”

  “Krishna, smishna,” Steve retorted. “I remember when you were turning tricks in the truck stop’s men’s room.”

  “Yeah, and I remember you from there, too. You were a lousy tipper! When you weren’t busy being the competition, giving it away for free to any trucker who came down the pike.”

  When the others joined them, everyone admired Austin’s birthday present.

  “Gold for a golden boy,” Ramrod commented. “I’m envious, of you, Nick.”

  Under the pretense of helping Austin get additional place settings and set them on the table, Ramrod maneuvered himself behind Austin, as Austin reached up into one of the cupboards, and pressed his crotch against Austin’s ass. By now, though, Austin felt comfortable enough in the biker’s company to allow him to cop a feel, without protest or commentary. He wasn’t surprised when Ramrod took advantage of his passivity to give him a quick, furtive kiss on the cheek.

  As the group ate, Nick and George got into a discussion of technical matters, specifically, where in the house they wanted to create a “bedroom set” for the morning’s shoot. It was decided they’d use a large, empty room on the first floor of the house. It had large east-facing windows, so they could take advantage of the natural light.

  After breakfast, Austin got dressed, and helped to move the furniture into the room for the shoot. Krishna, evidently an experienced hand at this sort of thing, also assisted, and took charge of making up the bed the performers would be fucking on. It was Krishna’s idea to use a set of sheets and pillowcases in an intense, deep shade of rose pink, because, as he put it, “The guys’ skin tones looked so great against them, last time.”

  “I go through a lot of sheets and towels on these weekends,” Steve quipped. “The washer and dryer never seem to stop running.”

  During a lull in the activities, Austin managed to pull Nick aside for a moment.

  “Can I talk to you, Nick?”

  “Of course.”

  “I don’t want to put any pressure on you.”

  “I think I hear a ‘but’ coming,” Nick said.

  “But we had talked about you, ah, coming to a decision about whether I could work for you or not.”

  “I remember.”

  “Well, now that I’ve actually seen what you guys do, I still want to do it.”

  Nick looked at him. “Are you sure about this, Austin?”

  “I’m sure.”

  “Well, we’ve already got a signed contract, along with your other information, on file. I guess we’re good to go.” Nick’s tone was casual, businesslike. “I hadn’t planned on doing any scripted scenarios today, nothing like what we shot yesterday. We’re just going to improvise. Ramrod’s certainly taken a shine to you. And now that you’ve had a chance to get to know him a little, you’ve seen that underneath that tough butch exterior of his he’s a real sweetheart. How’d you like it if I paired you with him, for starters?”

  “Throwing me to the wolves, are you, Nick? Or in this case, to the big butch bear?”

  “Ramrod’s very experienced. And, to put it crudely, if you can handle him, you can handle just about anything. Physically, I mean. You may as well find out right from the get-go if this business is for you. If you’re going to do it, you might as well do it with a bang. So to speak.”

  “All right, Nick. Whatever you say.”

  “I can’t wait to give Ramrod the news. The big guy will be ecstatic.” Nick permitted himself a wry grin. Then he became serious again. “By the way, you got any health problems I ought to know about? I’m not talking about STDs. We’ve already discussed that. I mean something like a heart murmur, or problems with your blood pressure?”

  “No. I think I’m a pretty healthy specimen,” Austin boasted. “Why do you ask?”

  “Some of the guys like to use these when they’re shooting a scene.” Nick showed Austin a small red-and-white box, with the words Amyl Nitrite Inhalant printed on it.

  “What are those?” Austin asked.

  “Poppers. Real ones, not that fake crap you can buy over the counter.”

  “Don’t you have to have a prescription to get those?”

  “Yeah. You can get them over the Internet, if you have a doctor’s authorization. Which I have. One of my johns is a doctor, and he keeps me supplied. They come twelve to a box. So don’t be surprised if one of the guys offers you one, right in the middle of the scene. If you’re not interested, I’ll tell them all not to offer you any.”

  “No, that’s okay, Nick. I wouldn’t mind giving them a try,” Austin said, with a casualness he was in fact far from feeling. This was promising to be a day of firsts, for him! “Can we, ah, try them ourselves sometimes, you know, when it’s just the two of us?”

  “Sure. Although I’m not sure I need anything to make me more excited, when I’m with you. You’re enough of a turn-on, all by yourself. Now, go hit the shower. I want you squeaky-clean for the shoot. Oh, but don’t bother to shave. That little dusting of beard stubble looks very sexy on you. It ought to photograph well.” Nick paused. “Do you have any questions you want to ask me, before we begin?”

  “No. Oh yeah, maybe just one. Can I keep my bracelet on during the shoot?”

