Step Lover (Forbidden Series Book 2)

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Step Lover (Forbidden Series Book 2) Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  She is beautiful. Her red hair fanning out across my pillow makes me think of all kinds of naughty things, all the things I want to do to her and more.

  Picking up a strand of her hair, I wrap it around my finger, and she lets out a little moan. Lowering the blanket, I expose her heavy tits to my view. I love seeing them swinging in front of my face. Full. Ripe. I can’t wait until they get even bigger and full with milk.

  I want to experience every dirty thing imaginable with this woman.

  I’m going to have it all.

  “How long have you been awake, staring at me?” Kate asks.

  I’d been so busy looking at her tits, I hadn’t noticed her wake up. Cupping the large mounds, I smile. “A while.”

  She lets out a soft whisper as I lower my lips to one peak. Flicking the tip, I watch as she moans this time, arching up.

  “I could get used to this,” I say.

  “Me too.”

  Now that is what I want to hear. This is more than I could have ever hoped for.

  Sucking her nipple into my mouth, I tease the other bud, pinching it to a tight peak and then releasing it.

  Soothing out the ache she has going, I move my hand down her body, moving between her thighs where I find what I want.

  Her pussy is soaking wet.

  Sliding a finger inside her, I push in and out, driving in deep, circling, working her until she moans. Moving the blanket out of my way, I watch as she takes two and three fingers as I fuck her. Last night I had already filled her with my cum, and I want to do the same again. She’s so tight.

  Pulling out of her, I move between her spread thighs, keeping her open. I’m already hard as fucking rock, which is only natural when I’m around her. I can’t seem to control anything. All I feel is the need to be inside her.

  Grabbing my length, I guide myself to her wet entrance, ease the tip within her, and slowly push inside. At first, I moan because it is so fucking perfect, better than I even imagined.

  In and out, I work her, going deeper with every single inch, until she’s taken all of my cock to the hilt. She wraps her legs around my waist. I hold onto her thick, juicy thighs, and begin to pound my way inside her, going deeper every single second.

  I’m fucking her, wanting her more than anything.

  Yes, it feels so good.

  Only, it is never enough.

  Kissing her hard on the lips, I pull out of her and flip her over onto her knees.

  Running my hands across the curves of her ass, I smile to myself. There is nothing more pleasing to me than the sight of her curvy butt.

  I spread her pretty little cheeks and stare down at her puckered hole. I will fuck her there eventually, but it is way too soon to do it today. It doesn’t mean I can’t tease her over it.

  Finding her cunt, I thrust in deep, holding onto her hips as I take her hard and fast, making her have all of me. She whimpers my name, and I can’t stop the ache curling deep inside me.

  Pounding away within her, I look down at her forbidden hole, and know I need to touch her, to prepare her.

  Licking my fingers, I get them nice and wet, and then graze over her asshole.

  At first, she tenses. I don’t imagine her doing anything else.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I’m going to own every single inch of you, and that includes this hole as well.” I’ve waited long enough. “Don’t worry. By the time I take you, you’re going to be more than ready to have me.”

  I push gently against her opening, and she is way too tight to begin with.

  No worries. I can work her.

  “Touch yourself, Kate.”

  She does, and I feel the fluttering in her pussy as she tightens around my length.

  So perfect.

  She’s also a little on the submissive side, and I’ve got no problems with giving her instructions on how to do things. With her distracted, I press against her asshole again, and she pushes back against me, almost fighting but not quite. I ease the tip of one finger inside her, and she lets out a little moan. It’s so fucking cute.

  Pushing past that tight ring of muscles, I stroke in and out of her, feeling her tighten around me, but not pushing me away. I like that.

  When I’ve got one finger inside her, I start to thrust into her pussy. She’s close to another orgasm, and I want to feel her come all over my cock.

  When I add a second finger to her asshole, she moans my name, and then I groan as she comes all over my dick.

  My balls tighten, but I fight for control. I’m not going to explode inside her, not until I’m ready.

  Driving in and out of her, I work her ass, and there is no point in putting off the inevitable. I come hard, filling her pussy as her ass tightens around my fingers and her cunt milks me for every single drop of cum.

  This is only the beginning.

  My woman is going to want for nothing. Everything her heart desires will belong to her.

  Chapter Seven


  “How are things with you and Myron? You both seem to be getting along,” Suzy, my mother, asks.

  I see right through her innocent act. Especially after Myron told me the truth about our parents already knowing.

  “Cut the act, Mom,” I say, washing the dishes. It’s Christmas Eve, and we’ve already had breakfast.

  Myron and Frank are outside, fixing up some last-minute lights Mom purchased. My mom loves this time of year.

  “What? I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  I give her a look because the innocent act is getting really old, really fast.

  “Okay, fine. I know a great deal, but that doesn’t mean I don’t want to know all the details.”

  I finish drying up the last plate, and put the towel down to look at her. “Let me get this straight. You’re happy about me and Myron?”

  “Of course. I’ve known for a while how that boy feels about you.”

  “He’s a grown man, Mom.”

