Soul of the Dragons: Bad Dragons

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Soul of the Dragons: Bad Dragons Page 1

by Bolryder, Terry

  Soul of the Dragons

  Bad Dragons

  Terry Bolryder


  Author’s Note

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Also by Terry Bolryder

  Author’s Note


  This is the LAST book in the series! Make sure and read book 1 and 2 first so you can understand all the twists and turns in this one!

  Kiss of the Dragons (Bad Dragons Book 1)

  Heart of the Dragons (Bad Dragons Book 2)

  This is a reverse harem romance with six sexy male leads fighting each other and everyone else to win over and protect one human woman who is lost in their world.

  I hope you enjoy the journey of Anna and her dragons!



  Chapter 1

  Griffin and Rainier are finally here.

  I put up a hand to block the sunlight, though most of it is already blocked by Byron’s huge shoulders as he and Van stand in front of me on the front steps to greet the dragons.

  Griffin is storming toward us, wearing a green flannel shirt that he’s shoving up toward his elbows, his auburn hair tousled by the wind, his wide jaw set tight. When he sees Van and Byron, his stare only narrows, hands clenching into fists.

  That odd red aura starts to emanate from him, but then I see a hand on his shoulder as someone walks up from behind.

  Is that Rainier?

  That silver hair blowing in the wind and that handsome, sharp-featured face with those intelligent, glinting eyes could only be one person. The silver dragon.

  The last dragon I thought would comfort Griffin at a time like this.

  Rainier’s eyes gleam as his gaze meets mine.

  I glance around for Seth, then see something lying in the grass behind them, shaded by trees.

  “Oh no,” I say, running forward. “Is he okay?”

  “Yes,” Rainier says, putting up a hand. “He’s just resting. It’s been a long flight. We’ve been looking everywhere for word of Van and Byron.”

  “We move a lot,” Byron says, folding his arms and taking a step down from the porch.

  Rainier is wearing a gray sweater and tight dark jeans that show off his long, muscular legs. Just looking at him makes my mouth water.

  And Griffin is just huge. It’s interesting seeing him face off with Byron, since they’re both the biggest by far.

  “You have a lot of explaining to do,” Griffin says, pacing with his hands clenched, having shrugged off Rainier’s comfort.

  “Yes.” Rainier steps forward. “I would say kidnapping is one of those things that would necessitate violence.” He raises a hand, and a huge rock comes out of the ground.

  Van moves toward them. The buzzing in the air I heard last night in the arena is back, and Griffin puts his hands to his head.

  Rainier just glares, unaffected. “You can’t play with my mind.”

  “Then I’ll hurt his,” Van says, nodding to Griffin. “Control your partner.”

  “I won’t,” Rainier says stubbornly, though he waves his hand and drops the rock. “But if you don’t stop hurting him, you’re going to find out I can do more than throw rocks.”

  Van cocks his head. “Oh, I’m sooo afraid. I’m the leader, the purple dragon. Why would I care about the threats of the silver or red?”

  Rainier’s eyes turn to silver slits. “Because together we could crush you, you broken piece of shit.” He takes another step forward, Griffin following. “Now you’re starting to piss me off as well, because you stole the woman we were protecting, didn’t give us any heads-up, and who knows what you’ve been doing to her?”

  “Exactly.” Griffin slams his fists together. He hasn’t looked at me yet, and it almost feels like he’s avoiding my gaze. “Give her back.”

  “We were just having breakfast, weren’t we?” Van asks Byron casually, pushing his braid over his shoulder “It was nice.” His smile is slightly cruel as he stares at Rainier. “Not as nice as what came before it.”

  “That’s it,” Griffin says, and I gasp, wondering why Byron bothered to tell me to control my thoughts if Van was just going to taunt them like this.

  “Wait,” I say, running out in front of Van and Byron and putting out my hands. “Don’t fight. Please don’t fight. A lot has happened. Can we just talk?”

  The dragons all look at each other, and then I hear a low wheeze from the grass behind them. Seth.

  I run over to him, my worry for his health superseding all else.

  He’s on his back on the grass, still wearing that long black coat with the tubes on it, and he smiles at me when I lean over him, blocking the sun.

  God, he’s prettier than I even remember, his face a practical work of art. But his blond hair seems duller, and the tips seem even blacker. His face is devoid of color, and his beautiful lips are pale.

  “Long time no see, dragon heart,” he says weakly.

  I kneel on the ground next to him, taking his hand. Any touch should help, right? “It’s good to see you again. I’m sorry I couldn’t get you out of the dungeon. Get you serum.”

  “It’s not your fault,” he says, pushing himself up. “I should have known there might be a reaction between Griffin and Rainier. They’ve always hated each other.”

  I look over to see that Griffin and Rainier are talking to Van and Byron stiffly but politely, as if all are in agreement not to fight.

  They each glance over at us surreptitiously, then go back to whatever they’re talking about right now.

