The Path to You: A Steamy Small-Town Romance (Jetty Beach Book 7)

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The Path to You: A Steamy Small-Town Romance (Jetty Beach Book 7) Page 16

by Claire Kingsley

“We need a confession,” Hunter says.

  “So how do we do that?” Lucas asks. “We can’t exactly kidnap and waterboard him.”

  Everyone’s eyes dart to Hunter. I think we’re all wondering if he knows how to do that.

  “We need a way to record him,” Hunter says. “Get him talking and have a record of it. But you can’t record someone without their consent. It’s illegal here.”

  “What about the security system at my house?” I ask. “If we somehow get him to my place, can we record him there? It has audio, and if I move the cameras, they can record anywhere.”

  Hunter taps the table a few times. “That gets into shaky legal ground. I have a cop friend I can call and ask, but I think even home security systems fall under wiretapping laws. Especially the audio recordings, which is what we’d need. He’d have to…”

  “Have to what?” I ask.

  “Break in,” Hunter says. “If he breaks into your house, your home security footage would be admissible as evidence. If he confesses to the fire, and even to Sadie’s assault in the process…”

  “So you’re saying we need to get him to break into Gabe’s house, and then admit to committing other crimes?” Lucas asks, his voice laced with skepticism. “That sounds impossible.”

  “Not necessarily,” I say. “We’d just need to provoke him enough to do it.”

  Hunter meets my eyes. “I think you’re right. He needs to be unhinged. It will make him more dangerous, but I can be there to make sure nothing goes to shit. The thing is, we’re going to need Sadie. She’s the only way this will work.”

  My eyes dart to her. She’s smiling at Emma, laughing softly at something one of the girls said. She’s terrified of Adam, and if I had my way, she’d never see him again. It’s like a kick to the gut, thinking about putting her through this. But I know my Sadie is strong enough. I know she can do it.

  I nod, a plan forming in my mind. “If you know where he is, we can put ourselves in his path. Make sure he sees us, get him to follow us back to my place.” I take a breath, because this is the riskiest part, and I hate putting her in even the smallest amount of danger. “If I make it look like I’ve left, he might break in.”

  Hunter nods along as I talk. “You’ll have to provoke him hard-core to make sure he does it. He needs to be angry as hell. Rash.”

  “I think I know exactly how to do that,” I say. I glance at Sadie again. I’m sorry baby. We’ll get through this together.

  “If you can do that, just make sure your security system is up and running,” Hunter says. “I’ll be at your house in case he shows up armed or something else unexpected happens. If he won’t talk, we can at least get him for breaking and entering, and if he’s already in custody, the police might get something out of him about the fire.”

  “He’ll talk,” I say. “We’ll find a way.”

  “We’ll help too,” Lucas says. “You guys aren’t doing this alone.”

  “Absolutely,” Finn says.

  “So how are you going to make sure he sees you?” Lucas asks.

  “Same way we’re going to make sure we get him enraged enough to follow us home and break into my house,” I say. “He’s at the Shilo, and there’s a restaurant there. We’re going to throw an impromptu baby shower for Sadie.”



  A low hum of voices fills the air. I’m surrounded by pink and blue helium-filled balloons, a big mylar baby bottle in the middle of them. When Gabriel told us the plan, Emma, Juliet, and Becca sprang into action. Somehow they threw together a convincing baby shower in less than twenty-four hours.

  Granted, I’m barely pregnant, and not showing, which makes a baby shower seem odd. But I’m wearing a loose shirt that makes it look like I could be hiding a belly underneath. And with all the decorations, it’s obvious what this is.

  Juliet is an absolute genius when it comes to party planning. She said she used to just do organizational consulting, but since she moved to Jetty Beach, she started working with Nicole, planning events. She flits around the restaurant, holding a clipboard, checking things off her list. She managed to get two signs that say Congratulations Sadie and Gabriel with little teddy bears, rubber ducks, and pacifiers—one for the restaurant where the supposed shower is being held, and one for the lobby, where it’s more likely Adam will see it.

  I take a deep breath to calm my nerves and soothe my raw stomach. I threw up four times this morning—whether from the pregnancy, or fear for what we’re about to do, I couldn’t say.

