Get Me

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Get Me Page 18

by Jillian Dodd


  Call me!


  I wake up to a text from Knox along with a link to an article.

  Keatyn Douglas Takes Over the World.

  Okay, not quite. But rumor has it that none other than our new favorite It Girl, Keatyn Douglas, has become the chairman of the board of A Breath Behind You Films in a hostile takeover from none other than movie futures golden boy, Vincent Sharpe, grandson of the late Viviane Sharpe. Below is a still shot from her video conference with the board. Looks like Keatyn took our advice about starring in the remake of her mom's movie seriously and just bought the whole damn company.

  P.S. Just how much do you inherit from an underwear model?

  P.P.S. Because, seriously.

  P.P.P.S. Love your suit, Keatyn. Oscar?

  What do you do after you take over a multi-million-dollar production company?

  An intimate celebratory lunch with your hot co-star, Knox Daniels?


  Shopping at Bergdorf's with your hottieguard--I mean, bodyguard--in tow?


  Dinner with your Mom's longtime beau, Tommy Stevens?


  We love you Keatyn!

  P.S. And your taste in shoes and handbags. Celine, Alaia, Chanel, Louboutin. Yes, please.

  P.P.S. Take us shopping with you!

  P.P.P.S. Call me!

  Me: She called you hot. That's what you're most excited about, right?

  Knox: Ha. Just showing you that I'm a man of my word. You wanted publicity, sugar. You got it.

  Me: Unfortunately, a little too much yesterday. They got a photo of my loft, so we had to move to a different location. At least until Aiden and Peyton go back to school.

  Knox: Where are you?

  Me: Four Seasons.

  Knox: I just whistled, in case you couldn't hear me. Can I move in too?

  Me: LOL. What would you think of that?

  Knox: Wait. Think of what?

  Me: If I moved in with you.

  Knox: I think that might cramp my style a little.

  Me: Not in real life. In fake life.

  Knox: You wanna go all the way and get engaged at the top of the Eiffel Tower or something too?

  His text is like a blow to my heart, knocking the wind out of my fake life.

  I don't want to have a fake life.

  I want to have my life.

  Me: Um . . . I have to go. I'll talk to you later. Thanks for the heads up on the article and hanging out with me yesterday.

  Aiden is sleeping on his side, his back to me, so I snuggle under the covers next to him, pressing my chest tightly to his back.

  "Morning, beautiful," he says, kissing my arm.

  "You have to go back to school tomorrow. I thought we could spend the day doing whatever you want to do."

  He flips over quickly, gives me a naughty grin, and trails a finger down my cleavage. "Whatever I want to do?"

  "I think we did whatever quite a few times last night. But, yes, whatever you want."

  He looks toward the window. "Is it nice out?"

  "It snowed a little last night, so it's cold."

  "Perfect. I say we order room service and stay snuggled up in bed all day."

  He drags a hand through his messy hair, blinks beautiful green eyes, and then rubs at the scruff on his face. It's something most people do when they wake up, but no one else looks like him doing it. It's the epitome of sexy.

  On a scale of one to ten, it's off the charts. Even hotter than the pool table.

  Because he's in bed with me.

  He's naked.

  And he's beautiful.

  Every single bit of Aiden is beautiful.

  I hate that I have to say this and I hate that I'm hurting him.

  "Well, not all day. Remember, I have to go to California late this afternoon."

  The smile slides off his face. "Where you and Brooklyn are going to see how you feel?"

  "Where we're going to see his mom and then I'm going to convince him to get the hell out of Malibu. As for the how we feel part, I don't know what will happen."

  "I don't want you to go, Boots."

  "Aiden, I'm sorry. I know this has been rough for you. My spending time with Knox. Fake kissing Damian at midnight. I'm trying so hard to get my life back."

  "But at what price?"

  "I wish I knew. Just promise me that whatever happens, you won't hate me."

