Meta Gods War 3

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Meta Gods War 3 Page 2

by B N Miles

  Cam cleared his throat as Galla smiled at him. She seemed hesitant, a little uncertain, which struck him as strange. Galla Remorn had set all this up, had gone against her father to marry Cam and was instrumental in drawing the support of the Elders away from him. She was the mind behind all of this, the pillar on which their future stood, and he knew that she was without a doubt one of the most intelligent people he’d ever met in his life.

  And yet she looked as nervous as he felt, and that gave him the courage to stride down the narrow path hewn in the stalagmites, past the glimmering lanterns giving off their dull yellow glow, and up to the base of the structure.

  Kraed looked down at him. He was the former Elder of Cam’s village, but had renounced his politics to take up the mantle of Urpriest again. He nodded his head slowly and gestured at Cam.

  “Camrus Medlar,” he said. “Have you come to take Galla Remorn into your house?”

  “I have,” Cam said.


  Cam climbed the steps until he stood facing Galla. She stared up into his eyes and he saw a small, hesitant smile grace her full lips. He reached out and took her hands, and although it wasn’t a part of the ceremony, it seemed to make that smile grow larger as he felt her soft fingers beneath his own. He looked to the left, saw his girls standing with the Elders, each of them smiling, and he nodded to himself.

  “In the light of the Urspirit,” Kraed said. “I’ll keep this short and sweet.”

  “That would be appreciated, Urpriest Kraed,” Galla said.

  “All are one,” Kraed said. “From many comes one and to many go all. To be born is to die, and to be solitary is to be many. We sprout from the Urspirit like mushrooms in a forest, single creatures in a great expanse teeming with life. But beneath the soil, our roots grow deep, and all roots return back to the source of what we are, back to the Urspirit, our God outside of time and space.”

  Kraed’s words echoed through the room. Cam looked away from his bride, out at the stalagmites and the lanterns, and wondered how the lord’s daughter felt about such a simple ceremony. She likely grew up imagining an enormous party, fanfare and shouting and dancing, imagining herself the center of attention. Instead, they stood in front of the Elders and Cam’s girlfriends and the cave itself, with nothing but the monolith and the Urspirit for witness.

  He wished he could do better for Galla, but this was her choice.

  He turned back to her, squeezed her hands. She smiled, squeezed his back.

  “Rings,” Kraed said.

  Cam reached into a pocket in his tunic and took out two simple golden bands. He held them out to Kraed, who accepted them.

  “Camrus, do you swear before the Ur that you will take Galla into your home, share your hearth, and give her your life and your blood until you both return to the source?”

  “I swear,” Cam said.

  Kraed slipped a ring onto Cam’s finger.

  “Galla, do you swear before the Ur, that you will enter into Camrus’s home, share your hearth, and give him your life and your blood until you both return to the source?”

  “I swear,” Galla said, her voice barely a whisper.

  Kraed slipped a ring onto Galla’s finger, then took her hand and joined it with Cam’s.

  “Two become one,” Kraed intoned. “Husband and wife.”

  The small crowd burst into applause as the simple, abbreviated ceremony ended. Cam stepped forward and ran a hand along Galla’s cheek before kissing her, slow and deep, tasting his new bride.

  It was such a simple thing. A few words, a promise before the Elders, but the implications were much deeper than he could really understand.

  He pulled back from the kiss, Galla blushing deep, and turned. The Elders came forward, and Cam walked down the steps holding Galla’s hand to meet them.

  “Congratulations, young shaman,” Elder Frew said and smacked him on the shoulder with one big, meaty palm. “You made a fine choice with this one.”

  “You had your choice, Elder Frew,” Galla said.

  “Ah, young lady, you flatter me.” He chuckled, a low rumble.

  Elder Maris and Elder Edwin came next, shaking his hand, kissing Galla on the cheek. Elder Dagan was last, and Cam saw the man hesitate, his eyes seemingly far away, before pulling Cam into a tight embrace.

  “Are you sure about this?” Elder Dagan whispered.

  Cam nodded once. “I’m sure.”