  Nick burst out laughing. “I’m sorry,” he said, when
he recovered his self-control. “I didn’t mean to laugh at you, Austin. It’s just that, if that’s the only thing you’re worried about, before you have sex in front of a camera for the very first time, then maybe you are ready, after all. Of course you can leave the bracelet on. It’s yours now, to do with as you wish, silly. And come to think of it, I like it when one of the guys wears a piece of jewelry. It provides a focal point, and in a way it can be almost more erotic than complete nudity. And you can use some bling, to compete with all of Ramrod’s piercings.”

  After working with George, to set up the lights to their mutual satisfaction, and checking the various possible camera angles, Nick called his collaborators together.

  “I’ve got an announcement to make, guys,” Nick said.

  “You’ve gone straight?” Steve joked.

  “Very funny. No, not that. It’s about Austin, here. We’ve decided he’s going to make his debut.”

  “Today?” Steve asked.

  “Momentarily,” Nick said.

  Steve smiled at Austin. “Congratulations.”

  “Yeah, welcome to the club,” Denny said. “Let me guess. You’re a little nervous, huh? Well, don’t sweat it. We all were, our first time. You’ll see, there’s nothing to it. We’ll steer you through it, and you’ll do just fine.”

  “Don’t call Austin by his name when we’re recording the sound during the filming,” Nick cautioned. “He’s going to be using a pseudonym on the website.”

  “Oh yeah? What?” Denny wanted to know. “No, don’t tell me. Vishnu? Shiva?”

  Krishna groaned. “That’s right, asshole. Go ahead and rub it in.”

  “We were thinking about Henri Selmer,” Austin said.

  He half-expected Denny to make a crack about the name, but the truck driver looked thoughtful, then nodded. “I like it. It suits you. Maybe someday I’ll be able to tell my grandchildren I was there on the set when the famous porn star, Henri Selmer, made his debut.”

  “You’re planning to have kids, and grandkids, let alone tell them you had sex on video?” Steve asked, incredulously.

  “Sure. Why not?”

  They got ready, turning on the lights, setting up the camera, and making final adjustments.

  “Hey, Austin,” Ramrod whispered, moving to the other man’s side and putting one massively muscled arm around his shoulders.

  “Yes, Ramrod?”

  “I rinsed my mouth out with mouthwash, so I’d be ready for you. You know, for the kissing.”

  “Oh. Very considerate of you. Thanks.”

  “I’m really looking forward to kissing you.”

  “Ah, me, too. And doing all of the other things. I only hope I don’t screw up.”

  “You’ll be fine. Do you want my Prince Albert in or out?”

  “I didn’t know I had a choice.”

  “Sure you do. Some guys like to suck my cock with it on, others complain it just gets in the way. Same thing when I fuck. The rubber holds it down flat against the head of my dick, and a lot of guys claim that little extra bump gives them a little extra pleasure, going in and out of their butt,” Ramrod explained. “But on these shoots, when I want to fuck good and hard, I usually take it out before I put the rubber on. If I thrust too forcefully with the ring on, I can tear the condom. When I do fuck with the ring in, I usually double-bag my dick.”

  “I see. Well, why don’t we let it on for the sucking, I think it provides a bit of extra visual interest, and take it off for the fucking?” Austin suggested, trying his best to imitate the big biker’s own matter-of-fact tone.

  “All right. I’ll tell George. He likes to go in for a nice tight close up when I take the Prince Albert out, and put a rubber on.”

  Nick and George were ready. “If you guys are ready, strip down and get your asses over here,” Nick called.

  Ramrod and Austin shed their clothes, although Ramrod retained his cock ring. His multiple piercings gleamed in the strong lighting as, following Nick’s instructions, he and Austin took up their preliminary positions, standing facing each other at the foot of the bed.

  “Okay, we’re ready to roll,” Nick advised them. “Smile at each other, move toward each other, I want to see a nice big, butch hug and lots of kissing, and then you guys take it from there. And, action.”

  Austin was already more than half-hard, which was promising. Oddly enough, he didn’t feel particularly nervous, possibly because, as he returned Ramrod’s smile, he couldn’t help noticing that the biker was more than half-hard. Now that he’d gotten to know the other man a bit, Austin definitely found Ramrod more sexy than scary.

  The big guy held out his arms to Austin. “Let’s fuck.” Austin allowed himself to be enfolded in the other man’s warm, naked embrace. “You’re such a hot-looking, beautiful kid,” his co-star groaned, kissing Austin on the mouth. Austin opened his mouth to accept Ramrod’s wet, probing tongue. The surgical steel ball inserted through it tickled. His breath tasted sweet, and minty, from the mouthwash. They kissed lustfully, at first standing at the foot of the bed, then sitting down on the edge of the mattress. Still kissing, they sank slowly down onto the bed, rolling back and forth on the vast expanse of mattress, so that sometimes Austin was on top, sometimes on the bottom, and at other times they were locked in each other’s arms side by side. Whichever position they lay in, however, Austin was continually aware of the other guy’s truly enormous cock, thrusting up between their bellies like a baseball bat attached to his groin. The heavy-gauge ring inserted through the glans of Ramrod’s penis looked massive. Austin wondered how much it weighed. He took the cock in his hands and stroked and squeezed it incredulously, toying with the Prince Albert, as he and its owner kissed. He couldn’t imagine ever being able to take it in his mouth, let alone up his ass, but he’d committed himself to doing just that, so he was willing to give it the old school try!

