Penicillium chrysogenum. See penicillin
Penn State University, 200, 201, 202
Perkin, William Henry, 65
Pfizer, 108, 133, 134, 142, 248
pharmaceutical hormones, 166
pharmacodynamics, 120
pharmacokinetic testing, 249
The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics, 121–24
pharmacology, 7, 31, 33, 34, 44, 52, 91, 92, 93, 118–21, 124, 140, 237, 250
pharmacology team, 69
phentermine. See fen-phen
philosopher’s stone, 44, 201
formulation, 44
phytosterols, 199
phytotoxins, 149
Pill, the. See birth control pill
Pincogenesis, 206
Pincus, Gregory, 203–9, 211–20
Pirates of the Caribbean, 246–47
pit vipers, 186
placebos, 148, 230
Planned Parenthood, 207, 209
polio, 177–80
correlation between sugar and polio, 177–80
Polk, President James K., 173
polymyxin, 140
Pope Paul VI, 222
Princeton, 39–40
bivalve collection, 39–40
prions, 136
Prius, 245–46
privileged structure, 241–42
product liability lawsuits, 108
progesterone, 196–205, 212–20, 222
Prontosil, 98–99
propranolol, 185
proteins, 10–11, 91, 93, 124, 153, 161–67
blood proteins, 91
druggable protein, 93
protein pathogens, 136
shapes, 165–66
Prozac, 110, 240, 241, 247
Prusiner, Stanley, 136
Pseudomonas aeruginosa (pneumonia and sepsis), 141
psychoactives, 25, 232, 247
psychoanalysis, 232, 236, 238
puerperal fever, 81
Puerto Rico, 217–18
pulmonary edema, 181–82
pyrazinamide, 139
Pyretologia, 36–38
quinine, 35, 38, 58, 65, 86
chinchona bark, 35
Countess Anna del Chinchón, 35–36
gin and tonic, 38
radiation therapy, 122
Raffaele Piria. See acetylsalicylic acid
rapamycin, 5–7
rational design, 188, 249
Rattlesnake King. See Stanley, Clark
receptor theory, 91–94, 227, 249
opposition to, 92–94
receptors, 23, 24, 91–94, 110–11, 124, 184–85, 240-41
adrenaline receptors, 93, 184–85
beta-2 receptors, 93, 185
dopamine receptor, 110–11, 241
endorphin receptors, 23, 24
neural receptors, 240
serotonin receptors, 110, 241
recombinant DNA, 161–68, 249
recombinant insulin, 166
recombinant monoclonal antibodies, 167
Renaissance, 32, 34, 44, 51
rheumatic fever, 127
rheumatoid arthritis, 168
Rhine, 63–66, 98
Rhine drugmakers, 63–66, 98
rhinoceros horn, 147–48
Rhône-Poulenc, 235, 237
rifampicin, 139
riluzole, 227
risperidone, 137
Roche, 63
Rock Rebound, 215
Rock, John, 213–19
Rockefeller Foundation, 132
Rockefeller Institute, 198, 202
romantic disease. See tuberculosis
Romeo and Juliet. See apothecary
Roosevelt, President Franklin D., 101–2, 105, 179
Roswell Park Memorial Institute, 151
Rutgers College, 136
S. E. Massengill Company, 100–5, 109
salicylic acid, 67–68
Salvarsan, 84–93, 97–98, 99, 127, 129, 132, 135, 233
sanatoriums, 135, 139
Sanger, Margaret, 206–11, 220, 223
SARS, 135
sarsaparilla roots, 200
Schering, 133
schizophrenia, 209, 210, 232, 237–38, 240–41
screening, 8, 11, 12–14, 98, 137–38, 187, 249
high-throughput screening, 249
trial and error screening, 8, 187
scurvy, 38, 225f, 228–32. See treatise of the scurvy, A
scurvy patients, 229
Second World Congress of Psychiatry, 239
sedatives, 148, 235
Sehgal, Suren, 5–7, 11
Selkirk, Alexander, 21
Semmelweis, Ignaz, 81–82
September 11, 2001, 113
septicemia, 128
serotonin, 240–41
serotonin receptors. See receptors
serotonin reuptake pump, 241
Sertürner, Friedrich, 21
sexually transmitted diseases, 88, 207
side effects, 68, 70–71, 73, 109–11, 180, 181, 184, 185, 217, 218, 220, 222, 237, 240, 241, 248
side-chain theory, 90
side-chains. See antibodies
Simon, Eric, 23
Simpson, James Young, 11–12, 250
silversmithing, 202
Sinclair, Upton, 104
skin infections, 127–28, 150
