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Ashes Page 13

by Lauralana Dunne

  Phoenix nodded and dashed down the hall. She grabbed a drying sheet from the shelf and took it to the bathing pools. She shed her clothing quickly, leaving only her pendant on, and hurried into the water. She was pleasantly surprised to find that the water was heated and didn’t carry the outside chill that she was expecting. With a soft sigh, Phoenix slipped the rest of the way in and pushed herself around the shallow pool. Dunking her head under the water, she used her fingers to pull the dirt and the tangles from her hair.

  She was dismayed to realize exactly how many snarls her curls had produced over the past few days working the harvest and running from Stormhounds… No wonder people were looking at her strangely.

  Surfacing, she took a liberal amount of powdered scrubroot and vigorously rubbed her scalp and skin until she felt clean. Rinsing the lather from her body, she reluctantly climbed out of the pool and dried herself off with the sheet.

  Loathe to redress in dirty clothes, she took the chance that no one was around and ran up the stairs and back to her room in only the towel.

  “And then he just told her to leave!” Rae vented angrily to Sylvia. She looked up as Phoenix entered the room. Her face colored and she stopped, embarrassed.

  “All right you two. Think no more on it,” Sylvia said briskly, standing and flicking her skirts with more force than was necessary.

  Rae bit her lip and avoided Phoenix’s gaze. “It wasn’t Phoenix’s fault,” Rae cried desperately.

  “Leave it,” Sylvia said firmly. “I mean it. It’ll be taken care of.” She fixed Rae with a stern glance, then, giving Phoenix’s shoulder a pat, she left the room.

  Phoenix watched her leave, feeling mystified. “Wha’ did she mean ‘it’ll be taken care of’?”

  Rae shrugged and ground her foot into the floor, watching it intently as she did so.

  Phoenix returned her attention to getting ready and walked over to her bed. She felt giddy as she looked through her new clothing and picked out an outfit. She’d never had her choice between so many clothes before! Somehow the problems from earlier seemed farther away compared to her current excitement.

  “Oh, Phoenix, I’m sorry!” Rae breathed. “She was asking questions about the lesson. I didn’t know what to do…”

  Phoenix dropped her towel and changed quickly, slipping a worn belt around her waist to secure her tunic over her trous.

  “S’okay,” she told the girl with a shrug. “She would’ve heard about it anyways. I’m jus’ glad it’s from someone on my side.”

  “So, you’re not mad?” Rae asked hopefully.




  Rae threw her arms open and hugged her, and Phoenix couldn’t help but realize that the idea of personal space was a lot different in Castle Angor.

  “I’m so glad!” Rae exclaimed excitedly. “If you’re ready, we can head down to the hall. The rest of the girls have already left, and Sophie and Elise have seats saved for us. You must be starving.”

  Phoenix ran her fingers through her clean hair and sighed happily. “Let’s go!” she agreed, her stomach grumbling at the mention of food.

  Grinning, Rae swung open the door and led the way to the hall.


  Rae and Phoenix joined Sophie and Elise, who were already gossiping in their seats. They were giggling and shooting coveted glances towards the Head Table. Phoenix looked around the room and noticed that many of the girls from different tables were doing the same thing.

  “He’s here!” Sophie hissed as the two sat. She gave a giddy giggle and looked back to the front of the room. Phoenix followed her gaze to see Prince Hallan talking amicably to the noblewoman next to him. She seemed to be just as enamored with him as the rest of the girls. She kept smiling at him, and laughingly touched his arm whenever he paused talking in order to take a sip of wine.

  “Are you okay, Phoenix?” Elise asked with concern, her full attention on Phoenix. “We couldn’t find you after you left Master Weston’s this morning.”

  “I’m surprised she’d show her face at all,” a voice said haughtily.

  Phoenix turned to find Brianna standing behind her; Jenny at her side. She eyed Phoenix’s wet curls with disdain. “I hear that the babes of Castle Angor start their lessons soon - maybe you can join them.” Brianna smirked, and Jenny snickered beside her. “I’m sure they’d be able to help you with yours.”