  “Let me try to suck it,” he begged.

  His co-star pulled away from him and lay flat on his back with his legs spread, his hands locked behind his head to pillow it and his prick aimed at the ceiling. It was a classic “do me as trade” pose from the male prostitute and porn actor’s repertory. He grinned at Austin, clearly anticipating the difficulty the novice performer was likely to have mouthing his cock, and understanding just how desperately Austin wanted to be able to suck it.

  “Be my guest,” Ramrod offered. “Take your time.”

  Austin knelt between the guy’s hairy thighs and pulled the cockshaft toward his lips as unceremoniously as though it were the emergency brake handle on a rig. He licked the huge round head all over so that the flesh was thoroughly wetted by his saliva, using his tongue to gauge its bulk before he even attempted to open his lips wide enough to encompass it. Then, breathing hard, he strained his jaws apart in huge yawn and began to push the cockhead inside his mouth. It filled his oral cavity with unnerving suddenness and completeness, and Austin had to force his jaws even wider open as he struggled to guide the cockhead toward the back of his throat. The Prince Albert rattled against his teeth, rubbed against his tongue, and jabbed at the inside of his cheek. It definitely made the cocksucking more challenging, but at the same time, the sheer novelty of having the pierced dickhead inside his mouth added to his arousal.

  George had already moved in, to capture the oral action in close-up. He nodded encouragingly at Austin.

  “You like to suck on a big dick, don’t you, boy?” the pierced and tattooed biker with the oversized equipment breathed, his massive chest rising and falling in a way that betrayed his growing excitement. Austin knelt to service him and forced another inch of his cock inside his full mouth. “I can tell you like it, I can tell you’re a good cocksucker. You got it in your mouth, now play with it. Use your tongue on it a little. Lick my cock, oh yeah, that’s the way, I like that! Get my cock wet, because it’s going up your ass soon. Suck it. Suck that big cock!”

  Austin could only respond with a series of obscenely muffled grunts and groans of lust as he strugg
led to move his lips back and forth around the thick shaft he’d jammed so recklessly into his mouth. It was a challenge, all right. For one thing, the double row of studs inserted along Ramrod’s shaft acted like speed bumps against his lips, making it difficult to make a quick, smooth stroke with his mouth. And Ramrod’s endowment would have tested the skill of most cocksuckers, even without the hardware. Austin found it difficult to breathe through his nose around the bulky prick, but he was managing to suck it, after a fashion, roughly pushing his mouth up and down on the meat the guy was feeding to him. Christ, this dude was hung big! Austin couldn’t imagine what it would be like to own such a prick, to have it attached to your body all the time, as exciting as it undeniably was during sex, Austin couldn’t help wondering if such a large tool wasn’t almost a liability in other circumstances.

  But the present circumstances were purely sexual, two naked men on a broad expanse of bedding, one going down on the other with a success that, frankly surprised him, and with every detail being filmed for a paying public of horny gay men.

  I’m sucking it! Austin could feel himself salivating around the huge hard cock in his mouth at the very thought. I’m really sucking it! It’s so big! So hard! So hot in my mouth! It’s going to choke me any second now, if I’m not careful, but I’m going to keep sucking on this dick, even if it does choke me. Even if it kills me!

  He was slurping noisily on Ramrod’s prick, and Ramrod was groaning loudly with satisfaction as Austin worked on him with his mouth and throat. As a result, it was only a matter of time before Nick, who’d been watching the action on the monitor, decided it was time to introduce a little variety into the scene. He silently cued the other guys, who’d been waiting outside of camera range, to move into the bedroom set.

  Austin felt their warm hands moving across his back, his buttocks, sliding down his chest and belly and down around his groin, going down between his legs, cupping his balls, lifting them and juggling them gently from side to side within their sac. With his face buried in the big-dicked stud’s crotch and his mouth stuffed full with the guy’s colossal whang, he couldn’t see who was groping him, or even, at first, exactly how many of them there were. He was too horny, too fixated on what he was doing, to care. He felt a hot urge to suck and to be sucked, to fuck and to get fucked, to lick and to be licked everywhere, an eagerness to participate in any and all sex acts offered to him in this video orgy.


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