  "I could never hate you."

  "Depending on how it all ends, Aiden, you might," I say, already envisioning my plan for tonight. If I'm going to have to be in Malibu anyway, I might as well use the trip to piss Vincent off some more.

  Aiden shakes his head then kisses me. Kisses my lips. Kisses my neck. Kisses slowly down my body.

  My body responds like it always does, but my head--well, my head just isn't into it. My brain is on overdrive. Trying to figure out how to get Damian here safely. Deciding where Cooper and I are going to live. Wondering if I should go with my original plan of renting a yacht and a helicopter.

  Aiden pushes his hand between my legs, spreading them apart to allow his mouth access.

  Oh, wow.

  Wait. What was I thinking about?

  As his tongue--that godly tongue--works it's magic on me, my brain ceases to function.

  Okay, it's functioning but it's got just one train of thought.

  Fuck me.

  Make me forget everything.

  Run away with me.

  Marry me.

  Have babies with me.

  We can live in a shack on the beach.

  I don't care if I ever see my family or friends again.

  Just please don't stop.


  As I'm about to climax, my brain awakens harshly and a memory stops me from thoroughly enjoying myself.

  I'm lying in bed with B. We're in France. It's the morning after our first time.

  "I've been thinking about not going home. About living here. Or traveling the world."

  "You kinda need to finish school first, don't you think?" he says.

  "I'll do it like you did. Like, online or something. I don't want to go back home."

  "You can't run away from your problems, Keats, because eventually they'll come and find you."

  And I know without a doubt that he was right. My problems are coming to find me.

  "We're so good together," he says, gazing into my eyes. "I'm not sure how I'm going to survive without you. Remember what I told you on the beach? How you have my heart?"

  "I remember, Aiden. And I don't know where I'll be exactly, but I'll text you, I promise. Whenever I can."

  "You better. It's all that will keep me going. Are you sure you can't come back to school?"

  "I accidentally led someone to my loft. I'd die if I led Vincent to Eastbrooke. I don't think he'd care who he hurt in the process of getting to me."

  "Do you have any idea how you've changed my life? What you mean to me?" He looks teary. "I'm going to miss you."

  "Aiden, I can't do this."

  "Do what, baby?"

  "This whole goodbye thing."

  "I'm sorry. I just want to make sure you know how I feel before you go."

  I jump out of bed. I can't take this any more. It's killing me.

  Pretty shitty.


  Cooper and I are getting ready to head to the airport when I get a call from Tommy.

  "Keatyn!" he says frantically. "Where are you?"

  "At the hotel, getting ready to leave for the airport."

  "You can't go. Kiki was kidnapped. The dog sitter was hit on the head and knocked out. They took her to the hospital. There was a note in her backpack."

  "What did it say?"

  "It said, My dearest, K. Lying. Flying. Plane goes down. Boom, splat, on the ground. Woof. Ruff. Dogs do say. Rounds two and three go my way."


  "What? I don't get it, do you?"

"I think he had something to do with my dad's death, Tommy."

  "Are you serious?"

  "Does Mom know? Did she ever suspect that? Was there ever any question?"

  "Not that I'm aware of. I just remember hearing there had been some kind of mechanical failure. Holy shit. Do you think his obsession goes that far back?"

  "Maybe it does. Maybe Vincent thought he was like Matt and didn't support Mom's dreams."

  "Your mom has never mentioned anything about your dad not being supportive."

  "His career was going well and he wanted mom to slow down. He thought she should quit for a while so I could have a normal childhood. I remember them fighting about it."

  "Wait, are you talking about Matt Moran?"

  "No, Matt. Mom's boyfriend in A Day at the Lake. He didn't support Lacey's dreams. That's why Vince wanted to kill him."

  "This is from the movie?"

  "Yes, Vincent is obsessed with it. Reread the last part again."

