Her Christmas Wish ; Designed by Love

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Her Christmas Wish ; Designed by Love Page 31

by Sherelle Green

  Cedric answered the door. “Hey. Come on in. I figured you’d be spending the day with Serita, since you guys have been putting in all the extra hours at work.”

  He and Cedric went to the family room. “I’ll see her later. Her parents invited us to dinner.”

  “More like they want to check you out over dinner.” They shared a grin. “I remember meeting Randi’s parents for the first time. She dropped the bomb on me on our way back from Tahoe and I had about an hour to prepare myself.”

  “I’m not really worried about it, but I can see why you were, since your hookups never lasted more than a month or two, maybe.”

  Cedric nodded. “For real. But I knew what I was feeling for Randi by that point and just told them the truth.”

  “And that’s what I plan to do. Except I haven’t told Serita how I feel about her. Well, not in so many words. I’ve hinted around but haven’t come right out and told her that I’m in love with her.” Jeremy filled his brother in on what he’d learned about Serita’s past relationships. “She’s still a little hesitant about us.”

  “It was the same with Randi and it didn’t help that I had been adamant about it being a no-strings-attached affair. You situation is different and, hopefully, it’ll make things easier. Tell Serita how you feel, Jeremy. That’ll go a long way in showing her that you’re sincere. And she definitely needs to hear it from you before you tell her parents.”

  He thought about the advice. Serita did deserve to hear it first, and he’d do it when he picked her up. “You’re right.”

  “That’s why I’m the big brother,” Cedric said.

  “You’re the older brother. I’ve been bigger than you since high school.” Jeremy flexed his biceps.

  “But I can still kick your—”

  “I thought I heard voices down here,” Randi said, coming into the room holding the baby.

  Jeremy and Cedric stood.

  She laughed. “I still can’t get over this whole standing-when-I-come-into-the-room thing.”

  Jeremy smiled. “Hey, what can I say.” He kissed Randi’s cheek. “How are you feeling?”

  “Tired, of course, but I’m enjoying motherhood. I assume you came to see your niece.” She transferred the baby to him.

  “Yes, ma’am.” Looking down at the small bundle in his arms filled him with all kinds of emotions. He placed a soft kiss on her forehead and reclaimed his seat. “Hey, Aniyah. She’s so tiny.” With her head in the palm of his hand, the length of her body on his forearm barely reached his elbow. She stared at him curiously. “Ced, I hope you’ve got your shotgun ready because the boys are going to be beating down the doors to get to this little beauty.”

  “Hell, I’m going to have my shotgun, do a background check and a few other things.”

  “And I’ll run their fingerprints,” Randi added.

  Jeremy chuckled and stared down at Aniyah. “Looks like you’re going to be well protected. Uncle Jeremy is going to keep all the knuckleheads away.”

  “You look like a natural holding her.”

  He glanced over at Randi. “And I’m looking forward to holding my own little girl.”

  Randi’s eyes widened. “Okay, back up. I know I’ve been busy for the past few weeks, but did I miss something?”

  “You didn’t miss a thing, baby,” Cedric said. “Baby brother is in love and says that Serita is his Mrs. Right. He’s going to meet her parents tonight.”

  “Wow. Things are moving pretty fast, aren’t they? Are you sure about this, Jeremy?”

  “Surer than I’ve been about anything in my life. Yeah, it does seem fast, but I know what I feel.”

  Randi stared at him with concern. “And her?”

  “I think she’s on the same page, but she has some past hurts that are holding her back.” She might not have said the words, but he could see what seemed like love whenever she looked at him, feel it when she touched and kissed him.

  She placed a hand on his arm. “I hope it turns out the way you want.”

  “So do I.” His cell rang and he shifted Aniyah so he could pull it out of his pocket. He checked the display and held up the phone. “It’s Mom.” He connected. “Hey, Mom.”

  “Hi, honey. Are you busy?”

