One Giant Leap

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One Giant Leap Page 48

by Keith Martin

  * * *

  Fred waited as Hackett was suited up. Berry took care of her personally. It was easy to see that she was a little under the weather so he tried to cheer her up. “You’re going to have to grow into this suit!” He teased her. “Pete said if I couldn’t get this on you he would get you a doll suit while you were on Earth.”

  He had taken her exact measurements and sent them down to Earth for a proper space suit before he even started to fit her into the smallest suit he had. This one belonged to Shianne. But it still swallowed little Hackett with it.

  “Pete’s a big ham. Don’t you worry about him.” Fred said jovially. Pete was onboard doing the preflight checks already.

  “No worries Fred. If he gets out of line he is walking home!” She said with authority. Her words said so strongly it stopped Berry in his tracks for a heart beat. The little woman had a backbone and would need it to be a member of the Commanders. She grew a bit taller in his eyes.

  “I bet you would.” Fred said as he got up to leave. Berry had her almost fully suited up. “Use the simulator as much as you can while your crossing. It’s a great time to practice.”

  “I will Fred. And I’ve been using the base simulator for a year now. I got this Fred; I promise I will do just fine. Now stop worrying about me. I will see you in two days or so.” She assured him. After all she had been through, there she was trying to calm him. He was going to have to tell Otto about this. He was impressed.

  “Keep the wind at your back and your sails full Little One.” He blessed her like the sailor who had started his military life.

  With that said Berry loaded her into the transport and she was on her way to the next step in her new life. As he personally drove her out to G-3 he had some words of advice to share with her. “You’re in an exclusive club Hackett; from now on you are to report only to me for suit up. If there is anything you need to give me a heads up about I’m open to your advice any time.” He was going to keep her under his wing too. “I want you to be comfortable and sure of yourself while you pilot my shuttles. I don’t like folks cracking them up at all. Savvy?”

  “Yepper Berry. Any advice before I take the Nav seat?” She shot back all professional and on line.

  “Earth is the big blue wet thing, just point and click.” He gave her the abridged version.

  24 One Less Thorn In His Side

  Otto called down to Earth to Speak with the new Master Chair. A new secretary answered the call. “Master Chair Doreen’s office...” She had been in her seat for a full day now and she was enjoying the power of her office.

  “Could I speak to the Master Chair? This is Chair Otto.”

  This woman was not impressed. She had volunteered for this position and she was not going to let some man give her or the Master Chair any orders. This was a woman’s world now and men could just wait on the women for a change. “The Master Chair is out. You better call back later.” She said gruffly.

  Otto was not impressed. He downloaded the list of supplies he needed to Doreen’s e- mail already. He just needed to make sure she had seen it so that the supplies would be on hand when the shuttles touched down. He didn’t want the shuttles sitting there waiting for their loads. “Could you please let her know Chair Otto is on the line waiting for her?” Otto knew the Master Chair, as well as all the Chairs of the New World Government, had a cell phone with them at all times. She was never out of reach. But he was not going to circumnavigate the chain of command on Earth just to talk with the Master Chair personally.

  Jill could hear that he was having some kind of problem with who ever had answered his call. She was at her laptop instantly with her fingers finding what Otto would need, the direct number to the Master Chair.

  “And you are?” Otto asked this woman.

  “I am Secretary Crystal, the Master Chair’s personal secretary. You may call me Secretary Crystal.” She informed him with authority in her voice.

  “Crystal I need to talk to the Master Chair at once. This is very important.” He tried again. He thought to himself... ‘I thought I was having a bad personal day?’ knowing Doreen was about to have this little bump in the road land in her lap.

  “What is so important that I must disturb the Master Chair with it?” She snapped at him.

  “We are going back to Mars and we need supplies. I will need conformation of her receipt of the supply list for pick up by G-1 and G-3 at Vandenberg in a few hours, and I would like an online meeting of all the Chairs convened at once. I will explain all of this at that time.” He responded evenly without emotion in his voice at all. He was simply a professional Commander seeking a confirmation of the business at hand.

  “I will NOT be ordered around by some MAN. You can just call BACK the shuttles and you can WAIT until the Master Chair is good and ready to talk with you Mr. Chisholm. Who do you think you are ordering ME around like this?” She snapped back.

  Linda and Jill had patched into his COM link and they heard all of this. “I am Chair Linda of California. Will you please patch me through to the Master Chair at once?” It was a standing order that the Master Chair was at all times available to the Chairs. All Chairs knew this. It was agreed upon at the first meeting of the NWG when there were only 256 Chairs in total. Creating standards of duty for all Chairs was the first order of NWG business. Everyone working in the NWG worked under these guidelines, all signed a declaration of loyalty to these guidelines when accepting a position in the NWG. There was no way this secretary could claim she was unaware of her duties.

  “Just because he has you under his thumb makes no never mind to me. I will not be ordered around by him or either of his wives.” She was going to hold her ground and show them that she was not going to be pushed around.

  As this went on Jill called the Master Chair directly and was greeted as a sister. “Are you at your office Master Chair Doreen?” Jill asked.