  "Woof. Ruff. Dogs do say. Rounds two and three go my way," he recites. "What do you think rounds two and three are? And why do they go his way?"

  "I'm assuming round one was the takeover. I won that round. Round two. He took Kiki."

  "So, what's round three?"

  "I don't know. Did you look everywhere for Kiki? All over the park?"

  "Yeah, both Matt and I went and looked for her everywhere. We called for her. And she walks that path every day, she'd know her way home. I'm actually sitting outside right now hoping she'll show up. I've called Animal Control three times. She has a chip, so they'll contact me if they find her. As much as that dog drives me nuts, I love her. The girls will be so upset."

  "Don't tell them yet, Tommy. I'll find her."

  I hang up the phone and yell, "Cooper!"

  He comes rushing out of his bedroom in just a pair of sweat shorts. "What?!" he says, as Aiden comes running out of our room, both of them on edge.

  "I'm going out. I'll be back in a few minutes. I have something I need to do."

  "You can't just leave. I'm coming with you," Cooper says.

  "Fine," I say, throwing on Aiden's ball cap in an attempt at a partial disguise.

  Cooper runs back to his room, returning fully dressed, and says, "Where to?"

  "A department store."

  We walk at a brisk pace to the nearest large department store, where I go to their customer service area and use their house phone to call B's old cell number collect.

  Vincent answers with, "Good to see I have your attention."

  "Give me back the dog."

  "You took away something I love, I'll take away everything you love."


  I slam my head against the wall in frustration.

  I'll take away everything you love echoes in my head.

  I have to figure out what round three is.

  Everything I love.

  Everything I love.

  My family. Safe.

  Tommy. Mostly safe.



  I pull my cell phone out of my pocket and call him.

  "B, you absolutely can't go tonight. Move it to tomorrow. Move it to a different location."

  "This is going to be a defining moment in my life, Keats. I can't change it. We'll meet my mom at Buddy's and then, later, we'll tell my dad that you're sponsoring me. Then it will be just you and me. We can figure us out. See how we feel. Are you on your way to the airport?"

  "Listen to me. I need you to reschedule and leave Malibu, now. Go to Australia with your dad."

  "I just told you, we're meeting my dad tonight. He's in town for some business meeting. We're going to Australia together later in the week. What happened? Why do you sound so panicked?"

  "Bad Kiki was kidnapped by Vincent."

  "Are you sure?"

  "Yes, B, I'm sure. He left a note in the dog walker's backpack. It's exactly like the note he left in Avery's backpack. It even--um . . ."

  "Um, what?"

  "Mentioned a plane crash."

  "You think he's going to crash my plane to Australia? He's a stalker, Keats, not a terrorist."

  "No, I don't think that. I think he had something to do with my dad's death."

  "Oh . . ."

  "Yeah. And I just talked to him. He told me he'd take away everything I love."

  "So, if he's in New York, wouldn't it be better for you to be here?"

  "He's not here. He didn't kidnap the dog himself. I'm sure he hired someone to do it. He's still in L.A. I have people keeping an eye on him. He seems to hire people to do most of his dirty work."

  "So, same thing. If someone is watching him, they'd know if he came after me, right? I'm fine. I'm going to see her, Keats. I have to. I promised. You promised."

  "Please, please, reschedule. I went ahead and did the hostile takeover without your help. Yesterday, I fired Vincent from his own company."

  "You did all that on your own?"

  "My grandpa took care of it, but the end result is the same: I now own the majority of the production company. I'm the chairman of the freaking board."

  "That's crazy."

  "I know."

  "I'm proud of you for fighting back, Keats."

  "I want our lives back."

  "I want my mom back. That's why I'm doing this with or without you."

  "I hate to even suggest this, but what if Vincent found her and got her to contact you? To lure you in? You could be walking into a trap."

  "That's a pretty shitty thing for you to suggest."

  "Your dad kept you apart all these years for a reason."

