Skulduggery 2

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Skulduggery 2 Page 15

by Logan Jacobs

  If the count wasn’t making any money, he might close down the whole production, or even worse, he might sell it.

  Both scenarios were terrible for my whiskey business, so I was going to need to figure out what the fuck was going on and fix it.

  Or be the first person to buy it off the count.

  My interest returned when Cimarra came on to the stage, and I noticed every other guy perk up in their seats, too.

  She was the main event, as she should be.

  The beautiful brunette wore a transparent silk skirt that revealed her chastity belt underneath, and just the slight movement made me struggle to remain focused and not dream about what I wanted to do with her later.

  Her top was different than usual. In fact, it wasn’t a top at all, but colorful body paint that sparkled in the lights. The body paint made it look like a crop top that covered her breasts and back. The outfit didn’t leave much to the imagination, but it was alluring and sexy, just like Cimarra.

  A hypnotic song began to play, and Cimarra started to sway with the music. Between the rhythm and the dancer’s smooth and slow movements, it felt like she placed a spell on the entire room.

  I felt myself stand up after I’d actually performed the movement, and then I wanted to get closer. It was as if she had me under a spell, and my eyes glazed over as I moved down the stone steps. When I reached the bottom, I saw her bright eyes had located me as she danced, and I then searched with my hand behind me for a seat in the darkness while I kept my eyes glued on her.

  She curved her waist elegantly in time with the music and moved her arms smoothly as she finished a spin. Her body moved in intoxicating angles that looked loose and inviting, and I couldn’t help but be reminded of the night we had together in the costume closet.

  I saw tiny beads of sweat drip down between her breasts like drops of rain on a glass window. As a bead of sweat moved, it revealed a thread of her skin underneath the paint. Then the music stopped, and she dropped to the sand on her knees and sat motionless.

  Before anyone could cheer and put away their boners, the rest of the girls came out and joined her to finish the dance.

  Cimarra twirled off the side and into the backstage area while the rest of the girls did their routine. I’d seen their dance before, so I got up and moved to the side door I knew led to the backstage area. There was a guard, but as soon as he saw my face, he smirked and opened the door for me.

  “Hey, Wade,” the guard whispered as I walked by him, but my heart was still on fire from watching Cimarra’s performance, so I just gave him a nod and continued into the backstage hallway.

  I wanted to be with her as soon as possible.

  I continued down the small hall and saw the beautiful dancer toweling off next to the count.

  “Wade.” Cimarra smiled and sniffed as she caught her breath. “Did you like the new routine?”

  “Hey,” I breathed. “I--”

  “Cimarra,” Count Kieran cut me off as his face twitched with every movement made by the rest of the girls on stage, “why don’t you take your friend up to the lantern room and see what the issue with the lights is. Maybe make himself useful?”

  Before I could respond, the dance ended, the crowd erupted with whistles and applause, and the count rushed back out onto the stage to end the show.

  Make myself useful? I was the most productive person he’d ever meet.


  “Wade, did you see us out there?” a dancer asked as she came off the stage with anticipation in her eyes.

  “I did, good job, ladies.” I plastered a fake smile on my face because I’d forgotten most of their names.

  “See? Wade loves us!” another dancer giggled as she started to towel off like Cimarra had.

  “The count gave us orders, you know?” Cimarra had thrown on a thin robe during the confusion, and she latched onto my arm, smiled, and tugged me away from the rest of the dancers.

  “Thanks, Wade, we miss you,” another dancer shouted desperately after us as we walked further into the backstage area.

  Once we were far enough from the other dancers, I stopped in the middle of a hallway and tugged Cimarra’s slender body backward against mine.

  “Give me a warning--” she started to laugh, but then she gasped as my kiss interrupted her.

  “You were amazing,” I said as I gently pulled away. “I like the new look, too.”

  “All my idea.” She smiled, and her turquoise eyes sparkled like gemstones under a torchlight. “Although, the paint gets a little runny if I sweat.”

  “So, I’m going to get covered with paint then?” I chuckled.

