Night Angel (Gargoyle Night Guardians Book 2)

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Night Angel (Gargoyle Night Guardians Book 2) Page 13

by Rosalie Redd

  A pleased smile tugged at Marco’s lips. Easy pickings these two.

  Zain leaned close and nodded toward the couple. “You want the pleasure, boss, or do you want me to take care of ’em?”

  A trickle of energy slipped along Marco’s nerves, bolstering his power and heightening his senses. Ever since darkness fell, bits of Hannah’s spirit had flowed into him on a constant stream. Anytime now, he’d sense that Finn had completed his task and transported her to the private sanctuary in the old church. In the meantime, though, the wait had turned him into a bundle of charged nerves.

  Eager to expel some of his excitement, he focused on Zain and shook his head. “I’m feeling a bit spry at the moment. You can have the next kill.”

  Zain smirked, revealing his chipped tooth. “Have fun.”

  Marco straightened his shoulders then rested his palm over his cane’s handle nestled in the crook of his arm. With quick, efficient strides, he approached the couple from behind, not bothering to mask his footsteps.

  “Excuse me, gentlemen,” he called.

  The tall man stiffened. He glanced over his shoulder. A glimmer of fear flitted through his dark brown eyes before his gaze narrowed.

  His buddy, who had on a pair of large, green iridescent hoop earrings, turned to face Marco. “Can I help you with something?”

  The urge to extend his claw and swipe the sharp tip across both their throats in one fell swoop zipped through Marco’s mind, but he resisted. Sometimes it was more fun to toy with prey first.

  He extended his palm, furrowed his brow, and forced a frown. “Well, yes, actually. I’m in need of some assistance, something only you can provide.”

  The tall one tugged on his lover’s arm. “We should go, Jake.”

  “Stop it, Lance.” Jake yanked his arm away and met Marco’s gaze. “What do you mean, something only I can provide?”

  The thrill of impending death sizzled through Marco. He put on a smile and inched forward. “I require your soul. Must match the daily kill quota, you know.”

  “Run, Jake.” Lance pulled on Jake’s arm, dragging him down the street.

  Marco withdrew his blade from its sheath and gave them a two-second head start. His heartbeat raced double time.

  The men’s footsteps echoed off the surrounding brick buildings along with their panted breaths.

  Marco tore after them. He closed the distance, but a familiar sensation that he couldn’t ignore nagged at him from the inside.

  A summons.

  His heart skipped a beat.

  Before he could catch his prey, he disappeared in a swirl of dirt and grime. Damn. He’d really looked forward to that kill.

  Marco reformed in Gwawl’s chamber. Flames flickered in the sconces on the wall, and the overwhelming scent of dampness and decay infiltrated his senses. The urge to gag churned in his gut.

  “Marco Valentelli.” Gwawl’s deep voice ricocheted around the cavernous room.

  At the far end of the chamber, the god sat in his chair. The bones ebbed and swirled in a macabre dance around him.

  Marco sheathed his sword and bent to one knee. His heartbeat hammered loud in his ears. “Yes, my lord.”

  “Come closer.” Gwawl tapped his clawed finger on his armrest. The tink, tink, tink scraped along every one of Marco’s nerves.

  Marco rose to his feet. Before he stepped forward, his body flew through the air. An instant later, he dangled in front of the god. He couldn’t breathe.

  Gwawl’s eyes narrowed, and a puff of steam burst from his nostrils. “Where is my tribute?”

  Marco scratched at the invisible bond choking the life from him. How did the god expect him to answer like this?

  With the force of an earthquake, Marco plunged to the floor. Head, shoulders, and hip slammed against the stone. Pain ricocheted all the way to his brain.

  He cut off the moan before it escaped his lips.

  “Stand, minion, and give me a reason not to dispose of you on the spot.” Gwawl’s voice boomed across the room.

  A few stones dislodged from the ceiling and pinged along the floor.

  Marco set the nub of his cane on the flat stone and leaned on his staff. He rose to his feet, but bowed low. “At this very moment, I’m working on my tribute. A human woman with the power of pure, virginal innocence is under my influence. It won’t be long before I deliver her essence to you, mighty one.”