  “Then together it is,” Dagan said.

  Cam pulled back and left a hand lingering on his friend’s shoulder. Dagan grinned at him, fierce and intense. They’d been through so much in the past weeks, and Cam had only grown to respect the man more and more with each passing emergency. He knew he wouldn’t be standing there without Dagan, and moving forward he knew he’d need the man’s support more than ever.

  Dagan turned and left with the other Elders as Cam’s girls came forward. They ignored him and swallowed Galla in a series of hugs, kisses, and laughter. Even Key joined in, and more than anything else, that brought an enormous smile to his face. He stood back and crossed his arms, looking at his girls surrounding his new wife, and he wondered how life could ever be better than that moment.

  Kraed came down the steps and sat just next to Cam. The old man leaned back on his hands, still wearing his beat-up weathered old cloak. He extracted a small bone flask from one stitched inside pocket, pulled off the stopper, and took a sip before offering it to Cam.

  Cam took it, drank some, and nearly coughed at the pure alcohol burn that grabbed at his throat. He handed it back and tried not to let Kraed see his eyes water.

  “Well now, young Camrus,” Kraed sad. “You have a beautiful new bride, three beautiful girlfriends, and a lot of enemies.”

  “Seems that way,” Cam said.

  “But as many allies,” Kraed said. “If I were a betting man, I’d put all my money on you, you know.”

  “You are a betting man, Kraed,” Cam said, giving the old priest a look.

  Kraed laughed and sloshed back another hit of drink. “Fair enough,” he said. “Find me someone willing to take the odds then.”

  “I’ll see what I can do.” Cam moved to walk away, but Kraed leaned forward and caught his wrist.

  “Easy now,” Kraed said, his voice soft enough to keep from echoing in the chamber. The girls gathered into a tight circle and laughter peeled out as Felin shot him a big, smirking grin.

  “What’s wrong?” Cam asked.

  “I hear things,” Kraed said. “When men come to pray. They don’t always do it in their heads, if you know what I mean.”

  Cam turned his attention to the priest and narrowed his eyes. “What did you hear?”

  “Rumors,” he said. “Hints and suggestions. People are angry that you’ve married Galla without her father’s permission. There’s an old guard here, you know. They won’t give up without a fight.”

  “That’s the last thing we need,” Cam said. “I only want to take that army out into the field and win back our freedom.”

  “It’s never that simple,” Kraed said. “Alliances within alliances. It’s always about power, young Cam. Those with it don’t want to give it up. And those without it always want more.”

  “I’m not interested in power,” Cam said.

  Kraed raised an eyebrow. “And yet here you are, amassing more and more.”

  Cam opened his mouth to argue, but the priest’s hand fell away, and he heard Galla say his name. He shook his head as he turned to his new bride, forcing Kraed’s words from his mind as he strode to join the girls.

  Their circle opened and admitted him. He put one arm around Galla, the other around Key.

  “Now then,” he said. “I have one pretty wife. Which of you are next?”

  Felin rolled her eyes. “We all know Key’s next. You keep telling her that.”

  Cam feigned surprise. “Really? You want to marry me, Key?”

  “Don’t be an ass,” she said.

  “I mean, I’m n
ot surprised, considering how great I am.”

  “I’m really rethinking that whole thing right now.”

  Cam laughed, kissed her, and turned to Galla. She beamed up at him, cheeks still slightly pink, and she stood on her toes to kiss him again. He held that kiss a bit longer, felt his blood stir as he pulled back, his eyes lingering on her lips, down to her breasts.

  “You know we have one more thing that needs doing,” Cam said.

  “Barely been married for a few minutes, and he already wants to take her to bed,” Miuri said. “What a typical man.”

  “Can you blame me?” Cam asked.

  “No, I really can’t,” Miuri said.

  Galla’s cheeks went from pink to red, crimson to match her dress. “We’re meant to consummate this then, isn’t that right?” she asked.

  “That’s the idea,” he said. “But I won’t force anything on you, you know.”

  “No, I want… I want that,” she said, then looked around. “If you all don’t mind.”