  “Only if you make me sweat,” she purred. “Are you going to make me sweat, Wade?”

  “I don’t mind a little paint.” I smirked and started to walk with her down the hallway again. “So, where are we going?”

  “The lantern room,” she answered as she squeezed my arm tighter. “I’m sure you noticed, but one of the lights kept flashing.”

  “I noticed,” I said as I followed Cimarra’s lead when we turned down another hallway and entered a squared room full of stage props. “Are the lamps magic?”

  “They are.” The dancer nodded, moved aside a wooden cut-out of a tree, and looked for where to go. “There it is.”

  “Remember that?” I asked and pointed to the side at the costume closet we rolled around in before.

  “I do.” Cimarra bit her lip as she looked to where I pointed. “I think you’ll like the lantern room, too.”

  “Oh?” I swallowed hard, and my face became hot. Well, hotter at least. I was already burning for her.

  “Oh,” she answered, and then we opened a small door tucked in the corner of the prop room, and it led to a tiny set of stairs that looked to be made for a halfling.

  “It’s actually quite beautiful up here,” the dancer said as she glanced back at me. Then she teased me with the fluid motion of her hips as she stepped up the stairs.

  I followed and felt my heart begin to bang against my chest. When I got to the top of the staircase, I found she was right.

  It was beautiful.

  The small rectangular room featured a single glass window with four lanterns perched on the edge. The window was directly across from the sand stage.

  Each lantern’s flame burned a different shade and created a kaleidoscope of color and shadows throughout the entire room. One of the flames fluttered, and I assumed that was the one we needed to see if we could fix somehow.

  The rest of the room was pretty bare except for a single wooden chair with a booklet on top. It made sense there wasn’t a lot of furniture or anything since the stairway was so small.

  “How does this work?” I asked as Cimarra moved to look closer at the flickering lantern.

  “The window magnifies the lantern’s shine with magic, and the flames are magic, too.” She shrugged and picked up the booklet on the chair. “This might help.”

  “It’s in Elvish, though,” I said as I joined her and looked at the small paper pamphlet.

  “What to do, what to do.” Cimarra smirked as she suddenly dropped the booklet to the floor between us. “Looks like we’ll have to do something else besides fix this, huh?”

  “What did you have in mind?” I asked as I raised an eyebrow.

  “This,” she answered, and then she slid off her robe, and it curled around her feet. The different colored lanterns made her body paint sparkle just like it did on stage, and my blood rushed through my veins as my eyes drank in the beautiful woman in front of me.

  “Well, damn,” I sighed as the room started to spin.

  By all the gods and magic, she was absolutely wondrous to behold.

  “Do you know what I think about when I dance?” Cimarra breathed, ran her right hand through her thick dark hair, and traced the delicate finger on her left hand around the waistband of my trousers.

  “Tell me,” I groaned as she dipped beneath my belt and began to caress my cock.

“I think of you,” she whispered as she stepped closer, pressed herself up against my chest, and slowly stroked me, “and the way I want you to look at me.”

  I breathed deeply and smelled her lavender perfume.

  “I--” I hissed and shut my eyes when I felt her fingers delicately wrap around my shaft.

  “Yeah, just like that,” she whispered and brushed her soft lips against my neck. Then she tugged my pants down to my feet and pushed me onto the chair next to the colored lanterns.

  My ass smacked against the wooden surface, and then I took off my shirt while she ran her fingers over my shoulders. My heart hammered into my chest as I anticipated what was coming, so I leaned forward to help her out of her own clothes, but she nudged me back down onto the chair.

  “Not so fast,” Cimarra purred as she grabbed a handful of my hair.

  “I want you,” I whispered.

  “You have me,” the beautiful dancer breathed as she bent down to her satin dance slippers and pulled out a familiar key to unlock the metal belt that kept her from pleasure. Then with a twist of the key, she tossed the belt against the wall, stepped out from the transparent skirt, and freed herself completely.

