Get Me

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Get Me Page 28

by Jillian Dodd

  Afterward, all dressed up, he took me to the Santa Monica pier for cotton candy and a ride on the Ferris wheel.

  Gracie interrupts my thoughts. "Kiki, are you Cinderella tonight? Did Aye-den find your shoe?"

  "Yes, he did."

  "No," Avery says. "You can't be Cinderella. She has a blue dress. Sleeping Beauty wears pink."

  "Alright. Chop. Chop. You two need to be in the car in thirty seconds," Kym says, interrupting.

  I take Aiden outside where Tommy's driver pulls up in a new beautiful white Maserati. It's similar to the one Aiden crashed when he saved me, but with a few upgrades.

  He tosses Aiden the keys. "Looks like you get to drive Cinderella to the ball."

  Aiden immediately notices the keychain. The one I gave him in St. Croix. And the one he gave me for luck when I left to find B.

  "This is my keychain," he states.

  "Your car, your keychain," I say with a shrug.

  "My car?"

  "Yep. It's a gift from Mom and Tommy. You know, for saving my life. It took a while to have it customized."

  Aiden walks around it. Then he looks under the hood and whistles.

  I frown.

  "Ah, Boots, what's the pout for?"

  "How come I don't get a whistle when you look under my skirt?"

  He gently shuts the hood and grins. Then he grabs me around the waist and kisses my neck.

  "Because she won't smack me," he teases, gesturing toward the car.

  Kym yells out the front door, "For god's sake. Go! Or you're going to be late!"

  "Mom said the red carpet always runs late."

  "Aren't we supposed to be in a limo?" Aiden asks.

  "Yeah, probably, but Prince Charming rides a white horse to the ball. We can't screw that up."

  He pulls me back into his arms. "You look beautiful tonight."

  We arrive at the premiere on time, only to have to sit and wait.

  Damian and Peyton arrived earlier. Knox is in line right ahead of us. Tommy, Mom, and Matt will be the last to arrive.

  When we're finally waved ahead, I look at Aiden. "It's our turn. You sure you're up for this craziness?"

  "I promised to be your arm candy. I'm a man of my word."

  "Yeah, you are. So, you're going to get out first, the valet will get in to park the car, you'll come open my door--" He grabs my face and kisses me, effectively shutting me up.

  "Kym has drilled exactly what I'm supposed to do into my head by repeating it about seven hundred times. Then your publicist told me the same thing a few thousand times more."

  "People think me and Knox are an item. It's a big deal that I'm showing up with you."

  "Is this what you want?" he asks.

  "More than anything."

  As soon as I get out of the car, the cameras flash.

  Almost blinding me.

  It's my first public appearance since everything happened with Vincent. Mom wanted me to go to the Academy Awards with her and Tommy, but I only went to the after parties to help celebrate.

  I didn't want the night she won her first Oscar to be about anything other than her.

  And, thankfully, without me there, the press respected that.

  I still haven't spoken publicly about what happened with Vincent.

  The reporters from Winter Formal did that for me. They got their interviews and did the talk show circuit.

  I gave them everything that happened up until the point that Vincent was shot and killed.

  And, since B refused all interviews too, the public doesn't know about him being kidnapped or about the bomb.

  It's just too personal.

  Aiden holds out his elbow, and I can't help but smile widely.

  And not because I'm posing for the cameras, but because I'm really, truly happy.

  I stop in front of the bleachers full of fans and sign autographs with my purple glitter pen. Just like the one that Avery gave me when I went to Eastbrooke and just like the one I used to sign my very first autograph for Aiden.

  Next, we work our way down the line of reporters assembled behind the barricades of the red carpet.

  Their lights are bright.

  Their flashes even brighter.

  They're all calling out my name, so I stop to answer their questions. Most of them are the same.

  Are the rumors about you and Knox true?

  Show us your shoes!

  Who's your date for tonight?

  Why are you and Knox pretending not to be together?

  Keatyn, can I get your autograph?

