Rescued: An Everyday Heroes World Novel (The Everyday Heroes World)

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Rescued: An Everyday Heroes World Novel (The Everyday Heroes World) Page 12

by Evan Grace

  Gwen grabs my wrist and I pull my fingers from her. She pulls them up to her mouth and sucks one digit into her mouth, causing me to groan because it’s the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.

  She releases it with a pop and then kisses me, letting me taste her. Fuck, this girl undoes me. I grab my wallet out of my jeans pocket. Gwen grabs it from me, pulls the condom out, and while I rip open my jeans, she opens the packet.

  Once my cock is out, Gwen slides it down and then she’s positioning herself over me and sinks down on my dick. We both groan together as she begins to ride me. Behind me, she grabs on to the back of the sofa as she moves above me. The fact that we’re both fully clothed makes it hotter.

  “You know how to ride my cock, don’t you?” Her eyes are closed, but still she nods. I grab onto her hips and then slide my hands down until I encounter her bare ass. With a cheek in each hand I begin fucking up into her. “Rub your clit, baby.”

  I watch as she reaches between her legs, making little circles. She opens her eyes, holding my stare as I feel her begin to come. Gwen’s mouth opens in a wordless cry, but I can feel how hot, wet, and tight she gets. I pull her down, kissing her as I begin to pump once, twice, and then plant myself deep. I grab her lip with my teeth, not hard enough to hurt, but enough that she gives a little moan.

  Gwen collapses on my chest and I wrap my arms around her. “It just keeps getting better and better.” I kiss her forehead. “I take it you’ll move in with me?”

  She pushes up, her hair creating a curtain of strawberry blonde around us. “Yes, I’ll move in with you.” Her smile is breathtaking, and I pull her down for a kiss.

  “I know this is kind of awkward to talk about, but what if we did away with condoms? I’ll get tested and if you want to get tested, and once we get the results back, we can ditch them.”

  “Really? Oh wow, well I need to go on birth control first. I haven’t really had a need for it, but I’m happy to do it.”

  I pull her down for another kiss. “That’s good, baby. Now why don’t we get cleaned up, hop on the bike, and go grab dinner at this great little crab shack in San Jose.”

  “That sounds great.” She kisses me before hopping up and disappearing down the hall.



  This week is another week that Maverick is working crazy hours. We’ve barely seen each other, but it’s probably a good thing because—well, let me start from the beginning of the week.

  First, they questioned Tawney, but she denied having anything to do with what happened to my car. I think she’s a liar and I’m a hundred percent sure it was her, but without proof, I can’t do anything.

  Dad made me promise that I would behave myself and since I don’t want to go back to jail, I can do that. I saw her the day after they talked to her at the grocery store, and luckily, she stayed far away from me.

  I still didn’t have my car back—I’ve been using Maverick’s Jeep. It’s been fun driving around with the top off, the wind blowing in my hair, and Butch as my companion.

  I called my gynecologist to schedule an appointment to get on the pill, but when I hung up, it hit me that my period was almost two weeks late. It’s happened before due to stress, and since I’ve been home, it’s been one stressful thing after another.

  I decided to buy a pregnancy test anyway and did it in the bathroom at Bertha’s Café. The test came back positive thirty seconds in. The other two tests were the same, and I wrapped them in paper towels, burying them in the trashcan.

  I kept it together as I drove back to Maverick’s, or I should say our place, even though I hadn’t moved my stuff in yet. I kept it together until I crawled onto our bed and cried. I never saw myself as a mom, always assuming I’d be traveling the rest of my life.

  Maverick certainly didn’t seem like the kid having type. We’ve been so careful, I didn’t know how it happened. He was going to kick me out when I told him, or at least that’s what I convinced myself.

  Luckily, I was asleep before Maverick got home that night. I woke up sometime in the night and his hand was covering my stomach. He woke up when I rolled over, in his arms, and we ended up making love. Afterward, we thankfully both fell back asleep.

  I’ve been avoiding him since. At least until my appointment with the gynecologist which is where I am now.