  My entire body shook as she stood naked in front of me. Her ample breasts sparkled from the paint, and her curves seemed to glow underneath the colored lights as well.

  An uncontrolled groan escaped from my lips. It was just my pure reaction to the sight of her.

  “I like it when you groan,” she whispered as she dropped between my legs onto her knees. Then she brought my hand up to the side of her head, and without saying a word, commanded me with her eyes to hold her hair back.

  Then she dipped her mouth onto my cock and used her tongue and lips to dance along my length.

  I held onto her hair and thought I’d traveled into space as the colors of the flames floated exotically around us. Then I shut my eyes from the sensation of Cimarra’s mouth diving down my cock.

  “Cim … ” I moaned as she ran her tongue down my shaft and looked up at me with her perfect blue eyes.

  Then she repeated her first motion and slid her mouth down my entire length. My tip scraped against the back of her throat, and then she groaned with ecstasy and slowly moved her lips up my length again. She did it again, and then again, and then I started to lose count because I was lost in her blue eyes and the sensation of her tongue and lips pleasuring me.

  She unwrapped her mouth from around my tip, and I could feel the cool air against the spit sliding down my shaft. The sensation made me shiver, and I let out another gasp.

  “I want to feel you,” she moaned, stood to her feet, and straddled me on the chair.

  I could feel how wet she was as she moved her hips and maneuvered my cock closer to her. Then my tip briefly pressed against her wet lips. We both gasped in unison as I slid inside of her, and then the gasp turned into a groan as I pulled her hips into me so the full length of my cock filled her tight tunnel.

  “Wade, ” Cimarra moaned, and there was a look of yearning on her face as she slowly began to sway her hips like she had on the stage in front of the entire audience.

  I was her only audience now, though.

  I pulled her face gently down to mine, and we kissed and drowned ourselves in the ecstasy of being connected again. She was incredibly tight around me, and every one of her movements caused me to scrape against her velvety walls.

  I had to force myself to relax so I wouldn’t climax. I wanted this to last forever.

  I clutched my hand around her back and gripped her taut ass to bring her closer to me as she rocked her hips. This caused her to groan, and her pussy gripped me tighter. I knew this was a sure sign her climax was building, so with my other hand, I explored her breasts and noticed the paint had smeared across the both of us.

  “Wade, you feel amazing.” Cimarra leaned back and used my knees to support her as I dragged my other hand over her stomach, and the movement caused her skin to be stripped of the paint.

  Our moans echoed each other’s as she whirled her hips around my cock faster. Finally, she clenched around my cock like a vice, and her abs tensed into a washboard array of small muscles as her body began to quake.

  “I’m coming!” she cried as she shot up straight, gripped onto my shoulders, and began to bob up and down.

  “Fu--” I groaned and thrust myself deeper into her as she came down on me, and we did that until our tempos were synchronized and every movement drove me deeper into her. “I’m going to--”

  “Yes, fill me,” Cimarra begged in my ear as I felt her body begin to vibrate again.

  I couldn’t hold back any longer, and I came deep inside of her as a fireworks display of colors exploded in my mind.

  Then we slowed our dance down, breathed, and laughed in exhaustion together. Then we kissed as she remained on top of me for a few more blissful minutes.

  “That was great,” I whispered to her before I slid my tongue down the side of her neck.

  “Better than great,” Cimarra agreed as she scratched her nails through my hair. “Your seed feels so warm and good inside of me.”

  “Yeah,” I said, and I considered asking her if it was okay that I’d filled her womb again, but before I could get the words out, she continued.

  “Sleep with me tonight,” Cimarra said with an eager smile as she raised herself from my slick cock, walked over to her robe, and slid it on over her perfect body. “I have my own room now, and my roommate won’t be there. We could have some more fun.”

  “What about Count Ki--” I started to ask, but Cimarra cut me off.

  “He’d be shanked by one of the girls if he came near our side of the theatre,” the dancer clicked her chastity belt back into place and saw the disappointment in my eyes. “Just for now.”