  Gwawl’s exhale and the soft cries of the chair’s souls were the only sounds in the room. Marco dared a glance at the god. Even beneath his overcoat, goose bumps rose along Marco’s arms.

  Gwawl rubbed his chin, and a devious smile curled his lip. “A pure, innocent, virginal soul, you say?”

  Hope, thin and fragile, sprung to life in Marco.

  “Yes, my lord. She turned nineteen a couple of days ago. I’ve already bottled some of her essence, but I need a bit more time—”

  “Virgins, untouched and unblemished, hold a special place in my heart, but without their virginity, they’re just another utterly horrible good soul. Bring this virgin’s essence to me. I shall enjoy devouring her delicacy like a fine wine. Besides, that would irritate Rhiannon, and I’d love nothing better than to stick it to her by absorbing an innocent girl’s soul.” The god’s smile turned cold. “You have one more night. Please me and you shall be rewarded. Fail me… Do I even need to go there?”

  Marco’s blood froze. A niggle of doubt threatened at the edge of his mind, but he shoved the thought aside. Instead, he pulled on the determination burning in his gut. More than anything, he wanted to please his God and vowed to do everything in his power to ensure he succeeded.

  Marco bowed low but kept his gaze on Gwawl. “I look forward to giving you such a unique prize.”

  “As you should.” Gwawl waved his hand in the air. “Better get back to it, then.”

  A swirl of dust swarmed around Marco’s feet. An instant later, he reformed in the back alley.

  The scent of a recent kill swept by on the breeze.

  He glanced down the dark passageway.

  Movement between two dumpsters caught his attention. A muffled cry escaped into the night.

  Marco withdrew his sword from his cane and strode toward the commotion. He raised the weapon above his shoulder.

  As he crept past the dumpster, a tall guy with a long, dark braid and a black leather jacket crouched over an unrecognizable mass of human flesh.

  Annoyance flared at Marco’s temple, and he sheathed his sword. “Zain. Did you take my kill?”

  Zain turned to face him. His brow rose, and he wiped his blood-covered dagger over his dark jeans. “You’re back. Where’d you go?”

  “Took an unexpected trip to see Gwawl.” Marco crossed his arms, and his overcoat billowed around his knees. “Seems our God has little patience. He wants his tribute by tomorrow night.”

  Zain rose to his feet and crossed his arms, his biceps bulging beneath his jacket. “Guess we better check in with Finn.”

  “Agreed.” Marco nodded toward the dead human, the flesh already turning to dust. “Now, I’ll ask again. Did you take my kill?”

  “Nope. Those two guys got away.” Zain curled his lip. “I found this one, though, breaking into a car. A bad soul for sure.”

  The last of the human’s clothing and flesh disintegrated and blew away in the breeze. Just like all the humans the fae killed, no trace remained.

  Marco pointed down the alley, a sense of urgency strumming through his veins. “Let’s see how many more we can bag on our way to my private sanctuary. I look forward to meeting Finn there. He better have my prize.”


  Hannah stood next to Seth in her art room, dug her fingers into his hair, and pressed her lips against his mouth. As she inhaled, his dark, musky scent washed over her, beating back the headache behind her eyes. Her heartbeat accelerated as arousal consumed her.

  With deliberate intent, she licked the seam of his lips like he’d first done to her, requesting entran
ce. When a low, masculine groan rumbled in his throat, and he opened to her, a sensual thrill sped along her nerves. She stroked her tongue against his, enjoying how he responded and toyed with her in return.

  He broke the kiss long enough to sweep his arms under her legs, cradle her against him, and head toward the hallway. Along the way, he brushed his lips against her forehead, her ear, and on the top of her head.

  “Which way to your bedroom?” he asked.

  Hannah pointed to the staircase. “Second floor, third door on the right.”

  Seth tugged her tighter against him and took the stairs two at a time. She bounced in his arms and gripped his shoulder to steady herself. As he proceeded down the hallway, his heavy boots echoed off the walls.