  “Gwen?” I look up at the nurse who comes to get me. Luckily, I don’t know her because people in this town can sometimes be gossipers. I follow her into the back and she weighs me before leading me to the bathroom. “We need a urine sample. The instructions are on the metal door. Make sure to write your name on the cup. When you come out, you’re in room two.”

  After I pee in the cup, I head into the exam room and sit on the table so the nurse can take my vitals.

  “Okay, go ahead and get undressed. Gown open in the front and paper drape over your lap. It says that you want to get a prescription for birth control pills?”

  “Um… well I did, but I’m about ninety-nine percent sure that I’m pregnant. I’ll need whatever kind of exam that confirms it.” I’m proud of myself for being so calm.

  She steps out after I tell her when my last period was. While I wait, I quickly change into the itchy gown and then climb back on the table, covering my lap with the paper drape.

  A few minutes later there’s a knock on the door and Dr. Rice steps inside the room. “Hi, Gwen. How’re we doing?” She’s been my doctor since I was sixteen.

  “I’m okay, freaking out a little bit.” I pick at my thumbnail.

  She pulls her stool over and sits down by me. “I take it this was not a planned pregnancy.”

  I shake my head.

  “Do you need me to refer you to a clinic?”

  Did I? Or did I keep it and possibly end up raising this baby alone? Of course, I won’t truly be alone because my family would be there. “No, I’m keeping the baby.”

  Dr. Rice nods and then begins the exam. When she’s finished, she has determined I’m seven and a half weeks along, she’s done an STD screening, scheduled some lab work, and gave me a prescription for prenatal vitamins.

  On my way out, I schedule my next appointment. I tuck the card in my wallet as I step out of the office. When I reach Maverick’s Jeep, I hear my name being called, and my baby daddy is coming toward me, looking fine as hell, as usual, in his uniform.

  “What’s up, baby?” He pulls me into his arms, hugging me tight. “I’ve missed you. I feel like I haven’t seen you in a week,” Maverick tells me, and it’s true we haven’t seen each other except when we have sex late at night.

  I smile up at him, and he kisses my lips. “Did you just have your appointment?”

  I try to keep my voice calm. “I did.”

  “Well, how did it go?” He brushes my hair back and rubs his thumb back and forth over my cheek.

  “It was good. I got my prescription and was heading to the pharmacy to fill it.” I smile up at him. “I’m so happy you’re off for the next three days. Just to warn you, I’m not letting you out of bed.” My smile is cheeky, and he bites at my neck, causing me to squeal.

  Hopefully he buys it because I need time to figure out how to tell him that we’re having a baby.

  “That sounds like heaven, babe. I can’t wait.”

  We kiss one more time before I climb into his Jeep and he walks back to his squad SUV.

  “How am I going to tell him?” I whisper to myself as I back out of the parking spot and head home.

  The scent of bacon hits me, making my stomach growl. I grab my phone off the nightstand and see it’s two o’clock in the afternoon.

  When Maverick got home from work last night, he woke me after he took a shower. It was hours after that before he finally let me pass out, but I did it completely sated.

  I crawl out of bed and throw on one of Maverick’s t-shirts. Across the hall, I step into the bathroom and use the facilities. After I wash my face and brush my teeth, I head out to the kitchen and find my man stan
ding at the stove cooking.

  He turns to smile at me as I step farther into the kitchen. “Come here.” When I am close enough, he grabs me and pulls me into his arms. “I didn’t think you were ever gonna get up.”

  “Well maybe if someone didn’t keep me up late, I wouldn’t have slept all day.” I give him a sassy grin. “How long have you been up?”

  “Only a half hour.”

  I swat at him and he dips me, kissing me deep before letting me go. “Do you want me to whip up some eggs?”

  “Yeah babe, that’d be great.”

  Starting on the eggs, my stomach does a little flip, reminding me that I need to tell Maverick I’m pregnant, but not yet—I’m not ready. After cracking the eggs, I start beating them, adding a little half and half, salt, pepper, and butter. The eggs always taste so much better this way.

  I set the bowl aside and grab the orange juice out of the refrigerator. The coffee beckons me, but I don’t think I’m supposed to have it. Of course, he’ll know something is up if I don’t drink some, so maybe I’ll just make a little cup and pretend to drink it.