  Jeremy’s senses went on alert. Whenever she asked that question, she wasn’t calling for idle chitchat. “I’m over at Ced and Randi’s right now and will be going over to Serita’s parents’ house for dinner later.” The moment the words left his mouth he wanted to call them back. It was the absolute wrong thing to say.

  “Humph. I’ve been asking you to bring her over for dinner, yet you’re going to visit her parents.”

  “Mom, you’ve met Serita, but I’ve never met her parents. So, technically, you were first.” He met Cedric’s and Randi’s smiling faces and shook his head.

  “As if that makes a difference. That thing at the hospital was not an introduction.” She fussed for a good minute.

  “Mom,” Jeremy cut in. “How about I see what Serita is doing tomorrow and, if she’s free, we come over for dinner?”

  “That’s fine. Tell Cedric and Randi your dad and I will be by later this afternoon.”

  “I’ll pass the message along.”

  “Make sure you call me back tonight so I have time to prepare.”

  “I will. Talk to you later.”

  “Bye, son.”

  Jeremy tossed the cell onto the sofa next to him. “You’d think I’d never even mentioned Serita’s name with the way she was fussing.”

  Cedric grinned. “Glad it’s not me.”

  He scowled at his brother. “I’d better get going. She said she and Dad will be by later. Randi, when are your parents coming?” He kissed Aniyah, then stood and passed her to Cedric.

  “They’re coming back on Wednesday and staying through the weekend. I wanted us to have a couple of weeks to bond before everybody started camping out.”

  “If you need me to help with something while they’re here, let me know.”

  “We will. She’s already hinting at having a little family get-together, since everyone will be here,” Randi said.

  “Whatever they decide, you won’t be doing anything,” Cedric said pointedly. “Jeremy, you should plan to bring Serita. She might as well get used to being with the family.”

  He thought about her reaction at the hospital and her admission that she was an introvert. If she came, he would have to make sure she had some quiet moments. “Keep me posted and I’ll see.” When Randi stood, he said, “You don’t have to walk me out. I’ll lock up.” He kissed her cheek. “Take it easy.” He and Cedric did a fist bump. “Later, big bro.”

  When he arrived home, Jeremy ate lunch and went through his mail. Afterward he went upstairs to shower and change. The dinner would be a casual one. Even so, he chose to wear a pair of slacks and a button-down shirt. He planned to make a good impression because he didn’t want them to have one reason to doubt that he would be good for their daughter. While dressing, he thought about how to tell Serita he loved her. Should he make some eloquent speech first or just say what lay in his heart? After a couple of minutes going back and forth in his mind, Jeremy settled on the latter.

  He left a little early to stop at the florist. The last time he’d purchased Serita flowers, he’d chosen pink roses. This time he went for red and had them placed in a crystal vase, leaving no question about his intentions. He also picked out a mixed bouquet for her mother. Initially, he had experienced a small amount of anxiety at the prospect of meeting her parents, but by the time he made it to Serita’s place, it had all but vanished. He didn’t have any reason to be nervous and, if need be, he could pass any background check.

  Once he had gained entry to the complex, Jeremy parked and went to ring the doorbell. Gabriella answered the door. “Hey, Gabriella.”

  “Hi, Jerem
y. Don’t you look nice. Come on in. Serita should be just about ready.”

  “Thanks.” Serita made it into the living room as he entered. Gabriella smiled and disappeared down the hall.

  “Hey, baby,” he said, greeting her with a kiss and handing her the vase. “You look beautiful.” She had on a pair of black pants, a black-and-white-patterned cold shoulder top and wedge-heeled sandals. She’d pinned her hair up and left a few loose curls to frame her face. The bronze color on her lips perfectly complemented her dark caramel skin.

  “Hi and thank you. These are gorgeous.” Serita gave him a bright smile. “I’ll leave them right here for now, but when I get back, they’re going in my bedroom.” She placed them on the coffee table. “Ready?”


  When they got into the car, she said, “I should probably warn you that my mom will probably ask you a million questions and my dad will most likely sit there with his arms folded while she conducts the interrogation.”