  “We plan on joining,” Felin said. “You don’t get him without us.”

  Galla’s mouth fell open. She looked from Felin, to Miuri, and ended up on Key.

  Key stepped around Cam and put her hands on Galla’s shoulder. She stared into the girl’s eyes then leaned forward and kissed her. Cam watched Key’s kiss deepen, turning more passionate as their mouths opened. Key pulled back and Galla’s mouth glistened from the kiss.

  “Come on,” Key said. “Let’s introduce you to our bed. I think you’ll like it.”

  Key turned and began back up the narrow path.

  “Too late to back out now,” Miuri said to Galla. “You poor girl. You don’t know what you’re in for.” She followed after Key.

  “Don’t mind them,” Felin said. “They’re just teasing. But yeah, we’re going to fuck your brains out.” She went next, whistling to herself.

  Cam took Galla’s hand. “Any regrets?” he asked.

  “None,” Galla said.

  Then he led her along after the girls.


  Galla sat on the edge of the huge bed back in Cam’s room, still in her crimson dress. She stared up at him, her eyes wide and nervous. She shifted slightly, moving her body side to side, as Cam tilted his head and let his gaze move down her lips, her chest, her hips.

  “I have to admit,” she said, “I’m used to men staring at me. But I’m not used to men knowing they’re about to undress me.”

  Cam smiled and knelt down in front of her. He reached out and took her left hand, which seemed to surprise her.

  “We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do,” he said.

  “Really?” She laughed, nervous and shrill. “I thought this was your right now. I am your wife, after all.”

  “Come on, Galla,” Cam said. “Do you really think I’m like that?”

  She seemed to soften. “No,” she said. “I know you aren’t.”

  “I don’t really think you’re nervous to undress in front of me,” Cam said. “You did that once already. So, what’s really bothering you?”

  She leaned forward and pressed her other hand against his, holding his fingers between her palms. Cam let his eyes drift to her body again, unable to help himself, still trying to get used to the idea that Galla was his wife.

  “If you really want to know, I was thinking about my father.”

  Cam let out a laugh. “Really? That’s not exactly what I wanted to hear.”

  She gave him a little glare. “Not like that,” she said. “I was just thinking about how he’ll react to this.”

  “It won’t be good,” Cam said. “We both know he doesn’t want this union, and I have a feeling he understands what it means for his power.”

  She moved Cam’s fingers between her own, gently rubbing them and staring at the calluses on his skin. “More than that, he’s my father. As much as I know this is the right thing, I still feel horrible about trying to push him aside.”

  “I have to admit, I didn’t expect to hear you say that.”

  She smiled, sad and small. “I try not to show weakness,” she said. “But you’re my husband now. So I suppose if I can’t tell you what I’m thinking, I can’t tell anyone, right?”

  “You can tell me,” Cam said. “Honestly, it makes me feel a little bit better. I mean, you can be pretty terrifying, you know.”

  She pulled her hands away from Cam’s and leaned forward, cradling his chin toward her. She kissed him, gently at first, but deeper and slower. He moved forward, pushing himself between her legs, spreading them wide.

  “I need you to know something,” she said, pulling away and wrapping her arms around his neck.

  “What’s that?” he asked.

  “I want… to be a part of this.” She bit her lip, and for the first time since they met, Cam saw her for what she was: a young girl, trying to find her place in the world.

  “What do you mean?” he asked.

  “Your relationship. Your girls. Miuri and Felin and Key… I don’t think Key likes me very much.”

  “She does,” Cam said. “She’s just confused. This marriage isn’t easy on her.”

  “Can I do anything to soften it?”

  “I don’t think so,” Cam said. “But try and get along with her, if you can.”

  “You two have known each other for a long time, right?”

  “Since we were kids. She was supposed to be the one.”

  “I know what you mean,” she said. “And now she isn’t. Must be really hard.”

  “But she loves Miuri and Felin. And I think she’ll love you too, given a little more time.”

  “Do you think Miuri and Felin like me?” she asked.

  “I’m sure they do.”