  Once breakfast or brunch, whatever, is done we take our plates outside and eat on the back deck. “What did you do this week while I was working?” he asks before grabbing a slice of bacon and popping it into his mouth.

  “Butch and I spent a lot of time exploring. I hung out with my family a little. I’ve been thinking about looking for a job.”

  Maverick’s eyes widen. “What about your travel vlog?”

  That’s the million-dollar question, what am I going to do about it? I’ll be able to travel in the beginning, but there will be stuff that I won’t be able to do anymore. My savings isn’t going to sustain me forever and with a baby coming, I’m going to need health insurance.

  “I still plan on doing it. I’ll do shorter trips, and maybe I could turn that into a thing. You know, weekend trips on a budget, making the most of a short period of time.”

  “That sounds great. Do you know where you’re going to look for a job?”

  After high school, I didn’t go to college, opting to travel instead. Now I’m thinking that wasn’t smart because I have no skills, or at least none that would help make finding a job easier.

  “I thought maybe I’d ask around and see if anyone I know is hiring and then maybe start searching online.”

  “I’ll keep an eye out for anything too. Did your dad tell you that Tawney is denying vandalizing your car?”

  I nod.

  “None of the neighbors saw anything either. Honestly, I know she did it. You know she did it, but we just can’t prove it.”

  We finish our food and take our dishes inside. It’s a nice day and we decide to take Butch for a walk. Hand in hand, we walk down the street. The dog leading the way with a little doggie swagger.

  This time next year I’ll be someone’s mom. That’s some scary shit. Am I really ready to be a parent? Of course, I doubt anyone is truly ready to become one. As we walk, I go over multiple scenarios in my head about how it’ll go when I tell Maverick. My stomach turns because of course they’re all bad.

  “Hey.” He pulls on my hand. I look up at him. “Are you okay? You’re being quiet.”

  I let go of his hand and wrap my arm around his waist. “Sorry, I’m just super tired for some reason.” It’s not a total lie.

  We turn back and make small talk on the way back. Once home, I kick off my shoes, collapse on the bed, and pass out.



  I’m in love with Gwen and I’ve yet to tell her. I don’t know what I’m doing and what if she doesn’t feel the same, although I think she does. I’ve never felt this off kilter before.

  Today is day three of my three days off and I’m grilling steaks, baking twice-baked potatoes, and boiling corn on the cob. I thought after dinner tonight I could take her to the ocean and tell her under the stars how I feel.

  This guy is not me, but for her I want to do it in a way that she’ll always remember. I look out the kitchen window and see that she’s weeding a flower bed next to the shed and Butch is lying on the grass next to her. That dog is a traitor because if she’s home then he’s always next to her.

  While I watch them, I smile because Gwen stops every few minutes to give our boy some love. I was happy and somewhat relieved when she said that she was going to be looking for a job around here—call me selfish, but I wasn’t jazzed about her being gone a lot.

  Gwen’s an addiction that I hope I never cure, as cheesy as that sounds. I don’t want to fuck this up, and I know I’m going to make mistakes, but she’s it for me. I can’t picture my life without her in it.

  Fuck, I sound like a pussy right now, but I can’t find it in me to care. I want to treat her like the queen she is. Dad wasn’t the best role model before he split. It was no love lost when he took off, and as hard as it was for Mom, I swear she breathed a sigh of relief when he left.

  I open the sliding door. “Babe?” I wait until she looks up, smiling at me. “How about we eat an early dinner and afterward I take you for a ride?”

  Gwen stands up, pulling off the gardening gloves she bought. She smiles as she walks toward me. “That sounds like a plan.” Her mouth opens wide in a jaw-cracking yawn.

  “Are you sure you’re okay? You’ve been tired a lot lately.”

  “I’m fine. I promise. My sleep schedule is just a little wonky from getting up in the middle of the night with you.” Gwen wraps her arms around my waist. “Not that I’m complaining.” She leans in, kissing the base of my throat.