  Aiden holds out his elbow, so I take ahold of it and he leads me up the stairs where all the big entertainment shows are set up. They get longer individual interviews as most are doing live streaming.

  "I just wait for you at each one, right?" he asks. We're waiting for Knox to finish his interview.

  "I'd rather you were with me."

  "I don't belong on TV. But you do. You're like a shooting star. Hell, I should make a wish on you."

  "You're silly. I'm so glad being apart last semester didn't hurt our relationship."

  "I told you," he says with an adorable grin. "Wherever you go, I go."

  "You did spend a lot of time at my loft. But it was still hard being apart during the week."

  "You mentioned another project earlier . . ."

  "They're ready for us, now," I say, interrupting him. "And you're sticking with me for these."

  Even though Knox was just interviewed a few seconds ago and I'm standing here on Aiden's arm, the reporter delves right in.

  "Knox just mentioned how close the two of you are."

  "We've been working together, so we've gotten to be good friends."

  "There are rumors that you're dating. Photos of you clubbing in New York."

  "Do you ever go out with the people you work with?" I ask the reporter, who is married and stars in her own reality TV series.

  "Well, of course," she says.

  "But, yet, you're happily married?"

  "Uh, well, yes."

  "Exactly my point."

  We move to the next network. This reporter's name is Stacey and she's known my mom forever. They waited tables together when they first started out.

  "Keatyn," she says, giving me a hug and air kisses, "you've grown into such a beautiful young woman."

  "Thank you."

  "And your dress is gorgeous. Who designed it?"

  I rattle off the name of the designer.

  "How about your shoes?"

  I show off my gorgeous shoes. "Tabitha Simmons."

  "There's a big ring on your finger. Does it mean anything? There were rumors that you and Knox were recently engaged."

  "Really?" I laugh. "I'm only eighteen. I don't plan on getting engaged for quite a while. But this gorgeousness," I hold up my borrowed diamonds, "is on loan from Harry Winston."

  "The diamonds pale next to your beauty," Aiden whispers into my ear. I know his sweet gesture will be all over the internet in a matter of moments.

  I can feel the flashes around me but when Aiden is this close everything else fades away and I'm just a girl.

  In love.

  "You're being awfully complimentary tonight," I tease him.

  "Well, you did just give me a new car," he teases back.

  We move on to the next big-name reporter.

  After an appropriate amount of discussing my wardrobe choices, she asks, "We understand you're doing a remake of your mom's cult classic, A Day at the Lake. When do you expect it to be in theaters?"

  "We just wrapped filming this week and are hoping to get picked up for distribution soon. But tonight is all about my mom and Tommy's film."

  "Speaking of Tommy," she says. "We know that your film debut, Retribution, is slated for a highly-coveted Thanksgiving release."

  "That's correct."

  "And rumor has it the studio is creating a new spin-off franchise for you and Knox."

  I smile, because they are. I'm even helping revise the sc

  "That would be pretty awesome," I say, unable to comment because the studio hasn't officially announced it yet. They're waiting for people to see Retribution first.

  "Then, tell me, after you were kidnapped, why wouldn't you do any interviews? You could've had instant fame. Your publicist must've been going crazy."

  "I hope if I ever have fame it'll be because of my acting ability," I reply, as Knox photobombs us.

  He and Aiden are cracking up about it when the reporter asks another question. "So, what's next for you?"

  "What's next is kind of a secret."

  "I think we'll cut with that," she says, quickly moving on to Matt Moran, who has caught up to us. He's a man of very few words on the red carpet.

  As Aiden and I walk down the stairs to make our way toward the last row of reporters and fans, he whispers to me, "So, did you decide if you're going to do that book to film project? Didn't they want you to start next month? Is that what the secret is?"

  "No, I turned it down."


  "Well, Knox and I will start working on the Trinity project next summer."

  "I know. That's why I'm surprised you turned it down. The timing worked out so that you could do both."

  "Except that I have another project I'm way more passionate about."

  "What's that?"

  "I'm going to be starring in the movie of my life. It will be filming at Eastbrooke, and I'll have the hottest co-star. His name's Aiden Arrington. You may have heard of him."