  “Yes and no. I’m down in the lunchroom right now having breakfast. Why? What’s going on now?” She knew something was up. She was no fool.

  After being voted into the Master Chair position and the close of the NWG meeting Doreen spent a few hours creating her office and hired a secretary. By then it was so late she used the office bedroom and just fell out exhausted emotionally drained from her day.

  8 hours of sleep and a shower had her at breakfast and this was landing in her lap.

  “Your new girl Friday is pulling Otto’s chain. We are trying to get through to you and she thinks she needs to play blocker for you because he’s a man. Otto holds nothing against you for this. He knows we are all working toward the same goal. I just wanted to give you a heads up. We sent down a list of things we will need for the Mars mission. Otto has us gathering it all on station to ready us for the mission. We had a meeting about all of this and I’m sending you the minutes as we speak so that you can stay in the loop.”

  “You’re an angel Jill. I will get on this right away. Tell Otto to just hang up on her. She no longer works here. I guess I will have to hire a new secretary. I hope they all don’t last just 1 day.” Master Chair Doreen said her goodbyes and headed for the office. She had a little house cleaning to do before she got started with her days work.

  * * *

  Jill remembered the note from the Chair from China that she had sent to Otto. She sounded like a woman to have on the team. She sent her the list of needed supplies and the minutes of the meeting also. She was going to do her best to help build a coalition.

  “Otto, she is just making you mad. Hang up! I have Chair May waiting for you on line two and the Master Chair is on her way to remove this thorn.” Jill assured him with a smile.

  Otto simply disconnected and switched over to line two. “Chair Empress May… Chair Otto Chisholm here.” He greeted her gallantly.

  “First off you are to simply call me May. That goes for your lovely wives also. They make quite a team for you Otto.”

  “I wouldn’t know what to do without them May.” Otto admitted exhaling de
eply giving into the truth that he needed them in his life.

  Jill was showing him all she had sent to May to get him up to speed as he talked.

  “Your list is quite long, yet I see nothing that can not be filled at once. How will we get this to you Otto?”

  “The shuttles will be there in about five hours. They are on their way now. We only need to know where to land for loading.” He informed her.

  “I gather your Son Jackal and Commander Pete will be delivering us G-1 and G-3 to us remotely?”

  “Yes May. They need a minimum of three miles of runway for landing. The G-Class shuttles are quite big and they eat runways for breakfast.” He didn’t know why but he felt comfortable enough with her that he started to jest with her a little.

  May giggled and replied. “Will they like their runways sunny side up or just fried?”

  Otto was surprised at her response. He had assumed that an Empress would be a little on the dry side. But this woman was proving to be a pistol.

  “Is there anything else we can help you with Otto?” She asked trying to be sure he was holding nothing back.

  “Well… the shuttles can only hold thirty-two women in the cabins at a time. We are in need of a total of five hundred as soon as we can get them here. It would be a plus if we could have one of the G-Class shuttles rigged with some type of passenger container for the cargo hold, something that could be loaded and unloaded with ease.”

  “I understood that you are going to populate the moon slowly, over time?”

  “We are going back to Mars May. Of these five hundred women three hundred will train to become miners. Or work with my daughter Shianne on new thrusters and ship designs, things like that. We will be asking the three hundred to enter into contract with us for a five-year commitment. During these five years they will be asked not to breed. After completing their contract they will be invited to join the men on the Moon. The other two hundred women will be able to find their men right away. It is our way of thanking your people for their love, trust and for their commitment to our mission.”

  “Miners Otto?” She didn’t quite understand.

  “We will be digging in on Mars May. The base will be a massive underground chamber that will safeguard the base from the Martian weather and from meteor strikes. This will be a real effort to explore Mars; this will be a base that the whole planet can be searched from. We hope to find the cure to the virus there.”

  This was news to her ears, how logical it all sounded to her overwhelmed her. It was truly the only way to live on Mars or else, as tragically experienced, be swept away by its winds. “Otto I am floating on air. You’re a man who sees clearly what needs to be done. We will do all you ask, and you will be pleased at the speed your supply lists are filled. May we have twenty-four hours to get it loaded?”

  “That will be fine May.”

  “Will you have air from the Moon onboard the shuttles for purging the virus from these women?”

  He liked the way this woman thought. She was sharp, not window dressing. “Yes they have it onboard G-3. I’m sending down a tank that should be able to clean at least half of the five hundred. When it runs low, just let us know. I’ll have Ashley get hold of you for any instructions you’ll need.”

  “Thank you so much Otto, we are in debt to you.” She regally responded.

  “May please don’t thank me for what I would do no matter what. Just be my friend.”

  “Then friends we are… best of friends until I die an old woman.” May assured him affectionately. She was drawn to this man and would prove she was there for him.

  “That’s great May. Linda and Jill will be contacting you to work out details of your personnel transfer here. I hope one day we will see your bright shining smile for a visit.”

  She told him she looked forward to that day and they said their goodbyes. As she hung up an idea came to her that was stronger than anything she had felt in her life. She was compelled to take action and was so excited she couldn’t sit still.