  The reality of what we’re doing is such a stark contrast to the scene playing out in front of me. Juliet talking to Emma and Becca. They nod along, and Becca goes to talk to one of the restaurant staff. It’s not even a real shower, but they’re making sure it looks perfect. Nicole and Clover are here, tying more balloons to the chairs around the long table. Clover brought a cake. When Gabriel reminded her it isn’t a real baby shower, she just shrugged, rubbed her pregnant belly and said, “But I want cake.”

  Ryan is at the table, holding his almost two-year-old daughter, Madeline, in his lap. He absently places little kisses on her head while he talks to his brother, Cody. Cody has Emma and Hunter’s one-and-a-half-year-old son Sebastian in his arms, and their other son Isaac sits at a table, coloring in a race car coloring book. Hunter isn’t here—he’s making sure things are ready at Gabriel’s house.

  All these perfectly nice, perfectly decent people, throwing a fake baby shower, so we can goad the man who raped me into breaking into Gabriel’s house and confessing to arson.

  Surreal doesn’t even begin to cover it.

  When Gabriel told me the plan last night, I thought I might vomit. They’re using me as bait. They want Adam to see us here, see that I’m pregnant with another man’s baby. They’re counting on him being angry enough to do something extreme. That he’ll come after me immediately.

  The thing is, I think they’re absolutely right. He’s going to come unglued. There’s no doubt in my mind that this is going to work—at least to make him angry. He’s going to see the balloons and signs in the lobby; there are so many, no one could miss them. He’s going to see my name. I’m sure he’ll come investigate. He’ll have to know if it’s me. And then he’ll see me here, with Gabriel. Surrounded by people supposedly celebrating my pregnancy.

  He’s going to lose his mind.

  When we’re sure he’s seen us—Lucas and Finn are loitering in the lobby and they’ll be watching him as soon as he appears—we’ll leave. We’ll make it look like the shower is over and head back to Gabriel’s house, hoping that Adam follows.

  My hand drifts to my belly, the nausea swirling in my stomach a reminder that the one part of this baby shower that isn’t fake is the baby. He or she is growing inside me. Gabriel’s baby.

  I was astounded by his reaction when I told him I was pregnant. I thought he’d be shocked. Maybe scared, or even angry. But he was none of those things. He was happy. And despite the fact that the last couple days have been utter chaos, he is happy. He’s happier than I’ve ever seen him. A light shines in his eyes every time he looks at me. A light that wasn’t there before.

  I wish I felt the same happiness. But I can’t see past today. I don’t know what’s going to happen when Adam sees me. A million things could go wrong. He could barrel into the restaurant and cause a scene. He could follow us to Gabriel’s house, but leave again, planning to get to me in a different way. And if things do go to plan, and he does break in, there’s no guarantee he’ll confess to anything. He was always brilliant at manipulating people. He had my entire family snowed. He puts on that smooth smile, says the right things, and everyone thinks he’s the greatest guy on Earth.

  Most of all, I don’t know what I’m going to do when I see him.

  Aside from the glimpse I got of him at the store, I haven’t seen him in months. What is it going to be like to face him again? Am I strong enough to handle this?

  Gabriel keeps assuring me that I am. He be
lieves it. I can see it in his eyes, feel it in his lips, in his strong hands. He thinks I can do this.

  I hope he’s right.

  Emma comes over and squeezes my arm, her face full of sympathy. “You doing okay, sweetie?”

  “I think so.”

  “You’re going to be fine,” she says.

  “Thanks. I’m just nervous.”

  “This all looks very convincing,” she says. “I guess now we just have to hope he comes through the lobby and sees it?”

  I nod. “Yeah, his truck is still in the parking lot and Hunter said he’s definitely here.”

  I was worried about the time it might take. We can’t just stand around all day pretending to have a baby shower. But Gabriel knows the restaurant manager, and when he explained the situation, she said we could use the space for as long as we need it. Customers are being seated at the other tables, so the restaurant can keep doing business as usual.

  “It’s going to work,” she says, bringing me in for a hug.

  Deep breath. “I hope so. I just want this to be over.”