  “I know, but he’ll always be a boy to me, just like you’ll always be my little girl. Your age aside, I know you have to grow up, and when I married Frank, you were upset.”

  “I was happy for you.”

  “Yeah, but in your eyes, I had stopped you from being with your prince.”

  I wrinkle my nose. “Don’t you think it will be weird?”

  “You and Myron? No, why?”

  “It’s just. Everyone knows we’re step … siblings.” Just saying the words is weird.

  Mom throws her head back and laughs. “Honey, I’m starting to think you watch way too many movies and read too much stuff. Honestly, no one will care. You’re not related. You have never grown up together. Nothing is weird about this. In fact, I couldn’t imagine a finer man to take care of my daughter.” Mom holds my chin, looking at me in that loving, supportive mom way she always has.

  I adore her.

  “You really mean that.”

  “Yes, and if what other people think worries you, stop. Screw them. They are living their own life. They shouldn’t care about what you’re doing or who you’re doing it with. It’s legal. You’re in love with him, aren’t you?”

  I look out of the window, and there he is, laughing at something with his dad. He looks so carefree, and yes, I do love him.

  “Yes. More than anything in the world.”

  “I know I’m not saying anything that hasn’t already been said before, but I will give you my thoughts, for what they are worth.” My mom pulls me in for a hug. “Our time here is so short. Life is … precious, Kate. I don’t want you living your life because of other people’s expectations. I want you to live your life however you feel it needs to be lived. Don’t waste your time on worries about what other people will think or feel. Sometimes, you have to be a little selfish.” She kisses the top of my head.

  “I love you, Mom.”

  “I love you too.”

  She holds me close, like she used to when I was a child.

  “Are we
interrupting something?” Frank asks as they open the door, blowing in some snow and a whole lot of cold.

  “Nothing.” My mom pulls away from me with that secretive smile of hers. “Just girl talk. Hot chocolate?”

  Myron comes toward me, pulling me close.

  Then with our parents watching, he kisses me. It’s the first time we’ve been openly intimate in front of our parents, but rather than feeling weird, it’s right.

  “You okay?”

  “Let’s leave them to it,” my mom says.

  Within seconds we’re alone, and Myron holds me.

  “Is everything okay?” he asks.

  “Everything is more than fine. My mom, she is just putting a whole load of things into perspective for me.”

  “Like what?”

  “Like … that I love you and I shouldn’t worry about what other people think or feel.”

  He laughs. “I did tell you that.”

  “You didn’t have it with all of my mom’s wisdom. She knows what she is talking about.” I chuckle.

  “Then does this mean I’m not going to have you fighting me?”

  “No. I’m not going to fight you. I don’t know how we’re going to make this work with me finishing up college.”

  “Easy. I’ve got a cell phone, and we can talk to each other whenever we want. You can tell me about your classes. We’ll make this work because it is what we both want.”

  “Good.” Then, I kiss him. “Because I really, really want to.”

  It’s the truth.

  I haven’t put up much of a fight, but why would I fight something I really want? I love him. I need him. I want to be with him. It’s stupid to fight that.



  On Christmas Eve night there is always a small parade to celebrate the festive season. Drinks, food, and good cheer are always plentiful, and tonight is no different.

  I’m standing back, watching Kate with her mother.

  She has accepted me, us, which was all I wanted.

  I did see a couple of people noticed us together. I don’t care what they think. Kate is mine, and she should have been mine for a hell of a lot longer.

  “I’m really proud of you, son,” my dad says.


  “You did as I asked. You waited. It was all I could have hoped for.”

  “I didn’t do anything great or meaningful.”

  “No, but you took your time, and that’s what she needed. It’s also what you needed.”

  “My feelings for her haven’t changed. They’ve only ever gotten stronger.”

  “I know, but there is no doubt in what you want. When you realize it, you’re like me. You’re stubborn. You’ll go after what you want until you get it.”

  I know my dad would clap me on the back if his hands weren’t so full.

  Hearing his praise, even now, I’m happy. I’m doing the right thing.

  “I’m going to ask her to marry me,” I say. The ring is already in my pocket. I turn to my father to see the shock in his face.


  “Yes. I’ve got the ring.”

  “Don’t you think you’re moving a little fast?”

  “No. As far as I’m concerned, I haven’t been moving fast enough. I’m going to make her mine before anyone can even have the chance of looking in her eyes and telling her to pick someone else.”

  Frank laughs. “Kate loves you. I can see it. I’ve known for a long time. She has tried to fight it. Badly, but you two, you’re both meant to be together. I can see that now. You’re perfect for one another.”

  The crowd cheers as the parade finishes. Kate and Suzy come back to us.

  I hand Kate her soup back, a nice warm vegetable one. I know she likes it.

  “This is so good.” I hold her hand as I drink my own soup.

  “Let’s head back.”

  We walk two by two, back to the house. Suzy glances back at us, and Kate is too busy looking at the decorated houses to see. She gives me a big thumbs-up and quickly turns back.

  “I want a nice big house one day,” Kate says. She leans in close. “And I want a dozen kids. Maybe more.”

  I laugh. “If you think you’re putting me off with this little demand, you’re so wrong.”