  Stung, Phoenix clenched her hands under the table. “Wha’s your problem anyways, Brianna?” Phoenix demanded. “I ain’t done nothin’ t’ offend you!”

  Brianna stalked forward, leaning in so that her seaglass eyes were a hand length from Phoenix’s face. “Your very presence offends me,” she hissed.

  Hastily, Phoenix drew back from the girl’s venomous expression.

  “You show up, unannounced, without even a decent pair of clothes to your Bloodless name, blunder your way into the castle, and then we civilized ladies get stuck with you while others who are more deserving are forced to wait. It makes me sick.” Brianna’s cheeks were flushed with an anger which her low voice could not fully express.

  Rae looked outraged. “Master Malcourt brought her, Brianna! You know the rules. If a Master-”

  “Ha!” Jenny cut her off. “’Master’? More like ‘Freak’!”

  Brianna shot Rae a smoldering glare. “You stay out of this, sculler, or I’ll set to you, too.”

  Rae’s face turned bright red, but she drew herself up and returned Brianna’s glare.

  A gong sounded, signifying that the meal was about to begin. Straightening with a wicked smile, Brianna and Jenny gave the group a mocking wave and went to sit with their rank.

  With a huff, Phoenix turned her attention back to the table and the platters of food that was being passed around. Reminded of Millie and the condescending way in which the girl treated her back at Avondale, resentment washed over her, souring her mood.

  Picking up a cutting utensil, she speared the offered food with more force than was necessary and caused the meat platter to tip and fall onto the table. Rae, coming to her rescue, righted it nimbly and passed it on while Elise used her napkin to mop up some of the spilled juices.

  “Pay no mind, Phoenix,” Rae said lightly, putting on a bright face. “Once we get you settled in the kitchens you’ll be so busy you won’t have time to worry about what Brianna thinks.” She looked to Elise and Sophie for encouragement, and the two nodded their heads in agreement. “Besides,” Rae continued, her eyes twinkling. “You heard what the Healer said. Leave everything to her.”

  Phoenix sighed loudly, then gave a sheepish smile. “Okay,” she conceded, trying her best to shove the encounter from her mind. “Who asked Brianna, anyways, right?”

  The three nodded their agreement. Despite her skipped meal earlier, Phoenix found that her enthusiasm for her food had vanished. She picked at the food in front of her until she found an opportune moment to slip her sliced meat to one of the dogs under the table.

  Sullenly, she scanned the noisy hall. Malcourt was still unaccounted for, and Sylvia was nowhere to be seen. The woman barely mentioned him earlier, or what he had been doing since they arrived.

  Phoenix squashed the feelings of frustration that were threatening to take over. He was very encouraging that she come here considering he had been absent since she arrived.

  Even with her new friends’ encouragement, she was unable to rid herself of the sick sensation in her stomach.

  At the end of the meal, servers walked between the tables with platters full of delicate cakes. Sophie took two and handed the larger one to Phoenix. “Sorry about earlier,” she said softly, her dark eyes downcast. It was the first time the girl had spoken to her since morning’s meal. “I didn’t realize... I didn’t think Master Weston would single you out like that.”

  Phoenix forced a smile. “It’s alrigh’. It wasn’t your fault.”

  Sophie smiled at her bravado. “Everyone has it rough the first we
ek or so, but you’ll find your place soon. It’ll take a little while, but once you get settled nothing else will really bother you.”

  Phoenix was taken aback by the girl’s serious tone, but she found that it made her feel better. “Thanks Sophie.”

  Sophie grinned and took a bite of her cake.

  Phoenix did the same. The cake was delicious, but the dryness in her mouth made the crumbs stick to the back of her throat. Hastily she washed it down with a mouthful of tea.

  She watched her new friends talking around her, but every now and then she glanced over to Brianna’s end of the table. Watching. Assessing. Something needed to change if she was to live with the girl all next season, and Phoenix was determined to figure out what that could be.


  The kitchens were busy despite the early hour, and Phoenix wondered how the rest of the castle was not awakened from the noises of the morning’s activities.

  She hadn’t slept well the previous evening, so she helped herself to an extra splash of tea as she and Rae changed into their kitchen clothes.