smallpox, 80
Smith, Kline, and French. See SmithKline
SmithKline, 105, 236–37
snake oil, 115f, 117–18
Snow, John, 174–77
Broad Street pump, 176–77
map of cholera, 171f, 176–77
soil, 5, 12–13, 136, 140, 142, 149, 163
spirochete bacterium, 87
spontaneous generation, 83
Squibb, Edward Robinson. See E. R. Squibb and Sons
Squibb (company). See E. R. Squibb and Sons
SSRI antidepressants, 110, 241
St. George’s Hospital, 152
St. Mary’s Hospital, 174
staining, 84–86
Standard Oil, 53
Stanley, Clark, 117–18
Stanley’s Snake Oil. See Stanley, Clark
staph infections, 127–28, 141
Staphylococcus aureus, 127, 141
Steinem, Gloria, 221
stents, 7
steroids, 196, 199
strep throat, 127, 129
Streptococcus pyogenes, 141
Streptomycetes, 137
streptomycin, 139
streptothricin, 138
strokes, 179–80, 182–83, 231
incidence of stroke in the US declined, 183
link between hypertension and stroke, 182
Succus Alterans, 150
sulfa craze, 100, 106
sulfanilamide, 97–100
surgery, 39, 45–51, 58, 122, 155, 234
surgical shock, 234
Swiss dairy farmers, 194–95
Syntex S. A., 202–203
synthesis (chemical), 11, 34, 54, 72, 87, 199–201, 230
synthesis of progesterone, 199–201
synthetic molecules, 241
synthetic chemistry, 22, 39, 59, 65–67, 72, 93, 156, 163, 166, 193, 196, 201
syphilis, 38, 77f, 79–80, 87–89, 93, 97–98, 127, 150
syringe. See hypodermic needle
Talbor, Robert, 36–37, 72
talk therapy, 233
Tamiflu, 252
tapeworms, 167
teprotide, 186–87
tetanus, 127
tetracycline, 140
THC. See marijuana
theories of how drugs work
Arndt–Schulz Law, 90
physicochemical theory, 90
physical theory, 90
Weber–Fechner Law, 90
thiazides, 182–185
Thorazine. See chlorpromazine
tissue staining. See staining
Toronto General Hospital, 159
toxic gas, 122
toxic shock syndrome,
toxic warheads, 87–89, 188
toxins, 18, 23, 24, 85, 149
phytotoxins, 149
transgenic animal disease modeling, 249
transposons, 136
tranquilizers. See benzodiazepines
treatise of the scurvy, A, 230
Treponema pallidum, 87
trial and error, 4, 8, 14, 187, 188, 227, 247, 250
trial and error screening, 8, 187
Trudeau Institute, 139
trypan red. See dyes
Trypanosoma cruzi, 87
Trypanosoma equinum, 86
trypanosomiasis, 87
TSA (Transportation Security Administration), 113
tuberculosis, 127, 134–40, 141, 174
turpentine, 118
Tylenol, 55, 73
Type 1 diabetes. See diabetes
typhoid fever, 80, 127
United States Army, 122
United States Department of Agriculture, 133
University of California, 163
University of Munich, 92
University of Nashville Medical School, 100
University of Rochester, 107, 109
Upjohn, 133
Utah Medical School, 123
vaccines, 158, 178, 251
vancomycin, 140
Viagra, 110, 248
Vibrio cholera, 177
Vicodin, 25
Vindications, 9, 11, 14, 25, 34, 40, 59, 98, 149, 150, 193, 252
vitamin B1, 231
vitamin C, 230–32
Volt (Chevy automobile), 245–47
voltage-gated sodium channel. See Nav1.7
von Gruber, Max, 92
Vonnegut, Kurt, 196–97
Waksman, Selman Abraham, 136–38, 139
Warren, John, 44–45, 49–50
Watkins, Harold, 100, 103, 104
Weigert stain, 84
Weigert, Karl, 84
Welch, William Henry, 92
white blood cells, 167–68
White Death. See tuberculosis
whooping cough, 127
Wilson, George, 45–46
Women’s Journal, 210
Woodbine, New Jersey, 204
Woodcock, Janet, 142
Worcester Foundation for Experimental Biology, 205
Worcester State Mental Hospital, 216
World War I, 127, 153, 207
World War II, 121, 132, 234
Wyeth, 26, 108, 142
Yale Medical School, 119
yeast infections, 7
Zauberkugeln. See magic bullet
Zschokke, Erwin, 195–96, 212
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