  Gabriel catches my eye. He hasn’t been far from me since he found me yesterday. He wouldn’t even let me drive back; we left my car hours away, but neither of us cared. We needed to be together—needed to stay close. He held my hand for most of the long drive home, lifting it to his lips to kiss it now and then. He smiles at me now, lending me his strength and assurance.

  He’s the only person in the world who can cut through my fear. He made the nightmares disappear. I sleep soundly next to him, comfortable and safe. The blissful sensation of his body joined with mine erases the visceral memories of Adam violating me. I no longer relive that horrible day over and over in my mind. The way Gabriel makes love to me is rewriting my story, healing the parts of me that were broken. Giving me back what I’d lost.

  I can do this.

  Gabriel pulls his phone from his pocket and a second later, he’s crossed the distance between us. “Finn just saw him.”

  My heart feels like it’s going to beat out of my chest. My hands tremble as he leads me to the head of the table where Adam will be able to see us from the lobby.

  Gabriel puts his arm around me and his firm hold steadies me. He looks at his phone again. “He stopped in front of the banner. Lucas says he’s heading our direction.”

  I can’t look. My entire body freezes with panic. He’s here. He’s here and he knows I’m pregnant and he’s going to kill me.

  Gabriel rubs slow circles across my back. He leans in and places a soft kiss on my forehead. When he speaks, his voice is low and melodic. “I love you, Sadie.”

  I turn to him and meet his gaze, getting lost in his vivid blues. From the corner of my eye, I see him. Adam, standing near the entrance to the restaurant, staring. My heart pounds, but I focus on Gabriel. On his gorgeous face, his lips turned up in a smile. On his eyes, drinking me in. On the feel of his strong arm around me.

  “You’re okay,” Gabriel says quietly. He keeps rubbing my back and his eyes flick toward the lobby once. “Don’t look. Keep your eyes on me. He’s not coming closer.”

  I take slow breaths and try to stay calm. Gabriel touches my cheek with a gentle hand and leans in. I grip his shirt and pull him closer. His lips come to mine and he takes my mouth in a deep kiss. It’s hot and possessive, and completely inappropriate for the middle of a hotel restaurant. But as he kisses me, he eases my fear.

  Gabriel’s phone dings. He pulls away to check it, keeping one arm around me. “He’s still in the lobby, but he moved to where he can watch us without being seen. That’s our cue to leave.”

  We make a show of saying goodbye to everyone. Gabriel keeps my hand in his, our fingers locked. My skin pings with electricity, knowing Adam is watching us. We walk out to Gabriel’s car and his phone dings again.

  “He’s following.”

  I nod but don’t look back. We get in and drive straight to his house. Gabriel’s eyes jump to the rear-view mirror repeatedly. He doesn’t have to tell me that Adam’s behind us. I can tell by the way he grips the steering wheel with one hand, holding mine tight in the other.

  We pull into his driveway. Deep breaths. Get out and go to the front door, like nothing is amiss. I can just hear the rumble of an engine up the street. Adam stopped. He’s waiting.

  Now we see if this crazy plan of ours worked.

  Gabriel unlocks the door and we go inside. Hunter peeks out from the hallway.

  “How did it go?” he asks.

  “He followed us here,” Gabriel says. He turns to me. “Okay, I’m going to leave and I’ll make sure he sees me go. I won’t be gone for more than a few minutes and I’ll sneak in through the back. Remember, Hunter is here, and I won’t be long. We won’t let him hurt you.”

  I swallow hard and nod. Gabriel hugs me, holding me against him for a long moment, then slips out the front door.

  “I’ll be down the hall,” Hunter says. “But I have to stay out of sight so he doesn’t know I’m here. If he comes in, try to get him to talk.”


  Everything in my body screams at me to get away. I clench and unclench my fists repeatedly and my heart beats wildly. I wish I could find my anger—my rage. It carried me through so many moments when I thought I’d crack. But all I can feel now as I listen to Gabriel’s car drive away is terror.

  It’s only a minute before I hear another car pull up in front of the house. Then, footsteps up to the door. Four loud knocks, each one like a jolt of lightning down my spine.


