Shepherd, Margaret. The Art of the Handwritten Note: A Guide to Reclaiming Civilized Communication. MJF Books, 2010.
“Teresa R. Funke.” Teresa Funke & Company,
Walker’s Chapters. “Why Leonardo da Vinci Wrote Backwards.” Medium, 25 Sept. 2016,
“What Is the Origin of the Ampersand (&)?” Oxford Dictionaries | English,
“Which Letters in the Alphabet Are Used Most Often?” Oxford Dictionaries | English,
“Why Is Handwriting Still Important in the Digital Age? Pen Heaven,
Wild Thyme Creative,
Wilt, Abigail. “Just Like a Southerner, Meghan Markle Appreciates a Handwritten Note.” Southern Living,
Winters, Eleanor. Mastering Copperplate Calligraphy: A Step-by-Step Manual. Dover Publications, 2014.
A note about the index: The pages referenced in this index refer to the page numbers in the print edition. Clicking on a page number will take you to the ebook location that corresponds to the beginning of that page in the print edition. For a comprehensive list of locations of any word or phrase, use your reading system’s search function.
Ampersands, 165–66
Ascender line, 19, 40, 47, 87
Ascenders, 19–22, 29, 40–42, 47, 87–89, 95, 107–9
Base line, 19, 40, 94–95
Basics, 15–26
Bullet journals, 171–72
Calligrams, 177–81
Calligraphy, 181–83
Capital letters. See also Uppercase letters
connecting to lowercase, 91–93
Copperplate style, 66, 68–69, 181
printing, 119–38
Roman capitals, 119–38
Spencerian style, 17, 32, 67–70, 181
variations of, 66–76
Copy work, 173–75
Counters, 20, 29, 40, 94–99
Creative endeavors
ampersands, 165–66
connecting letters, 78–93
cursive, 77–118
double letters, 100–105
flourishes, 20, 106–16, 157, 160, 178–79, 182–83
gifts, 173
ideas for, 168–77
journals, 168, 170–72
mixing print and script, 160
numbers, 161–64
printing, 153–60
punctuation, 161–65
signatures, 116–18
Cross bars, 19, 20, 92, 94–96, 108, 116, 122–23
creative endeavors with, 77–118
double letters, 100–105
flourishes, 20, 106–16, 157, 160, 178–79, 182–83
joining letters, 78–93
lowercase letters, 39–54, 91–93
pitfalls with, 94–99
printing and, 160
signatures in, 116–18
uppercase letters, 55–76, 91–93
Descenders, 19–22, 29, 40–42, 87–89, 95, 107–9
Double letters, 100–105
Downstrokes, 17, 20, 29, 96, 146, 157, 181
Ductus, 20, 92
Flourishes, 20, 106–16, 157, 160, 178–79, 182–83
Gifts, creating, 173
Gratitude journals, 170–71
Guidelines, 18–19, 22, 29, 94–95
art of, 7–8, 27–38
basics of, 15–26
benefits of, 7–8, 12–13, 185
calligrams, 177–81
calligraphy, 181–83
consistency in, 28–32
digital world and, 11–14, 165, 175–77
flourishes, 20, 106–16, 157, 160, 178–79, 182–83
getting started with, 11–38
history of, 16–18
ideas for, 168–77
joining letters, 78–93
margins of paper, 31, 38
paper position for, 25
personality of, 7, 12, 96, 116, 168, 183
posture for, 24–25
practicing, 33–38
pressure of, 31
signatures, 116–18
size of, 28–29, 34
slant of, 29–30, 35
spacing letters, 30, 35, 131, 134–38
speed of, 31, 37
style of, 30–31, 36, 167–85
terms for, 18–20
tools for, 20–24
Italic print
alphabet, 151
lowercase letters, 140–46
uppercase letters, 147–50
Joining letters, 78–93
Journal writing, 14, 168, 170–72
Left-handed writers, 25–26
3/4-square letters, 122–23, 127–29
capital letters, 66–76, 91–93, 119–38, 181
cursive letters, 39–54, 91–93
double letters, 100–105
families of, 43–49, 56–64, 122–30
flourishes, 20, 106–16, 157, 160, 178–79, 182–83
half-square letters, 122–23, 125–26
italic print, 139–52
joining, 78–93
lowercase letters, 39–54, 68–70, 91–93, 140–46, 181
narrow letters, 123, 130
overhand letters, 50–54
printing, 119–38
Roman capitals, 119–38
size of, 28–29, 34
slant of, 29–30, 35
spacing, 30, 35, 131, 134–38
style of, 30–31, 36, 154–60, 167–85
underhand letters, 50–54
uppercase letters, 55–76, 91–93, 147–50
whole-square letters, 122, 124
wide letters, 123, 130
Letter-writing, 172–73
Lists, writing, 169
Lowercase letters
connecting to capitals, 91–93
cursive letters, 39–54, 91–93
families of, 43–49
italic letters, 140–46
overhand letters, 50–54
Spencerian letters, 68–70, 181
underhand letters, 50–54
Majuscule, 19, 64–65. See also Uppercase letters
Margins, 31–32, 38
Minuscule, 19. See also Lowercase letters
Notes, writing, 172
Numbers, 161–64
Pangrams, 50, 53
Paper position, 25
Pen grasps, 23–24
Penmanship. See also Handwriting
art of, 7–8, 27–38
basics of, 15–26
consistency in, 28–32
personality of, 7, 12, 96, 116, 168, 183
terms for, 18–20
tools for, 20–24
Pitfalls, 94–99
Posture, 24–25
Pressure/touch, 31
creative endeavors with, 153–60
italic print, 139–52
Roman capitals, 119–38
style of, 154–60
variations for, 154–60
Punctuation, 161–65
Roman capitals
alphabet, 131–32
copying, 133–38
families of, 122–30
history of, 120
mastering, 120–21
spacing, 131, 134–38
Sans serif, 154–55, 178
Serifs, 121, 154–55, 178, 183
Signatures, 116–18
Size of letters, 28–29, 34
Slant of letters, 29–30, 35
Social media, 165, 175–77
Spacing letters, 30, 35, 131, 134–38
Speed of writing, 31, 37
Style of writing, 30–31, 36, 154–60, 167–85
Troubleshooting tips, 94–99
Uppercase letters. See also Capital letters
connecting to lowercase, 91–93
cursive letters, 55–76, 91–93
families of, 56–64
italic letters, 147–50
Upstrokes, 40, 146, 181
Waist line, 19, 40, 47, 87, 143
italic warm-ups, 140
lowercase warm-ups, 40–43, 140
practice warm-ups, 33
uppercase warm-ups, 56–57
Writing tools, 20–24
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Handwriting samples by Brenna Jordan
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