  “All right! Here are your assignments, people!” Tessa’s voice cut through the din and silenced all but the most necessary of noises. “Rae, you’re helping Hester this morning.” Phoenix heard Rae’s soft groan. “You two are to concentrate on desserts, so make sure that the pie crust is actually edible, please. Abby, you’re to head up meats. Jesse, you’re veg. Stef: breads. The rest of you, report to your section leaders. Section three are the runners for this morning’s shift. Let’s feed a hungry castle, people!” She clapped her hands and the kitchens became busy again.

  “You’re with me, Phoenix,” Tessa beckoned to her. Phoenix nodded and followed her. “We’re going to cook morning’s meal.” Tessa led the way to the giant cooking stoves. “Eggs,” Tessa told her, pointing to a large bowl that held what Phoenix thought was a week’s supply of eggs, “and meats. We cook the main orders here, then pass it down the line to be completed. Understand?”

  Phoenix nodded. She was used to cooking morning’s meal, but she was unprepared for the quantity that she had to make. She was thankful that Tessa was there to keep her from falling behind. At first the individual orders didn’t seem too overwhelming, but once more of the castle was awake, Phoenix was hardly keeping up when Tessa announced that they had to begin preparing the hall meal.

  Phoenix wiped a stray hair out of her face with the back of her hand and cleaned the large iron pan in front of her. She was unaware of the man standing by her elbow until he spoke.

  “Excuse me,” a deep voice asked. “Am I too late for a meal?”

  Tessa jerked to attention upon hearing the voice. Setting down her spatula, she wiped her hands on the front of her apron.

  “No, Your Highness. Of course not.”

  Phoenix looked up to see Prince Hallan standing beside her, waiting patiently with his hands clasped behind his back.

  He smiled at her, a dashing smile that lit up his face, and Phoenix felt her legs lose some of their strength. He was much more attractive than she’d first thought. Up close, his vibrant eyes were a striking emerald green. They were bright as they watched her, assessing her - making her feel like she was the only person in the room - and Phoenix understood why his dining companions were always so enraptured when he spoke.

  She was dimly aware of Tessa asking her to put some fresh loaves on a tray. Once she realized that the two adults were looking at her, she moved swiftly to the baking section only to find that Rae had already assembled a tray with drinks and glasses for her. Phoenix shot her a grateful look, and Rae grinned and fanned herself with her hand.

  Phoenix returned to Tessa in time for her to slide several large plates of food onto the tray. “Thank you, Phoenix,” Tessa said upon her prompt return.

  “Phoenix?” Prince Hallan asked, looking at her with interest. “The same Phoenix who arrived with Tolen Malcourt?”

  Phoenix could feel everyone around her staring. “Y-yes Highness,” she answered. She managed the clumsiest of bobs without upsetting the tray that she held.

  “I was wondering when I’d get the honor of meeting you.” He smiled easily, and his emerald eyes studied her intently.

  Phoenix felt her tongue stick to the roof of her mouth. “Your H-highness?”

  “Well, I’m curious,” he laughed, sounding embarrassed. It was an endearing sound. “Anyone who can escape Stormhounds must be fascinating.” He smiled another dazzling smile, and Phoenix was convinced that she heard a woman sigh somewhere behind her.

  Phoenix felt her face redden. Tessa turned to shoot a glare at the rest of the room, and immediately miscellaneous noises started up again. No one dared to look back in their direction. “Your morning meals are getting cold, Your Highness,” Tessa said, taking the tray from Phoenix and looking around. “I’ll get one of the scullers to help you with these.”

  “Nonsense, Cook. I’m sure that Phoenix is more than capable of the task...” He looked at Tessa hopefully. The words were pleasant, but they were still enough to give Tessa pause.

  “Of course, Prince Hallan,” Tessa acknowledged, handing the tray back to Phoenix. “Phoenix is free to assist you in any way she can.”

  Prince Hallan nodded and gestured for her to follow, heading towards the main foyer with long strides. Phoenix shot Rae a helpless look and hurried after him out of the kitchens.

  He went down the hallway to the main set of stairs, bypassing the side ones that Phoenix was accustomed to. She found herself struggling to keep up.