  Once in her room, he knelt on the rug and set her on the messy, unmade bed with a tenderness belied by his strength. For a brief moment, embarrassment at her shoddy housekeeping flashed through her but fled when she looked into his eyes and only saw desire.

  His gaze roamed over her features, and then he focused on the wall over her head. He arched his dark eyebrows. “You have an angel over your bed?”

  The wonder in his eyes lifted Hannah’s spirit. “My guardian angel watches over me every night.”

  A sly smile bloomed on his lips. “Well, now, guess I had some competition I wasn’t aware of.”

  Her heart leapt at his words, hope teasing her with longing. He cared for her, something she treasured, but she wanted more from him. At least she could pretend. That would have to do.

  On a whim, she tugged the angel off the wall and handed it to him. “I want you to have this. As a reminder of what you are to me.”

  His attention darted from the ceramic angel to her eyes. He shook his head. “Put it back, darlin’. I can’t take that from you.”

  She placed the small bauble in his palm and closed his fingers around her favorite treasure. “I won’t take ‘no’ for an answer. Take this, please.”

  Seth nodded and placed the angel in his pocket. He visibly swallowed, his Adam’s apple bobbing several times. “I’ll cherish it, always.”

  Bolder than she’d ever been before, she stroked her fingertip along his bottom lip, tugging at the soft flesh. “If you want to thank me, you better make love to me good.”

  He grasped her wrist and placed affectionate kisses along the pad of each finger then one in the middle of her palm. A zing of excitement flared along her skin with each brush of his lips.

  His smile lit up his gorgeous features. “Darlin’, I’m going to make your fingers and your toes curl before the night’s over.”

  Sweat rolled down the side of her face and landed on her shirt, darkening the material. Blood pounded at her temple, and she rubbed between her eyes to ease the pain.

  Seth knelt beside her and trailed his fingers over her brow, tucking a few stray hairs behind her ear. “Darlin’, what can I—”

  “So hot.” Hannah sat up and tugged at her shirt. A whisper of insecurity flitted through her mind. How could she ever compare to all the women Seth had been with, not to mention the love and devotion he’d had for his wife?

  She shoved the thought away. All that mattered was being with Seth, right here, right now. The future might never come. She refused to die without ever experiencing the physical act of love.

  “Let me help you with that.” Seth gripped the hem of her shirt, drew it over her shoulders, and tossed the discarded clothing on the floor. He focused on her lace bra.

  Desire glimmered in his eyes as he traced the edge of one cup, then slipped his finger between her breasts, and followed the lace along the other side. Everywhere he touched, her skin tingled from the contact.

  A crease formed between his brows. “I’m worried about you. Are you certain you want to go through—”

  “Yes, yes, yes. Please, yes.” Palms sweaty, heat rolled off her skin in waves.

  He nodded once. With a skill he couldn’t possibly have learned on the battlefield, he unhooked her bra with a single twist of his fingers. The material slid over her arms, and he tossed the bit of clothing onto the floor.

  Seth focused on her breasts. A small twitch stretched the skin around one eye, and reverence reflected in his gaze.

  “You are so beautiful.” His husky voice rumbled in his chest.

  Her heart melted at his words. She wanted this man with her heart, body, and soul. After wrapping her arms around his neck, she leaned against him.

  The warmth of his skin and the soft hairs along his breastbone tickled her breasts. Her nipples tightened from the contact, and heat pooled at the juncture between her legs.

  Hannah trembled in his arms, nervousness she hadn’t expected flitting through her like a strong wind and stealing her breath away. Despite her desire for him, she didn’t know what to expect. She’d heard from some of her girlfriends that the first time hurt, and the tiniest bit of fear followed in the wind’s aftermath.

  The muscles in Seth’s shoulders stiffened. He drew away enough to look at her. Concern etched lines around his eyes. “What is it? What’s wrong? Are you in pain?”

  “I’m scared.” She blurted the words before she lost her nerve.

  Seth’s features softened. “Darlin’, I’ll go slow. I promise, and if you want me to stop, just say so. I would never, ever, do anything to hurt you.”

  Hannah’s throat tightened so hard, breathing became difficult. Tears swelled in her eyes, blurring her vision. She swore a halo formed around Seth’s head.