  “I’d be a fool to say no,” I said and redressed myself.

  “We have a bath, too,” Cimarra giggled, and a wide smile spread across her full lips.

  “A bath with you sounds great,” I replied as I watched her step to the lanterns and blow all but the one that flickered out.

  “I’ll have to tell the count the bad news about the broken lantern tomorrow.” She grabbed the flickering lantern for us to have some light to guide us back to her room.

  The theatre was now pitch black, and the flickering lantern made the weird props in the corners cast creepy shadows. The wooden floors also creaked and groaned as we walked, and it sounded a bit like the murmurs of ghosts and ghouls at a graveyard.

  Once we arrived at the dormitory section of the theatre, we tiptoed past the colorful curtained areas where the girls slept together and moved into a short hallway.

  “Are the girls okay with me staying the night?” I asked as we walked by.

  “They will be terribly jealous,” Cimarra giggled as she held the lantern up to try and steady the struggling magic flame. “As they should be.”

  “What about the count?” I asked.

  “His opinion doesn’t matter to me anymore,” she said as she smiled at me. “You are the only person who matters. And as I said, the count would be shanked if he came back here.”

  Within the hallway were two multi-colored doors on each side. We walked to the door on the right, and Cimarra handed me the lantern to hold while she opened the door. Then the dancer padded into the darkness until she lit the lamps on the wall above her bed.

  “Either way, the count must love you,” I said as I looked over the room.

  “I’ve earned that ‘love’ by running his business,” Cimarra said as she gestured for me to come in. “I told him I needed more room to work. I knew he had the extra room anyway.”

  “But he still assigned you a roommate?” I asked as I snuffed out the magical lantern I held.

  “We’re all assigned a ‘sister’ to keep each other accountable,” the dancer sighed and pointed over to the vacant cot, “but mine hasn’t been back in a few days.”

  “Is she okay?” I asked as I stepped inside the room and sh
ut the door.

  “Who knows?” Cimarra shrugged and stared at the cot. “It was her choice to leave, and she knew the risk of being a human woman in this realm.”

  “Shit,” I muttered and sat next to Cimarra on the bed.

  “Make yourself at home. I’m gonna make up a bath for us.” Cimarra smiled seductively as she walked to a door in the corner of the room that led to a bathroom.

  “I will.” I took off my shoes and felt the soft purple carpeting underneath my toes. There was a white door next to the bed that looked like it led to a balcony, and I knew right where that balcony was, since it overlooked the front street.

  I just never knew it was an entrance to Cimarra’s room.

  I heard the water turn on and figured the bath wouldn’t be ready for a few minutes, so I put the lantern down on a small desk by the balcony door, opened it, and stepped outside. There was a steady cool breeze that greeted me along with the other sounds of the Entertainment District, and I wondered if my elevation over the masses actually made the air smell a bit cleaner.

  Or maybe I was just in a good mood because of Cimarra.

  I leaned against the railing to get a better look at the street. The sign of the theatre was to my right, and I hadn’t noticed before, but that too was cracked. Everything in the entire place seemed to be broken or almost broken.

  The streets were quieter than usual, but I could hear the mumblings of some dwarves and humans as they gathered around a food wagon near the dance hall. Then I saw one of the humans take out a pipe and stuff it with something I assumed was tobacco. But once the smoke drifted toward me, it smelled sour and nothing like tobacco. Even without booze, creatures still found ways to alter their state of mind.

  Different kinds of herbs did the trick, even some poisonous mushrooms, but I had no interest in that. I’d seen some creatures trapped in their minds after doing that shit.

  I’ll stick to whiskey.

  As I thought of the whiskey, I imagined it being sold in places like the theatre, dance halls, and restaurants.

  All of that was possible.

  But first, I couldn’t wait to see how Dar and Penny handled their missions today. I hoped Dar was able to find out some good insight on Hebal’s distribution process, and I hoped Penny didn’t have any issues with the Counterfeiter’s Guild. If all went well with their tasks, then we would be one step closer to being free of Hebal.


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