  I narrow my eyes, trying to hear what they’re saying, and realize their lips aren’t moving at all.

  “Dragons can read each other’s minds too,” he says with a low chuckle. “Probably working out a civil way to settle who you belong to.”

  I swallow. “I’m not sure I want to belong to anyone yet.” I just want to help my sister.

  Seth’s face is pensive, but he doesn’t say anything, just turns his face to the side with a sigh. “I’m tired.”

  I feel like he is talking about a tiredness few others could understand. “How so?”

  “The poison,” he says. “Trying to keep everyone from fighting.” He looks up at me. “From worrying about you. If you were safe.”

  I put his hand to my cheek, wondering how I can touch him to bring comfort. “I’m fine. Van and Byron… they aren’t as bad as they seem.”

  “I’m glad,” Seth says. “That was my bet. I tried to hold off Griffin and Rainier, told them that Van and Byron wouldn’t hurt you. But I worried. I felt like I was losing years off my life not seeing you.” He smiles, and it’s so bright it could black out the sun. “I’m glad nothing bad happened while I was gone.”

  I look at the dragons still deep in intense conversation. Then I bend, trying to get Seth’s arm over my shoulder so I can help him stand up. “Come on. Let’s get you inside. You need rest.”

  He pushes himself to a standing position, and though it uses all his strength, I can tell he’s trying not to overburden me.

ch I appreciate, given that when he’s standing, it’s clear he’s much taller and heavier than I am, despite being small compared to the other dragons.

  “They’re just too big,” he mutters. “I’m snack-sized for your convenience.”

  I laugh. “You’re just right.” No matter what Lee said about trusting Seth, I’ve liked him since I met him. He has helped me multiple times, even though he is going through a lot. I know he mostly just likes that I alleviate his poison, but—

  “It’s not just that,” he says, though his voice is strained now that we’re walking. “Maybe it was that at the start. But you’re not afraid of me. You don’t think I smell bad. And you’re hot to make out with too.” He’s quiet as we approach the dragons. “But mainly, when you were gone, it felt like my heart was outside my chest, walking around unprotected.” He peers at me, and his eyes are glowing green, darker around the edges. “I don’t want to ever lose you again, Anna. Though, I know your position is hard.”

  I nod at him, my throat tight because I don’t know what to do with anyone’s feelings toward me just yet. “Thank you,” I say. “I appreciate that.”

  I wish I could say more.

  As we pass the other dragons, I send them a glare. “I’m taking Seth inside for a cuddle and some serum.” When Griffin’s eyes widen and Byron takes a step forward, I shake my head. “He needs my help. You all stay here and figure things out. Because if you’re going to hurt each other, I don’t want any of you around.”

  And I mean it as I keep Seth’s arm around my shoulders and we hobble together into the house.

  * * *

  I grab the serum off the table as we head upstairs, and for a second, I hesitate, remembering that Rainier’s had tranquilizer in it. But Seth is cool with Van and Byron, so it should be fine if—

  “I don’t even care if it has drugs in it,” Seth says, interrupting my thoughts. “I just don’t want to die.”

  “Here, come upstairs to my room,” I say, helping him. He seems to get a second wind and gently pushes away to pull himself up the stairs. I open the door to my room, and he collapses on the bed, facedown.

  “Why did I have to be the black dragon? Of all colors, why black?” His voice is muffled, and I help him roll over so I can give him serum.

  “What do I do?” I ask, holding up the vial.

  “Give it to me,” he says, and I do. He plugs it into one of the connections and sighs as it clicks in. Then he just lies back, quiet while it goes into his system.

  “So what is that exactly?” I ask. “Why is it blue?”

  He pushes up on his elbows. “Because it’s simulated to be from the blue dragon. That’s who I probably would have been paired with if things had gone well.”

  “Do you get along with Lee?” I ask, wondering if maybe Seth is a safer person to talk to about him.

  Seth shakes his head. “I don’t really know him.” His eyes shutter. “I don’t really want to either.” His eyes are a more normal green now that the serum is taking effect. And by normal, I mean the most gorgeous, verdant, emerald green I’ve ever seen in an iris.

  He smiles. “Still haven’t lost your appreciation for beauty, dragon heart.”

  “Anna,” I say, though my tone is fond.

  He reaches up to stroke my hair. “So what’s gone on since we’ve seen you, dragon heart?”

  “Not too much. What has happened with you guys? I’m glad Griffin and Rainier haven’t killed each other.”

  Seth lets out a long breath. “They realized how stupid it was once you were gone. Honestly, I felt Van approaching but thought it might be best if he took you. Griffin and Rainier had to work some things out, and I didn’t want you stuck in the crossfire… literally.”

  “Even though it helps you to touch me?” I ask.

  He moves to the top of the bed and lies down with his head on one of my pillows, motioning for me to join him. “You know, I’m almost more nervous to touch you simply for help with my poison now that you mean more to me.”