  Jeremy laughed. “I’m not worried.”

  “You’re not?”

  “Not at all.” He took her hand in his and brought it to his lips. “I’m not worried because when they ask me what my intentions are toward you or how I feel about you, I’ll already have the answer.”

  “Um...you do?”

  “Yes. And I want you to hear it before they do. I love you, Serita, and probably have since I saw you sitting in the hallway of that Madrid hotel. You took my breath away then and have ever since.”

  Serita gasped softly. “I wasn’t expecting you to say that. I...I don’t know what to say.”

  “You can tell me what you feel. But if you’re not ready, that’s okay. I can wait.” He hoped she would tell him that she loved him, too. However, the brief flashes of fear he’d seen since they’d been together let him know she might not be prepared to say it yet.

  She glanced out the window then back at him. “I’m getting there, okay?”

  He smiled. “Yeah, it’s okay.” Placing a gentle kiss on her lips, he got them under way. She didn’t talk much on the drive and he didn’t push the conversation. He sensed that she needed some time to digest what he’d said.

  “You can just pull into the driveway,” Serita said, when they got to the house. She blew out a long breath and fiddled with her hands in her lap.

  Jeremy parked and helped her out of the car. “You seem nervous.”

  “A little.”

  “Hey, you already know them and they love you. I’m the one who’ll be in the hot seat.”

  “Yeah, you’ve got a point.”

  “I’ll be fine. I don’t scare easily.”

  She looked him up and down. “No, I guess not with your height and size.”

  He chuckled and got the flowers from the back seat.

  “And you brought flowers? That’ll earn you some brownie points.”

  “I’m counting on it.” He tossed her a bold wink, took her hand and started up the walk. They were laughing and talking when her father opened the door. The man stood a good half foot shorter than Jeremy, had the same coloring as Serita and a sprinkling of gray around his temples.

  “Hi, Dad.”

  “Hey, baby girl.” He kissed Serita’s cheek.

  “Dad, this is Jeremy Hunter. Jeremy, my dad, David Edwards.”

  Jeremy extended his hand and looked the man straight in the eye. “Mr. Edwards, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  Mr. Edwards shook Jeremy’s hand. “Nice to meet you, Jeremy. You two come on in.”

  Jeremy stepped back for Serita to enter first, then followed them inside to a home that was simply but elegantly decorated. Mr. Edwards led them to the family room. Jeremy studied all the photos lining the walls and smiled at a young Serita. Just like him, she’d started wearing glasses in elementary school. He wondered if she’d had to endure the teasing like he had. In his case, it had taken one bloody nose to his classmate in a blow delivered by Jeremy and a threat from Cedric and Lorenzo for the teasing to stop. Had there been anyone who had stepped in to help Serita? His gaze went to the large bookcase on the other side of the room and he spotted a couple titles he owned. Just as they sat, a petite older woman entered from the kitchen. Serita looked exactly like her mother. He stood.

  “You must be Jeremy,” she said, approaching with a wide smile.

  “Yes, ma’am. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Edwards. These are for you.”

  Mrs. Edwards’s eyes lit up in surprise as she accepted the flowers. “Why, thank you. That was nice of you. Serita, he’s a charmer, and tall, too.”

  Serita glanced up at Jeremy. “Yes, he is.”

  “I’m going to put these in water, then we can sit down to eat. Serita, show Jeremy where he can wash up.”

  She led Jeremy to a half bathroom off the family room. “My mother likes you already.”

  “How do you know?” he asked, washing his hands.

  “Usually, she’s five questions in before you have a chance to sit, and she hasn’t asked you one.” She took her turn at the sink.

  “I’m going for the gold medal.”

  Serita elbowed him but was smiling. “Whatever.”

  They joined her parents at the dining room table and Jeremy seated Serita before taking the chair across from her. “Mrs. Edwards, everything looks and smells delicious.” She’d made roast chicken, green beans, mashed potatoes and corn bread. A pitcher of iced tea sat in the middle of the table.