  “I’m not. I figure you should know the truth. The woman you love wants a gazillion kids.”

  “What you need to understand, baby, to give you those gazillion kids, I get to fuck you.”

  “Do you think I’ll be a good mom?”

  “I have no reason to doubt it. You’re a good person, Kate.” I kiss her hand.

  The dogs need a walk by the time we get home. Kate and I decide to be the ones to offer.

  Frank and Suzy look at me expectantly, but they don’t know what I’ve got planned for the proposal. I’ve been wanting to marry this girl for some time.

  “Do you think our parents are acting weird?” Kate asks.

  She’s got Bernice again while I have the others.


  “I don’t know. They had a bit of giggling going on. Hearing Frank giggle is weird.”

  I chuckle. “It’s Christmas. Their favorite time of the year. I wouldn’t worry about it so much.”

  We head back home after the dogs have all done their business. Kate heads upstairs first. Our parents are nowhere in sight, and once I close up all downstairs, I make my way up. I take a quick shower, but rather than go to my room, I go straight to Kate’s. She’s already in bed.

  Rather than send me off, she pulls back the blankets and pats the bed.

  The moment I have her in my arms, I can feel myself get tired. My cock is rock-hard, but I just want to hold her tonight.

  “I love you, Kate,” I say. “So fucking much.” I kiss her neck and feel her warmth spread around me.

  “I love you too.”

  I think it’s the first time she’s ever said it to me, and just hearing it brings me peace.

  Chapter Eight


  On Christmas morning, I wake up really excited. I don’t know why. I’m not a kid anymore, but there is a sense of happiness surrounding me. Throwing the covers off, I use the bathroom, brush my teeth, and then race downstairs and get to the bottom to realize Myron, Mom, and Frank are already in the living room waiting.

  They’ve been talking, and the moment they spot me, they all go silent.

  “Did I interrupt something?” I pause and wonder what they could have been discussing.

  Myron turns to me with a smile, and I love that smile so damn much. He slept in my bed last night, and there were a few moments throughout the night when I woke with his arms wrapped around me. It was the greatest feeling in the world.

  Now I realize I’m wearing pajamas, and I don’t care if I look a mess or cute or whatever.

  He’s looks at me as if I’m his entire world, and there is no greater feeling as far as I’m concerned. He is my world as well. I love him so much.

  “You didn’t interrupt anything,” Myron gets to his feet and comes toward me. He kisses my cheek, and even in front of our parents that still feels a little weird, but I’m getting used to it.

  “Actually, we were all talking about when you were going to wake up,” Myron says.

  “I remember when you were little. You’d always be awake by five and bouncing around the house.”

  “Why didn’t you wake me?” I ask.

  I’m so happy.

  “Because, I wanted you to get enough sleep.”


  “For this.”

  Myron lowers himself down onto one knee, and at first, I am really confused why my tired state would be in any way a problem.

  He’s on one knee.

  Then I see the box.

  And I just know.

  “Oh, my,” I say.

  “I wanted this moment to be really special. For you to realize exactly what you mean to me. I love you more than anything else in the world. I want you to be my wife, an
d I want to give you everything your heart desires. You’re my future, Kate. I love every single part of you, and I will do whatever it takes to make you happy.”

  “Yes,” I say. There really is no point in arguing. I love this man more than anything. He is my life, my world, my everything. I want him.


  “Yes. I have no doubt. I love you, Myron.”

  My mom cheers, and Frank laughs. I don’t care as Myron takes me in his arms, kisses me hard, and I just know I’ve made the best decision of my life.

  Suddenly, I have to pull away. “What about college?”

  “I can wait, Kate.” He tucks some of my messed-up hair behind my ear. “For you I can wait until the end of the world. You’ll finish college, and we’ll marry, and the rest of the time, it’s our life.”

  “You can really wait that long?”


  He pulls me close, kisses me, and I know I wouldn’t be waiting forever to have this man as mine.

  Just so long as it takes to arrange a wedding for me is all it will take.



  One month later

  I really didn’t expect to be here right now.

  Staring at the bathroom door waiting for my wife to walk out on our wedding night. I was more than willing to wait until college was finished, but my beautiful, sexy wife had other ideas. With the help of the town and her mother, we only had a month to wait.

  The ring on my finger was a brand to my heart.

  The love of my life.

  The door opens, and there she stands in a white negligee, lacy, flowing, leaving nothing to the imagination yet keeping it all so very … elegant. Words are useless with how I feel just watching her.

  “Hello, husband.”

  “Hello, wife.” My cock is already hard as rock, and I want her.

  I go to her, pull her close, kiss her neck, and relish her giggle. “I fucking love you, do you know that?

  “I do.”

  I’d spoken the same words not too long ago, and I couldn’t help but growl just a little. Just two simple words, four in total that bound us together for the rest of our lives.

  Cupping her tits, sliding down to her ass, I can’t get enough, and just want to touch and hold her every single chance I get. Nothing is good enough anymore. I can’t take it and move her back to the bed. She still has to go back to college, and I’m currently working on securing us a house.


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