Her Christmas Wish ; Designed by Love

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Her Christmas Wish ; Designed by Love Page 5

by Sherelle Green

  Kyra widened her smile. “I like talking to you, too.” And that meant she had a serious problem.

  * * *

  “So let me get this straight,” Nicole said as they approached a juice bar along the beach in Santa Monica. “Your plan to deal with the feelings that you clearly still have for Luke is to drag out your attraction for as long as possible?”

  Kyra nodded her head, looking from Nicole to Aaliyah. “Exactly! I can’t just give in to his cuteness. I need to make him sweat a little.”

  “But you do expect something to happen between the two of you?” Nicole asked.

  “Exactly. I see it plain as day. He’s attracted to me, too.”

  “That doesn’t sound like a good plan,” Aaliyah stated. “Why would you make him sweat if you already know you like him?”

  “I don’t need a reason,” she said as they ordered their usual. “I just... I need to do this.” There was so much that Kyra wasn’t saying, but she wasn’t in the mood to divulge all the details to her friends yet. Besides, she didn’t expect them to understand.

  “Try us,” Nicole said. “We know you better than you think.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You just mumbled that we wouldn’t understand,” Aaliyah explained. “But I think we’re already beginning to get it.”

  Crap. Luke was really messing with her state of mind if she was speaking her inside thoughts out loud. They grabbed their veggie-and-fruit juices and started walking down the path. “I won’t get into all the girlie details, but I guess you can say that the crush I had on Luke growing up was the type of all-consuming crush where I didn’t see anything besides him.

  “Although Luke was Taheim’s friend, he always took the time to ask me how I was doing or make sure I was doing my homework. It could have been my imagination, but when I turned sixteen, he started spending a little less time with me. Then at eighteen was when he really steered clear. But y’all know me. It didn’t matter because I knew how I felt about him. On my twenty-first birthday, I was tired of waiting for him to notice me, so I took matters into my own hands and told him how I felt in the way I thought was best. But the night went completely wrong and ended with me in tears and him telling me all the reasons why he could never like me the way I liked him.” Kyra glanced at her friends. “He made me feel like a fool. Like my feelings for him were unjustified and childish.”

  “Did you ever think about the alternative?” Aaliyah asked.

  “What alternative?”

  Aaliyah glanced at Nicole, then said, “That maybe the reason he pushed you away all those years ago was because even though you felt like your crush on him was strong, his was a lot stronger?”

  “And like some men when faced with coming to terms with their feelings,” Nicole continued, “when shit gets real, they run as fast as they can in the opposite direction.”

  “You need to figure out how you’re going to deal with having Luke back in your life,” Aaliyah advised.

  Nicole nodded. “Because based off what we saw yesterday, he’s done running. Now he’s doing more of a slow jog.”

  Kyra sighed, wondering if they could be right. “When you two finish each other’s sentences, I know I need to listen.”

  Aaliyah smiled. “Yep! You helped us realize how we felt about our men, so even if Luke is not the one, you owe it to yourself to figure it out.”

  “All he’s doing is helping me find a new location for the boutique and a condo. Not exactly the type of setting for romance.”

  “Um, I’m sorry, but you’re Kyra Reed,” Nicole said. “You are never deterred from a situation. You tackle it head-on every time.”

  “He may not want me,” Kyra said, voicing one of her fears. “He may just be trying to rebuild our friendship.”

  “Then rebuild with him,” Aaliyah suggested. “Figure everything else out along the way. You don’t always have to have the answers.”

  “Yes, I do,” she said. “Having the answers means you’re prepared. Being prepared means you won’t get hurt. And if I don’t get hurt, then...” Her voice trailed off, since she wasn’t sure what should come after that.

  “If you don’t get hurt, then you aren’t living,” Nicole said. “And you’re one of the most ambitious people I know. You always go after what you want. Don’t let fear of getting your heart broken keep you rooted in place or afraid to try.”

  Afraid to try. Nicole’s words echoed as they continued their walk. Her friends were right. There wasn’t much that scared her, and if something did, she tried to face that fear as best she could.

  The conversation soon changed to another topic, but Kyra’s mind was still on her friends’ words. She knew she didn’t have to have all the answers right now, but she had some feelings she needed to sort out before she met up with Luke for more showings.

  Chapter 5

  Luke tried his best to conceal the smile on his face as he escorted Kyra into a space that had recently become available. “Okay, so you may not have liked the first two locations I showed you today, but I’m sure you’ll love this one.”

  She shrugged. “We’ll see. I doubt I’ll find something I like for the boutique today since it’s our first time looking at store locations, but I’m open to seeing everything you have on your list.”

  Luke smirked, thinking she was about to eat her words. “I was excited to see this space come on the market because it fits the boutique’s needs if you’re okay with the warehouse being in a different location.”

  “I love the brick exterior,” she said. “But it’s a little far from the area I wanted the shop to be.”

  “Just give it a chance. This space has been here for decades,” he said, entering a code to unlock the door. “The previous store owners decided to move locations and place this gem on the market.”