  “Thank you.”

  He met Serita’s gaze and she did a mini eye roll. He chuckled inwardly. After her father recited a blessing, everyone filled their plates.

  “Serita told us you have your own business,” her father said, cutting into his chicken.

  “Yes, sir, I do. I started it three years ago and it’s challenging and I have to work extra hours sometimes, but I have a great team and the company wouldn’t be where it is today without them. Serita’s been a great asset and I’m hoping she’ll consider staying on permanently.” He spoke that last sentence staring directly into her eyes.

  Mrs. Edwards divided a glance between Jeremy and Serita. “Serita, how do you like working with Jeremy?”

  He could tell by Serita’s expression that she’d rather not answer the question.

  “It’s fine, but I thought this was supposed to be about you grilling Jeremy, not me.”

  Her parents laughed and her father said, “It is, but you’re part of the equation, too.”

  They ate in silence for a while. The flavorful food reminded Jeremy of his mother’s cooking, and the corn bread almost melted in his mouth.

  Serita’s mother sipped her tea. “Jeremy, you mentioned having to work hard. What do you do when you’re not working?”

  “I hit the gym, play basketball with my brother and cousin and read. You have a few of the same titles I have on my shelves. It’s something Serita and I enjoy doing together.” He didn’t mind answering questions. He wanted them to get to know him because he planned to be around long term.

  Chapter 15

  Serita couldn’t believe how easily Jeremy was charming her parents. The first and only guy she’d previously brought home had gotten nothing but glares and grunts from her father and a meal her mother made sure ended as soon as the last bite was eaten. She hadn’t even served the dessert she’d prepared.

  “Serita’s been an avid reader all her life. She always had her nose in a book, and I’d sometimes have to pry her out of that room just to eat.”

  Jeremy laughed. “Same. It was either that or me building the next greatest invention to help me get out of my chores.”

  “I don’t know why I didn’t think of that,” Serita said. As she listened to them talk, she learned more about the man who had openly admitted to being in love with her. She couldn’t say that she’d been surprised. He’d been hinting at it from the b
eginning and everything he said and did backed up his words. Truthfully, she felt the same, but that nagging fear in the back of her mind and heart wouldn’t allow her to jump into the deep end.

  Her father smiled. “Do your parents live in the area?”

  “They live in Granite Bay and are both retired.”

  Her mom said, “I’m giving nursing another two years, then I’ll be joining the club.”

  Her father lifted his glass. “Retirement is a wonderful thing.”

  “So my dad says, but I have a few years to go,” Jeremy said.

  Serita’s father had retired earlier in the year after working thirty-five years as a pharmacist.

  “Serita, why don’t you help me clear the table and bring out dessert,” her mother said, rising to her feet.

  Jeremy made a move to stand. “I’ll help.”

  “Oh, no. You just relax. We’ll be right back.”

  Serita didn’t miss the nonspeaking glance her parents shared. The ploy was designed to give her father time to talk to Jeremy alone. A quick glimpse at Jeremy confirmed that he’d caught on, as well. To his credit, he didn’t look bothered by the prospect one bit. She gathered their plates and carried them into the kitchen. “That wasn’t too subtle, Mom.”

  “I wasn’t trying to be subtle. It’s clear Jeremy is very taken with you and we need to know just how much.”

  She opened her mouth to tell her mother what Jeremy had said, but changed her mind. Her father would fill his wife in as soon as Serita and Jeremy walked out the door. She helped her mother bring in the peach cobbler and ice cream and caught the tail end of her father’s question.

  “I can tell you like my daughter, so what exactly are your intentions toward her?”

  “Mr. Edwards, I more than like your daughter. I’m in love with Serita and want her to be part of my life. Yes, it may seem like things are moving rather fast, but my feelings for her are very real.”

  Serita’s mother gasped.

  “Here, let me take this.” Jeremy stood, relieved her of the glass dish and placed it on the table.


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