  “You are not from here, are you, Phoenix?” The Prince asked her, ignoring those who stopped in their work to bow as he passed. He continued up the main staircase at the same speed - oblivious to the fact that she struggled with the tray on the stairs.

  “Avondale, Your Highness.” She was careful not to trip when she came to the large landing.

  “The Manor?” He asked quickly.

  “The Farm,” she replied, using her long legs to gain ground and take the stairs two at a time.

  “Ah,” he said, once she had reached the top. “Your parents must be very proud to have their daughter move to the Castle so early in life.”

  “I don’t... have any.” Phoenix remembered Master Weston’s previous outrage just in time to correct her speech. “It’s jus’ me.”

  “Oh.” He sounded appropriately contrite, but his expression changed so abruptly that Phoenix wondered if she had imagined it. “No family at all...” he mused.

  He remained silent until they reached a set of large double doors. Guards were posted on either side and, saluting to the Prince, they opened the doors to a wing of the castle that Phoenix had never seen before.

  The rooms were majestic. They were laid out much like the girls’ dorm - with one main room connecting all the others - but their decorations were much more lavish.

  Prince Hallan entered the common room and beckoned for Phoenix to follow. “My rooms are connected by the corridor here, but we’ll leave the extra food here for the others.”

  Phoenix entered slowly, being exceptionally careful not to spill anything on the expensive rugs beneath her feet.

  The Prince smiled and stepped towards her with outstretched hands. His fingers brushed against hers and paused, the warmth of his skin made Phoenix acutely aware of where their hands touched.

  “Now then,” Prince Hallan murmured. “Let me help you with that tray…”

  “Phoenix?” a woman’s voice behind her asked.

  Phoenix jerked, and the Prince dropped his hands hastily. Sylvia stood against the door frame of one of the rooms, still dressed in the same attire she was wearing the night before. She gave a tired smile and opened an arm to Phoenix. “In here, child,” she opened the door wider for her. “Some food would do us all a bit of good.”

  Prince Hallan cleared his throat. “Ah, Healer. Please don’t keep Phoenix long. Tessa said that her time is mine this morning.” The Prince flashed Sylvia a smile and, when she gave him a startled loo
k, winked comically at Phoenix as he took a plate of food from the tray.

  Phoenix looked between the two of them helplessly.

  “Be that as it may, Your Highness,” Sylvia said, recovering, “Phoenix is not in Tessa’s care, but the Mastercaller’s. And I believe he has other plans for her today.” Sylvia beckoned for her, this time with authority, and it was enough to distract Phoenix from her fascination with the Prince. Blushing, she hurried and followed Sylvia into the room.

  She turned in time to see Prince Hallan’s face darken, watching her thoughtfully, before Sylvia closed the heavy door behind them.

  Silently, Sylvia took the tray from Phoenix and led her across another large room, into a set of darkened bedchambers. She set the tray on a small round table a few feet from a large curtained bed.

  Removing the mugs from the tray, Sylvia arranged them on the table and began to pour fresh tea into them, offering a cup to Phoenix before taking her own. Slowly, Sylvia settled into a chair and sipped the hot liquid, looking drawn out in the dim room.

  Instead of joining her, Phoenix compiled a small plate of food for the woman and set it in front of her. Sylvia raised her hand in protest, but Phoenix shook her head. “You need t’ eat,” she dared to tell the Healer.

  “She’s right,” a voice announced.

  Phoenix felt a familiar pull, and she didn’t need to turn to identify Malcourt rising from a cot in a darkened corner of the room. As he came into view, Phoenix found herself averting her eyes so that she was looking at anything but him.

  He was topless. The lighting was not strong with the heavy drawn curtains, but she was able to see the outline of muscles that shifted with his movements. She had often seen men working topless back in Avondale, but none sported the deep scars that crossed themselves along his torso, or the fresh hollow burns that dotted his forearms.

  Casually, he grabbed a tunic and tied it around himself.

  “You’ll wake him,” Sylvia said in a soft rebuke to the Mastercaller. She poured a cup of tea and handed it to him.


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