  "I had this discussion with my dad. I'm not having it with you! I'm going to see her and no one is going to stop me. Not my dad, not you, and certainly not fucking Vincent!"

  He hangs up on me.

  When I call back, he doesn't answer.

  Cooper, who's been standing next to me the whole time, wraps a strong arm around me.

  "You need to fill me in on the details of what just happened."

  "Vincent is in L.A., right? Wouldn't they have called you if he left town?"

  "Yes, they would have."

  "Tommy called me. Kiki was stolen. The dog sitter got knocked out and a note was left in her backpack." I tell him what it said. "I called B's old cell number collect and Vincent answered. He reiterated the note. Said he's going to take everything I love and hung up on me. Then you heard me call B. He hung up on me too."

  "You really decided not to go?"

  "I may be crazy, but I'm not stupid."

  Cooper smiles. "Good to hear. Keep your head down and let's head back to the hotel."

  Sort of awkward.


  We spend the rest of the day in the hotel suite. Through a bunch of complicated maneuvers, Cooper got Damian here without being followed. Knowing Damian wants to stay in Connecticut with Peyton for a few days before going to Miami, we had a discussion about where he would stay. Cooper didn't think it made sense for him to check into a hotel like he had planned, in case the hotel staff recognized his name, so he offered a solution. To let Damian stay in his faculty quarters on campus. Since his stuff is all still there, no one will be using it. And it will work out well, provided Peyton can sneak him in. He promised once he got there not to step foot outside, citing that it would give him some quiet time to write. Peyton says she can make sure he's fed and watered, so to speak.

  Although I'm a little iffy about their plan, Cooper seems to think it will work and I've come to the realization that I can't control everything.

  Kind of like my scripts that no one would follow.

  Aiden isn't thrilled about going back to school without me, but he's very relieved that I'm not going home today.

  But I feel like I'm letting Brooklyn down. Breaking a promise.

  My gut tells me I had to.

  But that doesn't make it any easier. Aiden's been trying to take my mind off Kiki and my fight with B by keeping me entertained. We've played cards,
listened to music, watched movies, and ordered room service.

  As midnight approaches, I'm getting fidgety. I've tried to call Brooklyn every hour since nine, which would have been six, seven, and eight o'clock his time.

  "He met with his mom at six. It's been three hours," I say aloud, interrupting the movie we're watching.

  Aiden presses pause. "If he hasn't seen his mom in years, they probably have a lot to talk about."

  "Plus, he's mad at you," Damian adds. "You know how he gets. He's probably ignoring your calls."

  "You're right! You call him!"

  "Fine, but if he doesn't answer, I don't want you to freak out. He's probably still with his mom."

  "Just try."

  Damian gets out his phone, hits a few buttons, and puts it up to his ear. "Straight to voicemail," he says, hanging up.

  "Why don't we order some dessert?" Aiden suggests.

  Peyton goes, "That sounds yummy. You know you love chocolate!"

  "Chocolate makes everything better," Cooper says, quoting what I usually say.

  I'm lucky they're here. I'm a basket case as it is. I can't imagine how I'd be without their wonderful distraction.

  "I agree. Let's order dessert."

  We are finishing up our dessert when my phone rings.

  "It's Brooklyn!" I say, supremely relieved to finally hear from him.

  "Hey, B! How did it go?"

  "Are you not with him?" his dad says. "I thought the two of you were meeting me at the house at 8:30 to talk. Where are you?"

  "I'm in New York. Is he not back yet? Wait, you called me from his phone."

  "Yes, that's why I called you. I thought you were with him and I couldn't get ahold of him because he left his phone here. Why didn't you go to dinner with him? Does that mean he went alone?"

  "I assume so. I tried to talk him out of going. Told him it was too dangerous for us to be together in Malibu."

  "He's should be home by now. Do you know where they were meeting?"

  "They were going to Buddy's. Hang on, let me use my friend's phone and I'll call there."


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