  The moment he opened the door, Kyra gasped. He smiled as he escorted her through the doors. “Wow,” she exclaimed as they walked farther inside.

  “As you can see, the main section is divided into three levels,” he explained. “The second level has an open floor plan with the balcony overlooking the main floor. There are also fitting rooms on both levels.”

  “I love this layout,” she said. “I always imagined a balcony overlooking the floor when I imagined the boutique.” Kyra walked around the space, snapping pics with her iPhone. After a couple of minutes, Luke asked her to follow him.

  “In addition to the rounded staircase, there’s an elevator here that will take you to the third level,” he said as they stepped onto the elevator. “It’s divided into two parts and I think this space on the left would be perfect for the boudoir studio.”

  He opened the swinging doors and Kyra squealed with excitement. “This is almost better than the first two levels,” she said. “And the amount of sunlight is fantastic. Our current location is great, but Aaliyah and our guest photographers are forever having to find creative ways to bring in the sunlight.”

  Luke smiled, loving the way Kyra walked around the empty space. His goal today had been to place a smile on her face and, luckily, he’d done just that. He gave her a few more details about the space, then told her, “And that’s not it. There is one more feature to this property that I’m sure you’ll love.”

  He nodded his head for her to follow him to the other side of the third level. “When I saw this next section, I immediately thought about the parties you love to throw at the boutique.” He motioned for her to walk in ahead of him, but instead, she just froze in the doorway and glanced around the space. Her eyes slowly took in everything.

  “Luke,” she huffed. “This. Is. Amazing.”

  “I know,” he said. “Now what was that about you not expecting to fall in love with a store location today?”

  She lightly hit him on the arm. “That was before you showed me a three-level space with an outdoor furnished rooftop! Are you s
ure you quoted me the correct price? Rooftops usually cost a fortune.”

  “The price is right, but I may have lied about it just coming on the market,” he explained. “I know the couple selling this place and it hasn’t gone on the market yet. They want to sell it by March of next year, but for now, they’ve just leased it out for the next three months to some art gallery who will only be in town for a short time.”

  Kyra walked around the deck and glanced at the bar before looking up at the lights twirled around the wooden pergola. “I could lay out in this mini courtyard all day. I wouldn’t even get any work done.”

  Luke smiled as she fell back into a lounge chair. “Knowing you, you’d find a way to take every break up here.”

  “You damn right.” She stood back up and walked toward Luke. “Okay, Lukey, you got me. I still want to see a few more places for the boutique that are in the area I originally wanted, but this is a real contender.”

  “I hate it when you call me Lukey,” he said.

  “Which is why I do it,” she said, smirking. “So how long do I have to make a decision on this place?”

  “Mr. and Mrs. Thomas aren’t in the country right now, but I’d love to let them know before Christmas. Sooner would be better. I have another place to show you today, so how about we talk about it more over lunch after we visit the next location?”

  Kyra laughed. “Every time we’re together, you ask me to have lunch with you.” She took a step toward him, but he refrained from pulling her even closer, like he wanted to do. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you like spending time with me.”

  “I’ve always enjoyed spending time with you,” he admitted. “That hasn’t changed.” There was so much more he wanted to say, but didn’t. In due time, he thought. He was finally feeling like he was getting his friend back. The last thing he needed was to push her away again.

  * * *

  The next place Luke showed Kyra wasn’t nearly as nice as the previous location. However, just like she’d asked, it was in a prime location.

  “You’re still thinking about the Thomas place, aren’t you?” he asked as they were seated at a Thai restaurant for lunch.

  “I am,” she admitted, taking a sip of the water that was already at the table. “It’s hard to forget a three-level place with a courtyard. I think I may call my sisters-in-law and send them the pics I took. I’m sure one of them would want to see if before we make any final decisions, but so far, that place is at the top of my list.”

  Luke nodded his head. “Good. Now all I need to do is help you find a condo you like just as much.”

  “You have your work cut out for you,” she said. “I can be hard to please at times.”

  He smirked. “Don’t I know it.”

  Snarky Kyra would have asked him what he meant by that comment. However, the Kyra who was now feeling slightly nervous under his gaze wouldn’t dare make him explain.

  “What are you doing for Thanksgiving?” he asked her after they ordered.

  “Well, I thought I would be spending it with my family as usual, but my brothers and their wives are headed to France to visit Winter and Autumn’s father. And my parents are on a fourteen-day cruise enjoying their retirement. So I figured I would go to Chicago and spend some time with my girl Cheyanne’s family.”

  Luke smiled. “I remember Cheyanne. You two met in college, right?”

  Kyra nodded. “Yeah, we were roommates. Been friends ever since.”

  “I actually ran into Cheyanne in Chicago a couple times. We also share a mutual friend.”

  Kyra snorted. She knew all about the mutual friend they shared and it seemed Luke had forgotten that the last time he saw her before Taheim’s wedding, he’d been with that mutual friend. Instead of embarking on a topic she didn’t want to discuss, she dryly said, “Nice.”

  For a second, she noticed the way Luke observed her and figured he noticed the change in her mood, but he must have shaken it off because he changed the topic and asked her when she was heading back home.