  “Go take a nap and I may join you.” When she turns to walk away, I swat her ass, smiling when she gives a little “yelp” and a hop.

  Dinner dishes are cleaned up and Gwen comes out of the bedroom in jeans that fit her like a motherfucking glove. Her white tank top is tucked into them and she’s got a thick cardigan in her hand.

  I let Butch out one more time before we lock up and head out to my bike. The scenery is fucking magnificent. The sky is a pinkish orange as the sun starts to set. I decide to take her to a bluff instead of the ocean, but from that spot you can see the ocean and at this time of day, it’s beautiful.

  I pull into the parking lot and shut my bike off and wait for Gwen to climb off before I do the same. Hand in hand, we walk over to a bench that overlooks everything. “Wow,” she whispers.

  I let go of her hand and slide my arm around her shoulders, hugging her into my side. “Right. From up here you can see everything.”

  Gwen rests her head on my shoulder and sighs. I press my lips against her forehead. “I wanted to come out here today to talk.”

  She freezes next to me, pulls back, looking up at me. “About what?”

  Okay, I just need to do it like ripping a Band-Aid off. “Gwen, I-I’m in love with you.”

  Gwen doesn’t say anything at first and I worry that this has all happened too fast and now I’ve scared her off. She pushes her sunglasses up into her hair and gets up on her knees next to me. Her eyes shining bright, she smiles at me. With hands soft and smooth, she cups my face.

  “I’m in love with you, too.”

  I pull her down and kiss her roughly. She moves to straddle my lap—her lips still fused with mine. My dick is so hard right now, but there is no way I could fuck her here.

  Her tears are unexpected, and I kiss each one away, but she’s smiling so I know they’re happy tears. “Should we head home? I need to get you naked.” Gwen nods. “Let’s go.”

  On the way back to our place, she’s got her arms wrapped around me tightly. We get back to the house and the minute we’re inside, I’m kicking the door shut and pulling her into my arms. “Meet me in bed naked. I’m gonna let Butch out really quick.”

  She hustles down the hall while I let the dog out, luckily, he does his business and comes right back in. My dick gets hard as I step inside my room. Gwen is completely nude, sitting on her knees in the middle of our bed. Her hair is wild all around her shoul

  I strip off my shirt, quickly shuck my jeans and boxer briefs. Her eyes drop to my cock and she licks her lips. “See something you like?”

  “Maybe,” she says saucily.

  I crawl onto the bed and move until we’re almost touching. “I love you, Gwen.”

  “I love you, too.”

  Our kiss is slow at first, but I deepen it as I lay her down on her back. I cage her in and smile down at her. “Are you ready to be fucked, baby?”

  She nods and I move down her body. I bend her legs and spread them. Her pussy glistens, making my mouth water. I lean in and the first swipe of my tongue has her crying out. Her fingers dig into my hair and she thrusts her hips up. I give her another lick and then suck her clit into my mouth.

  I press one finger inside her, pull it out and push two back inside. I tap her G-spot as I suck her clit into my mouth.

  “I’m gonna come.” She moans.

  I give it a little nip and she explodes. Her pussy gets hot and wet as her channel squeezes my fingers. I kiss my way up her body and reach over her to grab a condom. “I’ll be happy when we’re done with these,” I whisper.

  I tear open the wrapper and quickly sheath myself. Grabbing my dick, I rub it through her arousal before lining it up with her opening and thrusting inside her. I wrap my hand around her thigh, lifting it higher and sinking deeper inside her. I begin to move slowly in and out of her.

  Gwen wraps her arms around my shoulder, leans up, and kisses me. I kiss her like I’m fucking her, slow and steady. Her eyes stay connected with mine as we move together as one. I spread her legs with mine, swallowing her cries as I sink deeper inside her.

  In no time at all, I feel the beginning of her orgasm. I love how quickly she explodes for me. I pull my lips away from hers. “Are you coming for me, baby?”

  I reach between us and rub her clit until her neck arches, and she comes with a cry. As she tightens around me, I pick up the pace and begin to fuck her with a wildness that makes me worried that I’m hurting her, but her cries are pleasure-filled.


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