  He enjoyed their conversation so much he didn’t want it to end. She intrigued him. He didn’t know why, but he knew it was there and strong.

  * * *

  “Ladies.” Otto called both his wives to his side. “Were you both listening in on all of that conversation?”

  “Yes.” Linda started to answer. “How are we to perform quickly if we don’t hear your conversations with powerful, beautiful world leaders?”

  “She is so hot!” Jill stated lustfully. “And so small, I hear she is just 4 foot 9 inches, maybe 90 pound soaking wet. Otto might want her for dinner, but I think she would make a great dessert.” She looked to Linda for confirmation of her feelings for this amazing woman.

  Linda licked her lips and moaned her agreement, both acting as if he were not there.

  “Enough you lusty wench’s, I can’t take you two anywhere.” He playfully scolded them.

  “What?” Jill put on her best innocent look. “…. We share!”

  * * *

  Pete was ordered to train this little girl to pilot Shuttles. She was working the simulator programs as soon as he lifted off without him prompting her. He noticed it looked like she had been flying all her life. He silently wondered if she was going to just train herself. She was doing great on the simulator. No crashes and no broken equipment. She stayed on the program for six straight hours. He could tell that like Shianne, Hackett was a natural flier. Her navigational skills where also one hundred percent on the money. But then she was a Hacker and her confidence was bordering on arrogance. He liked that, it reminded him of himself.

  Most trainees couldn’t sit through more than a few hours of simulator work at a time. But Hackett was in a sanctuary of her own in there. She was in control, and she ruled over all she did. The simulator was simply a game to her. She was going to have the high score before she stopped playing. That’s how she rolled and she couldn’t stop herself from doing so if she had too.

  It was thirty minutes before they were scheduled to touch down at Vandenberg when they got the call that changed their mission.

  “G-3 this is Moon Mission Control. Come in. Over.”

  Hackett responded. “Moon Mission Control, this is G-3. We copy. Over.”

  “We have a new twist for you today G-3. You are to land at an Air Force Base to the east of Beijing China. Coordinates to follow. Copy? Over.”

  The navigation computer was receiving the coordinates as she looked on. It would be easy to change trajectory and touch down at this new location. She wondered what was up. “Copy that Moon Mission Control. Nav Con has coordinates at this time. Over.”

  She then added. “Mission Control is everything ok at Vandenberg? Over.”

  “Everything is a-ok at Vandenberg. Load is in China. A twenty-four-hour layover has been approved. Over.”

  * * *

  Fred was in Mission Control when the mission was changed to a landing in China. He was worried about this because Pete had never landed anywhere on Earth except for Vandenberg. He went to G-3 Remote Control Station. “You ok landing in China

  Con Man?”

  “Hi Fred.” He was concentrating on Hackett’s work so deeply Fred surprised him.

  “First, you can tell me how my little hacker is doing?”

  “By the time we get back she will need wings. She’s a natural flier Fred. She is doing just great.” He said proudly. “I was even thinking of requesting permission to have her land in China for us. Her simulator work is letter perfect. In with both feet I was told.”

  Fred liked what he had just heard. It was no less then what he expected from her. But he still only saw a little girl when he looked at her. And no 14 year old was going to land one of his G-Class shuttles. “You have to be loco if you think I would give you the go ahead for a landing on her first mission Commander. Put her on the line.”

  It’s not that he didn’t trust her; he was just feeling a little over protective, fatherly. He was a man of war and it was going to take som
e time to groom his parental skills.

  “I’m here Fred. Over.” Hackett called out. She was tearing up thinking he didn’t trust her.

  “I don’t want you thinking I don’t trust your work Connie. I do! But this is your first live mission; most pilots have to train for years just to sit where your butt is right now. Do you really think you’re ready to land a G-Class shuttle? Over.” Fred understood the simulators trained a pilot well.

  “If Pete says I’m ready then I’m ready Fred. I have five point five hours on the simulators while on this mission. I’ve done sixty-five landings at Vandenberg in that time with no crashes. All of the landings in the past three hours have been letter perfect. And to top it all off, I have flown missions over every country, planet, ship at sea, ships in space, and dragons battling in free fall; and bested every simulator game from the time I was four years old. Over.” She said confidently.

  “That’s great Connie.” He couldn’t shake his concern for her safety. A smile was on his face; he couldn’t help himself her credentials were solid. “But let’s talk about this once you have a few months as a navigator under your belt. I don’t want to lose you to a missed landing when I just found you. Over.”

  Now she couldn’t hold it back any longer. She was wrong about this man who had taken her under his wing. In the short time she had known him he had acted more like a father to her then her own father ever had. She knew now that he was just sacred she would get hurt or killed as she grew into the pilot she was training to be. She knew he loved her. “I will be fine Fred. I promise…” She understood she was going to have to help train this man of war into a proper father figure for her.

  He could hear her choking up. “… Pete is a great teacher, and he will watch over me. When he thinks I’m ready to pilot the ship he will let me know. I can wait until then. Over.”


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