  Aiden's grin blinds me.

  I lean close to him and whisper in his ear. "And I can guarantee you that rumors of our off-screen romance will be completely true."

  "You're really coming back? For our whole senior year?"

  "Yep. I am a prefect, after all. And I'm wearing cowboy boots to New Student Orientation."

  Follow your heart.


  We quickly make the rounds at the after party, and then go back to my house. All my closest friends are meeting here, so I can introduce them before heading to the club for my birthday party.

  Aiden offers to greet everyone as they arrive while I go change.

  But when I return in my party dress, I find my friends all congregated in groups with the people they already know.

  That will not do.

  I grab Dallas and Dawson.

  "RiAnne, I'd like you to meet Dallas, my friend from Eastbrooke." I wink at her and whisper, "He's a really good kisser."

  She gets a huge smile on her face and giggles when Dallas says, "Howdy. And Keatyn's right. I am a good kisser. You wanna find out?"

  RiAnne bites her lip like she's actually contemplating it and nods. Dawson and I both raise our eyebrows at each other and laugh when they just start making out.

  "Dawson, I think you need to meet Vanessa."

  Vanessa turns around when she hears her name.

  "Keatyn, you look gorgeous." She eyes Dawson and says, "And so do you."

  "Vanessa, this is Dawson Johnson. He's headed to NYU this fall and plans to major in luxury marketing."

  "We have a lot in common, then," she flirts, putting her hand around his buff bicep and purring, "because I plan to major in luxury spending. Let's go in Tommy's office and have some of his good scotch, shall we?"

  Dawson doesn't reply. He's busy taking her in, studying her long dark hair, aristocratic face, long eyelashes, authoritative stance, killer body, and couture shoes. He turns to me and says, "She's the Alpha of all Alphas, right?"

  Vanessa and I both laugh.

  "What a sweet sentiment," Vanessa says, "but I kinda like it when a man takes charge."

  Dawson smirks and replies, "Let's go find that scotch."

  "Did I hear the word scotch?" Damian asks, and he and Peyton follow them into the office.

  I'm introducing my surfer friends to my Malibu party friends and all of them to Katie, Annie, and Maggie, when Cush walks in.

  "Damn," Katie and Maggie say at the same time. "Who is that?"

  "Cush!" I yell.

  He strides over, hugs me, and then puts my hand on his stomach. "Got them back."

  "It's about freaking time. How's Oregon?"

  "I'm over Oregon and moving back. I miss the beach and girls in bikinis. Plus, we need to party it up our senior year."

  "Hell yeah, we do," RiAnne says, joining us with Dallas in tow. "I miss dancing on your bar with Keatyn. You should see us, Dallas."

  "Oh, I'd like to," he flirts.

  Cush gives me a casual once-over, then grins, showing off those sexy dimples, and causing Katie to practically swoon.

  "I gotta say, I miss Keatyn dancing on my bar too," he says.

  "Can't be as hot as the pool table," Aiden says from behind me, wrapping his arms possessively around my waist.

  "It definitely isn't," I say to Aiden. Then I make introductions. "Cush, these are my friends from boarding school, Dallas, Aiden, Katie, and Maggie."

  They shake hands as Kerri Sampson and Walker Rhodes walk by, heading toward the bar.

  "Cush, have you ever met Kerri? She's the daughter of --"

  "We all know who her dad is," RiAnne says.

  "Who?" Katie and Maggie ask.

  "Howard Sampson is a big-time producer. Everyone in L.A. knows his name," RiAnne replies.

  "And this is Walker Rhodes."

  "Walker Rhodes," Maggie says. "Why does that name sound familiar?"

  "He'll be performing at my party tonight. He's music's next big thing."

  Walker blushes. "Here's hoping so." He turns toward Aiden and gives him a fist bump. "Good surfing with you and Damian this morning, man. You keep it up, you'll kick my ass pretty soon."

  "Well, I can't sing like you," Aiden says, giving me a squeeze. "I gotta do something besides stop a soccer ball to impress this one."