  I freeze. Gabriel just left. It will be at least several minutes before he can park the car out of sight and walk back. Even though I know Hunter is here, what if he doesn’t come quickly enough? Everything is happening so fast.

  “Sadie, kitten, open the door.”

  Kitten? Hearing that word cuts through the terror and I feel a flicker of anger. It’s tiny, just one red cinder, floating like a spark from a bonfire. I cling to it, willing it to grow.

  “What… what are you doing here?” I say, still keeping my distance from the door.

  “I’m here for you,” he says. There’s an edge to his voice. “I’ve been looking for you for months.”

  “I’m not letting you in.”

  There’s a thump against the door. I think he hit it. “Kitten, you need to come out here.”

  The spark of anger grows, burning hotter. “I am not your kitten.”

  “Open the door.”


  Another thump. “Sadie, you better let me in.”

  “Or what?”

  “Or I’ll break down this fucking door.”

  Deep breath. “No.”

  “You don’t think I will? Do you think I’ll let this piece of wood stand between me and what’s mine?”

  I take slow steps backward. “I’m not letting you in. And I’m not yours.”

  “Yes you are,” he says, louder now. “I’m here to bring you home.”

  “This is my home,” I say.

  “It’s okay, kitten,” he says, like he’s trying to sound soothing. “I know you made a mistake. It doesn’t matter. I’ll forgive you if you just let me in right now.”

  “Mistake?” I ask, rage pooling in my belly. “The only mistake I ever made was opening the door for you the last time.”

  “You’re mine,” he says, and slams his fist against the door. “Open the goddamn door.”



  “I’m not opening the door,” I say, my voice gaining strength. I close my eyes and take a deep breath, knowing what I’m about to say is going to set him off. Knowing that’s what we need. “I’m not yours, and I never have been. I’m getting married, Adam.” A small lie, but it will add weight. “And I’m having his baby. I’m his.”

  Something slams against the door—hard. I think it’s his foot. Gabriel locked the doorknob but left the deadbolt open. Two more kicks. Wood splinters and I gasp, backing up into t
he kitchen as the door flies open.

  Adam stalks in, his eyes murderous, nostrils flaring. “You should have let me in.”

  “Don’t come anywhere near me,” I say. “You’re never touching me again.”

  “Don’t be stupid.” He takes a step forward.

  “I’m serious, Adam,” I say. “I won’t let you hurt me again.”

  “I never hurt you,” he says.

  “You raped me, you piece of shit,” I say.

  An awful smile crosses his face. “Are we still calling it that? Come on, kitten.”

  “No,” I say. “You need to admit it. You need to admit what you did to me.”

  He tilts his head to the side and spreads his arms wide. “Kitten, you belong to me. You have since we were kids. We’re soulmates. You were resisting me and I had to teach you a lesson.”

  “Teach me a lesson?” I ask.

  “I needed to leave my mark on you,” he says.

  “I said no. I said no and you did it anyway.”

  A spasm of anger crosses his features. “I don’t give a fuck what you said. I took what was mine and I’ll do it again. I already told you, you belong to me.”

  “You’re insane,” I say, backing away. Where is Gabriel? “You had no right to touch me, and you are never, ever doing it again. I am not yours, do you hear me? I don’t care how many times you say it, or how many doors you kick in, or how many buildings you burn down.”

  “You think that was the last of it?” he asks, his voice hard. He walks toward me, purposeful, backing me into the kitchen. “You think I won’t do it again? I’ll burn down the whole fucking world. That piece of shit thinks he can touch my woman? Fuck that. I’m going to burn his house next, but this time he’ll be in it.”

  He surges forward and I run into something behind me. He leans in, putting his hands on the kitchen counter on either side of me.

  “It’s a shame I didn’t torch his place when he was there,” he says. “But I didn’t want to risk burning you too. Now? He’s a fucking dead man. I’m going to kill him. Slowly. And you’re going to watch. Because you need to learn. You need to understand that I will do anything to keep what’s mine. I’ll kill for you, Sadie. It was a big mistake for you to run away from me. I need to remind you that you belong to me, you sneaky little bitch.”


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