  “I don’t know. Miuri is so strange and Felin is impossible to read. They’re all so… beautiful and strong. Sometimes I’m afraid I won’t fit in.”

  Cam kissed her softly, bit her lower lip, and stared into her eyes.

  “I promise, you fit right in,” he said.

  And they kissed again, slower and deeper than before. Cam could feel his heart taking deep, rough thumps in his chest as Galla’s breasts pressed against him.

  She pulled away as Cam kissed her neck, his hands moving down to the bodice of her dress. It was bound in buttons and ties in the back, and as he explored them, beginning to unfasten, unlace, release, Galla reached out and pushed him away again.

  He tilted his head, surprised at the blush on her cheeks.

  “We don’t have to do this,” he said. “If you don’t want to. We can just tell everyone we consummated the marriage, if that would be easier.”

  “No,” she said. “No, that’s not it. I want this. It’s more that, uh…” She trailed off, her eyes moving to the door.

  Cam followed her gaze. He knew Miuri, Felin, and Key were all out there in the main room, probably listening to what was going on.

  “Do you want me to ask them to leave?” Cam asked.

  “No,” Galla said quickly. “No, that’s not it.”

  “I thought you’d want some privacy for this,” Cam said.

  “Actually, I was hoping…” She trailed off, chewing her lip, then laughed and shook her head. “God, this is so stupid. I feel so stupid.”

  “Tell me what you need,” Cam said.

  She looked at him and her cheeks turned redder, flushed with embarrassment.

  “Can you ask them to come in here?”

  Cam sat back, surprised. “You want me to ask the others to come in?”

  “Please,” she said. “If you wouldn’t mind. I think I need to… you know… get used to them. I mean, if I’m going to be a part of this…” She trailed off, clearly flustered.

  Cam kissed her one more time then stood. He walked to the door, leaving her sitting with her legs spread wide on the bed, chewing her lip. He opened the door to find the girls sprawled on the couch. Felin’s head popped up and she gave him a wolfish grin.

  “Done already?” she a
sked. “The Lord’s daughter too good for you, Cam?”

  He gave her a look. “Not quite.”

  “What’s wrong then?”

  “She wants you all to join us.”

  Felin looked surprised. Miuri and Key both sat up then, staring out at him.

  “Really?” Miuri asked. “Of course, I’d be delighted, but I thought she’d want a little… one on one time, first.”

  Cam looked back at Galla. She had her face turned away, her knees turned inward, and she was staring at the bed, chewing hard on her lip.

  “I think she wants the real experience,” Cam said.

  “Well then, girls,” Miuri said, climbing to her feet. “Let’s indulge our new wife, shall we?”

  Felin jumped up and began to take off her tunic. “I call first shot at the Lord’s daughter,” she said.

  “Easy girl,” Cam said. “I think we should maybe take it slow.”

  Felin laughed, removed her shirt, and threw it on the ground. “You know me, Cam. Slow and gentle isn’t my thing.”

  He smiled at her as she approached, kissed her lips, and palmed a small, firm breast. She lingered and gave out a little growl before walking past him and into the bedroom.

  Galla looked up at Felin as she climbed into bed next to her. Felin kissed Galla’s cheek as Galla’s eyes roamed down her body. Galla reached out and touched Felin’s hips, pulling her closer and kissing her.

  Cam watched Felin and Galla kiss. Galla touched Felin, almost tentative and afraid, her hands brushing against her breasts, her nipples, her wild hair.

  “Off to a good start,” Miuri said, joining Cam at the door.

  “Think she’ll fit in?” Cam asked as Felin shoved Galla down on the bed and climbed on top of her.

  “I think so,” Miuri said. “We’d better get in there before Felin takes advantage of our new wife.”

  Cam smiled as Miuri walked past him and into the room. She removed her sword belt and began to undress as Felin kissed Galla. Cam watched his girls, feeling a surge of pride, as Key lingered a few feet away. He turned and looked at her, head tilted to one side.

  “You don’t have to come in if you’re not ready,” he said.

  “I’m ready,” she said. “I just… I just want you to know that.”


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