  "You a goalie?" Cush asks him.

  "He's one of the best," I reply. "It'd be fun to see the two of you face off."

  "I vote for a shirtless face off to commence immediately," Katie giggles.

  We all laugh as Jake, Sander, Paige, and some of the cast members from the remake of A Day at the Lake arrive.

  "Jake. Sander. Making the movie star entrance, I see."

  Sander nods as Jake rolls his eyes at me. "We were waiting for Paige to finish getting ready."

  "Well, it was worth it," I say, giving Paige a hug. "You look beautiful."

  Riley and Ariela also arrive.

  "Mr. And Mrs. Director," Sander says, slapping Riley on the back. "Don't you make the most beautiful couple? All that gorgeous dark hair."

  "Happy Birthday, Keatyn," Ariela says to me.

  Riley kisses my cheek. "I'm here, baby. Time to start the party."

  "Not so fast, Riles," Knox says, walking in the door for his perfectly-timed, fashionably late entrance. "Not without me."

  I look around for B. I really hoped he would come tonight.

  But they're right. It is time to get the party started.

  I grab Aiden's hand, whisper in his ear, and lead him into the kitchen with me. He helps me up onto the kitchen bar then grabs the trays of shots out of the fridge, giving me one before he passes them around.

  "The buses will be here soon, so it's time to get this party started with a few shots!" I smile as they raise their glasses in the air. "For those of you who came to my party last year, thank you for still being my friends, even though I left with no explanation. For those of you I've met since then, thank you for understanding why I had to lie to you, and for still being my friends. The party we're heading to is the same as last year's in so many ways. Same club. A lot of the same people. Last year, I had hoped all my friends--from surfing, partying, and school--would come together and instantly become friends. But you didn't. And now I know why. It was because of me. I wanted to keep you separate because I didn't know where I fit in or who I wanted to be. So, raise your glasses and toast each other. This is for you. Love yourselves. Find control in your chaos. Follow your heart. And do
n't be afraid to wish on the moon."

  Everyone downs their shots.

  As Aiden cranks up the music, I pull Peyton, Maggie, RiAnne, Keri, Paige, and Vanessa up on the island to dance with me.

  I'm dancing like a maniac with Aiden--and, well, everyone--when Brooklyn surprises me by cutting in.

  He says to Aiden, "Do you mind? This dance is long overdue."

  Aiden graciously bows out and Brooklyn wraps his arms around me.

  "I'm glad you came tonight."

  "I am too. Keats, I'm really sorry I didn't dance last year. This is my feeble attempt to make it up to you."

  "It's okay, B. We were both going through some big changes."

  "I got to your house just as you were giving the toast."

  "What'd you think of it?"

  "I think fate is a tricky bitch," he says. "What a fucking year."

  I hug him tightly and laugh. "I'll toast to that. Hell, let's go get a drink!"



  Keatyn is shaking my shoulder. "Wake up, sleepyhead. We have somewhere to be."

  I look at the clock, noting that it's nearly one. We didn't get to sleep until six this morning and I'm still tired.

  But the sight of her wearing nothing but my boxers perks me up.

  "Are those my boxers?" I tease.

  "Maybe," she says with an adorable smile.

  She runs her hand across my bicep. Then across my cowboy boots tattoo, giving me a naughty grin. "We need to get going."

  "Where are we going?"

  "A little surprise trip. But I was just thinking . . ."


  She winks at me, runs into her closet, and then tosses my boxers out the door behind her.

  The Titan jumps to attention before I do, urging me to get my ass in there.

  I round the corner and find her naked, sprawled across a white furry rug, surrounded by all her clothes and shoes.

  I pounce on her.

  What else would I do?

  Hilly. Lush. Green.


  I take Aiden to the plane that's waiting for us, praying I've timed it right.

  The flight is quick and when we land he asks, "Where are we going? Are we seeing my parents?"

  "No, we're not. I have something I need to show you."

  I jump in the Mercedes convertible that I got for my birthday last year.

  "How'd your car get here?" he asks.


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