  After a moment of hesitation, I let him pull me into his arms. It feels good to be there. Feels right to see him again. To see all of them. How can I have so many complicated feelings? How can I even face Griffin?

  “It’s a hard place to be in,” Seth says, stroking my hair back. “But I’ve seen them make a lot of progress.”

  I smile up at him. “You always seem so level about it.”

  He gets a faraway look in his eyes, like he’s remembering something. “I guess I’ve been in the Blur a long time. Longer than any of them. Because I was the one who attacked the blue dragon.”

  My eyes fly open wider. “You what?”

  “It was an accident. I didn’t have control. My rage got the best of me, and I lost everything. I learned quickly here that I needed to control my rage or my poison would destroy me and everyone around me. So yes, sometimes I do have strong feelings, but I tend to suppress and control them because I’m aware of the effects.”

  “That’s mature,” I say uncertainly. “But it doesn’t sound pleasant.”

  “More pleasant than the alternative,” he says, keeping his arms around me. “God, it feels good to hold you. I can see why I wanted to hug you so much before. Plus, you’re cute.”

  I snuggle in against him. I don’t know if I’m enjoying this too much to stop or I’m just avoiding the inevitable reunion with Griffin, but I want to stay right here the whole day.

  “It’s going to be okay,” Seth says, releasing me to push himself up on one arm. “Griffin is doing better, I think, with the idea of sharing. I think he and Rainier mean to offer themselves as partners.”

  I gape at Seth. “You’re kidding. They hate each other.”

  “They worked some things out,” Seth says. “I mean, look at Van and Byron. They used to hate each other. We all hate each other. Yet, for some reason, we’re all here right now, and no one is trying to kill anyone.”

  “I guess they could be,” I say. “We aren’t out there. But Byron did promise—”

  “Byron?” It’s Seth’s turn to gape. His face is oddly youthful and innocent that way. “Byron made you a promise? He doesn’t answer to anyone but his own ego. Byron—”

  I clear my throat. “He’s a little prideful, but you’d be surprised what he can do when the chips are down.”

  “The gold dragon is powerful, no doubt about it,” Seth says. “It’s just… hm. Well, I’m glad to hear it. Any pairing you make will be fine for me, since we are missing a blue dragon.”

  “Missing?” I ask.

  Seth’s face goes a bit paler. “I… I don’t want to talk about it. But regardless, if a dragon group of six is complete, the dragon heart that mates with a pair will get a power that complements them. But if a dragon is missing from the grouping, then the first power given will be the missing dragon’s power.” He shrugs. “That’s just what I’ve heard.”

  “I’m guessing you’ve done some research,” I say.

  He gives me a wry smile. “Not wanting to die kind of motivates a person.”

  “So no matter who I choose, I’ll be able to help you?”

  “In theory,” he says. “But I don’t know. Whatever happens in the future, Anna, I’m happy to have met you.”

  “But what about you?” I ask. “What if I choose you?”

  His grin quirks up at the corner. “You can just add me on to one of the duos.”

  My face goes blank because I’ve already experienced two dragons. What would three be like?

  Seth laughs, loud and hearty, and rests one hand on his chest as he flops back down on the bed. His eyes are amused as he looks up at me. “No, I mean supervising only, probably. I’m too weak to be able to have sex.”

  “Even with serum?” I ask, slightly disappointed.

  He laughs again. “Well. We’ll have to see.”

  I laugh with him and, for a moment, feel the strong urge to also catch up with Griffin and Rainier. Maybe things really will be okay with them.

ut will they be angry with me for what I’ve done with Byron and Van?

  “You don’t owe them anything,” Seth says, staring up at me. “They know the other dragons are going to do anything they can to win you, and sex is something we have in our arsenal.”

  I wrinkle my nose. “That makes it sound like a weapon.”

  Seth blinks up at me. “More like an arsenal of skills.”

  I look out my window, wishing it had a view of the dragons instead of the woods. Still, the thought of facing Griffin—

  “He’s in love with you,” Seth says. “You should have seen him in the dungeon.”

  I snort. “Days before he was talking about selling me.”

  “You know Griffin. He keeps things hidden. He was hurt by Rainier locking him up, and he was hurt thinking you might want Rainier. None of us have had anyone to belong to us. To love us. It’s hard not to be possessive when you finally do. But it’s going to be better, I think.”

  I frown. “But if he’s in love with me, won’t that just make him madder that I betrayed him?”

  “You didn’t betray him,” Seth says firmly. “You aren’t his yet. And he’s had a talking to about his jealousy. He also knows that fighting other dragons leads to you possibly coming to harm.” He squeezes my hand. “You should talk to him.”

  “Are you going to be okay, then?”

  “I’m ready to rest,” Seth says. “Getting serum always wears me out. The relief from the pain makes me tired.”

  I nod, then can’t resist leaning down to place a kiss on his forehead. His eyes widen in surprise. “Thanks, Seth. For everything.”

  He grins as he closes his eyes. “You’re welcome, dragon heart.”


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