  After blinking several times, she inhaled a long breath and slowly let it out. “Okay.”

  He traced his fingers down the side of her face and cupped her chin. With loving care, he trailed kisses from her ear and along her jaw until he reached the edge of her lip.

  Her mouth tingled with anticipation.

  He brushed the barest hint of a kiss across her parted lips. “May I touch your beautiful breasts?”

  She inhaled. “Y…yes.”

  Seth slid his fingers along her ribs, cupped one of her breasts in his palm, and traced his thumb over her nipple. A shiver of delight raced along her nerves and settled at her core. He lowered his head and drew the hard peak between his lips.

  She gasped and writhed at the contact. Never in her entire life had she experienced anything like that.

  He chuckled, and the reverberation set off a new spark of excitement that wound into a taut cord inside.

  “Seth, that tickles.”

  “It does a lot more than that, doesn’t it, darlin’?” He smiled at her as he went for the other side.

  Tenderly, he licked at her other nipple then nipped at the hardened peak. She wriggled from his gentle touch and wondered what other new sensations he’d share with her tonight.

  The need to ask burned on her tongue, but the words wouldn’t come. “W…what…”

  With one sweep of his arms, he drew her legs onto the bed. A flutter tickled her insides.

  That sexy smile, the one that made his blue eyes glint, tugged at his lips. The spark stone on his chest darkened to a deep red. “You look fabulous in those jeans, darlin’, but it’s time for them to go.”

  Seth straddled her knees. His chest, ripped with hard, taut muscles, bulged beneath his skin, and the edge of his wings poked from behind his shoulders. Her night angel’s hands were large enough to cover her hips. He gripped her jeans with deft, nimble fingers, and unbuttoned her pants.

  The release of the zipper echoed through the room, and she sucked in a sharp breath.

  With a quick yank, he removed her jeans and underwear in one swift move. The garments landed on the nearby chair.

  His affectionate gaze roamed over her breasts and along her exposed hips and legs.

  Naked before him, she felt exposed, and her insecurities returned full force, tightening like a vice around her heart. She didn’t expect him to care for her. This was a means to an end for him. He’d promised to take her virginity to save her from losing her soul, but he wouldn’t stick around afte
rward. He was a gargoyle and had a long track record of sleeping with women. She’d just be another in that long list.

  “Hey, hey, we can’t have this.” A crease formed between his brows. “You’re not smilin’. That’s not right.”

  Despite the ache inside, she smiled at his words.

  A gleam reflected in his eyes. “Now, that’s much better. You’re beautiful, darlin’, so very, very beautiful.”

  If only he’d said those words because he loved her and not from her looks. She steeled her heart, afraid he’d break it long before the fae sucked out whatever remained of her soul.

  “Remember how I kissed your lovely nipples. I’m going to do the same down here.” He slid his hands across her ankles, over her knees, and up her thighs, spreading her legs along the way.

  A thrill fluttered in her stomach, part anticipation, part nervousness. She’d never been with a man before and wasn’t quite sure what to expect. Although she trusted Seth to be compassionate and kind, uncertainties ran rampant in her mind.

  Taking his time, he brushed soft kisses along the inside of her calf and up her thigh.

  She clutched the sheets in her fist and squeezed as tingles rippled in his path.

  Seth reached the juncture between her legs, and a blissful scream threatened to burst from her lips. Every muscle taut, she quivered beneath his touch.

  The rough edge of his stubble tickled her skin as he smiled. “I can’t neglect the other one, now can I?”

  The sheet bunched in Hannah’s grasp. He trailed fresh kisses along her other thigh, and her leg trembled in response.

  As Seth nuzzled his mouth between her legs, he gripped her hips, holding her in place. He stared at her, his deep blue eyes swimming with a hint of amusement and something unidentifiable embedded in their depths. Caring? Love?

  She pushed the thoughts from her mind, for even if she survived, they couldn’t be together. Hannah doubted he could ever love anyone more than Emily. Besides, he was a gargoyle and had a job to do. She wouldn’t fit into the picture.


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