  “I haven’t decided yet, but I guess I should contact Cheyanne since Thanksgiving is next week.”

  Luke laughed. “Kyra Reed, never making plans too early. I guess that hasn’t changed, either.”

  Kyra shrugged. “I make plans, I just don’t believe that everything needs to be planned out. You know how we do in Chicago. There are a ton of houses I can crash at for the holiday if my nonplans fail.”

  “Yeah, I know. But I still couldn’t do what you do. My plans have been made for months.”

  “What are you doing?”

  “Going to St. Lucia,” he said. “Did you hear that my mom moved back there?”

  Kyra nodded. “Yeah, I heard that.” More like snooped on Facebook, but whatever.

  “Well, since my dad is from there, too, I wanted to take my brother, Nash, there so he could see where he’s from.”

  “Oh, wow,” she said. “That’s a big deal. My brother told me you found out you had a brother not too long ago.”

  Luke frowned a little. “Yeah, I still haven’t forgiven my dad for not telling me he had another kid out there. Nash was put into the system right after his mom gave birth to him and was adopted as a baby. He didn’t even know anything about his birth parents and when he found out he was adopted a few years ago, he hired an investigator. He still doesn’t know the whereabouts of his birth mother, but the investigation led him to Chicago and to me.”

  Kyra shook her head. “Back in the day, I remember your parents being so happy together. Never would have thought your dad had another child.”

  “You and me both. But my relationship with my dad has been strained for a while, so this was icing on the cake. It all took a toll on my mom. She wanted to be close to her sisters, so she moved back to her home country.”

  “Did you ask your dad about your brother?”

  “I’ve been having a hard time tracking him down. I’m not even sure where he’s living right now, but after talking to my mom, I figured I didn’t even want his explanation. Nash and I have been getting closer and although he’s nervous about going to St. Lucia, I told him my mom wants to meet him.”

  Kyra smiled. “Your mom always has been one of the sweetest women I’ve known.”

  “She’s a godsend,” Luke said with a smile. “Don’t know what I’d do without that woman.”

  Kyra reached over the table and placed her hand over his. “I think it’s awesome that you’re reconnecting with your brother. Forget about your father. This is about you and Nash.”

  He nodded his head, placing his opposite hand over hers. “I’m trying my best to remember that.” His eyes held hers, the moment making her breath catch. This is the opposite of what you’re supposed to be doing, girl! She’d just told her friends the other day that she wanted to make him sweat a little, yet here she was, doing the opposite.

  She pulled her hand away just as their food arrived. “I think you’ll have a great time in St. Lucia.”

  “Me, too,” he said, glancing at her over his fork as he took a bite. “If any of your nonplans fall through, you should think about coming with me and Nash to St. Lucia.”

  Kyra almost choked as she swallowed. “Uh, you can’t mean that. This trip is about you and your brother getting to know each other and your mother meeting him for the first time. Pretty sure inviting your best friend’s sister isn’t part of that plan.”

  He shrugged. “I just think going to St. Lucia is better than house-hopping in Chicago. Plus, you can enjoy eighty-degree weather instead of twenty.”

  Oh, my God, he’s serious. Kyra thought she could concoct some crazy ideas at times, but this took the cake. In fact, she could think of a couple of her friends who’d been faced with this exact decision. The men of their dreams wanted to whisk them away on a trip. In the past, she probably would’ve jumped at the idea, but now, she w
as a little baffled.

  “Why are rich men always trying to fly women places in private jets and showering them with diamonds to win their hearts?”

  “Private jet?” Luke blinked. “Uh, I’m not rich, but I do well for myself.”

  “Same difference,” she said with a shrug.

  He laughed. “Not really. Nash and I leave in a couple days. We’d be flying commercial, although I have first-class seats because economy seats are bad for my knees. So I’d get you one, too. And who said I’d buy you diamonds? Are you fishing for a diamond?”

  Kyra’s mouth dropped. “Oh, no, I mean... That’s not what I meant. It came out wrong.”

  Luke laughed again. “For the record, I don’t mind buying you jewelry if you see something you want while in St. Lucia, but let’s get through our first trip together before you start getting too crazy.”

  Our first trip together? She wasn’t sure how to handle everything he was saying, so she said the only thing she could say. “I’ll think about it.”

  Luke nodded, pinning her with a look she couldn’t quite place. A look that seemed to hold the answers to questions she hadn’t yet asked.

  Despite the awkward start, the rest of lunch was enjoyable and Kyra even found herself looking forward to the possibility of vacationing with Luke, assuming she even said yes to his offer. Which she wasn’t. No way.

  Chapter 6

  “There is no way we’re letting you turn down a free trip to St. Lucia,” Nicole said as she took a sip of her wine. Like most Friday nights when they were all in town, Kyra, Nicole and Aaliyah were lounging around Kyra’s apartment getting caught up on missed episodes of Grey’s Anatomy.

  “Don’t you think that’s a bit crazy?” Kyra asked. “Who up and goes on vacation with a man when they have so much unfinished business?”

  “Uh, I kinda did,” Aaliyah said.

  Nicole smiled. “Me, too.”


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