Step Lover (Forbidden Series Book 2)

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Step Lover (Forbidden Series Book 2) Page 6

by Sam Crescent

  He didn’t have time to remove his clothing. Charging into the ring, he shoved Deadman off her, crouching over her body. He sensed Carlos near him. Keeping his gaze on Deadman, he saw that the man recognized him.

  Staring at his brand-new opponent, Drago got to his feet.

  “You will fight me,” he said.

  Ben entered the ring, and Drago glared at him.

  “My man will take Belle, and then you and I are going to have a talk.”

  “That’s not the deal,” Ben said. “She knows what she’s got to do.”

  Drago stepped forward. “You want to run that deal by me again, fucker?”

  “Ladies and gentlemen, it looks like this fight has just gotten interesting.”

  While Ben dealt with the audience and the change in fight he moved toward Carlos. “Get her out of here.”

  “I can’t. No. My baby,” Belle said. She was gasping, clutching her stomach.

  He cupped her cheek, tilting her head back. One of her eyes was already swollen shut and the other was getting there.

  “I’ll get your baby, Belle. Do you remember me?”

  She frowned and nodded, then winced.

  “Carlos is my friend. He’ll take care of you. That I promise you. I’ll get your little girl back, and this business will be settled.”

  He nodded at Carlos and waited for the man to leave before he turned back to the fight. Deadman and Ben were talking.

  Rolling up the sleeves of his shirt, he stared at Deadman. He’d been hitting Belle repeatedly, hurting her, blow by blow, and he was fucking done with monsters like this. He was going to make this fucker pay, and then he was going to deal with Ben.

  He listened for the sound of the gong, the urge to kill running through his bones. He had to do this to protect her.

  The gong sounded, and he charged. Slamming his fist against the fucker’s face, Drago allowed himself to release the beast within him. All it took was picturing Belle’s broken body for him to hurt Deadman. Within seconds he had his opponent on the floor, and he kept on hitting him until Deadman collapsed, tapping his hand out.

  When he was sure the man wouldn’t get back up again, he focused on Ben.

  “It was an all or nothing fight,” Ben said. “Kill him or you get nothing.”

  Drago took a step toward him. Ben made to step back, but Drago caught him by the collar, pulling him up against him. “I want her kid, and I want her now. You want to take me on, Ben, try me. I know you. You try to hide from me, I will find you. I will kill you, but I’ll make it hurt first. Do you understand me?”

  “This is not your fight.”

  “It became my fight the moment you entered her in it for the death. You were going to kill her, and what, groom her kid to take her place?”

  “That bitch made a fucking mint when she was younger. A lot of people like to see kids beating the shit out of each other among other things.”

  Drawing his head back, he slammed it forward, knocking Ben out. He’d get Belle’s kid back, and then he’d make it his personal mission to destroy every last one of these assholes.

  End of sample chapter




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